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John Skywalker

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Everything posted by John Skywalker

  1. "I suppose you could, but last time I check, the Casino staff wants me dead. Funny... I can break into a vault, but I forgot to screw up some security tapes. Its... different, don't worry too much about it, once he'll be up he can work on this... it'd be more suited to him. We've got a wedding and countless other responsibilities to deal with." His nonchalance was a bit strange, but he really, couldn't pinpoint it... it was too much like him, the voice but so different.
  2. "I... am not sure. I saw lots of people and it was all so loud, with flashes of light from all sides. And then, as if something were trying to claw its way out. Crying...almost. And then nothing, silence." The confused eyes broke contact... "It looked like the Casino, but I can't be sure... too hazy. Maybe Coruscant?" The Lanvarok remains came to John's hand, fragments of bone still holding onto the device's handle. "Unless Andon is trapped in some giant jelly-like substance, it shouldn't have been him... maybe its just nothing. I'm been getting different visions, almost at random, who knows..."
  3. There was silence as he looked upon Tethyn's fiery remains, "Well, boy, it looks like we'll need a new body, doesn't it?" Who exactly John had been talking to was quite a mystery, it had seemed, as of late, the Master's mind had continued to degrade as his abilities with the Force continued to grow... where one should have reached an asymptote of knowledge, day by day, new tidbits appeared... images of people, flashes of life seemed to heighten his sense of awareness. Things hadn't been entirely right but the future or its many variants painted themselves before they occured. He had foreseen the battle... it was something Tethyn had likely never thought of occuring as he tortured the Jedi Padawan. The arrival of the Jedi Order's pawns to his abode. Soon, there would be conflict... grand conflict, and as usual, he'd get involved in it. There had always been warnings about letting the Force be your eyes...it had an effect on you. Drastic effect. Perhaps, his growing quirks were the "dreaded" side-effect. Just as he was about to recover the burning and scarred flesh of Tethyn's body... he slumped forwards and onto his knees. Flashes... people. The Golden Link Casino. Loud noises, bells, whistles, laughter... and then pain. Intense pain. A growing creature or an injured one... moaning in pain all at once. The flashes passed and John held his abdomen where the pain had originated. He was not marked in strikes or vets of pain... even his large gaping slash seemed healed. Quelling the fires, Tethyn's burnt corpse was light, as if the water had boiled away in the furnace, only scraps of his metal devices lay battered in the large behemoth. Limbs were scattered about as John walked with Tethyn's burnt corpse to the cloning chambers... it was not a quick walk, but long enough for a Noghri to hang his head in sorrow and initiate the sequences of DNA extraction and recreation. As Tethyn's body was growing, John returned to the furnace to collect the damaged goods... perhaps, young Valor would find a reason for them. Speaking to Sirvani, wondering if she felt the pain, I felt a strange disturbance in the Force. It was like a voice calling out...
  4. John had spent a long time alone in the garden, there was no need to meditate for all that was to happen had indeed happened. He was not so much a seer, as he was like a young child striking away the fog upon the tinted glass of time. Only the most powerful and most insightful could ever truly peer into the future and come back with the truth, all he had received were images and glimpses, tangents of realities. The one he had received... was the right one, and he reacted without fear or expectation, for the Jedi Padawan had tasted of the Darkness and it would be in his Master's court to discover what was to become of it. For now, he had to attend to his own, his kin... or what resembled it. "He is as old as Renin would have been now." The elderly man's cloak shifted as he turned, his steps were slow, but deliberate, for when he approached he knew he would find what remained of the young boy. Could he save him from death or would he have to let him peer into it, before he could show him the way? Would he listen? A mechanical eye befell the form of Aryian Darkfire and Dash Antilles racing out of his fortress, finding the large furnace, open and blazing with hot coals... and the dark torture devices of his Apprentice's musing. The limbless body and the hand still holding firmly to the now emptied Lanvarok, its discs trapped into the architecture. "So, what's it to be, boy?"
  5. The courtyard did lack some of John's more recent nature in its decoration, he'd admit... he'd rather place statues of people worth admiring, but for some reason, he'd put one of himself and he viewed that as arrogant. He had only moved the axe to re-adjust it... not to incite threat, there was a partial spike in the tension of the environment, fear or apprehension, but then the Jedi sat down... and like all Jedi, spoke. Speaking endlessly, as all Jedi tended to do... almost as much as their endless, interrupting thoughts. It was... annoying. Only Talon, Akturus and Gantoris lacked the need to speak forever. Perhaps, that's why on some level, he found them generally more sustainable as company... or it was Colos' intrusion on his mind. Whatever it was... John had stared at the statues of torture and chuckled, as if the Jedi's musing were frankly beneath his concern, "Listen Jedi... I will explain the rules now, they fight. Winner is decided and fate turns its leaf, should your Padawan lose... expect not to see his body. You may clone him a new one on your homeworld... the machine world or the Temple. I care not," pausing to clear his throat, and heaving the axe over his shoulder, "until that moment, you can sit there. Ponder your thoughts or return to your machinations. Know that I was lenient today, should more Jedi ships arrive, you will find my... patience quickly vanishing. I don't view you as my enemy, despite the beliefs of the Sith Brotherhood. Not because I like you, but because it is a waste of time to hate all Jedi without prejudice. I have faced many of your kind, most of you have proven yourselves worthy of your lives, I extend this courtesy to you. Know that if you come to harm either my Apprentice or my grounds, my patience will also vanish. I warn you, you may feel comfortable now, Jedi... and you may 'know' of me, but I assure... you do not know me. Honor, Warrior, Sith and Jedi... all names, titles, terms, are irrelevant." His dark brown cloak flapping in the breeze, "To put it simply, as you've wasted too much of my time, upon leaving the atmosphere you shall wipe all knowledge of this place and its occupants... I am a force not to be reckoned with. Await your Padawan or feel his death in the Force, leave this place with him... or in agony. No more, no less."
  6. Walking the the thin line as he chose to do often brought with it consequences, even as the warmth of the water attempted to bathe away his worries and slowly kneaded the knots along his spine, neck and assorted muscle groups... there was stress. The pinnacle burn of stress, here was an Invader. A Jedi Knight seeking a challenge, Tethyn's toy breaking free... and a duel ensuing. Even as he tried to keep his mind on the moment, he could not... and with even greater regret, gave Sirvani a kiss. "If someone invades our privacy when we're... well, you know, I'm ripping their forsaken souls from their body. And then, when I'm smothering in Jedi grief and sadness... I'll re-attach it, only to angrily tear it apart again and repeat the vicious cycle." He brought his hand to her cheek and slid it before exiting the shower, "I hope this doesn't take long. Otherwise, I'm going to be pissed." Donning a towel to dry some of the water off his body and drawing some clothing, combat robes, boots and a cloak all of dark brown hue, and his weapons. Twin lightsabers, his massive Sith axe and his Sith sword... all running to their respective areas about his body. The axe held firmly in one hand, while the sword hung loosely across his back and the lightsabers at his belt. He stepped out into the large courtyard of his Temple-Fortress-Palace and sat patiently. Linked to his mind, a team of Noghri had already escaped the Palace walls and sought out the Jedi, standing before him, where the pack, and to Aryian the voice that echoed from the Noghri was John's vernacular, "I'll be brief, you've invaded my abode. Your Padawan was taken through his own foolishness and now, he fights for his life against my own Apprentice. You have two options, wait for the matter to be resolved accordingly... or face me for the breaking of my solitude. Any arrangements priorly made in your mind... I fear, they have been broken. As it stands, I hold only power over my own body and this Fortress, my Apprentice, just as your's, are capable of handling their own. If you seek a confrontation, meet me in the Courtyard..." And there John stood, all his weapons where they were, now with both his hands resting on the axe-head, an eye-patch covering his cybernetic eye and the boots covering his metallic leg. The cloak hanging heavily over his body, keeping his damp brown-grey hair from showing and hiding his swirling grey-hazel eye...
  7. "Even I can't grasp an ego that large..." Almost as if silencing the entire world from his mind, he shrunk his presence, choosing to engross himself in only her. The warmth of the liquid fell all over him, his head tilting back to allow all of it to fall away and leave him clean and fresh. "But my brother can." It was peace and it was bliss and he made sure to exude it, to let her know, through gentle caress and soft grazing of her body with his lips. His hands... Even the cold hard steel felt the peace that was drenching his body, allowing him to fall into the quiet beauty of it all, into her. To allow the gentle coals of passion and romance to finally burst, the stagnant fuel of love to burn, to shower her with it... Despite his efforts, Tethyn was succesful and had brought back a pet... only something was nagging at his mind, that there were more strings to this puppet than the ones Tethyn had foreseen and the nature of Chaos was about to come about... "If only..."
  8. "It feels good to be back... to be here, to be... at peace. If there ever were such a thing... honestly, I don't know if I'd be willing to give it all up. There's so much here... but I'm sure time will come to pass, when I won't be given much of a choice, I'm sure... something will be left behind. If not me, then it will hold a part of me. Only time shall tell... I suppose." He let his hands slip down her sides, bending forward into a second kiss, "At the very least, I have you... we have eachother, and for now, that's more than enough." A thin smirk managed its way across his face, "You really shouldn't hold me in such high regard, I've got lots of stamina cause I borrow it from all of you; you, Tethyn, Andon, what lingers in my mind of my old Master, even from Ryu. You are all my connections to the Force... reasons to stay alive." Picking her up, he laughed, "Frankly, save you, I wish I had a better variety to choose from..." as with her hoisted in the air, he moved towards the actual bathroom. The sparkling white tiles of cool marble, touching the exposed skin of his right foot... more articles of clothing falling to the floor, as his eyes danced with something akin only to brief moments of happiness...
  9. "Well, actually I was inferring that... but of lovely, amazing pheromones. Contributing to my animal magnetism for you." He joked as they reached the large and spacious room... it would have gathered dust, if it weren't for the Noghri slaves, incorporating all aspects of their Masters' quirks... including their obsession with cleanliness. It was primarily white, very Kamino-esque, not that John had ever visited Kamino, Clones creeped him out... as did split personalities and insanity, of course, it's ironic that he's involved in one of the strangest split personality dilemmas that have ever come to pass. Even if his 'brother' has been relatively emotionally inactive. It was... good, as a faint smile upon his face demonstrated the impasse satisfaction. "It... feels good, to feel... like one's self again, at least for the moment..."
  10. "Agenda?" He scoffed, "When have I ever had or desired an Agenda? That requires planning and forethought, last time I did that... we all wounded up in the Jedi Academy and... I lost an eye. That... sucked. I could however use a shower... I don't suppose you'd care to join me? I'd even throw in a massage, if you'd like. We might as well take advantage of being alone as much as we can."
  11. "The nature of such a task... I'm afraid, is very much left into the will of the Force and its wielder. I have given you the task, you know how to accomplish it at its basic principles, but now... you must physically go about and perform it. As for finding a Jedi worthy of such a cruel fate... well, you must discover that on your own. Search out hives of scum and villainy, often a fool can be found within their midst." John paused, "And there are useful ships in the hangar bay, A-wing designs or more nimble N-1 Naboo Starfighters, I believe I may even have an Eta-2 Starfighter if you're interested. Astromech droids abound as well. May the Force serve you well, my Apprentice."
  12. "No harm, no foul. The painting's priceless but you've never been there... so, I can't expect you to know much about it, or its attachment to me. By most standards, I'm quite odd... I value beauty and art, just as much as I value science and fact. Go figure." When the question about the Lanvarok's use came up, John stared at the floor... "Well, I'd suggest something relatively simple... go pwn someone with it." The vernacular made the elder man's face contort in laughter wrinkles, "There is no measure of a weapon's success, other than it's capacity to face off against an opponent in battle with it. While, I tire... and am, to some degree, afraid of the disc-hurling device you have built, I dare suggest something. Find yourself a fool, be he Jedi, Sith or Bounty Hunter... egg him on and engage him accordingly. Surpass him in skill and aptitude, return him as a prisoner or kill him, as you desire. There is little more you need to be taught from me, what remains you must learn on your own... the physical aptitudes of the Force are bridging points, elements you have already shown capable of mastering. You are practically a Sith Lord... only formalities lay in your way."
  13. Puzzled by something so strange, "I like it... I like it... alot." The words were simple, his words often were, but he moved back and forth before realizing the painting he had almost torn to shreds was priceless... "Don't aim for that painting again... it's a visage of the Mimban Temple before its... destruction." It was enough of a phrasing as John smirked, "Anyhow, beautiful work."
  14. "None better. I will admit, this is the first time I've ever seen one... but it appears to be quite intricate. You really spent your time with it." Taking a moment, readjusting from his slouch, to the scientific curiosity, "Now, perhaps, you'd like to explain to us both... how exactly it works, at least before you test it."
  15. As the thrill and rush of excitement began to take shape, a slight puzzlement as a sound... much like boots began to echo, silently, he muttered, Crap. His eyebrows furrowed and his almost jovial expression vanished, "Hello, Tethyn. I presume... you're done?" He moved off of Sirvani, quite reluctantly, of course. Rising slowly, he almost slouched, not pleased in the least bit... "A Lanvarok, was it?"
  16. OOC: This is your Master's Trials... you're good for it. No worries. Gurt, no worries. My semester's starting to roar alive to and I barely get a chance to even check e-mails, 'cept today... I've got like an eight-hour break between classes. As such, "Epic" Duels take too much time and without really allowing an element of danger... its kinda hard. IC: Receiving every assault with the same form of a smirk that he always carried, regardless, they did hurt... at least a little. His side felt the heel and forced his body to crumple off to the side, only to be righted by the fist. In the microfragments of time he had to right himself, a burst of energy was flaring across to meet him... it was enough to have the Master pause and call the energy to dispell itself, returning the environment's chaotic nature to a semblance of harmony, before his cybernetic eye caught the movements of her lightsaber and his hand reacted instinctively. The blades clashed, only to be broken by the large mechanical behemoth coming towards his back. Breaking the laws of biophysics, his body bent backwards with his blade parting the metallic monster in two deflected halves, barely scraping along his skin, clipping his tunic at the legs. "Damn..." As his faculties returned to him, the blade came down heavily to meet a parry, weak at best as John was forced to take a step back before glancing off the blow... only to find his body hard-pressed to the floor. The blade was pressed up to his throat, the heat blazing along his skin, while his activated lightsaber was crumpled onto the floor with his flesh arm writhing to free itself. "Well, if I knew I was going to end up on bottom... I would've dressed appropriately." Feigning defeat, he chuckled, "I have to admit... that was quite impressive and multi-faceted, quite a good set of moves. Except..." His other hand crackled to life, flecks of electricity spreading from his fingertips before they grabbed her thigh, hardly lethal, but enough to cause mild numbness in her extremities and drain from her senses. "I like riding on top." With his hands now freed, he thrusted his pelvis, rolling forwards before bucking his torso and head back towards the ground, beneath his hands. Essentially toppling her off to the side and rising to his feet, as she rolled, John pounced, each limb, covering each respective limb... "While the Force is all powerful in locking one body underneath the other... it still lacks a physical component which proves inescapable, more often than not. However, I do think you've done quite well..." a full smile appeared near the end, "Master Zsahra."
  17. "Good. Form VII allows a User to traverse the path of ruthlessness, brutal efficiency. It is almost to say, Users of the style have lost all heart. Such is to happen when you walk the path of the Force in its pinnacle of Unity." The sabers were locked overhead, "Use everything... the Force, the surroundings, your body. All are elements for your combat. Do not focus solely on Vaapaad, accept the nature of Juyo as a whole. There are no restrictions, only the limits you put on yourself." A burst of the Force separated the betrothed, before John dashed back into a powerful, high arc, hurtling the blades off to the side. An open palm coming in close to Sirvani, "Remember to use your opponent for your own advancement. Use everything." With the lightsabers off to the side and her body bent for the evasion, John's leg slipped behind Sirvani's and pulled back towards John. "Each attack is independent, but neccesary for victory." Extending an arm to hoist her up... "Now, we begin, without holds and without shame, throw everything you have learned in all of your years as a Sith and even that time under my tutelage. I wish to see the fruition of your training."
  18. "Form VII... is the absolute form. Some limit its knowledge to the Jedi, Windu, but he was defeated... both by his own hesitation and the falling Anakin Skywalker. Vaapaad, while impressive, is like all aspects of Sith/Jedi feuds, bent on harnessing the notions of Light and Dark. When you overcome these boundaries, does the Juyo's deeper power and meanings come forth." A cerulean blade ignited out of the Master's right hand, "Form VII entails many things... and while this is a Trial for you to attain the rank of Sith Master, I hope my wisdom is imparted into a living-breathing person, and you are the closest one to me... and the last living soul I trust. Juyo is the ability for a fighter to enjoy his battle, not in lust, but in thrill. It is based around the practicality of Kill or Be Killed." The blade moved forwards diagonally, "Every movement is separate and different, centered upon a greater scheme, exposing weakness in the weaker forms, exploiting Form II's finesse, decimating Form III's lack of an offense, parrying Form V's grueling offensive, and moving with and against Form IV's creativity. By destroying the capacity of its siblings, the Forms I and VI, are trounced immediately. It is rumored there were Forms developed and adapted following the creation of Juyo... but they are attempts at re-inventing the prior Forms. Also equally defeated." Ending his lecture, he darted across the board arching his blade overhead, before side-stepping the parry and aiming low, beyond the reach of her activated blade. Stopping before cutting into skin... "It uses deception." He drew back the blade and feinted again into her side, before kneeing the exposed stomach, "It uses all of the body as a weapon. From the end of a toe to the ends of my hair, or your head-tails, as the case may be." Back-flipping away, John smirked, "It uses dodging and evasion as much as attack and defense. It does not over-power, it is exact. While taxing on the body, it rewards in the spirit... It is explosive, powerful and supreme." Bowing, he smirked, "Now you try."
  19. The gallant warrior returned the beam to its proper place, before offering the hilt to his soon-to-be-bride and marking towards the door... "Then, I believe we will kill two mynocks with one disc of duraplate... for your Trials will be learning a manner of utilizing Form VII itself..." The door opened and he laughed, "I suppose, there is never any rest for the wicked." A silver-metallic hilt flew to John's opened hand as they walked down towards the private training area where she was first given her Lordship trials, "All for the sake of nostalgia, no?" (("Epic" Duel format, five posts a piece... you'll learn a la KotOR 2, watch and counter ))
  20. "Well, I suppose you should say that, I trained you, didn't I?" His eyes crinkled under her smile, one of the hands holding the lightsaber... his mechanical eye, peripherally taking in every detail. He would agree, it was a marvel of science, though an abhorrence for his physique. "His training is progressing smoothly. He is both gifted and wiser than I was in those years, perhaps, soon wiser than I am now. He will be a boon to the Sith... and perhaps in time, find a reason to take the throne, if he doesn't get himself killed first." His eyes now bent upon the blade, activating to present a silver blade and then extending into a dark-grey edge. "Truly quite beautiful... Ilum is a planet full of surprises... but even more of a surprise was my dear fiance wishing to learn Form VII. Training manuals... when I am considered one of its Masters?" He smirked, "There is also another major point, not that it matters... but we really should finish a formality, you've earned yourself the title of Sith Master, I'd think... plus, what kind of a Master would I be, if I didn't officiate the Master Trials of my best and most attractive Apprentice?"
  21. He smiled, it was a quiet moment, only broken by the hum of a servomotor in his leg as it adjusted itself. His hands touched her's, "Only cause I have not seen you. I trust your voyage was successful?" His hazel-grey and mechanical eyes stared up at her...
  22. Returning to his private den, in the penthouse suite, he returned to the Datapad... The Wild Side, inappropriately considered Dark, is both a powerful, though quick means to an end. It binges on action and a lack of thought, it requires far less concentration, but in time and with some focus, it's wielder and servant becomes immensely powerful or wise. History speaks of few "Lightsiders" or "Jedi" that mastered the destructive power of the Wild Side, but volumes run deep with "Sith." It is inherently more suited to passion and lax control, not meditation and foresight. There is a third element, only a truly gifted wielder of the Unified Force is able to master... it is... true precognition. Not just in battle, but years in advance. Months. A Seer, of sorts. I wish to one day understand this power... if at the least, to see my own destruction. Exhausted, he put his fingers to his temples and began to rub them, then rubbing his eyes, he left the datapad and tilted his head back to rest...
  23. The boy had piqued the elder man's curiosity, "Then, that shall be your task... take heed to all you have learned alone and with me, all of your training to this point should complement this task. Return to me when you have completed the task, or should you require any materials not present here, I have acquaintances in worthwhile places." John rose from his chair, picking up both wineglasses, as he exited the room, "Make this a test worthy of all aspects of your being, both physical and mental. May the Force serve you well, my Apprentice."
  24. "It seems, one could arrange such a task. Many have braved the territories of Korriban and Mimban... even Byss, when it was worth taking. I felled nine creatures shortly before I was deemed a Lord of the Sith by my old Master. It was something... that few in the Order managed, I was the only Apprentice alive for the full Arach'tar War. The Tyranid Army that forced Sith and Jedi, Alliance and Imperial to ally against a common threat. That was pretty different... then again, I did it, so its not historically ground-breaking for you." He took another drink, finishing off the glass, "Well, Tethyn... you've already faced a Master Jedi. I don't anyone save for Abaddon who faced the Blademaster Valeran as an Apprentice on Sullust." As he continued to muse in his memories, "Tell me, what do you know of Sith lore that has been done... so we can craft for you a task that hasn't?"
  25. "Hmm... it's an acquired taste. Hardly tastes like blood... that has a very specific taste, quite cupric, you ever taste blood? It's a bit... sadistic." He drank more of the wine, "I could bring you some whiskey? I don't think even Sirvani touches that stuff..."
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