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Later, Ruin left the armory, examining the mounted tube on his wrist. It certainly was a little odd-looking, and one could follow the tube to Ruin’s backside where the canister was mounted. But if the Toydarian was correct, the ‘sticky’ flames that would come out of the canister would be about 5000 degrees. More than enough to set sith on fire.  


Again, the two found themselves following the imperial Agent who had spoken earlier. Approaching him, Ruin nodded. 


“Huntings and seekings, seekings and huntings” Ruin greeted the agent. 


>Greetings Agent Orin. this is B-5 87, designated as RUIN. I am Fera. Ruin is expressing eagerness for this mission<


Ruin nodded as Fera translated for him. 


“Hunt Sith. Kill Sith. Rip and tear and burn and bash. Heart of Hell.”


Fera continued. >Since his programming states to kill Sith and their active sympathizers, he is eager to, as you would say, attack the heart of Sith culture.<




Talyn looked on, listening as the mighty war droid R.U.I.N joined him and the others heading towards the shuttles. He admired his enthusiasm to destroy their enemies but hoped he remembered to distinguish between the Order and the natives. He also decided to rectify at least one more thing before he would depart for the shuttles.


 "I see, so you are the two I heard about. Quite a strange combination, you shall have to tell me how you both came to be together if we live through this. I hope he can distinguish between the native Tsis and the Sith of the Order and Sith Empire. Tell him to designate any red skinned humanoid he see's as a non-hostile, the native Tsis are red skinned you see and to not destroy the culture. The culture is important to the locals, we need it intact if diplomacy is to be attempted. That said The Academy, the Tombs, the space port and surrounding area is free game. Looks like things are gearing up, best we get below and be ready to start this thing proper."


 Once he was done, he heard the words of Admiral Slaughter. It appeared the fight for Korriban would soon begin, he doubted the Sith would listen and give up, they would never give up willingly that which they thought belonged to them. He spoke to the Jedi Knight as he heard his words.


"It is unlikely they will I am afraid. The Sith are not known to willingly give up what they think is theirs, especially a place they consider to be of such value. I expect a fight for every inch of the sand...sad as it is. But unfortunately it is in their nature, just like how you chose the moral way of doing things. I don't think any of us are looking forward to this, but we must do what must be done for the greater good of the galaxy."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Talyn listened as Captain Bryce pointed at the Twi'lek and explained about him. He found it somewhat interesting...it seemed everyone handled the drops differently, and that was the way he handled it. He felt the cold as the life support was turned temporarily off, it was lucky he now had the helmet to his armour on, protecting from the cold and the sudden change as well the inevitable combat to come. He knew the Sith would not accept the terms, his time among them had taught him that.


As the ship rocketed to the Valley canyons he braced for impact, even as the restraints that held him threatened to come loose. Scanning about as the craft finally made it's rough landing, Talyn unfastened himself from his restraints before looking about to see if the others were ok. 


He slung his primary weapon around to his waist using the strap attached to it, as he went to see if the Jedi Knight was ok when Captain Bryce mentioned him. Talyn briefing spoke as he did so.


 "That was a bit more rough than I expected, but I suspect it's only getting more rough from here. you alright there Jedi Equitas? Best we get moving, longer we stay here the more unwanted attention we attract."


Edited by Talyn Orin
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  • 4 weeks later...

As Captain Bryce charged towards the site, Talyn Orin, Imperial Intelligence Operative of the Alliance followed. Doing his part for the liberation of the current hellhole they found themselves in, cleaning up the last outposts of the Sith. Any place they would call refuge. Proving how even despite Nar Shadda...the war was far from over. Laying low and taking cover behind anything he could, the soldier zig sagged towards his objective.


Lifting the sonic rifle as he got within range, he left out a couple of shots, hitting one of the enemy and electrifying his organs. He was incapacitated as hundreds of volts were sent alongside body and could likely be taken prisoner or be killed, that would be up to those alongside him. He would march forwards. Next the Intelligence Operative threw a shock grenade ahead of him into a bunker nestled in the side of the canyon. Several people flew in all directions, some wounded, some disoriented while others lay dead inside. War was never pretty and Talyn Orin was prepared to get his hands dirty for freedom. He admired the Jedi Knight's skill and finesse, as he did Captain Bryce, it became clear now why they had been selected.


Although he wondered what had become of the droid R.U.I.N. He hadn't seen him and the buzz droid since they left.

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  • 1 month later...

Talyn reacted as his instincts and training told him to do. Ducking behind cover where he could and dispatching those who got too close to him, even going so far as to baton a couple to death as they charged like crazed and wild bantha or a particularly aggressive rancor towards him. Tayln thought them possessed or on drugs of some kind as they shouted out wild battle cries and once they run out of shots attempted to bludgeon any in the way. Including him.


Rolling to avoid a barrage of blasterfire, the intelligence operative and soldier picked a shock grenade and threw it as far as he could into the enemy lines. Aiming specifically for the Elite inn a attempt to disorientate him and any around him so Talyn and the troops with him to pick targets off more effectively. He noted the man stood out like a sore thumb, no doubt a commander of some sort. He hoped to offer the Jedi what little assistance he could give for one without such abilities as he possessed. Using his modified Sg-82 sonic rifle, the soldier took several shots, letting loose the electrical cargo towards his target, he knew it wouldn't do much but it would provide a adequate distraction for the Jedi to act.


He called into his comlink, even as he did this.


"R.U.I.N where are you!? We need you with us ASAP in the Valley of the Dark Lords. We have encountered heavy resistance and could use the heavy artillery assist you guys provide."

Edited by Talyn Orin
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  • 1 month later...

Talyn had little idea just what the destructive droid meant but he assumed it to mean he was on the way. He did however understand the other droid with him, it seemed they were to expect a artillery barrage, and so he acted accordingly. Looking up from his position, Taly n noted how his attempted distraction had been far more effective than he thought it would be. Just as he saw the barrels of his enemy line up and about to try and his life, he found his time did not yet come. The Jedi saved him,, a fact he was thankful for. 


And so he continued on with the mission as the Jedi yelled to it his name. Informing him that they should take cover, for it was about to rain hellfire.


"Thanks for the assist Jedi. He almost had me then, R.U.I.N and the other droid Fera was it? Are en-route. I have been advised of incoming fire from Turbolaser 3 and we must fall back one click to avoid being caught in the range of the artillery barrage which will last approximately 1 minute going from the calculations I was given. I shall assist with the retreat in a fire and retreat movement to safer ground until it stops. Once the area is cleared we can advance again."


With that Talyn gave the order, telling the troopers with them to fall back and begin running as fast as they could, they had very little time,  as the first of the barrage begun to rain down in front of them. He shot forwards even as he retreated, attempting to pin down any of the enemy that remained or decided to make a attempt to take them down with them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As the turbolaser fire rained hell down upon the enemy in front of them, Tayln Orin likewise concentrated his fire upon those in front, hoping to pin them down and allow the artillery to do it's deadly deed. As the bombardment ended, he observed the carnage before them...bodies lay where they fell. Allies and the enemy entwined and the smell of fresh death filled the air while body parts lay strewn all about. 


He never got used to it, but it was part of his job. To bring peace required great sacrifice, from those willing to lay down their lives for freedom and to remove those fanatical enough to resist against the odds. Talyn stepped out, checking to see if the way in front was now clear. It appeared to be the case so he fully stepped out, signalling the squads with them to do the same. He spotted R.U.I.N and Fera, the huge hammer he was holding and the way he entered the area was a dead giveaway. Chaos ensued before quickly subsiding. 


Talyn smiled at the Jedi's words, finally he was beginning to understand the true cost it would take to win. 


 "I wondered when you would begin to understand. You cannot always rely on your Jedi principles and morals to win, not against these monsters. Not against the Sith.  You must think like a soldier. For our enemy lack what makes us strong. They do not remember the dead, we do. Each has given their lives freely, for a chance at peace and true freedom. Freedom from oppression and tyranny. None are in vain, for we shall see that their lives were not wasted, we shall remove the last evils from this forsaken place. Come, let's descend into the Praxeum and face it's horrors together, for in our unity we shall emerge victorious." 


Turning to R.U.I.N and Fera he spoke.


 "Thanks for the assist, next we head enter the Praxeum, and clear out the vipers nest. R.U.I.N and you shall go first, scout ahead of our main forces and let us know what to expect. We shall start by clearing the place room by room and move floor by floor if need be. We can't afford to let any Sith fanatics or Sith Lords to escape, the galaxy will pay the price otherwise. If your ready you may proceed, we shall approach behind you. If you need additional support we'll be right there."


 Talyn motioned for the troops to move out. Ever since Captain Bryce had been knocked unconscious and taken back aboard a ship to a medical facility, it seemed he had been given unofficial command of the ground contingent. Which he didn't seem to mind, as they kept going he found he became more and more confident in his ability to get them to do as he wanted and to earn their respect. Indeed he found in turn his own respect for the Jedi and the two unusual droids had likewise grown. Advancing, Talyn followed behind the two, knowing chaos would not be far behind. 

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  • 1 month later...

Taken stood behind what cover was provided as he listened to the massive droid and his smaller companion access the situation and offer input. It looked as though the larger droid had sustained some significant damage which did not pose well for the team in the current situation at hand. They would need his might sooner or later..but they needed more time for repairs.


Time which wasn't a possibility under the circumstances.


Instead they would have to improvise a bit. It was true that a Jedi was better suited for close quarters and perhaps evening the playing field,  but he knew they were far from invincible either. He had seen both Jedi and Sith succumb before now. 


 "This is true, but they are not indestructible. How much longer do you think you need for repairs? We are gonna need the firepower in a moment or so. Best suggestion I have is provide cover and try to allow for a opening that our Jedi friend here can exploit. Although I wouldn't take too long, something seems off about all this...it's like they are diverting us or stalling. Corelling us only where they want us to be. But why I don't know. It doesn't bode well either way, I would suggest whatever we plan to do, we do it fast.


I have one shock grenade left and two flash bangs, I'll throw one flash and provide cover with the others, see if that don't disoriente them a bit so Knight Equitas here, can do what his best at and give us a opening to advance proper. We need to take out those replacements or our troops are gonna get swamped first step inside we take".


Talyn awaited a reply, hoping the Jedi would agree with the assessment and go with the plan as it stood. Either way he was cautious about the situation, something definitely didn't feel right.


Firing around the door, he let off a few pop shots hoping to at least reduce the opposition while they discussed the next steps.





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  • 1 month later...

Talyn Orin gave a smile and a smirk as chaos took hold of the enemy battle lines when R.U.I.N descended upon them like some kind of metallic war god, carving a path of destruction upon those who had inflicted so much pain upon the galaxy. Now it was their turn to suffer and torment, even if only in this battle. The pain of the innocent would be brought upon them all and the Sith that lead them. 


He left the Jedi Knight, Sanguis to continue to accomplish what he could until he noted the volley being brought upon him. And so he threw the last of his grenades, a single frag. Throwing it as far as he could, hoping to tear a hole in the enemy firing upon his comrade. Once he was done, he turned to see the Commander, a trandoshan he noted, spring across the battlefield towards R.U.I.N.  He knew by the movements and the way he acted...this was a Sith. One of many he had seen during his time here.


No he would not allow that Sith to end the droid. 


And so he switched tactics, placing his sonic rifle across his side by it's strap. In its place he pulled out the Accelerated Charged Particle Array Gun (ACP) slung across his back, momentarily securing it while he used his right arm to extend the Electrified Wrist grappling hook from it's placement and hopefully grip the Sith Commander's leg, dragging him to the ground.


Once there Talyn would show him what it was to feel the pain of the innocent and those he had broken, he would fill the trandoshan scum with cartridges from the powerful shotgun. As he would send him to hell or whenever it was these sort went. At these close ranges it was a killing machine, and worked very well he had found from many such battles, in using it's extreme blast force to eviscerate any in it's path that were organic. He just hoped he was quick enough to catch the Sith. Even despite his advantage of speed and the Force.

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  • 2 months later...

Following closely behind, was Talyn Orin. As he entered he too saw the old man, a Sith by the looks of it attempting to set some kind of devices off, however he noted the Jedi taking care of that particular threat. But even so, as the Sith outstretched his arms and the Jedi attempted to thwart them, whereas the Jedi intended to simply maim him Tayln took a more lethal approach.


He knew such a Sith would not go easily as had been proven already. That and even without arms he was a great threat and so he took his scatter gun and raised it towards his head, opening fire but being careful in trying not to hit the Jedi in the process as he attempted to dispatch his target to whatever hell awaited him on the other side. He knew the Jedi might not approve for it, but to him both as intelligence operative and a soldier, it felt the right thing to do.


To end the threat permanently and send a message to the Sith. 


That their time was at a end and he would be there to see it done. Besides he had seen just what a Sith could do even without their arms, just because they were down a limb they could never be discounted as being out of action. And so he would ensure that the Sith was 100% taken down. He knew R.U.I.N would approve of it even if the Jedi did not. He saw the potential of the droid for the future, they made a good team.


He gave a few last words before unloading his cargo upon his victim.


 "This is for all the world's you and yours have destroyed and the lives you have taken Sith. Today you pay the ultimate price for your crimes. Your time is ended!"

Edited by Talyn Orin
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  • 4 weeks later...

Talyn responded in kind as he saw the elderly Sith raise his crimson blade and advance. Attempting to split him in two, however just as he was about to again raise the scatter gun, R.U.I.N intervened and did what he did best. He destroyed. And more. He kept going until nothing but a mangled mess was all that remained of what had previously been a talking, walking sentient being. Albeit one more superhuman than normal.


He was about to speak when the Jedi Knight, Equitas suddenly had a brief outburst. Upset and apparently not amused at the droid for mangling the Sith. Convinced he could of been saved perhaps, but Tayln though differently. The eyes of the Sith and the lengths he went to in a attempt to destroy them all was evidence to him that he was beyond that. I'm fact he was grateful to the droid for saving his life.


He briefly raised the scatter gun, unsure if the Jedi Knight would have a bigger outburst, as he had seen such force-users capable of accomplishing. In moments of pure Rage where everything and everyone became a target. But as it subsided and the Jedi Knight removed himself, he breathed a sigh of relief that there would be no more killing that day. And no friendly fire incident to report.


He called out to a nearby medic trooper.


 "Follow him. Make sure his calms down and doesn't bleed to death before we can get his arm sorted when at a proper facility."


 With that he turned to face R.U.I.N and his smaller companion, speaking even as blood and small chunks of flesh and organs, dripped from his armour. Both it and he were going to need a through clean after this he thought. And he was going lick find the Sith under his fingernails for months. But it was a small price to pay for freeing Korriban from the Sith influence.


 "Don't worry too much about the Jedi. He has had a rough day, we all have. And Jedi are always more...emotional about such death and destruction. They value all life, even those who rightly shouldn't be spared. The Sith caused endless suffering, it is fitting he suffered a similar fate as they inflicted on others. And while I agree we perhaps could of used him as a captive, I have no ill feelings despite the outcome. You both saved my life, it was either him or me. Even if it was more...messy than anticipated. 


That said, let's get out of here and leave the troopers learn sweep the place. We can probably get you repaired on one of the ships above and get ourselves cleaned up. We also need to get in touch with those in command, have a Jedi and Sovereign recovery team secure the rest of the building and disarm any traps left behind so we can gather more intelligence. This place is a mine waiting to be picked apart."


With that he motioned the droid to follow back the way they came. Now it had been secured by them and the remaining troopers with them. Now his job here was done, he wondered what the future might hold. He had been on Korriban a long time and wondered what state the galaxy was now in that he would return to. And who would be in charge of the Sovereignty himself. Either way he hoped to work with the droid again, even if the Jedi Knight did not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tayln continued the trek to the surface, stopping only when he came upon Æquitas. He looked with a pair of wary eyes, checking to see that he had called himself before he got closer and spoke. It seemed he was as stubborn as any other Jedi having refused full care of his damaged arm. 


"I trust you have calmed yourself now? You above all people must be more careful, especially with your abilities Jedi  Æquitas. I have seen what happens when your kind let such emotions get the better of them. But I do understand your frustration, we perhaps could of used the Sith but given their nature it is likely the outcome would of remained the same. Even if the droid hadn't acted. Sith are as stubborn as you Jedi in many respects. 


Regardless we have accomplished what we came here to do. And my job here is done. I must depart for debriefing upon Coruscant and to receive my next assignment. To see what has happened to the galaxy while I have been here. And see where next I can affect change in undertaking my duties. But I will not forget you or R.U.I.N and his companion, we worked well together. Perhaps we may met again some day soon and again affect change as we have here. For now, see you around Jedi Æquitas and as your kind say may the force be with you."


 With that he held a extended hand issuing a firm handshake before departing. A mutual sign of his respect and a offer of future friendship should he wish it.


Walking out and into the sun, it was almost blinding having spent so long underground, but it was a welcome sight and reprieve. Walking past the troopers, he made his way all the way out before finding a nearby shuttle and asking for a lift to one of the bigger ships above. So he could depart this forsaken world of death. Once he was aboard a bigger ship, he begun preparing for his next journey. Catching a ride with a group heading to Coruscant. 


As the ship entered hyperspace he contemplated just what he would find when he arrived.

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