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Everything posted by Sabertooth

  1. 00C: Sorry for the delay but life cought up with me. IC: Sabertooth concentrated his hardest on how he wanted to just float in mid air. He knew it was know use so he just closed his eyes and waited for the pain to come. I didn't. He looked around and to his dismay he was floating in mid air desending gradually to the ground.
  2. As Sabertooth flew towards the wall he tried to call upon the force to stop him but he couldn't concentrate to get anything powerful going. Just before he hit the wall he started to grasp the force, but only had enough time to cushion his impact. This cushion was enough to prevent broken bones, but it still hurt like shit.
  3. "I would like to learn how to bend the force at my will, Master." Sabertooth was filled with relief that he had answered all the questions with acceptable answers. He had heard stories of sith that had gotten their head lopped off because they gave an inaccaptable answer. But now he tried to gather the force around and he couldn't focus it. He could see it as a great tool but could not use it yet.
  4. "I belive that all sith have it. As they say," Truth is in the eye of the beholder". I believe that each sith has a different idea of what the true meaning is and I believe that all those beliefs are valid. I think that the true meaning of the sith code is whatever each individual sith wants it to be. Therefore it is in you and me and all the people in this room."
  5. Sabertooth waited patientley for his master. Studying the way he commanded the rest of the sith, thinking that hopefully one day he might have that privillage.
  6. Passion is the love between two that breaks all barriers. It is the flame that burns eternally eveloping its surroundings. It is lust in it's greatest form that naws at you untill you give in. It is a power so great that it can dtermine whether someone lives or dies.
  7. "Fear is a rank duisgusting aura that emits from those who are pathetically weak. It is the helpless scrablings of a servent in the Rancor pit. It is the scurry of a mouse as the looming paws of a cat close around its tiny little head, and the solitary squeak it has time for before it is crushed to a lifless pulp. That's what fear is to me. OOC:Hows that?
  8. "I picture it as a bloody civil war breaking out on an angry planet"
  9. "There is no Peace, There is Unrest. There is no Respect, There is Fear. There is no Serenty, There is Passion. There is no Death, There is the Dark Side. It means to me that the the good things such as peace, respect, and serenity are ilusions the surround the jedi, and that the real powers of the world are unrest, fear, passion, and most of all the Dark side, whose power will never die."
  10. Sabertooth began to recite the sith code. As the words flowed from his mouth he began to realize how true and vital they were to the life of a warrior. As he finished he bowed his head in respect for the code and his master.
  11. Sabertooth walked off to the sith library. Being as it was the SITH library it wasn't hard to find books on the Sith code. He studied it and studied it taking the knowledge and slowly committing it to memory. It didn't take him long for he had been taught well back on Naboo. As he walked back to Raynuk he recited the words in his head. "Sorry it took so long Master, I didn't know you were going to wait for me."
  12. Sabertooth bowed his head in thanks for the great compliment. He had heard many great things about Barohm Zar and knew that he was once one of the finest siths. He was a little embarrassed by not knowing about the Sith code, but on Naboo not much was known about the sith. Saberooth thought long and hard about what Raynuk had said about orders and completely agreed. Realizing that physical training was not on going to happen anytime soon he relaxed his muscles and listened intentley absorbing the words of his powerful master.
  13. "Hell Ye...I mean yes master" Sabertooth swelled with pride, because one of the finest sith masters had agreed to be his master. Although he was some what nervous about the challenges ahead, he knew inside himself that he was ready. "What shall we do know master?" Remembering to show respect, Sabertooth stood stright but with a sense of relaxation as he readied his muscles with his mind.
  14. "I would be honored to accompany you on your buissness, and I thank you for sacrificing yourself to train me." Sabertooth followed Montar and politley stood behind him as he spoke to Picollo.
  15. Sabertooth walked over to Montar "Master Montar, I have been waiting quite a while to begin my training and would be honored to start soon with a Sith who could teach me how to use my anger to destroy."
  16. As sabertooth flew back towards Mimban he felt a surge of guilt for not staying in Mimban.
  17. Sabertooth landed his ship on Mimban and waited for futhur orders from Master Montar.
  18. Sabertooth was a little shook up from the battle, and the crazy little landing jarred him even more. He looked around for some to talk to, not knowing where to go.
  19. Posting for Night Crawler cause my comp will only let one person sign on IC:Night Crawler took the verbal taunts with pride and did not lower himself to Nurgle's level by retorting. He saw that Nurgle was ready to dodge blaster fire, so he did something different. He hurled the blaster at him. Nurgle did not expect this so it hit him right between the eyes. The force of the flying blaster knocked him to the ground and knocked away his blaster. Night crawler leaped to strike. However, just when he was about to strike, Nurgle kicked him in the stomach. This knocked the wind out of him, and forced him back wards. Now NIght Crawler stood with his blaster aimed right at the Apprentices head.
  20. Sabertooth


    Sabertooth reagained his senses from the blow to his head. He watched the battle rage on between the two warriors. He was amazed at how fluid the motions were, and how Abaddon could sense the moves even before they happened. He wanted to help Abaddon but he was too weak from the injuries of the crash plus all the pushes Abaddon had delt him. The two fighters were almost a blur as they fought back and forth with the quickness of the Tatooine wind and the strength of a rancor. Each move was planned and precise, it was truly a sight to see. Even though he had only a little force training he could feel the darkside eminating from them. He fought to stay away, but slowly slipped back into the darkness.
  21. OOC:Thats what we agreed on.
  22. Postin for night Crawler: OOC: Are you kidding? your apprentice friggen killed himself....plus we have decided to have a rematch because too many things went wrong.
  23. Sabertooth


    OOC:Your one of the only people that remembers me.....They made me restart my character. Any way Darth Grief, your dead or unconcious either one you pick. IC: Sabertooth was enfuriated that Abaddon did not let him finish of the pathetic excuse of an opponent. He wanted to whip out a gun and fire the shit out of him. But since he knew him from his prior sith training he controlled himself. He got up and strolled over to Abaddon. "What was that all about, my friend from long ago?. You know I could have taken him on."
  24. Sabertooth


    Sabertooth sees Grief coming and sends a wave of blaster bolts at him. Many of them hit his legs, imoblizing him. Then Sabertooth threw a stun greanade at him that knocked him unconcious. OOC: I dont think that would be considered a OHK since you not dead. But if it is, just tell me and I'll edit it. "Master Montar, look what we have here."
  25. Sabertooth


    Sorry about this post my comp is a piece of sh*t. and it posted my post twice.
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