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Auren Sabrial

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  1. *She shook her head and looked down again, shaking off his hand. She backed away from him slowly until she hit the wall and there was no where else to go.* "You don't, you can't, you made that much perfectly clear last night... and I am not so foolish that I shall need that lesson more than once... I... I'm sorry about your nose..." *Without looking back up at him she slid along the wall and began a slower walk back down the halls again... defeated and deflated almost... but beneath that anger boiled. What made him think he had the right to toy with people's emotions in such a way. She wouldn't let him get to her... she wouldn't... she would make herself immune.*
  2. *Hate indeed... she looked up at him through angry eyes..* "What do you think you're playing at? How dare you... you think you can just... and after last night... and you have the audacity to..." *Her hands balled into fists at her sides and before she realized what she was doing her right fist had connected with his nose. Her eyes widened as she realized what she had done and she looked from his now slightly blood splattered face to her fist. Without another word she took off running down the halls away from him.. she hadn't intended to physically harm him, but her anger had gotten the better of her... she'd ruined her chances for sure, punching a Sith knight was hardly going to get her very far.*
  3. *She put down her fork and looked up at him, face black, void of any expression. Without a word she stood and disposed of her tray and the remnants of her food. She left the room without so much as a backward glance... she had things to do, what those things were, she wasn't sure.. but there had to be something... and whatever that something was it had to be better than talking to him right now, let him see how it felt to be walked away from... it was hardly her problem any more..*
  4. *Auren restrained the impulse to throw an Icy glare in raynuk's direction, opting instead to ignore him completely. She didn't look up from her food, doing her best with what limited knowledge she had to close her mind to those around her, she doubted it would help considering she didn't have much of the knowledge required to mask her thoughts... she had never really found it necessary before.. but perhaps he would take the hint.*
  5. *Auren awoke the next morning with a renewed sense of self and of purpose. After last night's run in, ignoring Raynuk had become a distinctly more appealing option, and considering he would likely be avoiding her as well, it would be much easier. She swung her legs over the side of the cot and set about tidying herself up. She left the room and set off down the halls, after breakfast she intended to get so know some of the other hopefuls a bit better... perhaps find an advantage she could push to get a leg up on the others. Once she reached the mess hall she became extremely aware of Raynuk's presence... and she made a point of not looking in his directions... he wasn't worth risking her future over... she hardly knew him...*
  6. *She watched as he walked away... and knew that she was officially the stupidest sith hopeful ever. What on earth had she been thinking? She kept watching until he disappeared from view around a dark corner. It was just as well... what would it have accomplished anyway? It was late.. and she knew she wasn't thinking clearly, she needed sleep... that was it, she could attribute all of this to her drowsy state. She squared her shoulders and set off in search of some temporary quarters that would be suitable until she got the chance to meet with someone of authority who might instruct her as to where she could go from there. After a few minutes of wandering she found a bare room with nothing more than a cot and a night table in one corner, it would do just fine. Closing the door behind her she walked over and sat on the cot. She really was a fool... what did she think she was doing her, attempting to make it as a sith... they'd eat her alive. It occurred to her that Raynuk may have been testing her... and if that was the case, she'd failed and ruined her chances of becoming a sith already. But something in her wouldn't allow her to believe that was the case. A single hot tear escaped her eye and she angrily brushed it aside, ashamed of her own weakness. She lay back on the cot and allowed herself to drift into an uneasy sleep... it was more than she deserved for her folly, and she would be sure to pay her penance later...*
  7. *She shook her head as he walked away, had he just said what she thought he'd said? It did indeed appear that way, and unless she was much mistaken, from the sheepish smile he had cast over his shoulder her was more than a little embarrassed about it too. As he should be, it was that annoying voice again, he’s supposed to be a sith, it just doesn't suit she frowned, I thought i told you to bugger off? He was getting farther away, and the butterflies were back again... damn him... * "wait..." *She'd said it before she'd realized what she was doing... she wasn't even sure why she'd said it... she didn't exactly have anything more to say. Mentally she slapped herself for not thinking before she spoke... but it was a bit late for that now...*
  8. "I was thinking thank you very much. And while I do appreciate the advice, really I do, I hardly see where you can help me. And there is nothing plaguing my mind except trying to figure out exactly where i'm going... which I expect I shall discover in time. I thank you for your concern, but I'm fine... I'll be fine." *Even as she said the words they sounded harsh and biting in her ears, when she was finished she looked down at her feet... well she was just a bloody brilliant one wasn't she. Her harsh proclamations of self-independence were all well and good, but she needed a starting point. After a moment she looked back up at him..* "Sorry I didn't mean to... well I hadn't intended to..."
  9. *Auren's eyes snapped open as she heard the voice from somewhere above her... she hadn't even noticed his entering, or the others leaving for that matter. She looked up into the face of Raynuk... just perfect, and here she was huddled in some corner like a little schoolgirl... wonderful. She pushed herself off the ground so that she was standing in front of him... best not to appear any weaker than she already did, though she doubted it would make much of a difference...* "Fine... I'm fine... This is all just a bit new to me... that’s all..."
  10. *The fact that she had likely lost the only ally she might have had was not lost on her. Not her most brilliant of moves, but she couldn't risk letting that feeling in the pit of her stomach get the better of her. She looked around the room, half hoping she might find someone else willing to help her, but doubting that such would be the case, not with her luck. She sighed as she leaned against the cold stone wall, slowly sliding down into a sitting position. What was she to do now. She closed her eyes and tried to block out the rest of the room and simply weigh her options... none of them seemed too appealing at the moment, least of all going to Raynuk and attempting to apologize... but what did she have to apologize for anyway? Nothing really... She sighed, squeezing her eyes shut even tighter as she tossed about ideas in her mind... she could figure this out on her own.. she had to...*
  11. *Auren threw yet another cold glance over her shoulder that pretty much said I hardly see where this becomes your business but quickly looked away as she realized that it may indeed be his business. He was after all a knight, where as she knew practically nothing about the ways of the sith... not smart... not smart at all. What ever happened to ignoring him chimed in the all too annoying voice in the back of her mind... bugger off. Well it wasn't the most crushing response but she was hardly in the mood to deal with an annoying conscience on top of everything else. Especially considering the man in question could obviously hear her thoughts quite clearly, something that, in and of itself, didn't exactly make her feel better. He was right of course, she shouldn't care what other people thought of her... and she didn't really, most of the time... but in a new environment such as this it was hard not to...*
  12. *How dare he! .. of all the... she stopped there and turned back to the others who were talking about god knows what... she felt a blush creep into her cheeks. And they seemed to be deliberately ignoring her... good, what a wonderful start she seemed to be making... doing basically everything the wrong way. She knew her best option was to go over and just ask Raynuk, but something in her wouldn't let her... too prideful, that was what her mother had always said... too prideful indeed. Oh dear, one of the people around her had asked her something and she hadn't been paying attention... perfect. She opted to shrug and walk away, receiving a few odd glances from the group of apprentices that she was all but oblivious to. Perhaps this hadn't been one of her more genius ideas, but it was a bit late for that now..*
  13. *Auren walked down the long halls until she came to a room occupied by multiple sith and would be sith. She looked about the room, a bit overwhelmed by it all and all too aware of her own lack of knowledge. It occurred to her that she would need to find someone to teach her something, and soon, if she had any hope of ever joining the ranks of the sith. She glanced around the room and her eyes fell on Raynuk, off to the side apparently in a meditative state... she looked at him for a few moments before she became aware that she was staring. Quickly she looked away and attempted to block herself from view by walking further into the room amongst those present. She found a group of a few younger sith hopefuls and attempted to engage them in some sort of conversation, all the while making sure her back was to Raynuk... it wouldn't do... it just wouldn't do...*
  14. *Auren stepped out of her ship and watched Raynuk go. She deliberatly waited a few mintues before making her own way down the long halls... now that she was here she wasn't quite so sure of herself as she had been, but she wasn't about to back out now... if only she could figure out what to do next. She nodded respectfully to those who passed as she made her way further into the complex.*
  15. *Auren followed suit and made the jump, trying her best to clear her mind and not think about the encounter... not so successfully as she might have hoped.. she'd have to work on that...*
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