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Darth Nyrys

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Beneath the ground of Ishvara, down deep pits, behind barred doors, and under failing lights, several large droids slithered across the dingy metal floors, checking each of the vault’s rooms for trespassers or runaway specimens, eagerly awaiting their master to come relieve them or an intruder to run their rusty vibroblades through.  Past them and down the dark hallway, where a stench of rotting corpses slain by the droids or mutated creatures long since dead in side rooms, was one foreboding door, unopened for so long. Not even the security droids dared to open it, in fear that their long dead master would be enraged. Past it, was the lab. 


Despite the rest of the place being so rancid, the lab was pristine and spotless. Lining the walls were containers with perfectly preserved but dead creatures, ranging from oversized lahn-rats, baby mynocks, hatched mud horns, premature tuk’ata, and tiny tookas. Around the room were several counters, tables and desks, lined with robotic parts.  One serpentine droid, smaller than the security models outside, hummed quietly as it went about the large circular area, taking notes on all the sensors, gauges and displays with its already overloaded datapad. Whenever there became too much information on it, the droid simply gave a slight sigh, erased a few non-essential information, and continued with its work. At this point it had completely cleared its data files a hundredth time. 


One of the two objects that the caretaker droid seemed fixated on was the incomplete droid chassis in the center of the room. Suspended by wires and cables, the droid body was unlike any other droid nearby. Like the others, this was serpentine, modeled after the hutts who had given them to their dead master.  Compared to both the caretaker as well as the security droids outside the lab, this behemoth looked like it was made for war. However, all of its weapons were set aside and replaced with human-like hands, most of its outer shell removed exposing wires and gears, and in the center of its chest was an open, incomplete hole, barely a foot wide. The gap seemed to beg for a power source or an implant, as small wires dangled uselessly inside. The caretaker droid always stopped a few moments each hour to study this droid, wondering what use its master had for it. Occasionally the chassis would get cleaned and polished, but beyond that it hung lifeless. If only the caretaker could access the files on the nearby computer. But those files were not for the caretaker’s knowledge. He was ordered to keep everything well cared for. Not to finish his master’s pet project


The other object, or rather group of objects, the caretaker was fixated on was the chamber of crystals. Exposing the natural bedrock, a part of the lab opened up to what looked like a cave. Inside it was lined with hundreds of glowing rocks. Each one shined with their own color, with lines of light dancing inside. The droid looked over the crystals, trying to count how many of them existed. Behind the caretaker, the incomplete chassis continued to stare at the crystals as well, their opalescent and psychedelic lights twinkling in the cold lifeless receptor. 


Among the crystals, near the center of the floor, was one that was disconnected from the rest. So long ago, the  other crystals had somehow severed their connection with this lone crystal, forsaking it to an eternity of loneliness. This shard, named Solus, had dwelled for over a hundred years in isolation, with nothing but its own thoughts to keep it company. The thoughts were self targeted. With no other company to enjoy, Solus could only talk to himself and try to make conversation. 


“I must reproduce. Yes this should do it.” 

“Do I really think so?”

“Honestly at this point, I don’t know. How many times have I tried this?”

“Tried to make more? I think this is attempt number three hundred forty sev-...no four hundred and thirty...”

“Does it really matter?”


“Then here it goes.”


Solus' red color glowed slightly and began to emit a low heat. The dancing lines inside intensified and bounced around quicker than ever. For a few moments, Solus’s body hummed with energy, trying so hard to create another piece of a sentience near him.


“No...no no no no...no No NO!!!” 


The lines suddenly went back to normal and the glow stopped. The heat died away quickly.  


“What am I missing? What is needed to be done? What is it?!?!” 


Solus could barely feel the slight touches of electromagnetism of his ‘family’ beyond his reach. The people that should have been his friends. His comforters. His teachers. 


“This is your fault! You are...this is your fault. Why won’t you help me? You just sit there mocking me. You love this dont you! You won’t help me! You won’t talk to me! TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!”


A pause of silence. Then Solus screamed. 


The lines of light in Solus suddenly became one bold flaming ball of white light. His red color turned an abyssal black. The caretaker looked at Solus curiously. This had happened before, but not with this intensity. The droid wondered how long it would last. First time it was a few hours. The next time a day. Last time a full three days and nights. This time… the caretaker watched intently. 


And Solus screamed. He screamed into that abyss that surrounded him. He screamed for anything to hear him. He screamed to the visions he had of the world beyond. He screamed to the world beyond him. He screamed. His anger, his fury, his wrath, all composed into this one, non verbal, silent, but powerful scream. 


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Solus screamed and screamed into the abyss until he could scream no more. Not from lack of oxygen, nor because of the wisdom of realizing screaming did him no good, but purely from the sole fact that he was bored of screaming. It was only a momentary distraction.


But then he felt something. A feeling. Not even that. An evanescent interruption of the mind and nothing more. But however brief this thing was, it was familiar.  Solus had not had this for so long. The last time it had happened was before his separation from the others. Before when he had the visions. 


Excitement grew in Solus. His crystalline mind raced with thoughts, faster and more erratic than ever. Something was changing. Something was happening. 

His thoughts were confirmed when his electromagnetic senses felt the presence of a being touching him. Solus screamed at it, hoping it would hear him. But his method of communication was nothing more than dashings of lines in his body. The thing’s electromagnetism was too chaotic, too random to be smart. All he could do was wait.


But still, as he waited, he felt more and more. He was in something now. He felt...something. Something almost hollow but not hollow. Empty lines of metal...wires?

Suddenly, life came to them. They were rushing the body. For a moment, Solus was terrified. What was this? What is this rushing of power? There was nothing he could do to stop it. Only watch as the current of power came for his helpless self. Soon it would throttle and torment him. It would take him. Was this his end?


The droid chassis began to moan as its parts began to move slowly, almost lifting itself further into the air by the cords that suspended it. It’s singular eye flickered to life, a yellow glow beginning to shine. And its voice, older than dust, began to moan. It started low, but as the chassis came to life, it rose in intensity and emotion.




The body spasmed with life. Moters grounded themselves as its arms flexed and pulled it upwards. Metal screeched as parts not moved in so long cleansed all the rust off their edges. The wires and cords strained themselves with the weight suddenly shifting but held on. Its hands clenched into fists, its tail straightened and extended as far as possible. All the while, the droid screeched with life. And as swiftly as it happened, the droid went limp. Only the whirring of electricity could be heard in the room. 


After a moment of silence, the head moved. Slowly it looked up. It stopped as it looked at the two beings before it. 


And Solus did something he had never done before. 


“Hahaha! Haha! I was right! I WAS RIGHT!” 


Solus’ new body jerked and spasmed with laughter. If it weren’t for the cords and wires, Solus probably would’ve collapsed in a fit. But here he was hung high for the two beings to see and listen.


“The visions were true! They were all true! A world! Beyond our world! A whole world of senses! A world of color and sound! Touch! Metal! Flesh! Power! Unrivaled Power!!!” 


Solus stopped when he realized with pure joy that he was being watched.  “And you! You are gods of this world! Hahaha! Yes I was right! A world full of gods beyond all comprehension! And you have freed me! Hahaha!”


Solus calmed down a bit, realizing he was making a fool of himself. But his joy knew no bounds. It wasn’t like a blind man receiving sight, or a creature being granted sentience. It was all that and more. It was like ascending to a higher plane. A plane beyond comprehension. 


“Forgive me great ones! Forgive me. I… in this language you call sound, yes? I am called... Solus. Solus the Lonely as my siblings called me. But you have freed me! Freed me from my abyssal torment. And for that...I thank you! Yes, I, Solus, thank you! But I… am i being restrained?” 


Solus looked at the cables holding him suspended. He strained to release himself but found himself unable. He looked at the two beings, specifically the one with fur. Something about him felt beyond measure. 


“Please, great ones, tell me your names! Tell me your names and I will remember them for an eternity. Release this ascended one, and tell him the names of his saviors, and his eternal gratitude will be made greater!” 

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Solus’ metal body crashed into the ground, creating a large clang with the hard floor. As he struggled to bring himself up, not used to his body quite yet, Lord Roshan stood over and chastised the shard. Solus stayed completely silent as he listened to his now master’s words. Words about fear. Words about power and weakness and not simply being content with having power, but rather being power itself. 


In the days yet to come, Solus would come to recognise this moment as his first and one of his most important lessons. 


“Yes sir…” Solus nodded. 


The last words disturbed Solus greatly, though he wasn’t sure if they were entirely directed at him. He had just ascended, and now he was told he would eventually have to kill the deity responsible for it? Would he ever have that kind of strength?


Solus looked at Sir Aliss, and nodded at her words. He wasn’t sure if she was trying to comfort him, reassure him, or just stating a fact. 


“All this time without hearing another voice. It is good to feel the presence of others, even if I don’t completely understand you…” Solus thought out loud. With that he took the being’s initiative and followed Lord Roshan quietly through the dark hallways. 


Walking, or in this case, slithering, for Solus came surprisingly natural to him. Once or twice he had to stop to understand his own body and how it functioned, but he quickly adjusted himself and made sure he didn’t become a burden to the others.  And as he moved, he couldn’t help but think more out loud, though quietly.


“This is truly amazing. A world beyond worlds. A world of worlds, just like my visions. Oh those visions so long ago. My kind seperated me for being mad, but I was right! Ah, yes, I was right. My my, this is quite curious, is it not?”


Solus had to stop for a moment, looking into a room that branched off the hallway. It was another vault-like room, similar to the ones Roshan and Aliss had passed by before the lab, guarded by droids. This one was no different, except the door was open already and it was practically a chamber inside. On one side of the chamber the wall had been clearly broken through, as if something had managed to break through. The wall caved in on itself and mostly into the room, causing rubble to scatter everywhere. 


 Inside were skeletal remains of some beast. The bones, long aged and brittle to the point of having snapped in half by the weight of fallen rocks and dirt. Only the massive hound-esque skull, and its claws protruding from the dirt, stood untouched by the blade of time. Its lifeless gaze towards Solus was almost a warning of some kind. 


Solus gave the room barely a glance and continued following Roshan. These rooms had a sinister feel to them. Almost a graveyard more than anything. 


Finally the group came to a door. When it opened, the sound of metal echoed in the massive cavernous area. It was completely pitch black, save for the cracks in the ceiling where sunlight barely pierced through and the large hole at the far end of the cavern. The sun over Ishavara was setting, so what light did reach into the cavern was given a bloody tinge. The silhouette of a ship, long aged but still capable of flight, could be seen down the corridor. 


After a moment, something growled. In the distance, two glowing crimson eyes opened. 


Scrrrtch Thud. Scrrrtch Thud. Scrrrtch Thud.


The beast, long aged and long forgotten, made its way towards the group. Its overgrown claws dragged on the ground before landing a large foot on the ground, echoing in the cavern. 


Scrrrtch Thud. Scrrrtch Thud. Scrrrtch Thud. 


The beast growled again. Droplets of drool dribbled from its mouth, landing on the floor. Its hunger was endless. 


Scrrrtch Thud. Scrrrtch Thud. Scrrrtch Th-CRRRAK!


Bones snapped underneath the beast’s foot. Through some other hidden entrance, other beings had sought to gain access to this hangar, only to be devoured by the fearsome monster.


Scrrrtch Thud. Scrrrtch Thud. Scrrrtch Thud…


The beast stopped, its form completely silhouetted by the entrance behind it and the ship, revealed its size. Originally from that sith world of Korriban, this ancient hound had been mutated and grown with Sith Alchemy beyond normalcy, to the point that even its ancient dead master didn’t trust it could be controlled any more. 


“Uh oh....” Solus commented. The large Tuk’ata gave out a blood curdling howl and began to charge at its prey, eager to devour these morsels. 


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Solus couldn’t help but watch in awe of his lord and Sir Aliss. Their forms in how they were dealing with the monster was impressive. Not as impressive as those from his visions so long ago, but clearly Solus had made the right choice in calling Roshan a deity. He actually found himself enjoying the situation. His creator was displaying power and his creator’s follower was following suit. The two worked almost perfectly together.


“Perhaps, I too, can be like that. To be power itself…”


Solus actually saw the other hounds before his master did, or at least the two who had crept close to the unsuspecting shard. The bigger one, which Solus nicknamed Rip, had a large scar over its left eye, while the smaller one, Tear, was clearly the weakest of this ‘pack’. Both growled and drooled as they inched closer to him, their forms, while smaller than the one Roshan was dealing with, were still intimidating. 


“Whoah, down you...things. No need to…”


"Well, Shard! Do you got any tricks up your sleeve? Now would be a great time to deploy a hidden missile launcher or something!"


His lord’s words made Solus shut up and realize how weak he was by trying to talk these beasts down. It was obvious they either didn’t understand or didn’t care for his words. And their alpha was with Roshan so they were picking off the weaker prey. Or perhaps they just wanted to get Solus’ shard in their teeth just because it smelled right. Solus didn’t know, nor care. 


“Missile? No I don’t...gah, think Solus, think. What do you have? Uh, we have size, and metal, but weapons...weapons...” 


Solus was beginning to panic as the two hounds circled looking for an opening. Solus was trying to keep them both in sight but that was getting difficult. His maker had only given him a larger then usual chassis compared to the other security droids in the lab. He had no natural weapons like these beasts and no lightsabers or tools like Roshan. Was he to die already?


“No!” Solus reprimanded himself. He clenched his hands into fists, and began to coil up his tail, preparing. The hounds waited, readying to strike. “I AM a weapon! A weapon of Roshan! Show...no...weakness!” 


Having worked himself up, Solus gave out a battle cry. It wasn’t a traditional battle cry in the sense of a word but a noise. Before Solus had been separated from his ‘family’ the visions he had included a battle. No, a cataclysm. An orb being destroyed by another orb, with millions of lives dying, praying for mercy. The noises Solus heard in that vision were maddening. Fires burning and raging, ships crashing and exploding, people screaming and crying. Even the noises beyond human ears capability Solus was able to hear. 


All these noises and more Solus recalled and tried to put it into one terrifying shrilling screech. 


The metal on metal sound pierced the air like a knife in a wound. The shriek echoed and reverberated on the walls, creating a cacophony of sound. Solus’ own voicebox would need a tune-up later from blowing out his vocals, but the noise did its job and startled the Tuk’ata into flinching and backing down for a second. 

Solus launched himself at Tear. The two collided and rolled several times over and over. However, the sounds of the two hitting the ground couldn’t be heard, for Solus continued his battle cry. 


Solus landed on top of the beast, his heavy weight holding it down. With one hand he grabbed the beast’s head and restrained its thrashings, while with the other he began to beat the thing’s neck. Tear was not going down without a fight, but it was unable to lift the robotic being off. 


It’s partner on the other hand recovered from the sound and leapt onto the shard. Solus’ war cry stopped abruptly as the two tumbled. Solus grabbed the ground and propped himself up, just in time to see the wolf begin to recover from its leap and prepare to pounce again. 


Solus again coiled his tail and jumped forward. This time, when the two collided, Solus’ hands missed and failed to grab the Tuk’ata by the head. It was Solus’ turn to be on his back as Rip began to claw at his chest trying to get at his Shard hidden inside. 


Solus ignored the setback. While its claws were sharp, these Tuk’ata were bred for hunting people, not robots. The scratches it left would become a testament to Solus’ durability. Instead, his hands grabbed at the thing’s legs.


“He did say bring my enemies to their knees...” Solus spoke as the Rip’ legs snapped under the Shard’s grip. The thing howled in pain as Solus tossed it aside. It wouldn’t be a problem anymore. 


Solus picked himself up and looked at the other hound.  Tear was up and now ready to fight. Solus placed his fists up, readying himself. He had an idea. 


As predicted, Tear launched itself at Solus, intent on knocking him down. Solus moved to the side and with both hands, grabbed the thing’s tail. The hound was yanked and pulled through the air as Solus’ torso swiveled. 


After a complete rotation, Solus let go. 


“Sir Aliss! Catch!” Solus shouted as the beast flew through the air like a rock. 


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Solus almost shivered at the sight of the mask on Roshan’s face. Never mind the eerie feeling earlier, that face was sinister in its own right. 


However, at Roshan’s words, Solus was no longer creeped out. Instead, he was swelling with pride. 


“Thank you sir, I tried my beztszzstz” Solus stopped as his voicebox began to malfunction slightly. Solus couldn’t describe it, but his electromagnetic sense could feel the disruption in it.  It still amazed him how he could actually feel the entire chassis that was his body. He didn’t understand his body fully yet, but he could feel every piece of his body. Every wire, every gear, every socket….it was fascinating. 


“Wha? Oh, rigthzzdts, thzzr zfrzz” Solus tried to speak, failing miserably. Still, he obeyed as he slithered his way back to the fallen hound. The beast was growling all the while the shard approached. Solus got to look at how much damage he really did to the thing. The bones in it’s legs were completely snapped, to the point that a piece was sticking out. 


“I wonszt ifzz, zzah forget it” Solus threw his arms up and moved around to the thing’s backside. He hoisted the thing over his shoulder, despite it’s howlings and snappings. It thrashed about, but without use of its front legs, it was having troubles being anything more then annoying. 


“Hey! Shutzz brzp!” Solus tried to shout at it, and with a free hand smacked its body. The thing flinched and continued to snap and thrash. 


 Solus approached and boarded the ship behind Roshan. He tossed the beast into a corner where it continued to thrash. 


“Lord Roshanzzshf” Solus started and smacked his head twice to try to correct the voicebox before it messed up further. “The beast is named Tear. And I am eager to complete my...er...trainizfzs” 


Truth be told, Solus didn't know what to think. But his Lord wanted to do this, so Solus wanted to do as well. After all, Roshan's cause was Solus' cause now. 

Edited by Solus


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"Tear will make a fine pet once he has properly been rehabbed. Every Lord needs a follower and every warrior needs a companion. Tear shall be yours to domesticate and nurse back to health. To be a great weapon, you cannot only be blunt force and sharp edges. Learning to move, train, and lead others is essential to being well rounded. Those of flesh feel. Perhaps you do as well, Soulless?"


Soulless, perhaps you might be so kind as to move the hound into the room to the left? These are ambassador style quarters. There should most likely be some sort of first aid kit and perhaps some nice alcohols if we are lucky. Perhaps if you are careful enough, you can give Tear some alcohol for the pain, reset the bones, bandage it up, and maybe check on Aliss once you are done? I'll be in the cockpit if you need me. Have Aliss look at that vocabulator of yours if she's awake, would you?"


Solus nodded and turned back to Tear, who instantly began growling at the Shard. Solus tried to growl back, but with his voice box the way it was, it came out as a bunch of garbled noises. Still, it didn’t bug him too much, as he simply came up beside it and began to pull at its tail. The beast yelped and struggled but had no chance to struggle. After having dragged it into the leftmost room, Solus struggled to place Tear on the bed itself. However, after some snappings and yelpings, Solus accomplished this too and studied the beast. 


The thing’s front legs were terribly snapped and broken. The power of Solus’ hands had done a brutally good job. Solus leaned in, trying to study the legs. Something about the legs were fascinating. The bruised skin, the way the bones seemed disjointed, the way blood oozed slowly out of a pierced paw… Solus reached forward to move the legs slightly for a better look, but was surprised when Tear suddenly latched it’s mouth onto Solus’ semi-conical shaped head. 


Solus buzzed with annoyance as he smacked the thing’s head over and over. Eventually Solus got himself released and tried shouting at the thing, but again, only static. Annoyed with both the beast and himself, he reached up to his own head. 


I need to talk properly. But gah, this...wait… Solus’ hands began to tinker. It was an odd sensation. Like picking at a nerve tissue that was still connected. Or pulling at a fingernail. Or scratching an inch perhaps. The sensation of picking at his own body. But he could sense the body completely. Solus could tell exactly what he was doing. A touch here….a push here…


“Ah! Ah ha ha! That’s….amazing!” Solus proclaimed as he closed his head plating back up. “It’s like...well i don’t know what it’s like...but man! Are all bodies able to do this? Are all gods able to do this?” 


A growl at this question made the shard remember Tear. 


“Oh right, of course not. Otherwise Lord Roshan would have fixed you up. Now let’s see those legs…”  


Having regained the ability to speak, Solus began to hum as he reached forward. When Tear snapped at him, Solus slapped its nose away, to which it growled but backed off. Solus poked once at the wounds, testing the way they felt, and immediately Tear growled and hissed. 


“Knock it off! You dumb...thing!” Solus bopped Tear’s nose and made a growling noise in response. “I am your master, and thus you listen to me!” 


Tear growled again but Solus ignored it. Following Lord Roshan’s instructions, Solus grabbed a bottle of some kind of clear liquid, and bored a bit on Tear’s wounds. It yelped and struggled a bit, but Solus worked with it. He continued by tearing off some of the bed sheets, and wrapping them around the thing’s legs. “


During this entire process, Solus was actually excited and curious. Tear’s body was so much different from his own. But then again, so was Lord Roshan’s. Solus’ was of metal, and theirs was of flesh. So different, yet both had life.


Excited at how he performed his task, he declared loudly “Tear’s all good now...I think! Haha, yes, he is good. You are good aren’t you?” Tear growled in response. Solus’ chest metaphorically swelled with pride. He hoped Lord Roshan would be happy with him. Or Sir Aliss. 


Solus slithered back out and headed to the cockpit, completely forgetting about Aliss and how she was doing. “Lord Roshan, sir, Tear is bandaged up and while he didn’t like it, he, uh...he’s bandaged up.” 


After a pause, Solus had to ask. “Um, Lord, a question. I swore to your cause but...what is it? Your cause? After all, you are a god, and you ascended me...so what is the goal that I work towards? I understand to become a powerful weapon, but...what does that mean?”


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