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Orion Flick

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Everything posted by Orion Flick

  1. Orion Flick


    A comm comes in for Talon. ---Comm--- "Talon. We are at the Maw, assualting CORE. If you and your Jedi friends want some action, meet us there ASAP. I'm downloading the coordinates and the safe way through the maze to you now. See yah if you show up!" ---End Comm---
  2. Orion and the Final Destination wait with the rest of the assualt force. He made some last minute preparations, and made sure the interior defenses, such as the mini laser turrets, were set up in case they were boarded.
  3. ((Oh. I see.)) Orion and Will return to Triton in the comandeered ship.
  4. ((Dude- you can lay off a little bit. First of all, I have limited time on the internet, so I don't have all the time in the world to do my "homework". I just figured- without you giving us time to react, maybe we should do the same thing. Your post wasn't entirely legal either. My armor would have kept the web from making me go unconscious, but I could buy that. But- since I don't have a "shirt" to grab, you couldn't have done that. Just look at the picture. Surely even you can do that. But fine... its for the story.)) Orion wakes up next to Will. His armor is gone, but the others don't know he's awake. He silently reaches up and knocks one of the pilots unconcious while Will does the same. They pull blasters from the enemy troops and shoot them. They get into the pilot seat and drop out of hyperspace. They quickly route a new course to Triton. They leave before any of the other troops have a chance to respond. ((THERE! Now we have done it legally. And you and your precious troops are gone, and MIKE can go about his Bounty Hunter life.))
  5. ((Man Ben... whats your problem. What'd we do to you that your so mad about. You already killed our leader! What more do you want! Haha. O well... good story here. We'll play.... well, at least for a little while. Orion woke up next to Will inside a dark, bared room. There were several gaurds, each of whom wore golden armor. He turned to Will beside him ,who was still out. Plans started formulating inside Orions head. He felt several loud bangs outside. Hmm.... Orion shook Will, who roused for a second, and then fell back to sleep. He then looked around the room. He couldn't see much, because the cieling was cloaked in darkness. From the light filtering in through the doorway, Orion could see that his armour was several feet outside the cage. The gaurds turned, and Orion faked sleep. After several moments, he opened his eyes again, and successfully woke Will. Orion had a plan. After whispering it to Will, he got a dirty look, but then one that expressed LETS GO FOR IT. Orion took off his shirt and whipped t to his armour, knocking it off of the perch it was on and bringing it closer. After several more swings, it was within reach. He stretched through the bars to one of the compartments in his armour and got a pair of thermal goggles. He swithced them on and looked around. They were in a square room, but it had no cams. He switched it off and reached into another compartment. He pulled out a small glass sphere and a miniture vibro-axe. He wispered to Will to shut his mouth, and ten through the sphere, which shattered right between the guards. The two guards were instantly out cold. He then activated the ax and cut a hole through the bars. Several minutes later, the two were back in their normal clothes/armour. They moved silently to the bridge of the ship, blasting any unsuspecting legions they find on the way. They find little resistance. Once they make it to the bridge, they kill the pilots with blasts from their blasters and hijack the ship. They enable the self destruct system, and then power an escape pod up. A drown calls out that the self destruct sequence has been activated. Most of the troopers go to escape pods to eject. A few of the braver ones get mowed down by Will, who was waiting on the bridge. After all the troops are dead or gone, Orion reverses the sequence, and the ship's system goes down. They make their way to a pod where they eject. A half minute later, the ship explodes. They come out to a raging battle outside. Will and Orion are immediately picked up by a Riy'Til freighter, and they make their way back through safe lines. They target the Bounty Hunter Mike's ship and several globs of acid melt through the sheilds. The ship is then pounded by more acid, and much of the ship is disabled or gone. The Bounty Hunter, like the scum that he was, tried to go to hyperspace, but another glob of acid brought the useless ship to its doom on Dagobah, where if Mike survived the crash, would be stranded. They focus their attention on the rest of the Sith ships and open fire, while they retreated back to prepare a way for a safe get-away.
  6. Orion walks out down beside Will. "Put your blaster away Will." Will obeys. He bows to the legions. "We did not come here to interfere with your plans. We are merely waiting for some contacts of ours to arrive to do business. To you and your master, surely we are not important enough to waste your time on. If our presence here displeases you, then we will be on our way."
  7. Orion's ship hurtled through space. Something had called him into space, and now he was approaching the Elrood Sector. He didn't know what he was searching for, but something bleeped on his long range sensors, and he zeroed in on it. His shuttle dropped out of hyperspace, and was almost immediately taken into a tractor beam of a Kaminoan Cruiser. Hm.... When he passed through the shields, he was brought down into a hangar bay. There was already another fighter there, and to his surprise, several people were there waiting for him.
  8. Orion gazes out the starport wiating for an answer.
  9. Orion straps himself in. Whatever their commander decides, they would be going through hyperspace.
  10. Orion moves to set in the coordinates. "Is this your wish?"
  11. After looking at his datapad, Orion looks at his master. "I'm not sure on any PLANET, but there is a space station that has been abandoned near Myrkyr. ((Orbit around Myrkyr Thread))I think thats our best bet."
  12. The Eagle forces arrive in space. Orion stands beside Kivre on the SD called Elite. He looks out into the starry field in front of him. "Where are we to go?"
  13. CHARACTER SHEET Real Name: Orion Flick Nickname: Orion Age: unknown, but young looking Species: human Height: 6'3" Weight: 230 lbs. Hair: Used to be red, but has become brown Eyes: blue Sex: male Homeworld: unknown Alignment: Neutral Clothing: a black undersuit, gold and silver armor, including faceplate Weapon: two blaster pistols with laser sights, a blaster assualt rifle, and various explosives Non-Force User Inventory: Basics Posessions: A custom assualt shuttle, a swoop bike, his weapons Brief History: Was trained at the military academy on Coruscant. Worked for the Republic Fleet, but was recruited by the Eagle Forces. Highly trained.
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