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Darth Hatred

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Everything posted by Darth Hatred

  1. Very well, apprentice, we shall continue your training. It has been a long time, though, so we will need to go over some things that you might have already covered. Let me know when you want to go. Rise!
  2. *Listening to the coordinate request, gives the communicator the "People's eyebrow" look. Comms back to Logan:* State your name and business, stranger. We don't accept, or allow people in that we are not familier with.
  3. You never were, except in your own mind. You are a brilliant fleet strategist, but not much in the way of a Sith, Ar-Pharazon.
  4. OOC: Ademus, you would not have the location of this planet, unless it was given to you by Freedon Nadd. Post contacting Nadd, so that he can give you to coordinates to the planet. IC: Apprentice, we wait. What did Emperor Palpatine do best? He waited until the time was right to strike. We will do the same. We have assessments that have to be done. We will get to the one responsible for our down fall as time allows. Until then, why don't you all evacuate, and go train? It will help alleviate the boredom.
  5. OOC: Cory, you have to follow procedure. Please edit your post so that you get the panets coordiantes from Freedon Nadd and he acknowledges you, otherwise, you will never make planetside.
  6. We wait until Nadd returns. He should be rounding up the last stragglers and bringing them back here. Once they are all back, we have need to assess the situation, see where our numbers lie, our fleet status, and then flesh out an assault, if not to take it back, then to get revenge for the death of all of the Sith that the Jedi took from us. *Everyone in the room could feel the anger growing from the Master*
  7. Raynuk *The master's anger growing with his subordinate* perhaps you didn't understand me. Not only is this planet hidden, but the defenses alone make it almost impossible top penetrate. And even if someone gets past the aerial defenses, they still have to contend with the ground defenses. It is impossible to land inside this compound without clearance, so any Jedi that really wants to try will never make it. And in the off chance that they do, they still have several Masters and a few knights to contend with.
  8. Raynuk, I don't think that a full compliment of Sith leaving this planet would be wise, right now. We all have bounty's on our head, and the last thing we need is to be caught. Besides, this planet is fully self-sufficient, and can control itself. And since Sauron has left us, I have the security link tha tallows me to maintian control. Besides all that, Korriban is the first place the Jedi will look for us, regardless of if it is cloacked in Dark Energy, or not.
  9. Lord Torment, so good to see you survived. Unfortunately, we are not willing to all leave planetside. If you need refuge, I will transmit Freedon Nadds coordinates to you, adn you can meet him at his location, trying to gather all of the Sith, then he will transmit our coordinates so that they may all join us. *Begins transmitting via secure channel Freedon Nadds coordinates.* Meet him at that point and he will get you here. Hatred out.
  10. *After taking into consideration everything that has taken place, up to this point, and Darth Sauron's disappearance, that left Hatred in charge. So much to do, so many to kill that are responsible. He would start with this Brell, but not until all of their affaris were in order. He and Nadd, would have their revenge. Turning to Bishop:* Go get Raynuk. Tarrian, go get your brother, or whatever might be left of him. Nadd, go find the other Sith stragglers and round them up. We need to get everyone that we can, here.
  11. Yes, apprentice, a shadow caster. A group of long forgotten about Dark order beings. I believe they were the originators of the Dark Jedi Order. Do no tlet it bother you, I can read it all over the place, it's Force signature is everywhere. I think it followed Tarrian back from Naboo. If you will reach out, and I mean really reach like you have never, you will sense it. "He" means no harm, that I can tell, just watching over Kaylynn. It is odd, some of them appeared only to do harm, some appeared to watch, some appeared to do good. This one seems to not fit any category, but I feel that VERY soon, it might be gone. *Hatred then turned his immediate attention back to the holocube, when something on it caught his eye.* What the hell is this? Darth Saurons SD was taken by Outer Heaven forces? "Brell sombody-or-other led that particular assault, causing the SD with around 2000 Sith Army troops and two Sith, to erupt into a ball of fire." Dammit! Apprentice, find out who this Brell character is. I think he needs to have a visit from a couple of Sith, whom he mistook for dead.
  12. *Studying the holonet cube his apprentice gave him, Hatred, without turning his head around, asks Bishop:* What troubles you, apprentice? Is it the shadows on the wall that seem to move? Or is it not being able to see the shadow caster, himself?
  13. *Putting on his robes, and looking mildly confused, the Master says to Tarrian:* The last thing I recall is actually putting my DNA into the cloning machine. so I take it, since I am stepping out of it, I must have been killed. It would appear *looks over at Nadd* that we were both killed, ay, Nadd? I suppose that it is time to be brought up to speed. Lets go see what happened. *The two masters head for the communications room, to paruse the holonet feeds.*
  14. We have arrived at the Sith Temple. What a sad day it is for the Sith history books. Hurry, I am trying to keep from being detected, but if a stray ship comes along, our cover could be blown.
  15. *Comm to DMD, from space* Darth Mortis, I respectfully request that you meet us at the Sith Temple. We have a landing spot outside of the killzone, but the odds are about 10 to 1. we are going to try to turn this little uprising around, but I am going to ned heavy support if we are going ot get the land troops unfrozen. Can you assit?
  16. *In the 400KM SD, Darth Hatred on the bridge radios to DMD's fleet* Darth Mortis, I respectfully request that you meet us at the Sith Temple. We have a landing spot outside of the killzone, but the odds are about 10 to 1. We are going to try to turn this little uprising around, but I am going to need heavy support if we are going to get the land troops unfrozen. Can you assit?
  17. *Getting back out of the shuttle, force-calls Nadd and meets him at the cloning facility. He takes a sample of his and Nadd's DNA, for later use, since they proably wouldn't make it out of this one alive.* Come on, we have to go help them. (FN) Agreed. I thought you were never going to ask. We have a big, BIG SD in orbit, hidden on the far side of the planet. Sauron told me about it, once. Something in the neighborhood of 400KM. That will get us to the Temple. DMD should be within comm range, and we can use his fleet for surface support. (FN) Sounds good, lets go! *The two set off in the shuttle to the SD, going to war, and to find greatness.*
  18. *After hours and hours in his chambers on Aracoun Morion, Darth Hatred decides that he can take no more of this waiting. He immediatly jumps up and puts his flight suit on. He then contacts Sauron, his former apprentice, through the Force.* Sauron, The Hunter is correct. I will not sit around and wait for death to come to me, I go out to seek it. If I do not return from the coming wars, know that I am proud of your accomplishments. *Boarding his shuttle, the powerful Master heads back off to find his destiny in the universe, and all that it has to offer, be it life, or death.*
  19. *The Lambda shuttle reaches a space lane, and makes the jump to light, heading for the Sith Temple.*
  20. *Both master and apprentice board Hatred's personal Lambda-Class shuttle. Hatred enters the coordiantes for the Sith temple, eases the shuttle out of the hanger, and leaves the planet of Aracoun Morion to the memories of another time and place.* I understand that Barohm Zar is having some trouble. He radio'd me a few days ago, asking if I could come assist him in a few problematic children. I want to bring you on this excursion to asses your skills, as well as your manipulation of the Force.
  21. *Growling at his apprentice:* From now on, you WILL pay attention to details. That is what will get you killed. Now, we have to leave for the Sith Temple. We have pressing business. *Hatred walks down the hall, towards the hangers, Bishop in tow. .*
  22. *Opening his hand, the Master reveals the actuator.* Apprentice, I am a bit disappointed in you, for even though you did get your weapon assembled, you did not look before you began. For that, there is punishment. I will determine that at a later date. The reason I am disappointed is your lack of attention to detail. Maybe after your punishment is finished, you will pay more attention. *Hatred throws the actuator at Bishop.* Now, go install this and make sure that your weapon does not explode when you power up. If it does, I'm sure that I will know it.
  23. You're 5 mintues late. I told you, 18 hours, I give no less than perfection and I will accept no less than perfection from my apprentice. There is a reason that I wanted 18 hours. I wanted to know if you could actually complete a task, albeit a rather difficult one, in a timeframe, as some of your assignements may very well be time-critical. Now get to work assembling your weapon handle. For being late, you are given 2 hours. If you fail me again, I will kill you and let the dogs have back what you took from them as dinner.
  24. *Sensing that Bishop has completed his tasks, but still in a bind, the master goes back to find Nadd. A more pressing matter is at hand, right now.*
  25. *Sensing that the apprentice is in a bind, the master smiles slyly to himself.*
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