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  1. Ashley looked over at Sas, "Let's just get this over with. Don't let them try to take my DNA, and we should be good." The young woman leaned over and grabbed her helmet. The beady yellow eyes lit up as it connected to her new armor. Her new HUD was amazing, 360degree vision, sonic sensor and the works. She wanted to test out the new enhanced joint motors on her suit to help her move faster. She reached to her guns, her hands were faster than ever! It would take some getting used to, especially without an AI, but it would be great. "This armor is going to take some getting used to, so just a heads up." Her voice modular dialed in and made her sound like a totally different person.
  2. Sasori was an interesting man... She spun in her chair and thought about her future, for once. Were they set to make millions of credits over the next few months? She hoped so. It would be interesting to see what was all going to happen. Cassandra, rather- Ashley- was all set for combat, her blaster on her side and one in the back of her belt. Looking up at the ceiling she sighed. "Oh Alice, How I miss you." Pulling out a datapad she began to write some of the code she used to make Alice in the first place. This time she would back it up. Along with other precautions....
  3. "Kimberly? What am I some trash bucket whore? How about Ashley?" Cassandra questioned him. Odd that Sasori had a inner voice inside of him. Could be a problem later on...
  4. "I like the last name... but let's go a little further with the first name... Samantha...a-k-a Sammie. Native of Naboo, we met up a couple months ago, and our partnership was just made official. How's that for a cover story?" Her fingers glazed over the keyboard, making a new bio slip- just in case. "Think that will be good?"
  5. The young woman giggled as Sasori facepalmed himself. "Play smarter, not harder." Leaning over, she punched the man in the arm, lightly. Afterwards he got up to check her out in the new armor she got herself. She let him oogle for a little bit, then he chimmed in about getting a set made for himself. "I highly recommend it. And I never thought of a business name before. But that would be good.... especially since my dealing with CorSec." She paused then looked up at Sasori. "It would be better that they don't know who I am. Before I left CorSec... I sorta tried to blow it up...." Cassandra said with all the innocence she could muster. "So maybe we need to lock down an alias for myself. Or when I dawn the armor, we just say I am your body guard. I just don't want any trouble...yah know?"
  6. Cassandra piloted the new ship, which she really needed a new name for, into position to attach to Sas's ship. Boarding, she found her way to the cockpit..where Sasori was looking over a few reports. Assuming he was checking in on the status of CorSec and their building, she chimed in. "You know how law enforcement agencies have sales on confiscated materials...We could just try that...just buy the ship. Just a thought." Cassandra was draped in bounty hunter garb, not the usual dressy clothes. It had subtle hints of Imperial/Mandalorian designs but a little more elegant. The helmet found itself resting on a hook in the hallway. Sitting down she looked right at Sasori, waiting for his thoughts.
  7. Cassandra


    ((Wow...5 days... I suck.)) "Let's rock and roll." She said and followed Sas. She had a plan of her own, she would discuss with him in a little bit.
  8. Cassandra


    She sighed. The shopping list would need to include a helmet. Whispering into Sasori's ear she told him where they could find it. "We don't have to break in, we could try and buy the container it's in... There is a lot of possibilities." She said.
  9. Cassandra


    "There is a catch..." She returned to face Sasori. "And before you mention it...of course there was a catch to these. There always is. Sadly. It would require some planning to get to the devices." Of course there was a catch. Always is. She still had friends at Corsec. Not friends...but people whom she knew. It was no big deal to her if Sas wanted to go and attempt to get them. Totally up to him. She would need a disguise however...
  10. Cassandra


    Sasori was a nice man, she was obviously attracted to him. And the feeling was mutual, he just admitted it. Still feeling over the ship, Cassandra listened to Sas. "I know enough to feel when someone is near me, who is also a User. That is about it..." Her voice trailed off. "You need not put yourself in harm's way for me. I can handle myself, Thank you though." Being distracted by examining the ship further she was half listening to the man. Which she felt bad about... "I have no strong feelings either way to be trained, or not trained. But I know something..." She turned to look at Sasori, "I know of a place where were can get Holocrons. The databanks of Force knowledge for both Sith and Jedi." The tone in her face was serious, it was almost palpable in the air. "If that is something of to interest you."
  11. Cassandra


    "I'll have to think on it." She said, still scoping out the ship. Feeling over her hull. Cassandra felt the need to have Alice back. She would have to acquire a computer with software capable of writing an AI.
  12. Cassandra


    A lopsided smile came across her face. "Good move there, Slick." She laughed a little. "Does she have a name?"
  13. Cassandra


    A million thoughts raced through her head- obviously the ship was for her. But why? Did he not want her around? Was this Sasori's way of saying goodbye? No. He had just called her a pet name, and he held her hand on the way here. It was just one more thing that he was doing to try and get her back on her feet. Was there a catch though? Cassandra was confused, baffled even. "So... I have no idea what to say..." She walked closer to examine the ship.
  14. Cassandra


    She closed her eyes to show she trusted Sas. "Sasori, you are full of surprises!" Cassandra giggled.
  15. Cassandra


    Cassandra lifted her eyebrow in interest of Sas's face with his enjoyment of the food. But she soon realized she would have the same face as him. It was a fine choice by the man. "This is defiantly worth forty-million credits." She jokingly said, as she took another bite. She wasn't rushing through it, she was just savoring as fast as she could.
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