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Cas Holloway's Character Sheet

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Identity [!ident]


Real Name: Castin Holloway

A.K.A: Cas

Homeworld: Arkania

Species: Arkanian


Physical Description [!dscrp]


Age: 40

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 250lbs

Hair: brown streaked with gray, worn long and loose

Eyes: solid white

Sex: M

Other: for reference, Arkanians are athletic and broadly built. They have excellent stamina. They have pure white eyes and four-fingered hands that end in claws.


Equipment [!equip]


Clothing or Armor: a few standard sets of nondescript clothing, a police uniform, standard issue light armor

Weapon: blaster, stun stick

Common Inventory: comlink, a few credits, holo of his family, stuncuffs (when he's on duty), SW mace spray


Faction Information [!factn]


Non-Force User NFU

Alignment: good

Current Faction Affiliation: CORESEC

Current Faction Rank: commissioner


History: [!hstry]


Force Side:

Trained by:

Trained who:

Known Skills:


Background: Cas was born and raised on Arkania. He joined the police force after working for several years at a cybernetics plant. He steadily rose in rank in the police force, moving up to planetary level security in about fifteen years. With the formation of the new galactic government, Cas heard about the formation of the Core Worlds Security Force, and since it would be a great advance to his career, decided to move his family off of Arkania and join the force.

He has a wife, Jina, and two children. His daughter, Dairisi, is 13 years old, and his son, Kalan, is 11 years old.


Ship Registration [!ship]


Name: Avenging Dragon

Class: Personal luxury yacht

Model: 3000

Manufacturer: SoroSuub


Length: 50m


Armaments: 3 retractable laser cannons, one ion turret

Armor: two Chempat-6 deflector shield generators

Anti-Personnel Defenses: standard anti-intrusion systems


Appearance: despite being a defensive ship, it is very nice inside, with leather couches and an observation level

Modifications: upgraded sensor suite for greater range, droid brain to allow piloting in emergencies and homing summons, smuggler-style programmable transponder for undercover work

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