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Everything posted by Mittsu

  1. Mittsu


    Mittsu stepped out of the ship behind Atia, carrying his freshly crafted pike as he surveyed the land around them. He had no intentions of sitting on the ship and reading until this new Lord arrived. No, that task was ill suited for one of his temperance. Perhaps it was good that she was handing him off to someone more befitting of a beast like him. ”œYou expect me to read, while you enjoy the scenery? Heh”¦Not happening, I'll stick around out here and keep ya safe from all the bad spirits, girly.”
  2. ((You know what Zuko? You are an idiot and I don't have the time to deal with you.)) Mittsu's screams were of an ecstatic nature. The intense, literally blinding, pain was rapturous and would send him over the edge shortly. Tears of blood cascaded down his cheeks as a wicked grin crossed his face. He couldn't see, but his other senses compensated for that with an animalistic precision unseen in any human that was without genetic modifications. His body worked more on instinct then conscious thought as he spun around, flinging the fluid of his eyes off of his face. His right hand wrapped around the lower portion of his pike and as he continued his spin it was ripped out of the wall. Using the momentum from his spin, he flung it at Zuko and pierced his chest; a mere inches from severing his spine, but it pierced his right lung. He was brought to his feet and pinned to the wall behind him. ”œHere we are, having a nice little fight,”
  3. Asphyxiation? This is the best he brings against me? Mittsu didn't make any immediate attempts to fight off the man, rather he indulged in the sensation of the man's fingernails digging into his neck and cutting off his air flow. It was akin to self-stimulation while performing autoerotic asphyxiation, except he wasn't having to do any of the work and was reaping all the benefits. He closed his eyes, as if he were about to fall into the dark abyss that was death”¦but this was not his time to die. Repay his favor Mittsu brought his knee up in a sudden surge of movement, slamming it between Zuko's legs and propelling him over Mittsu's head into the wall. The sudden rush of air was dizzying, but then the pleasure wrought at the hands of the hands of the boy had left him a bit dizzy as well. Nothing he couldn't work through, of course, and that was made obvious as he stood up at his full height and stalked towards his prey. He brought his fist around low and slammed it into Zuko's crotch, heightening the pain that was already, surely, permeating the area. He repeated the act no less then eight times, until he was sure the boys testicles would never produce a kid and that they had drawn up into his body to find what little protection it could provide. I bet he likes it, kick him again! Mittsu was merely having fun with this one, now. He brought his steel tipped boot around and slammed it into Zuko's crotch so hard that he thought he heard a crack forming in the figure's pelvis. Even with the force, it would be unlikely that anyone could stay conscious through such pain. ”œPain”¦indulge my senses, break my body, make me bleed”¦All in the name of the sweet agony that gets me off.”
  4. Dispatch of me? Trickles of rage colored his vision as the man finished speaking. His arrogance blinded him and he was likely talking himself up while Mittsu was suspended in mid-air. His kind was known for being weak, scummy, skuzzy, but then”¦what could one do to a person such as that? They were thick skulled and hard to teach, they believe themselves to know things and when they didn't they made up excuses. His ire increased in potency as his own mind worked against him, talking him into a bloodrage. At first it was merely that trickle, now it had became a crack in the wall of a dam”¦and then, all too suddenly for either of them to take stock of what was happening Mittsu's rage got the better of him and something was sparked deep within him. As if Atia's force hold was a body glove to small for him, he flexed and ripped it asunder”¦dropping to his feet and charging at Zuko, his shoulder out. The shoulder of the large, muscular man slammed into the shorter figures chest propelling him backwards and into a wall. Mittsu spun his pike around and sent it hurtling threw the air after the man, watching as it pierced the wall millimeters from where the arrogant ones head came to a stop at. His voice was an animalistic growl as he puffed out his chest. ”œCome on, boy. You want to dispatch of me, lets see what your made of. Lets see if you are even strong enough to deserve life!"
  5. Mittsu's emerald eyes dulled a bit a few seconds before he finally closed them. Rip her jaw off? ”œNo.”
  6. A beast lurked behind his emerald jewels. The beast was potent and enraged and left his mind as an indecipherable jumble of thoughts that only Mittsu himself had hope of truly making sense of. Such a thought process would prove vital for keeping people out of his mind, or only allowing them a glimpse here or there. He could feel her, poking around in there”¦something told him that her skill was unrefined and only in its most basic of forms. She was still young, full of emotion, and susceptible to trickery. His animal instinct took his mind in a different way, his eyes almost glowing as he expressed a snake like charm that would mesmerize even many strong willed figures. Her words meant little to him, he could achieve power on his own”¦yet at the same time, perhaps she could offer unique insight into something that would allow him to reach greater heights? He would not kill her for now”¦ ”¦Maybe. His perfectly formed lips formed into a grin. He flexed his muscles; testing her grip”¦It was firm, but far from unbreakable. He let his body begin to subtly break out of her control, weakening it to the point he could break free. ”œCome now,”
  7. Mittsu's sparkling emerald orbs, with their hypnotizing nature, turned themselves upon the intruder. Considerably shorter then him, slight frame, lightsaber on her hip, and what appeared to be a fresh set of ocular implants. She spoke as an ally would, but her scent was mingled in with the one he had been tracking; she was a target. The blood caked around her eye sockets was enticing, arousing, enraging”¦ The fingers on his left hand wiggled as he sensed something different about this one. The lightsaber was the first indicator of her above average potential, but there was something else about her. It was an innate feeling he hadn't experienced up until this point. It possessed a certain thrill to it, as if it held untold excitement and new ways to indulge himself. Rip the secret she holds from her flesh! ”œSo soft,”
  8. Parts of machines flew every which way as the oil covered figure ripped them apart limb by limb. The worker droids had picked up on his systematic elimination of their counterparts and using simple deductive reasoning they found a pattern and cut him off before he could kill another of their kind. They weren't built to be fighters, but they were designed with the ability to defend using their tools. Drills and blunt objects came from every direction, some of the blunt instruments connection and many of the drills being skirted and forced into other droids. Mittsu's rage was steadily growing. This droids sated none of his urges, not even the violence committed against them was enough to quell his needs. He wanted pain! He wanted suffering! Agony! He wanted BLOOD! He pulled his bolter from its sheath and brought it around in a crescent, laying into as many droids as he could before his drum clip was emptied. As soon as the first click met his ears, he dropped the weapon and spun his pike around between two fingers only to drive it into the face plate of a droid but a second later. ENOUGH! Find those that bleed; make them suffer! Mittsu twisted his head around and flared his nostrils. The faint scent of musk was picked up; just barely enough for him to follow. He moved his foot under his bolter, kicking it up into the air as he used the other to propel him into a front flip over the top of the droids that were surrounding him. He caught the weapon in mid-air, placing it back on his belt and landing behind the droids. He broke into a dead run, seeking the source of the musk.
  9. An A2 wing burst out of hyperspace and rocketed towards the planet with reckless abandon. The pilot sat perfect still in the cockpit; his emerald eyes were locked onto the sight of the planet before him. He had found the coordinates on the datapad he had taken from Roon. This place might have answers he sought and if nothing else, it would have inhabitants he could seek and destroy. As the front of his ship became superheated and turned a deep shade of red, his eyes glanced down at the pale hands gripping the controls of his ship. He had only known them for two weeks now; no memories before that time existed for him. This Galaxy felt familiar and wholly foreign at the same time. He knew many skills, yet they weren't locked into his mind. He only discovered them as he attempted to use them. Such as piloting his ship; he had taken to it with ease, despite something feeling odd about the type of ship he was flying. The ship leveled out and he brought it around, touching down in one of the massive industrialized centers on the planet. The cockpit of his ship burst open and he leapt out, pike in hand and senses scanning the area. If anyone were to lay eyes upon him at that moment, they would think him more animal then man”¦yet animals did not wear clothes as he did and did not carry bolter pistols on their hip. He shrugged his shoulders, working kinks out of them. His sleeveless, full length over coat showed off his inner arms. His outer arms had a thing piece of flexiarmor on them to help protect them. His legs had a similar covering. It allowed maximum flexibility and provided minimum protection but any protection was better then none. He could hear the machines all around him, smell the tell tale signs of them. His lip curled in sudden disgust, as it did for most sentient's. Why he felt such disdain for machines, he was not sure”¦but he felt the rage boiling in his gut, calling for him to murder them all. Rend their bodies beyond repair; leave your mark
  10. Mittsu


    Sparkling lights, darkest depths. Blood Gore Insanity Pleasure Come to me; scream for me Rushing water, dizzying heights. Save me from this hell Money Drugs Pain Sex Drag me into the fiery depths! ”œMental activity is off the charts, keep him still and give him a tranquilizer!”
  11. Name: Mittsu Age: Unknown; appears mid-twenties Species: Transgenic Height: 6'5”
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