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Raxus Prime - Sith Temple

Ara-Lai Kaipi

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John nodded slowly, a smirk creeping across his face,


"You speak great truths from a young and vacant mind, Er'uue. For Death is an inopportune surprise. Sneaking upon us with silent wings... but, destiny is not death. The Force, it can mark individuals, Champions to carry out it's will or to manipulate her, rape her and ravage her. Those souls carry a Destiny, are marked with a Destiny. Can you not feel a whisper in the rear of your mind, a sweet and succulent voice offering images and sights that you have not felt, never experienced, sharing with you information and facts. Predictions of events to come. The sensibility of all that is living, breathing and moving about you?"


John jerked a massive metal object from the ground and it hovered to the two men.


"That is the Force. You, Horus and I, are all elements of the Force. This world, this air, the Sith, the Jedi, Life, Death... are all the Force. The Force is everything and nothing, a religion, a creed, a Divine Entity."


His sightless eyes turning on the man, with head still bent,


"Open your eyes, face all that you see before you and admire the will of the Force. The blood flowing across your veins speaks of your capacity. The memories in your mind are vague, unclear. You remember the Pain, felt something familiar in the Pain. That is because Pain is the gateway to the Dark Side of the Force. The path of vengeance, of death, of destruction, of hatred, of anger... and whose gateways are Pain and Fear, Chaos and Panic. Do you wish to serve amongst us, an Agent of Destruction, a Sith?"


John's voice took on the inflection of scolding, before he ended the rhetorical question.


"You landed here, you have no choice. Let the Darkness consume you and power your soul... levitate the object, hold it in the air as I have. Do not think it, but desire it. Let the Force listen to your command and act for you, as your servant."

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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It was massive, the piece of slag metal hovering above his head. It filled him with a sense of awe as he listened, until he was told to do the same thing. How was he supposed to do something he had never seen before?


((I'm going to do this since you didn't, no offense to stepping on toes here...))


He imagined himself holding up the giant fragment, a thought, and nothing but. His forehead was straining, sweating, even though he wasn't doing anything. The thing must have weighed at least a quarter of a ton... A scowl crept upon the face of the master, and he let go of the metal.


It dropped on him, all 826 pounds of it. He almost blacked out from the initial impact, but managed to stay conscious, even with a nasty-looking gash he would discover later on the back of his head. He was on his back, the piece of metal crushing down on his chest. His ribs couldn't take the pressure and slowly cracked, one by one, the pain shooting up in tidal waves it seemed. He strained with his arms, but to no avail, he was not that buff.


A power, something, rose from deep inside of him. The pain brought him to his senses, pushing up at the metal with his palms. He had to...survive... He strained with all his being, pushing with his very soul.


When he opened his eyes, he found the metal floating at least a foot above where he lay. Frantically, yet cautiously, he looked to the legs of the one he was to call 'master'.


"What am I?! Who am I??!!? I have these thoughts in the back of my mind, black thoughts, more wicked than any, I believe, ever thought!! Where did they come from, WHO AM I??!?"


In his panic, his grip slipped barely, and the metal fell six inches. Regaining focus, he kept doing something he had no idea how to do, or why he was doing it.

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John stared down at the body, his face coming into view through the wise and aged eyes of the Force. There was little to be said from John's point of view, so he offered the best he could, "You are an abomination."


The massive piece of metal hovered above Er'uue and he held it up with the powers of the Force afforded only those who the Force had long existed and strained their bodies. A sickening smile across John's face.


"You are many things and are few things. You are an Abomination of the Force. When the Destiny of one was not completed, it is showered upon another. You are the embodiment of that failure."


John jerked the metal as it pressed down on Er'uue, it collasped to the side. "Did you feel it flow through you? Empower you? That is the Force. Rise."


The size of the arena was small, barely thirty meters across, but enough for the next lesson. Movement.


"The Force enhances our physical motion, our speed. You felt that burst through you, thrilling and exciting it must have been, as the blood continues to flow excitedly and hurriedly across your body. That was the Force enhancing your strength, physical and ethereal. Now, it is for your motion. Run at me."

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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Raynuk was having some troubles with his idea of who he was, and who he wanted to become. He wasnt done maturing, that much he knew...but he found it hard to do things at times.


He wandered the halls in darkness, since john of course had no need for lighting. In his mind he wanted to figure out how exactly he wanted to create his temple apon Korriban, but he also had to time the construction correctly. He had ripped Alora from a friend once before, and quite frankly he did not want to do it again.


He also had part of his mind still on Jaina, and her nearly surprising return...He had watched her silently, and oddly wondered why she had not saught him out, but tried not to worry of it.


Eventually he made his way outside, wandering across the clear landscape for a while, simply seeking solice within the silence and darkness that it offered.


After some time, Raynuk retrived his comm, and sent out orders.


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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Er'uue was still for no more than a second, yet thoughts flew around his head furiously. Somehow what the Master had said did not seem like an insult, instead it seemed like satisfaction. Er'uue wasn't satisfied, not in the slightest. He knew now that the force had to do with someone else he once...was... all he knew was his name and the mission.


The mission...


He rose to his feet, taking a few steps backwards, being careful not to bump into anything. All this time the man known as Horus just stood there, silent as the wind. And the Master...there was something about him. What had he felt back there? Was that the force? And if so, how could he use it to his advantage? His mind was cluttered with random thoughts and questions, until he lost control over his own mind and couldn't concentrate.


Pain shot up his right arm, the one that was bleeding. He looked down to find that he was squeezing it with his left hand. Pain was okay, he guessed, at least it let you know you're still alive...


Focused and ready, he ran at the Master. Naturally he was fast because of his long legs, but as he neared him, a bit of something else was added. Not a lot, but enough that he noticed it. He was moving through the air faster, not just the motion from his legs hitting the ground.


He kept running, not being told to stop.

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John watched Er'uue as he ran past him and Horus into the a lifeless, pointless vast emptiness and yelled a command when he neared the end of the arena, "STOP!"


It was aloud for all to hear, but it permeated into Er'uue's mind in the form of a deep thought with the same meaning, STOP!


Pausing there, John smiled,


"Did you feel the air sidestep out of your path? That is the power of the Force. You are true, for an abomination is not a curse... it is more."


Spreading his stance to shift his balance, John beckoned Er'uue forwards,


"Come hear, Apprentice. Call upon the Darkness, upon your hatred and move me. You moved objects, you moved air. Now move another."


Telekinesis is often the most vital of all the Force's offensive tools, for it governs all that follow, except Telepathy. For movement is energy and energy is the true power of the Force. He let his hand pass infront of him and the dirt parted to make a line behind him.


"Your goal, Er'uue, is to make me move behind that line."


A second line drew to the rear of Er'uue, "Without stepping behind that one."

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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Er'uue watched the Master, and saw both of the lines as they erupted forth from the ground, sending a shower of dust at his feet. He moved the metal without a problem, so this should be easy, if he could only remember how he moved the metal.


It had something to do with pain, and concentration. The blood on his arm had already clotted, and he lost little blood there anyways. Luckily, as he looked around, he found a small shard of shrapnel metal at his feet, just what he was looking for.


Wincing, he jammed in almost all the way into the wound, just enough sticking out to pull it out. Instead, with a look of agony on his face, he twisted it. In about an hour he would be okay, the Claudite blood that ran in his veins already starting to heal the wound. But healing was what Er'uue was not interested in.


Torrents of pain shot up Er'uue's right arm, making him angry. What was the force? Why had he even come here, if not to feel pain? And yet, the pain was familiar, homely, like a long lost friend. No matter what it was, Er'uue had a strange look in his eyes when he looked up. Don't use your muscles, your muscles can't help here...focus on him rising from the ground...


He raised his right arm, more pain. With his left, he shook the shrapnel, more pain. He shoved his right arm forwards...


What happened next Er'uue could not explain. He felt a slight compression on his whole body, but the Master shot back like a rocket, almost like hit with some giant fist at the stomach. Er'uue had not intended that. With all his soul, he tried to slow him, to bring him to the ground. He clenched the air, pulling back, and the Master slowed, finally hovering in the air.


Er'uue did not have to bring to the attention of the Master the space between him and the line that was behind him. Instead he was only slightly worried about upsetting the master, since whatever hit him hit him rather hard.

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Raynuk pocketed the comm unit and nodded, walking out towards the Ogariv II outside in the night. The air was a bit cold that night, but he didnt even notice. There were things to do. He reached out to Alora, and touched her mind.


Alora...the time has come for me to build another Temple in the galaxy. For this, I will require the Selonians that I have left at the Sith Academy. And since I know Darla is still serving as Master Tarrian's apprentice, I figured you would like to come along. Plus you can help me with the construction of the temple, and if you wish we could get your ship if you would like. Meet me at my ship so we can depart at once.


Inside, Raynuk really never did forgive himself for ripping Alora from her only friend at that time, and this was as good of a time as ever to make things better. Not to mention that when he last left, Darla was still searching for answers, answers that she felt only Raynuk could, or would, tell her.


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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From the balcony where Alora looked out from, she noticed her Master below. Receiving his message she replied,


"I'll grab my things and be down Master. My ship is just at the edge of the landing pad."


Her thoughts went to her friend at the Academy and she wondered how Darla was doing. Anticipation went through her at the thought of seeing her friend again and she quickly headed back to her quarters to gather her things. On her way to where her Master stood, she passed Master Sirvani and nodded to her in thanks for all she had done for her, especially listening when she needed someone to. In her mind formed one word, 'Thankyou'.


Alora then headed over to her Master.


Darth Alraune

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John's expression knotted with the sensation of pain upon his abdomen, but he almost expected it, so he was not angered. He saw the Force's energy surrounding about the Apprentice... and the intense amount was bound to strike him hard. He recovered quickly, not falling or doubling over, his face demonstrated the pain, but he it was remarkable.


His hand left from his abdomen and he dropped to the ground, "Congratulations."


With an expression void of emotion, after all, he was struck where it would hurt most, his ego. Instead, he exhaled heavily... "Er'uue, the Force, currently driven by your pain. I hope to reveal your anger, your hatred..."


John, Horus, the arena... it all dissappeared from Er'uue's sight, revealing only a dimly lit prison cell. A voice, distorted and demonic screeched the first few words... "Welcome to hell. Learn your weakness... and succumb to it."


The small room that shrouded his mind seemed to enclose on itself, the walls approaching him, slowly at first, and then faster; creeping more and more inwards.

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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'Welcome to hell. Learn your weakness... and succumb to it.'


The first thing he did was run at the wall, trying to stop it from crushing him, yet that did not work at all. He seemed to be getting smaller with the room, however, but soon it would close in on him, and crush him.


"My weakness?" He shouted to the dark cell, "My weakness is knowledge. Knowledge of what this force is, knowledge of who I was, and why I am here."


He strained, putting his feet against the opposite wall, slowing the advancing wall gradually. It took a lot of muscle, but that was one thing he had.


"But I will not succumb to it, ever, I will overcome it. Succumbing is for weaklings."


The last sentence popped out of nowhere, feeling almost natural, like that was what he did. He strained all the harder as he spoke, and the wall was now not making any progress at all.


"I know not what this is or who you are but I wil never succumb to an enemy!"


Strength welld up from somewhere inside of him, and the wall moved back a few centimeteres...but the pressure the wall now exerted upon him was intense. He felt one of his femurs fracture, yet strangely enough, he felt no pain.


No pain! He needed pain, pain allowed him to 'use the force' as his master put it...but the pain would not come. The wall slowly advanced forwards, regaining the ground it had lost, but only just.


The answer hit Er'uue like a brick wall: Pain was only the spark, a tool, an easy catalyst. It had nothing to do with it. One only had to summon the force to him to use it, and Er'uue was using pain as a catalyst for doing just that.


As he was thinking, though, more bones cracked and crunched, with no pain at all. First his legs and arms, then his collarbone, then his ribs...


He shoved with the might of a thousand men, the force flowing through him as naturally as a river flows. Fire burned in his eye, as he gave one final allmighty heave.




The walls shoved off into nothingness as if they were lighter than a feather, leaving Er'uue crumpled and torn on a void black floor of nothingness.


As he raised his head, however, he found himself back at the arena, drenched in a cold sweat.


"John...your name is...John..."


He collapsed on the floor, exhausted from the sheer will that it took to break free of the wretched place.

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OOC: Well done, I like it. So, we might as well, move ahead. But like I told you, I'm going off and got a concert that will drain me quite a bit. Until Sunday.



John nodded approvingly, "Indeed, congratulations... and you are Heretic, reborn."


It was with a slight smirk that he said this, "You have the Force in you, it wills to your commands, you have a great many steps ahead of your peers, for you hold the key to a great power, that of a former Dark Lord of the Sith, of a former Emperor."


John offered "Er'uue" a hand, "Rise and learn the ways of your Brothers, once more."


The smaller human let the beast-like Er'uue rise and motioned for the Temple, "Go and rest, meditate on what you have learned here today. When you are ready, we shall move into the next step of your journey."

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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Er'uue was puzzled as he walked off into the temple, to what he thought was the living sector. He was Heretic Reborn? Wasn't that the name he screamed out in the cell...? And how did he know that the Master's name was John?


Wheels within wheels spun in his head. Who was Heretic, and why was he cloned from him? Why was he also not given his memory, and personal belongings...the Empire.


His mission came back to mind, the mission for the Empire. It was meaningless now, he was a lost mission, buried in old Imperial data, never to be checked again.


Finally coming to a room, Er'uue stepped in. It looked like it hadn't been used in a long time, but it seemed familiar. He crawled into bed for a short rest, and to heal.


If only he had looked up, he would have seen the name on the bed: Er'ue Nit'suj, otherwise known as Darth Heretic.

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Horus watched as Er'uue struggled with the darks prisons of his own mind. The new arrival paced back and forth, yelling insanities as he attacked air. Horus couldn’t help but think the man was psychotic; but then again, everyone on this planet was. Remaining silent, he patiently waited, watching the sun move across the horizon. His mind began to drift, turning long shadows into shapes. He saw dark and powerful figures, looming over him in scrutiny.


His master’s voice seemed to bring him back to reality. Er’uue walked off towards the dormitories, leaving them alone. Though Horus didn’t usually ask questions, he was compelled by curiosity. He leaned forward, and when Er’uue was out of sight, he spoke.


“Lord, though I mean not to be intrusive, I obtained the feeling that you already knew Er’uue. Who is he, and why is it that he chooses to hide from the shadows of his past?”


Death is but the end of the beginning.

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Horus' words brought John's mind back to the present.


"Horus, I knew who he was because I felt the presence buried within, but it is only alone that one is capable of revealing their true destiny, their path, their lot in life. Darth Heretic was once a great and powerful Sith, perhaps, at a time, the greatest and most powerful. He saved my life once, when I was but a young Apprentice. It seems so long ago. But that is not Heretic, he is what remains of him in the mortal realm. Shadows, spirits, a mind-set and now a new body, cloned from Heretic's pinnacle of youth."


John's blind eyes turned back on Horus, "Tell you the truth, I knew little of Heretic, only that he was a great warrior. A hulking beast of a man. The images of the past are vague, I was infected with a poison and near death. Heretic killed the attacker... but I could have won, for that I despise a part of him. But I was young, and likely stupid."


A faint smirk burst across his mouth at the recalled memory of his arrogant youth. "We must continue your training. Remember how we moved the molecules out of your way to run with the aid of the Force? And how you shifted energy and strength from other portions of your body to your legs to aid you in jumping? Well, we have a few more skills to learn... and then we shall proceed to the construction of your lightsaber."


Pausing... only for a moment, after exhaling and inhaling a new breath, John's free hand erupted with the flames of the Force. "Call the flames to your hand, erupt the molecules in the air about you and concentrate them around your hand. At first you may burn yourself, but Pain will only push you further."


With his clenched fist surrounded by licks of flame, John's sightless eyes bore down on Horus... waiting.

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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He woke with a start, coming out of a nightmare. Easy to expect, as he was in the Sith temple.


Rising, he made his way back to the arena, the former wounds now only faint scars. He watched in extreme curiosity, as John's hand burst into flames. It looked completely natural, though, otherwise Er'uue might have been worried.


One question burned in his mind as he waited to talk with John: How did the force work? that was one question he hoped to answer in the near future. He knew literally nothing of the force or the Sith, only that he was meant to be here.


While he waited, he fiddled with a pebble, flicking it about on the ground with small amounts of the force, practicing.

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John's other hand, now free of his lightsaber, and made the motion of beckoning Er'uue forwards. Not uttering a word.


Then speaking into the young Heretic's mind, The question you ask, what is the force, has many answers. Deep and philosophical to simple and brutal. The Force is an entity that watches our every step, our every move. We hone our skills and plead to her, asking for strength, cunning, agility and power. The Force is a fountain of power, a well of immesuarable depth, greater and more exhausting the Dune Sea of Tatooine or the oceans of Mon Calamari. However, the closest thing to an answer, I can offer, is it the source of our being. We come from the Force, chosen by it to revel and abuse our connection for our selfish interests, to further our mortal powers. We use it to increase our capacity for evil, striking not with our hands or our technology, but with our minds, our souls. Grasping life away because we can. Yet, the Force is also life. Without Life, there is no Force. Thus, we seek out the powers of the Force to twist all that is good to our nefarious purposes. The Force is what we are.


Meanwhile, John never turned around, his eyes continually bearing down on Horus, still waiting for his other Apprentice to follow suit.

Edited by Guest

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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, his eyes continually piercing into Horus' eyes.



Er'uue hesitated a moment before replying to the voice in his head.


But what is the force? Surely there is some physical explanation for it... and you said something about Certain people being "chosen"... which means that not everyone can use the force, to perform miracles and other acts of greatness. Why is this? This pebble, why does it move?


I ask that and how do I use the force? Honestly, Master, I did all of what you saw yesterday on...instinct...rather than knowing what I was doing. Are there any specific...techniques for using the force?


Ever since he had been there, questions had been his main source of thought. Now all that seemed like is was coming to a head as he awaited a reply from his Master...

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John's mind hummed with Er'uue's questions,


The Force is an energy field, it binds all that exists together. It is everything. Simply put... And by mystic tendencies and the odd luck of genetics, certain people are 'chosen' or wished to be blessed with it's gifts. Among them, the harnessing of the Force and training amongst the Sith or the Jedi. The pebble moves for the same reason we breathe, because some power, higher in the grand scheme of things desires it to. The pebble in the chain of being is beneath you, as you are currently beneath me and I am currently beneath the Dark Lord. The Sun is above mortal man. The Force is the Chain. It binds us together with a Dark and a Light side. Initially, we focus on harnessing instinct, natural desire to persevere and survive, to thrive and crush those deemed unworthy, natural selection to prosper. We do not use the Force for miracles, we use the Force to destroy. We do not seek to preserve life in a state of peace and harmony, we seek to bring it to chaos, to reality. Bring violence to sate our bloodlust and swift vengeance to ease our pains. The Force is accessed, because you choose to access it. Your will determines your reality, young Er'uue.


Curious whether his Apprentice's questions would ever end... he let his hand drop to his side.


"The Flames respond to my hand because I demand that they do. I wish the flammable molecules and the free-floating oxygen to conform to my wishes and create combustion. That combustion, powered by the Force is inextinguishable, only by another's control of the Force or my own. As I continue to will nature to my demands, shaping it to my desires, the Force acts with him. Because it is in like mind."

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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That answered a lot of his questions.


So the force was controlled purely by will. No wonder he had such a hard time lifting that huge chunk of metal, because he was trying only to lift it. Only when he truly wanted to live did his will kick in and lift the metal. In that case...


His concentration turned to a large chunk of slag a short distance away. It wasn't as big as the one dropped on his chest, but it would do. He focused hard, trying to lift the slag with nothing but his mind. At first, it didn't work, but as he focused on it only being an extension of his body, it slowly rose into the air, to be folowed seconds later with a large fwump and a shower of dust as it hit the ground.




Things were starting to come together. If the force resided in everything, then he could literally do anything, as long as he had the concentration. He could go anywhere, do anything...even lead the Sith one day.


However, it was time for his workout, and he calmly selected two pieces of scrap metal that were of the right weight, and began working out with them. Perhaps he could learn advanced ways of killing people next...a sly grin snuck up upon his face as he continued to work out.

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Mentally preparing himself, Horus began to concentrate vigorously on his hand. First he began to channel the force through his body, and into the air directly above his palm. Though he could not see them, he felt the air molecules begin to vibrate with energy. Sweat poured down his forehead as he focused more mental strength into the small space around his hand.


Moments later, a small flame erupted in Horus' hand, dissapearing instantly. Repeating the process again, he this time tried to keep the flame steady, so as not to go out.


Once again, a small red flame appeared above his palm. Constantly pouring force into the fire, he held it there for a few moments, while he waited for his master to notice.


Death is but the end of the beginning.

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John made a single approving nod for both Horus and Er'uue, and with a slight touch of sadism, he mentally called forth a servant. Entering the weak-minded slave's mind and ordering him out to greet his Master.


The Servant hobbled out, the Noghri, once of a great and beastly race of supreme combatants was nothing more than a humbled and expendable slave to the blind human.


Then motioning the thoughts to both Horus and Er'uue, "Horus, light him ablaze. Er'uue, hurl that scrap metal at him. Kill him ruthlessly, but do not touch him with hand or technological weapon, only bringing harm through the Force. All is at your disposal. Will it to happen..."


John crossed his arms, the Noghri who did not speak Basic, looked on perplexed as his Master, John, held a face of sinful delight as he envisioned the pain and shrieks about to be emanated from the vile creature...

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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Er'uue looked at Horus, trying to read the emotions off of his face. Flinging metal was child's play, he wanted to do something more...better...


A grin reached his lips as a brilliant scheme popped into his head. Er'uue concentrated, dipping into the force (Which was actually becoming more natural at that point), and focused on the dirt around the man's feet.


For a few seconds, nothing more than a small duststorm happened at the Noghri's feet.


But then, a huge amount of rock seemed to engulf the Noghri, and panicked sounds were heard from within. There was enough air to breath for a few seconds, but Er'uue hadn't intended it for breathing. If Horus ignited the servant now, it would explode, sending Noghri guts into orbit.


A cruel and wicked smile on his face, he bowed and turned to Horus.


((This is like a bubble made of rocks about the size of a fist, and it is airproof, so it will explode. Unless you melt the rocks, turning it into a bubble of magma...hmm... ))

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Watching as Er’uue began to gather rock around the Noghri, Horus quickly caught on to the man’s intentions. Closing his eyes he began to gather the force around him, directing it towards the trapped Noghri. The rapidly moving particles pushed by the force began to generate friction, heating the Noghri shaped rock formation. Anticipating what was to come next, Horus stepped back. The friction began to accumulate, heating the rocks to a ridiculous temperature. A few seconds later, the heat had become to great, and the Noghri was clearly heard screaming in agony.


Soon flames began to emanate from glowing orb, and deciding that he had had enough fun, Horus put an end to the Noghri’s suffering, feeding the fire until the air inside the rocks exploded. Debris and pieces of charred flesh were sent everywhere, and Horus couldn’t help but grin.


Death is but the end of the beginning.

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John's face of sadistic approval was priceless, his cheeks rosied with pride like a father's when a child speaks their first words. "Excellent."


The heat, dust and organic viscera lay on his cloak and he quickly brushed it off, "Horus repeat after me and harness the power of Sith Spellcasting..."


Moving away from Er'uue and Horus, moving his hands in a circle, calling forth the Darkness to his beckoning call and then he spoke,


Vulcanus cremo telum mortis.


The area just cleansed by his swaying hands erupted in a radiant fire, which just as it formed lunged forth with the appearance of a dragon's head leading it.


The beam roared across the land scorching what remained of life on the technological graveyard and continued into the horizon, before seemingly being reined in control and vanishing with the shift of John's hand.


From beneath the blindfold, a crimson radiance fell onto John's Apprentices, "Try it, Horus."


Then, turning on Er'uue, "You repeat after me..."


Humus mortalis.


The ground split apart forming a canyon just beyond the three, in the opposite direction of the blazing dragon.


"Your powers are bound not to affect the mediums of fire and earth as I can, but in time, you will learn to do that and much more. Not relying on spells, but just your desires with the Force."

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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Such a feat seemed not suitable for Er'uue, as it reminded him of when he used pain as a proxy summoner for the force. But if he must... He understood the language spoken...roughly. And if he tweaked it just a little...


Deus Mortanis...


He shot his arm out, feeling the force surge through it like it had so many times before. A explosion erupted about two hundred feet from where he was, right at where he pointed. It looked small in the distance, but had any mortal been there when it did go off, they would be instantly vaporized.


He grinned, an evil, wicked grin. New ways to kill people sprang to his mind, seeing already their tortured, mangled bodies. Contrary to his belief thus far, Sith training would be fun.


"More, Master...I want to learn...to kill...more...."


His head turned towards his master, the blindfolds he wore slowly fluttering in the breeze.

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Raynuk nodded to his apprentice as she approched him from the temple. It was a particularly bland day on Raxus Prime, a day like all the others that had passed.


"We will take my ship for now my apprentice...the location of the Academy is to be kept secret to all, save the few Masters that our order still carries. You are no doubt eager to see Darla again I assume..."


He spoke to her, but not at her. His eyes were focused on the sky above the temple, as if looking off somewhere else, his mind resting on matters that were not at hand.


"Come now...Master Tarrian is expecting us."


He flashed her a breif smile before turning from his spot and walking up the ramp of the Ogariv II and settling into the pilot's chair. As soon as Alora was prepared, the ship lifted from Raxus Prime, and shot off into space.


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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"Ok Master, I'll just grab a bag and lock my ship up and I'll be right with you. It will be good to see Darla again."


Alora hurried over to her ship, quickly entering and headed straight to her bunkroom. She repacked her bag, slung it over her shoulder and headed back out, locking her ship up as she left it and rushed back to her Master's side following him inside his ship.


"Ready when you are Master"


Darth Alraune

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John's head slid to the side, measuring his Apprentice for a brief second, Too much Heretic.


"Not today... we shall learn to focus on what you have learned already. And Horus, one more lesson..."


Another Noghri, this time a servant girl approached, John made a single motion towards her neck, his commands filtering into Horus' mind.


Strangle her through the Force. Cut her circulation. Choke her, using your mind.

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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Er'uue reined in his blood thirst, waiting for Horus to try the magic.


"Yes, Master. I obey your wishes."


He stood there, a number of things running through his mind, especially cruel thoughts about several Sith.


He kept thinking them, and only a few moments later he realized that he did not know any Sith outside of Horus and his Master.[/url]

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