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Yeroc Otten

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Everything posted by Yeroc Otten

  1. Yeroc was feeding the fire when he was gladly interupted by his master. In which case gave him instructions "You must use the metal I've given you, the Force, and the heat from the flames to create the forge. Shape the metal carefully. It will take all of your concentration." Yeroc was excited finally creating his lightsaber this is the time he has been waiting for. But Yeroc had no time at all before a enourmas shadowy beast dropped down in front of him. Yeroc then recieved another mind message from his master "Repel your attackers. They cannot be killed. They are creations of the dark side summoned by me. You must repel them and complete your task. I will be watching and judging your performances." Yeroc then nodded in a way that told his master he understood. Yeroc felt this odd feeling inside of him like... he was in danger! That is when the beast swung his staff directly at Yeroc's head. Yeroc moved quickly dodging the attack. He then drew his sword and began to fight the beast he for sure this was a test because Yeroc was up against a very powerful beast. Yeroc must have been missing something in the words of his master so he stopped and thought about it that is when the beast ran up to him and hit him hard in the face. Yeroc's mouth began to bleed nothing was broken but Yeroc was mad. The beast jumped on top of Yeroc as he was on the ground Yeroc blocked as the staff again came toward his head. The hit Yeroc took to the face must have knocked some sence into him because Yeroc could now remember the angry moments then he could feel the force around him. Yeroc gave a starring glaze at his opponet like he was a killing machine not caring who, or what in this case, he killed. Yeroc thought of the words of his master "Repel your attackers. They cannot be killed. They are creations of the dark side summoned by me. You must repel them and complete your task. I will be watching and judging your performances."It was like Yeroc just found gold cause he finally knew what he was doing. Yeroc closed his eyes and felt the force around him he grew stronger and stronger until it was at it's maximum capacity. Yeroc then opened his eye's looking straight at his opponet then laughing while saying "bye bye"! The beast just lifted away. Yeroc was thankful but had no time for that either he had to forge his lightsaber now. Yeroc went back to the forge and looked at it and said "I have a better Idea". Yeroc went back into the woods to look for a good size pine tree. Yeroc found one a little bit taller than him so Yeroc grabbed his sword. In about an hour in a half later yeroc chopped it all into logs, he had three pine trees. Yeroc dragged them to his camp and threw them next to the fire. Yeroc saw that the fire was out and took the logs that he had and put them on the fireplace. Yeroc then took the lighter he had and put that on the fireplace as well. Yeroc put all the stuff back away from the fireplace then stepped back himself. Yeroc took out his blaster and shot the lighter from a distance the flames grew high perfect for a forge to make a lightsaber. Yeroc did not have any gloves with him so Yeroc was probably going to get burned. Yeroc took out some tweezers and then a hammer. Yeroc took a giant rock and put it over top so the flames were tuching it. About 10 minutes later the rock was really hot and Yeroc took out a pot to melt down the materiels. Yeroc melted down one of the 6 peices of metal on the pot. Then Yeroc put one piece over onto the rock directly. Yeroc began to hit the rock with the hammer and shape it into a round metal pole. It worked out fine it was a solid metal pole but yeroc knew it probably wasn't supossed to be solid. So Yeroc took out his sword and drilled it through over the pot of melted metal. the scrap metal dropped into the pot and so far so good. Yeroc heated up the pole and bent it near the back end making it a curved saber hilt. Yeroc put that piece aside and took another piece of the metal thought about it and then had it. Yeroc was going to throw it in the pot and let it melt down. Yeroc then pured some of the metal around the pipe that he made. Yeroc then stopped for the night and let the fire die out.
  2. Yeroc was walking when the sound of his masters voice came into his head "Gather wood, and find a dry spot of land. Build yourself a forge. There are metallic materials nearby that I have left to help you in this task." Yeroc imediatly stopped and first looked for the metallic materials around him he used the force to guide him where they were. Yeroc then found them in about 5 minutes the next task was to find a dry spot to build a forge. Yeroc laughed while he said "he's kidding right" but Yeroc walked over away from the swamp he was at a little while ago and finally found a dry spot. Yeroc looked in confusion and figured making the forge was also part of the training. Yeroc dropped his things right there and went to go look for some heavy rocks to make the forge. It took Yeroc about an hour to find the right rocks and make the fireplace like forge. the whole time Yeroc thought he was sensing something but really didn't believe it that much he still was ready for an ambush. Yeroc got back to the matter at hand and took out the mettalic materials that he found. Yeroc had never made a lightsaber before so he really didn't know what to do next. Yeroc thought about it and said "DUH"!Yeroc went back out into the woods with a watchful eye and gathered wood to make the fire underneath. Yeroc went back into the woods several more times to make sure he had enough wood. Yeroc dug around in his bag and pockets and found a lighter. Yeroc put the wood that he got and put it in a little compatment tipe thing for the fire. Yeroc ripped a piece of paper and put it underneath it all to make sure the fire started. Yeroc lit the fire and watched it glow from a little ways back. Yeroc then waited feeding the fire with the stacks of wood that he gathered. Yeroc was waiting for another command frome his master.
  3. Yeroc again without saying anything to Xelker started walking as his master instructed. The words flowed through his head and just wouldn't stop "There is no more time for talk. You must each leave each other now. I want you to begin walking. This place is filled with wildlife. Feel their individual Force signatures. Take this time to reflect and prepare yourselves as you walk. Yeroc also could barley wait to make his lightsaber. Although Yeroc had a lightsaber he would rather make his own and keep the other one for an apprentice of his own someday. Yeroc kept walking he really didn't see that much wildlife in the forest a couple birds some wierd looking things that were running around. Yeroc didn't really see anything that was fritening he just picked a direction and started walking. It didn't matter to him that there was nothing to kill yet. He still wasn't all together from the ride to Dagobah. Yeroc thought he saw some Jedi but it turned out to be a log from a distance with a little striped patch of light that looked like a lightsaber. It wasn't of course it just resembled it. Yeroc found himself in a field of thick leaves and vines so he took out his sword. As Yeroc started cutting down everything in front of him he began to see a little field opening it wasn't bright but it was definetly swampy. Yeroc looked at his cantine and saw that it was empty. He regreted doing this but Yeroc filled his cantine up with the disgusting swamp water and began to drink it. Yeroc spat it out in an instant and almost gagged but he had to drink something so he refilled it to the top and drank some frome the swamp itself. Yeroc started walking agai still not seeing anything threatfull. Yeroc took out his backpack and tried to look for a map of Dagobah. It was unsuccesful all Yeroc had was a map of Mechis III. Yeroc put his stuff away and began walking again. About 10 minutes later Yeroc still found nothing of any threat. Yeroc was getting hungry but thats what he gets for skipping out on breakfast. If Yeroc didn't find something soon he was going to starve, not literally. Yeroc thought he heard some leaves brushing and he did. There was a little thing Yeroc didn't know what it was but he didn't care. He drew his sword very slowly and waited for the right time. When the time was right Yeroc puonced and killed the beast easily. The beast wasn't very big but it was enough. Yeroc stopped for about an hour to eat and make a fire. Yeroc then started walking forward.
  4. Yeroc thought about the things Xelker had said to him the whole way to Dagobah. Most people would feel sorry for him but not Yeroc he didn't care at all. It was just another stary about what happened to someone's family member. Just like what happened with Yeroc's brother his brother didn't die in a great battle it was by Yeroc himself. Morick Yeroc's brother sis not support Yeroc's dream of becoming a great Sith. Yeroc also did not support Morick's dream of becoming a Jedi. Though Yeroc didn't mind Morick was the oldest and thought it best to get rid of his own brother. Neither of them were over the age of 15 so they were not in any way trained. Morick decided one night while Yeroc was sleeping to go over to Yeroc's room. Yeroc opened his eyes the slightest bit to see his brother with a knife hovering above him. Yeroc acted quickly and moved he got a deep stab in his shoulder and let out a yell. At that point it was like he wasn't controlling himself bexcause Yeroc drew a blank at this point. He remebered seeing his brother lying dead on Yeroc's bed with blood evreywhere. At that point Yeroc paniced he grabbed his coat and a change of close and jumped out his window, he was on the first floor. Then when Yeroc looked in a last time he saw his parentswalk in his room they didn't see him though. Yeroc ran and ran until he got to his grandfather's house about 20 miles away. It was a two day trip and Yeroc was welcomed into his grandfather's house. There he lived for the rest of his child day's never telling his grandfather what he did. Yeroc got out of his daze to Xelker's voice "Coming, Yeroc?". Yeroc took his sword and followed Xelker not saying anything for a long time.
  5. Yeroc walked in and sat down in the seat. Then he took his sword out of his holster Yeroc always had this sword He would never ever let it go. Yeroc then said to Xelker "do you have anything that is special to you"?
  6. Yeroc bowed and walked to the terminals then looking for coorardinates. It took him about five minutes then he finally found it, the coordinates to Dagobah. Yeroc put in an empty chip and downlosded the file along with a lot of other ones. Yeroc went back to the room and yelled to Xelker "hurry up I have the coordinates. Yeroc then realized he forgot his sword under his bed in the room. Yeroc ran back to get it and then returned to Xelker's room.
  7. It was about 6 in the morning when Yeroc had awaken, he didn't sleep much because he didn't like to waist time. Yeroc got out of bed instantly and took a shower, brushing teeth things like that. When Yeroc was finished he took a look at his blaster it was almost out of ammo. He reloaded and took the sword he got from his ship. The ship that Yeroc crashed was nothing important to him, he found it with some guy dead in it. Yeroc didn't kill the man or even know who he was but he took it. He laughed at the subject of his ship it was so run down he really didn't care. Yeroc thought it would be funny to wake up Xelker this early. So Yeroc went up to Xelker's room and opened the door very softly. He walked over to the bed where Xelker was sleeping, then he yelled at the top of his lungs "WAKE UP". Then he laughed for a second as Xelker awoke, Yeroc then said "so can I go with you or not"?
  8. Yeroc listened to the words of his master and understanding then went to pick up his blaster. He had a problem though, his ship was destroyed. Yeroc looked at Xelker sighing he said to him "Xelker my ship was kind of destroyed you think maybe I can ride with you"? Yeroc then said "Don't worry about it now you can tell me in the morning after we rest". Yeroc walked to his room but right at the door he stopped and wlked towards the exit. As Yeroc walked out of the building he took out the map he found on Rahalin. Looking at it it was a little bloodstained but it was alright. Yeroc followed the map and finally found what he was looking for his crashed ship. It may have still been there but he looked and there was two Mandalorians savaging parts. He had his blaster but he didn't know what they had. So he used the force to pick up a little rock and he chucked it in the bush on the other side of them. Just as Yeroc expected they pulled there guns and looked the other way. One had a blaster pistol and the other a blaster rifle like his. They looked to be fakes so Yeroc pulled out his blaster rifle and aimed then fired at one of there heads. The one with the blaster rifle dropped he obviously wasn't dead just a little knocked out. The other one looked then Yeroc walked out and for some reason th Mandalorian looked scared Yeroc just smiled and fired three shots at him hitting him twice. Yeroc went over to there bodies and took off there helmets they didn't look like any Mandalorian he's ever seen. He didn't care so he shot them both in the head not caring. Yeroc began to look through his ship and found about 30 credits, blaster pistol and a broken dagger. He didn't own any of these things they were probably Kojoka's but he didn't care he just took them. Yeroc then found what he was looking for an old sword that he got from one of his grandfather's. Yeroc then went inside and to his room put the stuff in a bag and layed down to get some rest.
  9. Yeroc was in constant pain from the lightning this was when He heard his masters voice."Pain and fear are the true strength of a Sith. If you believe I would not kill you both, think again. Right now, you should fear death. Use that fear. I am growing impatient, it is time for you to feel the dark side on another level. Search within yourself. Summon the strength to stand, and I will release you. Fail and you will die." It was kind of hard to do this while getting killed but his master was right he could feel the pain and anger bubbling inside of him. Yeroc was not ready to die yet also the words of his master"Do not be discouraged, take pride. If you train harder, that attack will be more successful in the future. In fact, if you two could learn to get along better you might make a decent team. That is, if you survive this training." In that sentence there were two things good about it the fact that it had to do with distracting and making a good team with Xelker, Yeroc saw that to. Yeroc noticed that if he was using a force power than he was being distracted. Therefore allowing Yeroc,if he could build up the power, he could get him to stop. Yeroc looked deep and found a lot of anger and pain with a side of fear. Then all of a sudden it felt like he wasn't even controling himself and he used the force to push his master back. Since he couldn't use force lightning and block the push he had to give something up. Nurgle flew into a wall behind him, though it didn't even efect him much at all, Yeroc and Xelker were out of the lightning. Yeroc went to get up but couldn't he was so weak from Nurgle's attack he didn't think he could move. Though Yeroc built up enough energy to get up any way. Yeroc was practicly on the ground from his weakness. Yeroc looked at his master and bowed then said "I thank you for your compliments milord but, you deserved that" Yeroc then said "I apologize if that affends you but you did".
  10. Yeroc was flying threw the air past Nurgle and as he was about to hit the ground he put his bad foot out, not thinking, and stopped the fall from hurting him though he did give out a moan. Yeroc listened to the words of his master "You must put more effort into your attacks. When fighting someone vastly more powerful, you must have a strategy. Victory against a Master of the Sith or Jedi is very possible, even for an apprentice. You have to fight smart." Then as Yeroc listened and comprehended he spoke again "But most of all, you two need to increase the speed of your attacks. The Force is the key to doing this. It is how a sickly man like myself was able to injure Xelker, and dodge your attacks so easily. Whenever you strike or dodge, I want you to feel the Force flowing through your muscles. Remember the emotions you felt when fighting Rahalin. Unleash them, and force your muscles to move faster." Yeroc felt the force and the anger of when he was fighting Rahalin Toral II and harnesed it. The power felt magnifecent flowing threw the muscles of Yeroc, like nothing he has ever experienced before in his life. Watching the failure of himself and the fellow apprentice made him think. What if he could distract Nurgle and then hit him. Yeroc thought it was worth a shot and took out his blaster rifle and started aiming at a light. Before Yeroc shot he thought if he shot that Nurgle probably look at where it came from not the target. So Yeroc cocked the gun back with his arm aimed it and threw it directly at the light. Perfect hit and turnout When the light broke it was only natural that Nurgle look, same for Xelker. As they were looking at it Yeroc knew this was his chance. He used the force to try and help him with the speed issue, it worked. Yeroc foound himself in mid air getting ready to tackle Nurgle.......
  11. Yeroc followed his master and when he got there he heard the words "I want each of you to attack me in any way you choose. This will be your training henceforth. I will teach you the techniques you need to use to advance to the level of Sith Lord. It will a painful lesson, but you will learn a great deal." Yeroc was pleased he thought to himself "finally some mindless violence". Yeroc ran at full speed jumped up and went for a kick in the face. He thought to himself again "I'm screwed".
  12. Yeroc watching as the final blow was struck into Rahalin was impressed, with the punch line. Then the four head masacre was a good tuch also. Yeroc listened to the words of the fellow apprentice, "Yeroc, my friend, go ahead and loot the bastard's corpse." Yeroc came out with an "about time" then rushed over to the corpse of Rahalin. He was searching threw the blood stained corpse and found a map of Mechis III, a card for a local mechanic, and what was his most prize posetion the wimps lightsaber. It was a pathetic excuse for a lightsaber he hoped that Lord Nurgle would let him bstill build one of his own. Then he heard a wierd ringing noise and saw Lord Nurgle rush him to the medicle bay. As Yeroc woke up he heard the sound of his master, "This is an important lesson for you both. I want you each to describe your feelings during the battle in detail." Yeroc spoke I felt like somebody just lit me on fire and didn't have time to control, but had to and fast. I also felt like the enemy was the one afraid and I thought that was unusual because he was the one who started it in the first place. The whole thing confused me. Yeroc paused.......... I did feel something else though.....I felt like he was underestimating me just like the rest of the sith and it pissed me off. It made me think of the way Achzet treated me like scum. Now he'll never wan't to cross me again I'll rip that cortosis right off of his body and make him eat it. After that take the newly aquired lightsaber and shove it so far up his ass that he can taste it. Although it would be fun watching him die by the likes of you Lord Nurgle. Preferably I would like to kill him and use his own weapon to do it. "That brings me to my question Lord Nurgle even though I just recieved a lightsaber could I still make my own"?
  13. Yeroc watched as the blaster bullets grew closer this is where his training came in. There were three bullets Yeroc deflected all three with little effort. Then Rahalin went on about something and apparentlly gave us gifts. I personnally would of rather shoved the gift right up his ass and gave him a gift called a bleeding torture filled deathe. Yeroc then said "So drama Queen done with your little episode because I'm looking forword to seeing your brains all over the wall". Yeroc then looked at Xelker and said "You know he's right don't you a real sith would not of even tried to finish a duel with a little blaster, I would of finished him off with one of his own weapons that way he would of wished two things". Yeroc waited to try to build up suspense "one he would of wished he hadn't picked a fight with me, and two he would of wished he wasn't carrying that weapon". Yeroc laughed think like a Sith not a Jedi "I'm sure that a Sith would of chosen a dagger or something to ease into the pain make him suffer, and the complete opposite with a Jedi just shoot him so it's quick and easy". "I bet that you could of thought of something better than that but then again I've seen Jedi more brutal than you" Yeroc said trying to get him angry. Yeroc was laughing and said "Oh and Rahalin here's my gift to you" He pulled out his blaster rifle and shot him in the kneecaps watching the blood ooze out Yeroc laughed harder. Rahalin was on the ground in pain when he said "Why don't you make it easier on us and just kill yourself". Yeroc knew he was making the pathetic lifeform mad so he shot again this time aiming for the right hand. Direct hit Rahalin was now imobile and probably paralized for life, if he lived that long. Yeroc looked at Xelker "Finish him he's nothing but a target now". Yeroc went up to Rahalin and said to him "next time, if there is one, I'd suggest watching and learning about the people your going to attack before you well attack them". Yeroc then kicked him in the knee and walked over to Xelker and waited for him to finish off Rahalin.
  14. Yeroc listened to the words of the pathetic Xelker. Yeroc did not realy care whether or not he was critising him or not, But when he said he was underestimating the child like crybaby in the corner that pissed him off. As Xelkr was about to pull the trigger Yeroc walked next to him saying "Do it just shoot his ass down, like he didn't want to die in the first place". Yeroc then paused for a second "Seriously what was he thinking coming in the room where our master Lord Nurgle was in, the guy must of had a death wish". "Then threatening him I was surprised that He didn't kill him right there" Yeroc then looked at the one handed lifeform shaking his head in shame. Then saying "Just shoot him get it over with no one deserves to be that pathetic, oh and if you think I'm underestimating him again then let him up and I'll show you what I mean". Yeroc stopped talking and waited for the the last breathe of the lifeform known as Rahalin. He was actually pretty excited of what was about to happen, especialy the brains that were going to go all over the wall. Yeroc then thought about that and backed up a few feet so the blood that was about to splatter on the wall wouldn't get all over him. Yeroc then walked over to his master and said "Lord Nurgle I would like to ask a question of you". Yeroc paused and said "Why didn't you kill the hopeful as soon as he threatened you you could of taken him no problem"?
  15. OOC:Dude my name is YEROC not YAROC get it straight OC:Yeroc was appauled at the attempt to knock him down, like that sorry excuse for a sith could do anything. Yeroc used what little force he had and knocked the wimpy creature to the ground. Then he imediatly ran up to him and cut off his left hand fiercly. He then kicked his lightsaber across the room after that picking him up by the neck. Yeroc then said in a scary yet death defying voice "If I were you I wouldn't underestimate me or any other sith you run into". Yeroc then threw him across the room, with a little help from the force. At this time Yeroc was so angry from the underestimation from this pathetic excuse for a living creature. He was so mad if any attack was thrown at him he could easily withstand it. Yeroc went over to the lightsaber and picked it up. He then walked over to the wimpy creature Yeroc threw the lightsaber at him and said "Get up stop making yourself out o be a wimp". Yeroc let the thing get up and waited until he activated his lightsaber. Yeroc dropped his sword and kicked up making him lose his lightsaber once again. Yeroc grabbed him by the throat with both hands and pressed his body against the wall. He then threw him on the ground beside him and stepped on his chest with extreme pressure. While moving his foot up to his face Yeroc lifted his foot and imediatly stepped on the lifeforms wound. Laughing at the scream of aggonising pain Yeroc let go went over to the lightsaber a second time and picked it up and gave it to him. Yeroc walked over to Xelker and said "It's your turn he's easy but tricky at some points, make sure to let the anger flow through you fueling the power brewing inside of you, and also try not to worry about him to much the anger flowing inside of him is not controlled well enough to harm you to an extreme if you need help I'll break you out". Yeroc then chuckling a little. Yeroc then offered Xelker his sword saying "It's your's if you think you need it".
  16. Yeroc was getting up when he looked at Xelker and saw Rahalin blocking the attacks by Xelker. Yeroc knew this was his chance but before he did anything he went and grabbed Xelker's sword. With both sword's in hand Yeroc ran over to the intruder and cut him in the side then kicking him in the same spot. Directly after saying "That's for pissing me off" he then looked over to Xelker and said "you'll need this" while handing him the sword. Rahalin then came charging Yeroc said to Xelker "after you". then saying "or is he to big for you".
  17. Yeroc was doing ok blocking the boulder like rocks beiing hurled at him. Still he was hit by some and it did hurt but it didn't slow him down. Then in the middle of it all Yeroc felt a quick and sharp object enter his foot. He couldn't help but scream. Yeroc heard the words of the other apprentice normally laughing at the pathetic being.......but he was right. Yeroc quickly, with a short burst of energy, pulled the rod out of his foot. Barley escaping the force lightning Nurgle threw at him. As Yeroc woke up he looked over and found himself next to Xelker. Yeroc laughed as Xelker said "SCREW YOURSELF," a short time after saying "GET OUT OF HERE OR YOU WILL DIE!". Yeroc stopped laughing and said " Leave now or I am going to take that lightsaber of yours off of your dead body".
  18. Yeroc was not shocked at his masters request he thought that learning the force would obviously need blindfolded blocking. Yeroc felt the rocks with the force felling that some were closer than others. Yeroc knew the first one was comeing up so he tried as hard as he could to feel which way it was comeing from. He failed the rock hit him in the face almost the exact same spot as he got hit last time. Yeroc quickly got back on track he concentrated and felt one about to hit him Yeroc looked to the side and blocked one that was comeing at him. Another from behind Yeroc again blocked that one he then turned back to front greeted by another rock Yeroc wasn't paying attentin before and the thing he was thinking of at that very moment before the rock hit him was "Oh Shit". The rock nailed him in the forehead getting him a little dizzy He then was a little angry and blocked four more, two in front, one in the back and one on the side.
  19. Yeroc watched the rocks grow closer to him and as they were coming he tried to feel the force flow through him. The rocks made it to him and Yeroc began to deflect the five rocks. He blocked three two of them hit him one in the shoulder and one in the chest. They hurt but Yeroc was obviously still capable of continuing with the training. Yeroc waited for the next set of rocks to come.
  20. Yeroc saw his master drop the liquid and then Nurgle told him not to use extreme anger to control it. He didn't have much time to think about it but he knew it would probably work better if he used his hands for now. He put his hands up and as the liquid was falling it just stopped Yeroc was releived and pleased at what he had done. Yeroc was actually kind of scared for a minute but not enough to effect his force that much. Yeroc could feel the energy flowing around him and not only did he enjoy it but he couldn't wait to "show" Lord Achzet what he could do. Yeroc was thinking about trying it without hands but hen he decided to wait to see what Xelker could do.
  21. Yeroc looked at Xelker and saw him holding the beaker without any hands. Yeroc wondered if he could do it to he inhaled and thought about it harneced anger to help him wield them. Then he dropped his hands the beaker imediatly fell and in a flash Yeroc saw his training over the shame that would come upon letting the beaker fall to the ground. This truly pissed Yeroc of more than anyone could imagine and about an inch and a half from the ground the beaker stopped. Yeroc looked at his hands and saw that they were not even pointed at the beaker. For a minute Yeroc was exited but then got serious concentrated and brought the beaker back over his head again without his hands. The anger flowing through his body was tremandis between Xelker's discouragement, Lord Achzet's threatening and the feel of shame from his master. That was enough to fuel him he was actually suprised the beaker wasn't going through the roof. The beaker was a lot higher than it was before he tried to do it without any hands. Yeroc then waited for Nurgle to tell him what to do next.
  22. Yeroc looked at his master and nodded in agreement. He then moved the beaker over Xelkers head and waited for the approval to drop it from Xelker. Yeroc could not keep the one over his head to long one handed, he just learned the force. Yeroc let the beaker drop over Xelkers head and looked at his master and said "thank you what is our next task".
  23. Yeroc thought about how Lord Achzet threatened to kill him and how it angered him. Yeroc looked at the beakers and kept thinking about Lord Achzet. He tried to put them in the air but his first attempt did not work. Yeroc again tried but instead of thinking about Lord Achzet he thought about the other apprentice and how he thought that Yeroc was a waist of skin. That really made Yeroc furious so he again tried to lift the beakers. It worked but it wasn't very high this made Yeroc even more angry he couldn't even lift a simple beaker with the force. the Beaker all of a sudden shot up about three feet and Yeroc wasn't completly pleased with the turn out but it was better. After he lifted the beakers Yeroc built up the confedence to ask his master for something. Yeroc looked at him and said "master I am very grateful that you agreed to be my master but I have a request". "I noticed that Lord Achzet's armor was made with a materiel that was lightsaber proof, and I was wondering if you had some armor for me If you don't I completely understand"?
  24. ((I ment to say I stabbed you in the arm, my bad)) Yeroc could not believe the incredible strength that Lord Achzet unleasheded he thought he was dead for sure. Even though he could barely move he got up and said "I will die before I surrender" then Yeroc spat at him with blood and saliva. This was a time when Yeroc thought to be a good time to use the force to bad his training didn't expand this far but he knew a little bit. Yeroc saw Achzet in a defensive position and knew that the downfall of himself would be close if he did not do this right. Yeroc instead of running decided to walk towards Achzet and hoped that what he had in mind would work. His saber was not ignited and as Yeroc was walking he decided to ignite it he would now use the force to guide his actions. He knew that in a saber lock he would not last for long against Lord Achzet. So he decided to try and outsmart him. Yeroc got in a attack position and started attacking and in the middle of it all jumped away and let Achzet slash at him and miss. He then ran forward and stabbed Achzet in the shoulder as hard as he could making sure it went threw it all the way. Yeroc quickly got out of the way to make himself not vulnerable to an attack from Achzet. Yeroc then tripped Achzet and stabbed him in the stomach. After that Yeroc got up and said you were a worthy opponet surrender now and I will spare your life.
  25. Yeroc was beaten up pretty bad from Achzet's attack and as Achzet was just standing there he made his attack. He ran up to him being prepared for any move Achzet could throw at him. When Yeroc got up close he jumped to the right and stabbed Achzet with his lightsaber then laughing as he shouted out in pain. Achzet came in for a slash after that that's when Yeroc deactivated his lightsaber and went for Achzet's right arm, that was his only weak spot because of his armor. He got underneath Achzet's arm and threw him over his shoulder with all of his might. Yeroc then activated his saber, right after he threw him on the ground Achzet got up, he then hit Achzet's lightsaber out of the way and stepped on Achzet's weak arm. Yeroc got anrgy and started stomping on the arm then backed away. Yeroc laughed as Achzet was getting up Yeroc had to make sure that Achzet was not going to use the force to heal himself. So he ran up to him and occupied him by getting in a saber brawl and trying to doge deadly attacks From Achzet. Yeroc felt his defence weakening so he ducked down and went for a slash that would take off Achzet's leg but only got a meesly scratch. "Damn it I cuold of done better than this" Yeroc said to himself after rolling to the left after the attack made on Achzet.
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