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Onderin Starlisk

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Everything posted by Onderin Starlisk

  1. Onderin Starlisk


    Onderin nodded and let the boy relax. It was not time to try and explain the unexplainable or attempt to solve the unsolvable mysteries of the Force. The Force would be the Force, and a Jedi would be the one to experience it to its fullness. The Admiral then once again lifted the shuttle off the ground and lowered the wings. They would help considerably in the exit of such a harsh atmosphere. Avoiding a storm front and weaving around a deadly air current, Onderin guided the craft towards space. Soon the vacuum was upon the small white ship and its pilot directed it towards Naboo, a planet that Onderin had never been to before as far as he could remember. Then again, he had been to enough planets to not remember each one specifically, and he had studied Naboo enough that it was all just a blur. The Jedi Knight then pulled back the hyperspace levers in a familiar movement that launched the shuttle into the depths of a dimension in which only shadows of real objects remained.
  2. Onderin Starlisk


    Onderin lowered his eyes to the weapon his apprentice was presenting to him. It was indeed beautiful, patterned and intricate. It was the work of mastery, though Sabian had most likely never worked with metal before this point. The Force had truly been with him. The Jedi Knight swallowed. "You have done well, Sabian. As you continue to train, you will find that your lightsaber will grow closer to you until you are at perfect unity with it," he said. His own lightsaber had served him well, though he hadn't managed a victory in personal combat over a Sith Lord to this point. It didn't matter--his victories came among the stars, and they were numerous. Admiral Starlisk sat down again, having been standing due to helping his apprentice out of the ice and snow and into the warmth of the Imperial-designed shuttle. It was perfect for the job, roomy enough to pace or sit, but small enough to be relatively unnoticed when it was necessary and not sacrifice maneuverability. At any rate, Onderin knew where he had to go next. During the construction of his apprentice's lightsaber, he had tuned into the Force and felt something he was uncomfortable with. It seemed that his old Master, Keiran, had become something unlike what he had been. Onderin's bond told him that Keiran was on Naboo, though he knew not the specifics. For now, he would hear what Sabian had to say. That would be enough.
  3. Onderin Starlisk


    Jedi Knight Onderin Starlisk let the Force take him to his padawan. The boy went through a brief time of danger, but that was soon erased and his conciousness remained strong. He had beaten whatever had attacked him. Onderin had not killed the gorgonoth that had challenged him--in fact he didn't even have a lightsaber at the time. But there were multiple ways to do anything. Now that Sabian was in the caves, the trials would begin. The boy would likely enter a trance and be met with a vision as many Jedi had. Sabian seemed like the kind of Jedi which would be confronted by such a vision rather than simply sitting and working on the weapon as a machine, as Onderin had, only to pause at the end to use the Force to bind the weapon both to himself and to all of its components.
  4. Onderin Starlisk


    Onderin waited solemnly. He did not altogether like it that his apprentice was seeking to please him, but he figured that it wouldn't hurt all that much. Eventually, however, the apprentice would become a Jedi Knight and not have someone to please, and then he would not have that driving force. But the Admiral knew that, as Sabian grew to trust his own abilities further, he would rely less and less on that focus and more on the Force alone. For the Force, unlike a limited physical being, would never leave a Jedi, and it would always be there to rely on. OOC: I'm going to keep these short. This time is for you.
  5. Onderin Starlisk


    With a blink of motion too fast to catch with the untrained eye, a Lambda-class shuttle bearing Alliance markings pulled itself through the dimensional barrier seperating hyperspace and real space. Its three wings extended, it began to descend on the icy planet of Ilum, its intent obvious. Aboard were Jedi Knight and Admiral Onderin Starlisk as well as his apprentice, Alliance Flight Officer Sabian Devanus. They were here for the construction of the latter's lightsaber, the beginning of a much longer and more complicated path than the training that had already been completed. For now came application. The formerly-Imperial shuttle set down in a few feet of snow and Onderin shut down all but the emergency systems. He turned to his apprentice. "Here you will make your lightsaber," he said. "As I may have told you before, a lightsaber is connected to the Force through its crystals and the Jedi who weilds it. This weapon will be an extention of your body, and it is the symbol, the identifying characteristic of Jedi in the galaxy. This weapon will be your life, so make it well. "You will find the necessary crystals in the caves in those mountains," Onderin pointed. "Beware--there are gorgonoths and other creatures inhabiting those caves, and they can be quite dangerous. The rest of the parts you will need I have here. Use your training lightsaber as a model--it is generally the same." Handing the parts he had gathered from the hangar storage to Sabian, Onderin sat down and waited. OOC: Like I said--three long posts. I'd like to get them all in today if possible.
  6. Onderin smiled. He, too, had been eager to construct his lightsaber. However, it had been different for him and had not been until the very end of his training that he had finally built the weapon that even now hung at his belt. It had been a pity, too, for the Battle of Hoth during his apprenticeship had pleaded for him to be able to use a lightsaber, but he had settled for an assault rifle. The Jedi Knight gestured, "Alright, we can leave right away." He immediately started to head for the landing bay, navigating the halls with ease. Ever since he had started serving in the military, he had gotten better and better at memorizing floor plans and finding patterns that helped him locate certain types of rooms amongst others. Now even in a completely new base he could find most rooms simply by the other rooms he passed by. Onderin soon entered the hangar and picked a Lambda-class shuttle that would be suitable for the trip to Ilum and then whatever destination he chose after that. He had the feeling that he wouldn't come straight back to Selvaris afterwards, but he was unsure as to why that feeling was there. He gathered from the hangar technician's closet several peices of machinary of material, but each peice was small enough for the lot to fit in his pocket. That's where he put them before heading once again back to the white tri-winged craft and boarding it. Sabian did likewise as Onderin sat in the cockpit. The Admiral expertly lifted the ship off the ground and rocketed out into space after exiting the hangar. Soon he pulled a lever and tiny stars stretched into lines and the shuttle entered the alternate dimension of hyperspace.
  7. Onderin Starlisk felt strange echoes of Sabian's experience the whole time the boy was out in the heat. The gift of a Force bond helped a teacher in many ways, and in this case he understood what Sabian was facing. The Jedi Knight's apprentice was constantly under the temptation of the Dark Side, but he was constantly prevailing over it, conquering it, and becoming stronger in the process. It was Onderin's duty to question whether the boy would always be able to conquer the Dark Side, or whether one day he would fall to it. Unfortunately, the Admiral's own experiences failed to give him a large amount of insight into what he could say to encourage the boy. It occured to him that perhaps the best thing to do was to just let Sabian battle it on his own. He was incredibly strong-willed, a part of him that had developed well on the streets of Coruscant. Finally Onderin spoke. "I know what you experienced out there in the heat, for the echoes of it ring through our bond. The only thing I can say is bland--beware the Dark Side. It may seem easy and powerful, but in it is only pain and death, the opposite of what you truly want and are called to do," he said. He hoped his words would mean more than he felt they could. The Jedi Knight sighed. "Shower up and we'll leave for Ilum."
  8. Another well-protected and armed MC90a Starcruiser was completed in the shipyards and drifted from its dock. It was given a crew and it moved into a defensive position around the shipyard. If the Empire suddenly got an idea and attacked, at least this ship would be ready. The reason MC90a's were more than a match for Star Destroyers did not lay in the sheer number of guns, which was actually considerably less than on the Imperial ships, but it was defensive ability and gun emplacement strategy. The Mon Calamarian ships had layers and layers of shields that would handle scores of turbolaser bolts before collapsing. Then the ship could simply roll to offer a fresh set of shields and techs could quickly replace burnt-out shield generators on the damaged side. Additionally, the guns were placed in arrays of four turbolasers or six Ion cannon. The arrays would fire in a fire-linked fashion, unleashing a devestating barrage on a single target rather than offering scattered single-fire shots. The array also helped counter for the two-second firing delay natural to turbolasers due to cooling requirements. These things led even Imperial commanders to admit the superiority of the smaller but better-defended ships of the Rebel Alliance. OOC: Kirana, you can name this one.
  9. Onderin was awake immediately. He stretched once, then said, "Come on in." The door opened and Sabian entered, apparently rested and fed. It was good that he was, too, because the trials of today would do nothing short of requiring it. The Admiral and Jedi Knight blinked a few times, then focused his mind both in and out of the Force. "Sabian, we are going to Ilum to build your lightsaber today," he announced. "This is an ancient tradition that will forever leave you with an extension of your own mind in the form of a weapon. It is said that a lightsaber is part of its wielder, and it shares a Force link due to the Force sensitivity of the crystals within it." He raised his eyebrows for a moment, then relaxed them, trying to gauge Sabian's reaction. Every Jedi was excited about construction a first lightsaber, even though Sabian himself would focus much more on healing and other aspects of the Force--Onderin could tell. "But first, I'd like you to train a little more alone with a training saber. It is best that you are attuned to the feel of the weapon before you go and build one from scrap metal," he said with a wink. OOC: You can do that until I can post again Sunday afternoon. I won't be able to keep giving you exercises, so be creative.
  10. Onderin waited in the training room for a while after Sabian departed. He didn't really have anything to meditate on, for the trials ahead would be Sabian's alone. It would indeed be a trying time for the boy, for oftentimes the caves on Ilum yeilded visions and temptations. The Admiral for a moment wondered if he needed to take care of anything with the Alliance. He searched his mind for a few minutes, but decided that until the fleet was rebuilt nothing really could be done to combat the Empire. And it didn't appear that the Empire would be attacking anytime soon... No, the Jedi Knight would stay here and continue to train his apprentice. It was his priority for now, and it was his duty as a Jedi. This was his second apprentice, and therefore he would have served his duty to multiply Jedi Knights. His own Master, Keiran, had trained him and Ben'a Solo, Ben'a had trained two Jedi, and Onderin himself had trained two Jedi. Onderin then proceeded to get something to eat just as his apprentice had a few minutes earlier. He didn't mind the food, having served in the Alliance military since he had finished his apprenticeship. He was by all means a combat veteran, a side of him that he was less familiar with than his Jedi aspects. When he had finished eating, the green-clad Corellian went back to his quarters and began a Force-enhanced sleep trance, which would allow him to wake up in an instant and be fully aware while still receiving a good night's rest. It was a good ability to know being a combat pilot or fleet commander. One could be scrambled at any minute into combat.
  11. OOC: IC: Onderin smiled, almost mystified by the effect of the Force aura surrounding his apprentice. It was as if the boy's very nature exuded a sense of hope, peace, and innocence. This was not the same aura Onderin like to wreath himself in, but he was a different Jedi from his apprentice. The Jedi Knight put a hand on Sabian's shoulder. "I'm glad to hear it," he said. "However, I have to warn you that you must not grow too connected to me, and I must be weary myself to not become too connected with you. While it is encouraged for Masters and apprentices to build a strong bond through the Force, too strong feelings between them can lead to rash actions that cost many lives to save one." The Admiral didn't like the almost ominous tone he had put on things, so he tried to lighten up again, first with his facial disposition, then with his words. "But that is a lesson for another time," he said. "For now, we will rest for the night, then you will face a great test tomorrow. I will not tell you what it is yet, but be assured that this will bring on a new level of training, one as physical as it is mental."
  12. Onderin smiled and almost laughed slightly. "Hey, don't worry about it," he said in his best Corellian voice. "The Dark Side of the Force is always present, and it is a constant threat. It's not your fault that it touched you--it's mine for not preparing you. End of discussion." The Jedi Knight stood up and helped Sabian to his feet as well. The boy was still a little shakey from the nerve tactic Onderin had employed, but he quickly became a little more firm. Admiral Starlisk sighed slightly and winked. "Let's try the exercise again, Sabian," he said. "This time, don't make it quite so hard and don't be disturbed by my invisibility through the Force. Our bond is there, but I can elude even its strong connection." The Admiral then once again crept off down the hallway, focusing on minds and making sure that no one thought that they saw him, though once again the memories could be called forth through the very Force that had removed them. Onderin found a room and dimmed the lights again, but he didn't want to be too hard to find after his apprentice found his way to the room he had chosen. That would be the hard part.
  13. OOC: Well-written. One thing though--I don't think the Alliance troops feel that way about Jedi. I think they're very supportive of both Jedi and the war that they started themselves. IC: "Relax," Onderin said, his voice calm. He reached out with the Force and touched Sabian's mind. Physically he laid the boy down more comfortably then touched a part of his mind with the Force to make the boy sleep. "Rest." The Jedi Knight then raised the lights with a one-word command and sat down on the floor next to his apprentice. An amount of worry etched his face for a moment as he tried to settle things in his mind, but it disappeared when he submerged himself in the power of the Force. It would solve this problem, for Onderin did not fully understand it. Sabian had apparently touched the Dark Side, it seemed. The reading eminating through the Force was one of disturbance and confusion. Due to his words the boy was suddenly greatly lacking in self-assurance and respect, disappointed by his own seeming lack of skill in the Force in comparison with his Master. It occured to Onderin that such lack of self-assurance lead to envy, which was a shadow of greed, with was of the Dark Side, and the Dark Side had for a moment tempted Sabian. The Admiral was disturbed by this, for all that the boy knew had come from him. If Sabian suffered, it was only because the Onderin had not taught him how to resist. The problem was that even Onderin did not know how. He had never taken upon himself someone else's pain and suffering, had never doubted that he would one day become the Jedi Knight he was now. What had Keiran done differently that had prepared him for this test that Sabian was now fighting? Onderin Starlisk looked at his apprentice and woke the boy, though disallowing him the ability to move or speak. He could hear, though, so Onderin spoke to him. "Sabian, you have been confronted by the Dark Side of the Force. This has sprung, seemingly, from doubt. This doubt seems to have in turn sprung from impatience. Now, I know that you want more than ever to get out and fight for justice, but you must wait. Know that you will in time become a Jedi Knight," he assured his apprentice. "I urge you to work for that time, but not to rush its onset. The Dark Side is quick, easy, and powerful, but it is not rewarding. In it only lies corruption and greed, not justice and peace. You're a fine apprentice, I just need you to be patient." Satisfied, the Admiral restored Sabian's movement, not knowing what to expect but preparing himself for anything.
  14. Onderin thought the story over. It fit perfectly with, he realized, his vision in the Force. The vision had shown him both a good, pure, Jedi Sabian, as well as the Sith Sabian, evil and unjust, corrupt and without his gifts he had received through the Force. The Jedi Knight then heard a voice, and he was aware that it was the Force speaking to him through his midichlorians. "Darth Helix," it said before dissolving. He was sure that his apprentice had not heard it, but he shuddered slightly and forced the voice from his mind. The Admiral then was brought back to reality at Sabian's question. "We will do a little more work on mind powers. We will play the same child's game again, but this time I will do the hiding. I will not go far, and I will use the Force to convince those I pass by that they didn't see me. Only another mind trick can cancel out my own, so that is how you will find me," he explained. It would work, for those who had just been mind tricked tended not to go anywhere for at least a few seconds. "Start counting," he said, moving off down the hall. Rather than stopping at each individual he passed to mind trick them, he used a general mind trick that focused on the beings of the Alliance as a group, similar to the concept of Battle Meditation. He convinced them altogether that he was not there and then moved into a room and stood around a corner.
  15. OOC: That wasn't terribly clear. I assume you posted me finding you? IC: Onderin tilted his head almost imperceptably. "Honestly I do not," he said simply, leaving it at that and waiting for an answer. Whatever the origins of his name, the boy had performed remarkably well in that last test. As much as holding his breath was unnecessary, Onderin understood the significance of using that which can be grasped to harness that which can not. But it was important to understand that the Force did not require physical action to be channeled. The Jedi Knight knew that Sabian knew this, but he didn't know if the boy would be confident enough in that knowledge should he be forced to use it. The Admiral would have to test him on that later. There were few Jedi that did not use physical motions to help their concentration, and even the best did it, but it was still important to understand and be able to use telekinesis and other powers without even the flick of a wrist.
  16. OOC: We have rollers and wooden doors? Onderin set out after his apprentice after he had finished counting. He had not felt the boy leave at all, and he knew that Sabian had finally attained the intent of the exercise. The Admiral stretched out through the Force, searching in detail for any trace of the youth. Finding nothing, he resorted primarily to his old CorSec tracking tactics. He started to head in the direction that he had last heard the boy run off towards. At one point he kneeled and tried to find a trace of Sabian's boots, but if they were there they were left in a sea of other marks and prints. "Did you see a boy run by here?" he asked a passerby. He knew that Sabian would think he was cheating to ask around, but the rules had never been specified. There were multiple ways of finding someone, and he could use his rank as an influence to find what he was looking for. The man nodded and pointed, leading Onderin around a curve in the hallway. The Jedi Knight asked a few more times, but people had moved too far and he could no longer use them for a source of information. But perhaps the Force could help in another way, he hypothesized. Looking down at the ground, Onderin used the Force to find particles of dust that were heated more than the others. Sure enough, he found more definite footprints. Many of them were heading towards him, so he discounted those. Of the ones heading in the same direction that he was, he chose the smallest set and followed them. Not having attempted anything like this in the past, it was hard to focus enough to see the prints themselves, and soon they cooled enough that he could no longer see them. He stopped not too far from the room Sabian had choosen to hide in, out of ideas.
  17. Clever, but not thought to conclusion, Onderin thought concerning Sabian's trick. It would indeed have fooled him were he not tuned into the Force, and the trick showed advanced telekinesis powers. While the Jedi Knight was impressed by this, he shook his head--there was more to hiding from a Jedi than sound. The boy wholly shut himself off from the Force to a point where Onderin could not sense him, but his last Force signature had been in this room even as the boots went off down the hallway. It didn't take a CorSec agent to figure out that Sabian was still in the room. The Admiral (and former CorSec agent) began to search the room, checking in the few possible places there were to hide. Behind a counter he found his apprentice. "Sabian, we'll do this one more time," he instructed. "This time, hide your Force presence before you reach your hiding place." Without giving any more instruction, Onderin faced the corner, closed his eyes, and once again began the count to a hundred.
  18. OOC: Sorry I got behind on this. IC: A large MC90a Starcruiser departed from the ship yards, was crewed, and was christened the Shining Blade.
  19. OOC: I just didn't want to discover you in one post. IC: Onderin caught a faint rustle of movement a touched its source with the Force. He felt nothing there, no sign of life whatsoever, but he approached anyway and toed a certain lump on the ground about the size of his padawan... Catching a muffled audio sound, the Jedi Knight smiled. "Gotcha," he said. The boy stood up and the Admiral looked down at him. "Right at the end there, only when you were desperate, was your barrier the strongest. I'm going to ask you to hide again, but this time keep that barrier up the whole time." He then proceeded to begin counting in Huttese again, closing his eyes but stretching out with the Force. If Sabian did not immediately erect a barrier, the Jedi would be able to track him on his way to his hiding spot.
  20. When he finally rolled around to one hundred in Huttese, Onderin immediately set out in search of his apprentice. He immediately stretched out with the Force to help him do so, for he really had very slim chances of being able to locate the boy entirely on his own. In fact, in a facility like this, that was all but impossible. The point of the exercise would be for Sabian to make it just as impossible through the Force, but Onderin hoped to find him at least once before the boy got it down altogether. It felt rather curious resorting to a children's game to teach Force application, but it was very much a legitimate and applicable game. This, for one, was not something Onderin's own Master had done, so he was glad to have found some originality that was fun. At any rate, the Jedi Knight expanded his Force sphere of influence so that he could pay careful detail to the minds and life forces of almost all the beings in the base. Then, just for a moment, he felt a flash that was his apprentice. It disappeared shortly thereafter, but it would be enough to start off of. Striding down the hallway, the Admiral found the path of least resistance through the crowd, some members of which he nodded to--primarily the high-ranking ones that he knew from planning and battle. He was almost delighted to see a few members of his old squadron, and he wanted to talk to them, but he didn't want to keep Sabian waiting. At about the time he passed the cafeterium, he wasn't sure where to go. There was a split in the hallway, and he hadn't caught a "glimpse" of his query in some time through the Force. He did, however, know that the boy was nearby, so he brought down his sphere of influence to a much smaller area in order to have some fine-tune searching. Sure enough, the boy's concentration cracked just enough to reveal his location. Onderin stepped into a room that was undergoing a color change and picked up visual searching to combine with his feeling through the Force. OOC: Well, I don't know if they still have rollers in Star Wars, but I get the point.
  21. Nodding, Onderin continued. "Alright then," he said, "we'll now go back and reinforce hiding your presence. I'm going to attempt to make this another hands-on experience, so we're going to play a bit of a children's game." He hoped to lighten the mood of darkness a little, and he knew that Sabian would appreciate it. The boy always seemed to enjoy the light-hearted lessons a lot more, such as the mind-influencing lesson and the likes. Besides, at a time like this, it was crucial. The Jedi Knight proceeded to explain. "I want you to hide somewhere in this facility. I will count in Huttese to one hundred, then come to look for you. I will attempt to find you through the Force, but if your technique is solid I will have trouble locating you in such a large area," he finished. "Go on," he urged, turning towards the corner and beginning to count in Huttese as he had promised. Counting to a hundred in Huttese would take considerably less time than doing so in Basic, as the Hutts counted on a system of base four. Therefore, Sabian would have to hurry.
  22. Onderin nodded solemnly. "Sabian, as hard as this is to fully accept," he began almost hesitantly, "serving the Force to its fullest extent takes the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. And the deepest commitment leads to sacrifice, even a terrible sacrifice, in order to help the galaxy." He paused. "But the Force can also help you deal with the problems it causes itself, to a certain extent. Your current state of mental pain will eventually heal, but continued exposure to it will change you," he continued. "You have to make a decision to either follow the Force fully and accept the consequences, or protect yourself and fail to fill your true potential. I couldn't live like that." The Jedi Knight knew that this conversation would have to come eventually, and now he realized that he should have given his side of it earlier, before Sabian was so far on his way to Knighthood already. But he didn't think the youth would turn back now. Not after learning so much. So Onderin decided to wait a bit, rather than launching back into another lesson. Whether Sabian had something to say or only wanted time to think, the Admiral would respect his choice and be patient.
  23. OOC: Wonderful post. IC: Onderin Starlisk, Admiral of the Rebel Alliance that had still to continue its endless fight against the powerless remnants of the evil Galactic Empire, only wanted now to continue focus on being a Jedi. He had already decided on some changes to make in the Alliance, and he would contact Kirana with them soon. He would become a more traditional Admiral. Not the head of the entire faction, but the military leader of the fleet. That way he could maintain his say in one of the things he enjoyed the most and felt the most duty in--command of the fleet--while not having to worry about politics and the less straight forward parts of the Alliance. For the moment, however, he would focus on being the Jedi Knight that was growing ever so close to becoming a Jedi Master. The title of Master was not what he was seeking for the power and respect found therein, but for the declaration of the accomplishment of having trained two beings to the rank of Jedi Knight. It was one of the primary reasons a single Jedi existed to pass on his knowledge to multiple others. It was the only way that the Order would grow. If the Order did not grow, the single most important reason of its existance could not be carried out--defending the peace that did not currently exist. Therefore, the Jedi were thrust into the role of warriors, a role that Onderin did not think was becoming of them. He did not want the Jedi to lose their titles as defenders of peace and attack, fight, and wield the Dark Side as a result. He wanted the Jedi Order to become mediators, peace keepers, settlers of disputes, and, as Sabian was gifted in, healers of the broken. The only times that Jedi should have to fight is in defense of good. The Jedi Code stated that Jedi use the Force for knowledge and defense, but never attack. If, then, the Jedi Order launched offensive attacks on the Empire and Sith, were they really more than dark or fallen Jedi? Onderin wasn't involved enough with the Order to see what they were really focusing on, but he hoped that one day he would be placed in a position of significant influence enough to be able to help guide the Jedi's actions. As he continued to wait in the training room, in a meditation position, he closed his eyes. He touched everything around him with the Force, strengthening his perception of it. He felt Sabian's actions of healing use the Force for the most pure good immaginable. Healing was the single most innocent and helpful use of the Force, and Onderin almost envied Sabian's gift. However, he knew that envy was folly, a shadow of greed and of the Dark Side. His own gift lay in mind perception and alteration. With it, he could strengthen morale, spirit, change minds, be more successful in diplomacy, and many other things. The downside of it was that the power could be used for the darkest of evil as well. He would have to guard himself against such things, and remain ever true to the Light.
  24. As Onderin sat, he felt the Force enter in force and cleanse much of his weariness. He knew that Sabian had been the source of this strength, and he appreciated the gesture. With a firm acceptance, he noted that this was a part of Sabian's healing gift--not only physical healing, but mental and the healing of weariness as well. He opened his eyes. "Sabian, I wish to proceed back to your gift, which you just exercised. There are always casualties of accidents and battle. I have little doubt that there are still those struggling through injuries sustained from the Battle of Kuat, though not many escaped," he said. "Once again I am turning you loose on your own to go and gain strength in this area. I will remain here." This was not yet field training, but mastering skills and the like required experience. Only experience could teach--at a point, words no longer meant anything. Sabian would grow this way, by healing those around him and simply lending a hand.
  25. Onderin gave half a smile, panting from exhaustion and concentration. "The Force can do many things, including things that seem impossible. I believe this most curious shield was brought about by an accelerated rubbing together of air molecules, creating enough friction to make fire," he said. "Then again, I'm not sure, as the Force itself did most of the work." The Jedi Knight sat down. "I need to rest for a few minutes--such use of the Force comes with a price," he huffed. "Just do whatever you want for a few minutes, or try and reproduce what you just saw, if you wish." While Onderin could use the Force to replenish himself, he preferred to wait things like this out. They only lasted a few minutes with the ever-present passive aspects of the Force helping him, so he could not avoid its effects altogether. Still, while there was a quicker way to rejuvenate, he didn't want to use the Force to do whatever popped into his head and have no strength himself.
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