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Hooj Skypod

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Everything posted by Hooj Skypod

  1. The Headhunter had came up to Hexious's ship. He relutcantly puts the remains into the X-wing. "Fine, I will leave. But Neo needed to be punished. The Sith's leader is weak, and feels no need for pain. I WILL return." The Deviant IV turns around and enters hyperspace.
  2. OOC: The son of Palpatine tends to be cocky of his abilities. IC: Exar, becomes enraged by what Kakuto had said. *Sends Comm* "Fine. I will fight you. On the surface, as soon as it is allowed, if you so wish it."
  3. *The Deviant IV exits hyperspace, and this time, stops his ship, well outside from Mimban's defensive grid, having learned from his last attempt* "This is Darth Hexious. Requesting permission to land on Mimban to clone Sith Apprentice Neo, and of course, to prove my loyalty to the Sith."
  4. OOC: On a sidenote, and I may be mistaken, but NFU's are the only ones that would require a mod ruling before death blows are administered. IC: Exar goes inside of his ship, and is fitted with mechanical legs. He walks up to Vauler, and takes Neo's ashes. "I'm taking this to Mimban, so that he can be cloned." *Boards the Deviant IV. Enters hyperspace*
  5. OOC: WARNING, VULGAR POST IC: Exar floats into the air using the Force. Exar erects a large cross from wood that had been on the ground. He flies over to Neo, using his jetpack, and slices off his male reproductive organ, and shoves it down his throat. He then picks him up, and puts him up against the cross, and shoves rusty nails through his hands and feet. He then slits his throat with Neo's sith sword, and then his wrists. He stabs him in the heart, and sets the cross on fire. He takes the sword and shoves it up Neo's anus, and it goes through his waist, and poises him to the cross even more. He then castrates Neo by RIPPING them off. Neo loses muscle control, spilling bowel and bladder in the process. He finishes him off by firing Force lightning into his eyes again, and makes his brain explode. Neo was nothing more than ash now and Exar urinates on the ashes.
  6. OOC: SoP tried to kick you? No, I think not. You warned already not to post my actions. IC: SoP uses the Force, and heals himself from Neo's poison. Exar gets up, and fires Force lightening at Neo, very powerful. pure Dark Side energy, strait into his chest, knocking Neo down. He walks up to the down and wounded Neo, "You pathetic fool. You are no match for me." He fires the Force lightening once again into Neo, begining to burn the flesh. "Let's see you fight me without your sight or hearing." Exar fires the Force lightning directly into Neo's eyes. The lightning travels through, destroying the retina, and travels into the brain, which then finally exits out the ears, destroying both ear drums. He waits for Neo to scream in agony...
  7. OOC: No, I'm taking care of Neo. IC: The missle impacts on the ship. Exar uses the Force, and raises the ship into the air, then throws it down into the ground. He fires Force lightning inside, and pulls Neo out of the ship.
  8. *The Deviant IV lands on Rattatak* Exar extis the ship. "Hello, Neo. It appears to me, that you have been making several people angry. I for one, was trying to locate the Rebel base, which would've led me to the Jedi. Since you had so stupidly gotten caught entering their system, I have to start my search over from scratch. You will pay for this." Exar bends over, and a missle launches out of his jetpack, and slams hard into Neo...
  9. OOC: Fine. But I'm telling you, that a****** better pray to God that he never steps foot out of that bar, because the moment he does, he's going to get it.
  10. *The droid self-destructs*
  11. The Deviant IV exits hyperspace and flies as close to the Maw as possible, without being drawn in. He sends out a droid, which will send out a transmission to a ship if it enters. It reads: Greetings, Jareth Vermillios, I am Hexious. I have a job for you. You have been chosen to participate in a small hunt. If you succeed, the reward will be in the amount of 1,000,000 Imperial credits. -- -- -- You are to locate, and provide me with, the location of the Rebel Base... Exar then again, enters hyperspace...
  12. Exar gets pissed off. He turns his ship around and enters the cooridinates for hyperspace. Before entering hyperspace, he drops a seismic charge. *Engers hyperspace*
  13. Exar becomes frustrated. He is tempted to attack the headhunters, when he remembers his Darth name. He attempts to hail the planet below, "Hexious. My name is Darth Hexious."
  14. "I DON'T KNOW WHO I AM! I am definanetly a Sith Lord though! I have my lightsaber. It seems as though I have awoken to benefit someone else. I remember all my training, I was trained by... Darth Heretic. Even though, somehow, my name and my purpose has been whiped from my memory. I am here to figure out what the hell is wrong with me."
  15. "I don't remember who I am. The name of my ship, if that will identify me, is called... Deviant IV."
  16. "I'm here to report in... I guess."
  17. A loud boom is heard as a ship exits hyperspace. A long forgotten Sith Lord. He attempts to enter the atmosphere, but the ship would not let him due to the defense mechanisms. He hails the inhabitants, "This is... is... uh, I'd like to land. I'm a Sith Lord... I believe."
  18. I have slept for so long. My dreams have been dark ones. But now, I am awakened. Now the scattered elements of my being are rejoined. Now... I am whole, and I will not let the lightness stand before me. Exar's eyes open, and he sees his ship, the Deviant IV in one piece. But where was he? His feelings told him, Byss. For so many times has he awoken here. He gets into the ship. He remembers all his skills. His knowledge of the Force, but somehow, all memories of his past, and his identidy, have been wiped from his mind. Asleep... too long. I am... Sith. The Deviant IV's engines come to life, and the ship goes beyond the planet's atmosphere. "Computer. Run infrared scan of activity in the past 48 hours." The computer shows a ship orbiting around the planet, then entering hyperspace. "Computer. Plot hyperspace trajectory." -- -- -- -- Exar enters hyperspace....
  19. Hooj Skypod


    OOC: Sorry Chrissie for the OOC post, but, I had my reasons for doing that, and my recent actions concerning the battle were mod approved by Ara. It was to prevent anyone from bothering DE because I was told that there will soon be a number of Sith on Korriban, and I needed a way for DE to leave before any other Sith got there. The entire storyline was a little plot between me and Justin before he left. I'm just moving DE to another planet so that I don't have to re-post what i've already done (even though it would raise DE's post count to re-do it) If and/or when Justin would come back. Questions? PM me, but nevertheless, the story line is on hold, not for a senatorial decision, but IF Justin comes back. This post is just for a future reference for anyone else that reads this thread.
  20. Hooj Skypod


    OOC: Yes, there is gonna be some AOTC re-inactments IC: SoP gets up and DE comes soaring into him with a dropkick. Exar falls to the ground, but is soon to his feet. DE fires a few shots that miss, then Exar pulls the gun to him with the Force. It slips out of his hand as soon as it hits, due to the incredible wet rain. Extirpate runs up and again dropkicks Exar. Exar gets up again, and lands a right hook to Extirpate, nearly knocking him out. Extirpate thrusts himself into Exar with the jetpack, knocking the wind out of SoP. SoP roles around the ground, as DE fires with his blaster that he has just regained possession of. Exar Force jumps away, and pulls his lightsaber back to him. He blocks away a blast successfully, destroying DE's blaster. "Checkmate Extirpate!"
  21. Hooj Skypod


    The batteries stop for recharging, SoP stands up. When he turns around, Extirpate is firing at him with a hand blaster. SoP easily parries the blasts away from himself, but unsuccesfully back at his foe in this rain. He walks ever so close towards Extirpate, quickly getting ground on DE.
  22. Hooj Skypod


    *"On the Conveyor belt" begins to play, at the very end, where the music heard in the EP2 commercials is being played throughout the battle* The destroyer droids unfold. Exar ignites his two lightsabers. The droids open fire. He moves his lightsaber up, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT! He moves it at all angles to deflect the lightning fast destroyer droid laser fire. He can't hold this up forever, but luckily the droids begin to blow up, and Extirpate will have to find another trick to play. The Destroyer droids are gone now, but Exar turns to see a volley of heavy battery laser fire comming his way, losing his grasp on one of his lightsabers....
  23. Hooj Skypod


    Exar shakes his head, "Extirpate! You've gone mad! If my father is brought back, you won't rule the universe, YOU'LL DESTROY IT!" *Lightining is seen* "Join you?" *The corrsiponding thunder is heard* "I have to STOP YOU!"
  24. Hooj Skypod


    *Hexious' ship lands and Hexious walks out* He sees Extirpate and senses a severe disturbance in the Force, the same he felt when Heretic came back, and dissapeared shortly after. "EXTIRPATE! What are you doing!?" He yells over the crackling thunder.
  25. Hooj Skypod


    *The Deviant III exits hyperspace and flies down to Korriban*
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