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Master Andar Sonette

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  1. "So tell me again, Old man, what are we expecting to face here? I still train daily with a blade, but remotes are a different Sabaac game completely. The last time I fought a real battle was those Kyntari Darkmasters that swarmed the station at Zefram after the Fleet was scuttled. That was the day that we lost the Admiral." *Andar's expression let nothing go, but Tares knew him better. The talk of the loss of his mentor had awakened old memories.*
  2. *AN Super Class Star Destroyer under the command of Captain Ramyan Famac drops out of hyperspace in the system. Master Andar Sonette's ship docks with the SSD, the Jedi assumes command of the hulk and the ship returns to hyperspace.*
  3. *Master Andar Sonette Sits in his quarters aboard his ship waiting for the next update from Admiral Attoran. The update arrives as the incoming ship alert on Andar's control panel begins to bleep and flash red.* "Ranger, prepare for immediate takeoff".
  4. *Andar looks at his datapad and is disturbed by the contents of his most recent update from the Fleet.* "Serena, if Ilum is really under attack then our location may be compromised too and we may be next. I'd like to move all personnel to secure location in case a seige should occur the Admiral's taking care of that as we speak. In the mean time, I must re-establish contact with the Jedi Council in order to offer them whatever aid we can. I'd like you to come to the Last Call with me, that's where Fleet Intel says they are. If you're going, I'll be leaving as soon as the evacuation vessel arrives, what do you say?" *Andar waits knowing that the Admiral's plan will only work if Serena can accompany him*
  5. *Andar, caught slightly of guard by her admission and her question, tries not to tip his hand just yet* "I'm here on behalf of an old friend of your father's to offer your order some assistance. This man I speak of was once a supporter of the Jedi Council back in the days of Master Neh Raven and the Republic, but since the fall of Coruscant, has lost faith in the Jedi Order's actions, or rather lack thereof in it's adherence to the Jedi Code. Just recently he has severed all ties with the Jedi ouncil and has decided to take his war to the Sith, but he needs help to suceed in achieving his goal. All I can tell you right now is that this man has been a father to me since I was orphaned at the hands of the Empire and that he and your father were like brothers. I guess that, in some sense, would make us cousins. I trust you know of whom I speak." *Andar pauses and does his best to look Serena in the eye, although he finds this difficult with both their hoods drawn up.*
  6. *Master Andar Sonette smiles lopsidedly at Jedi Serena* "Please, call me Andar. I sure could use the walk after being cooped up inside that ship for so long. Of course, it has it's extras, but the swimming pool gets a bit boring after a 3 week journey. You know this place better than I do, please, lead the way". *Jedi Serena nods her head in a manner so subtle that only a Jedi could have noticed, and the two walk off in the direction of the nearest door.*
  7. *The azure river touches down in the hangar which is not really built to accomodate a ship of that size. Andar fastens his cloak and draws it up around him, hiding his face from any casual onlookers or support staff. As he prepares to open the main ramp, Andar looks at his ever faithful companion R2-E7 and is amused by his little friend's persistant bleeping.* "No, Ranger. I'm going on my own, these are our friends, there's nothing to worry about. I'll be back soon, now hush." *With that, the defeated Astromech gave up and returned to his maintainence duties with the digital equivilent of a deep sigh. Andar lowered the ramp and a jet of air disturbed the creases in his cloak as the air pressure inside and outside of his ship equalised. The Jedi Knight took a step out and silently observed the hangar for a second. He instantly saw the person he was looking for. *
  8. *The Azure River negotiates the asteroid field with little bother. The agile transport ship's pilot signals to Jedi Serena* "Jedi Serena, This is Jedi Knight,Teras Kasi Master and former New Republic Fleet Captain Andar Sonette seeking permission to land. I bear important tidings from an old friend of your father's."
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