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Bespin: (Black Sun's) Cloud City


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The two Skipray Blastboats guide Hou-Jo Poleb's ship to a landing platform where TC-43, Ob Ordeena's protocol droid, and several guards stand. As the two Skiprays blast away to intercept Jidai Geki's ship, TC-43 steps forward and waits for Hou-Jo Poleb to exit his ship. As the protocol droid waves at Hou-Jo Poleb's ship, the two Skiprays send the same message to Jidai Geki's ship as they had sent to Hou-Jo Poleb's ship ”“ to follow the Skiprays to Cloud City, and not to deviate from the set course.

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Hou-Jo opened the cockpit of his Jedi starfighter. He walked up to the protocol droid and gave a weak grin. Without being asked, Hou-Jo removed his vibroblade and his blaster, handing them over to the droid. He looked over his shoulder to the other ship, "Let's see what happens..."

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TC-43 looks at Hou-Jo Poleb, and then turns to the ship that was still occupied.


"See what happens? I assume the pilot will exit his ship and cross the landing pad to where we stand. Pleasantries will be exchanged, and then I will escort the two of you to Ob Ordeena and Wyhl the Hutt. That is what I think will happen, but, let's see what happens."


Elsewhere, Ob Ordeena and Wyhl the Hutt laze about, whilst scantily clad dancers, Twi'leks of course, put on a show.

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"Do I have a job? Yes, I do have a job. I am Ob Ordeena's protocol droid, TC-43, and I am fluent in over 6 and a half million forms of communication. Your being here would suggest to me that you do not have a job. Therefore I should lead you to Baron Ordeena now. Follow me."


TC-43 turns around and heads away from the pair. After taking several steps, the droid turns around and beckons them to follow. The droid escorts the pair to Ob Ordeena and Wyhl the Hutt.


Ob Ordeena stands.


"Ah, you have arrived. Excellent..."

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"I have called you here because I need the two of you, and a few others, to do a job for us. We want you to go to the Wookiee home-world, and destroy an Imperial base there. Simple enough ”“ or it should be, I would think, for the likes of you two. You'll have to disguise yourselves as Imperials though. We're hoping that you come off as rebels impersonating Imperials."


Ob Ordeena eyes Jidai Geki.


"I'm not sure that you will fit in one of our Imperials costumes, perhaps you can be their prisoner. Also, you'll be working with Rane Scando and Tekkan Raas, are you familiar with them?"

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The Geki before me worked with Rane. As for the other, neither I or my predecessor worked with him.


So, lemme get this straight: you expect me to allow you to bind me and treat me as a prisoner? What makes you think I would allow this?


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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With the sensation of being thrown forwards and then launched backwards, the Harmatia exited hyperspace above Bespin and once more he found himself face to face with Ob Ordeena's impressive fleet of Mon Cal cruisers and Destroyers along with countless support ships. Just as his previous visit a voice barked across the comm for him to identify himself and a devilish smirk broke across his face: play it the right way or try to run and gun past the ships. Shaking the thought, he opened up a comm channel and responded.


"I'm here to see Ob Ordeena," he paused, "I'm Tekkan Raas."

The Bounty Hunting world's one man scourge


So between the flowers and steak I'm saying "I kill stuff for you. Please like me."
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The Black Flame came in view from Cloud City as it soared through the deep red colors. It slowly made its way to Bespin and circled around the docking bay of Ordeena's tall skyscraper. Impious pushed the control stick down ward and landed on the docking bay platform. As soon as he got out of the cockpit he noticed a familiar sense. Some one he hasn't seen for a long time.


Impious walked to the door and saw two guards. Impious waved his hand and sooner then later the guards moved, letting Impious through. The Sith Lord walked into the lobby with his coat dragging on the floor.


Nice place Obs got here. I can see he does his business well.


Impious walked up to the female droid at the counter.


"My name is Impious and I have come to make arrangements with your master. Tell him that a Sith Lord has dropped by to find a job."


Impious stood with his hood off and his arms crossed.

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"The lot of you will work as a unit, a team. Master Poleb, it still is Master Poleb, isn't it? I'm sure your skills with the Force, wait, you still wield the Force as your own little tool, don't you? Anyway, I'm sure your special talents will help ”“ especially when it comes to impersonating rebels impersonating Imperials. And my dear Jidai Geki, you'll be hitting Imperials! Surely even a, uh, a creature such as yourself can see the advantages of hitting the Imperials. My associate here, the mighty Wyhl the Hutt, will inform you all of the rest of the details."


Ob Ordeena retrieves a device from the folds of his cloak, brings it to his ear, and then whispers a few words into it. The gangster's words were ”“


"Let Tekkan Raas land."


Meanwhile, the ”˜female' droid looks curiously at the Sith Lord.


"Good morning, sir. I hope you had a nice flight. Can I interest you in any refreshments before I shoot you? No? Okay, sir."


The ”˜female' droid pushes a button and suddenly a burst of electricity shoots out of nowhere and hits the Sith Lord in the chest. The electricity engulfs this Impious creature, forcing him back.


"Next time, sir, ask permission to land. Thank you."

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*With a bestial growl Geki leaps and lands on top of the prostrate Sith, his bloodlust rising again. He draws a claw across the chin of the Sith, drawing blood. It seemed this one was unwelcome- and Geki was itching for a kill.*


Do you want me to cut this one, Ordeena? Say the word.


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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Impious gave a huge force push to the creature sending him flying into the air. Just before he hit the floor Impious stood on his feet and caught him. Impious sat him slowly on the floor.


" Listen, I want to become a bounty hunter. Now if you dont want me here all you had to do is ask."


Impious brushed him self off and waited for a reply. These people werent nice. Werent nice indeed. All Impious wanted was a job to pay the bills around here.

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Hou-Jo lifted his arm and swung it at Impious, sending him flying into a wall. Hou-Jo used the Force to pull Impious closer to Geki, then moved him so there was equal distance of Impious to everyone in the room, including Ob.


"This is boring, is that really neccessary behavior for either of you two?"


Hou-Jo released his grip on the Force and let Impious fall to the ground. "Don't even think of doing to me what you did to Geki, or it will be the last thing you do."

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Impious fell on his knees and grabbed his throat as he gasped for air. He looked up at the man who choked him. It was his former master Hou-Jo. Impious rose to his feet and ran to him. He gave him a hug and then grabbed his shoulder give him a little shake.


" Mast Hou-Jo its been a long time. How are you doing you old pirate?"


Impious smiled as he waited for a reply.

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Clicking his tongue Wyhl spoke in Huttese to Ob.


Echa mein a Jedi!


His eyes grew red as he pointed the the jedi.


Has business come to this Ob? We are hiring Jedi now? I will ignore it for now as he may come in useful for the attack on Kashyyyk. The more powerful hunters we have the better.


Wyhl fingered through his holopadt thinking.




Ob bent near to listen to Wyhl whisper to him. Only Ob heard this.


What of the Black Sun? I imagine they are rebuilding now. We must do something to slow or stop their rebuilding process. They know not that you are still my major domo. They still think you rebelled. The Empire will not come to their aide this time. Not if they are busy with these hunters on Kashyyyk. I also have a feeling another group will further strain the Empire's fleet and manpower.

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*Geki got to his feet and growled, a low menacing sound from the back of his throat. His eyes never leave the Sith, and he paces up and down on all fours like a caged beast.*


Nobody touches me, with the Force or otherwise.


*Geki, unconsciously using the Force to augment his agility and strength, leaps without warning and streaks through the air, his claws outstretched. He flies past the Sith in a blur, almost too fast to see, and lands on all fours behind Impious. He gives a grunt of satisfaction and licks the fresh blood from his wickedly sharp nails, then turns to look at the superficially injured Sith.*


Next time, I'll tear your throat out, whelp.


I grow bored, Wyhl. You will give us the necessary provisions to complete this mission, or I'm gonna make my own entertainment.


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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Hou-Jo looked at Impious, "Just desert for acting so childish for seeing me. You are a Sith Lord and behaving like that? Pitiful."


Speak later, right now, I am here to do a job.


Hou-Jo looked at Geki out of the corner of his eye, "Stop making me use the Force." He lifted his left arm and with it Geki into the air. "Hurry up and wait. Attack him again or make probably disruption again... you will find who is the more powerful of the three present before our beneficiaries."


Hou-Jo turned from Impious, his cape shifting in the windy movement. He faced Whyl and let his arm drop to his side, but kept Geki poised. He spoke quietly as not to interupt his conversation, but was loud enough to hear, "I'm not a Jedi anymore. I'm looking for new loyalties to serve. I can always go where my Jedi services will have use and not be criticized for my past of being one. That is all I will say."


He took a step backward and waited. He dropped Geki to the ground.

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*Geki looks at Hou-Jo disinterestedly.*


You think a basic training in the Force makes you powerful, runt? The Force was my plaything before you were crawling.


*Geki gestures, and two invisible prongs of Force energy hit Hou-Jo in the back of the knees. The sudden movement brings Hou-Jo to his knees, much to the former Jedi's surprise and chagrin.*


Ah, now that's better. It is the place of those such as you to grovel before those such as me. Now... do you want to continue in your little game of one-upmanship, or shall we stop this display of testosterone before your entrails become Whyl's murals?


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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