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Darth Heretic

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Posts posted by Darth Heretic

  1. *Heretic felt a very major disturbance in the Force. One that he had not felt in quite some time, and was certain that, un til he actually felt it, would not feel again. Bishop. Where in the 7 Hells did he come from, and why had he chosen to return now? No matter, he would be of little regard, master or not. The master and his new apprentice had more pressing matters, but this little war that Abaddon was waging would have to wait.


    He stood there, watching the last of the repair droids finish it's task that Raynuk had recently started and then it left.*


    Now, Morpheus, we shall go to the armory and get a generic lightsaber, so that you can see how clumsy those blades you carry truly are.


    *With that, the master and apprentice headed for the armory*

  2. *Looking at Raynuk, DH said:*


    Well, I was on my way to find one when you told me to go get some damn fuzzy ewok


    *With that, he walked away smirking. Turning his attention to his apprentice;

    ...get revenge on his family

    Revenge was a driving force of hatred, one of the many characteristics that diferentiated a great Sith from a good one. He was already showing signs of being a good apprentice, and DH could feel the anger, excitement and impatience growing within this new generation of Sith.


    Walking along the hall, DH decided to find a room. He picked one at random, and entered. Nothing special, 4 walls, a latrine/shower, and a bed with a footlocker. Turning to his new apprentice he says:*


    I am not aware if you have a room or not, but if you do, I would require you to relocate your belongings closer to me. We will be here but for a moment, so I don't want you to do it yet. Just let me put my things away and we'll be off to the armory, then to the staging area.

  3. *Sensing understanding in the new appretice, DH started for his room, then recalled that he had never actually found one. Returning to the main hall to retrieve his effects, he reached down into the satchel that he had and found the few items that he would actually need. Lightsaber on his person, as was always the case, a few small thermal detonators, a vibro-blade and a vibro-rapier. He looked to his apprentice and noticed that all he had was his sword. That would be too clumsy for this battle. I wonder if there is still an armory that we could get this one equipped properly? He can't go into battle armed like this. DH went to the directory and found the armory location. The next stop would be there to get this one some appropriate weaponry.*


    Come, child, we shall equip you with only what you need to cover my back.


    *With that DH and Morph headed to the armory*

  4. *DH looked at Morph in utter shock. what kind of powers?.*


    What you believe, and what you will demonstrate are two different creatures.


    I cannot teach you to use something that you do not possess. I can only instruct you on harnessing that which you do have.


    The Force is far more than seeing and levitating. It is all about becoming! Sith are not tools of the Force, as the Jedi are, but the Force is a tool that we use.


    And power, young one, comes in time. You would barely be able to handle a vynok without a weapon, right now, so an armed opponent should worry you, sword or no sword.

    I never was a fan of the blade, myself. They are just too clumsy. You will build a lightsaber, so that you can determine the right weapon for you.


    As it stands presently, however, we must make ready for war, and whatever Lord Abaddon has in store. The only thing I want you to do during all of this is to watch my back at all times, and watch me. Mimic everything I do, and you'll be on your way to becoming. You'll become either a great Sith, or a corpse.

  5. *Watching Raynuk walk away, until he was out of sight, DH turned to Morph, and for the first time actually spoke directly to the apprentice:*


    I don't mind if you overheard our conversation, for once you become my apprentice, you swear silence, and never repeat what I tell you to anyone, you never doubt or question what I tell you, and you do everything I say immediately. I have never once led an apprentice to death by my own training, and I'll not start that now. If you die, it will be due to either your own stupidity, or not listening to me. As long as you apply what you are taught, you will survive, and flourish.


    Now, do you have any questions for me, or are you prepared to begin with me as your master?

  6. *Feeling a deep sadness/depression from teh room, DH turned around in time to see Montar exiting the other side of the room. Calling to him:*


    Montar! I know that we haven't seen eye-to-eye in quite a long time, even when I was alive the first time. But I will need some assistance in a part of my plan, that can be used as an effective backup, provided you would be willing to listen...


    *the master waited for a response, arms crossed*

  7. *However, I warn you, Heretic tends to be a bit of a blowhard.

    That Force-message came through very clear. A "blowhard" was something DH was NOT. He migh tbe trying to ruffle feathers, but no Sith were biting. After all, DH was one of the most accomplished Sith he knew, save AP, JGoD and now Abaddon. He never once had a bad apprentice. At least none that were a failure. Dead, maybe, but dead at their own discretion, not from what they were taught. This would be no exception to that rule, provided he wanted to take on the task, again. This Morph did seem to have a potential that Heretic had not seen in a long time, though. Perhaps he would take him on this assault, to test his mettle. Sending a Force-message to Morpheus:*


    Child, you seek a master? Let me see where you are in your training, and perhaps we can correct where your master screwed you up, and straighten you out. I see much potential in you, but...

  8. Master Abaddon *DH spoke, in a commanding tone* With all due respect, I have an idea to draw the Jedi's attention away from our main assault fleet. I used this tactic once, with great results, but to pull it of requires impeccable timing. Would you care to hear about it, or do you have your ideas set already?

  9. *So many Force-conversations were taking place all around him, and he could only pick out bits and blurbs of them, not actually able to string a full "conversation" out of everything. He took notice of a few Sith Apprentices and saw that there were one or two without masters. They would be good hopeful, but he wasn't sure he was quite up to that task, presently. The last apprentice he took was Darth Hatred. It seemed such a waste for him to be defeated, as he was one of the absolute best warrior Sith ever. DH would be hard-pressed to replace him, but anything was possible. Perhaps he would pick one after this meeting. Perhaps not.*

  10. It would do you wise to watch your tone with me, Lord, for I will not cow down to you the way others will. Besides, the final decision rests with him *points to Abaddon* and him alone. If he feels it necessary to send anyone to Hoth, he tells them. If he wants to send you to Nastarine, you go. If you mouth off to me once more, you'll find that I can very easily dispence you to the 7 hells, from which I'll make sure you never return.


    *Regaining his composure*

    Now, then, where were we?

  11. Lord, it is Lord, isn't it? Jareth, with all due respect, I am not a tactician, I am a Sith that rules by instilling fear. I never said that it wouldn't be beneficial, I just don't see how it would be of value. What makes you think that we can successfully navigate into said asteroid belt, or out of, for that matter, if the Jedi are already in residence there? Would they not already have the advantage of defense?

  12. *Looking at the former leader with shock, DH asks:*


    Why in the 7 Hells would you want Hoth as an outpost? It would serve no purpose. That entire systems is useless. The only things in there are the dead, the lost and spice traders. I honestly dont' see how it could be considered a useful place. Please, Master Raynuk, enlighten me.

  13. *Impatiently*

    What we "control"? Since when is what we control been an issue? Unless we are going to branch out from there, and take over more, in order to drive the Jedi back, we must act swiftly and decisively!


    *Turning to face the new leader of the Sith*

    Lord Abaddon, it is my understanding that the Imperium Galacticus is loosly controlled once again by his Excellence. If that is the case, so that I'm not surrounded by a sleu of these insufferable miscreants, I'd like to respectfully request command of a ship, provided that is acceptable to your Excellence. May I remind his Excellence of my accomplishments at the helm of Star Destroyers, both great and small, and that, with some assistance, ammased the largest assault fleet the Empire had seen these many eons.

  14. No, Skywalker! You sat in that chair to represent a house because it is the same now as it was then: You wanted to feel important, instead of feeling like a nothing. It doesn't appears that much has changed. You would change your ideals for the first person to show you a halfway decent amount of leadership, which you seem to lack, and for obvious reasons.


    Now if you are quite finished...

  15. *Looking at the woman with much disdain, Heretic speaks at her.*


    I remember you. Your master was trained by my apprentice, Darth Hatred. So you, then, do have some of my training in your mind.


    So it seems as if the table is considered in past tense to everyone here? Including *looking at Tarrian as he would a lowly Jawa.* you, that once supported it to the extents of sitting in a chair, yourself?


    I find it ironic that you all forget where you come from. To call yourselves Sith is a blaspheme. No self-respecting Sith that I ever knew would be so lax as to...(low growl) consider comparing the table to Jedi. That is an outrage, and every single one of you is a traitor to what the Sith stood for! I'll stand as the only one that thinks the old regime was far superior, until proven otherwise.


    *Looking back at Tarrian, feeling the anger grow hot in him*

    My "abscense", as you refer to it, was not due to any inaction on my part. It seems that I wasn't required until now. And now that I have been returned, I will be advising Abaddon on the correct ways of the Sith.


    *Looking up at him, sending him a Force message* That is, providing our "illustrious" leader would require such input from an old, but very accomplished Sith such as muself.

  16. *DH walked back into the chambers just in time to hear Doc Roc's speach on a council. Getting angered at this apparent lack of knowledge, the old master spoke to him in very harsh tones, once Abaddon had moved away from him:*


    You senseless IDIOT! The table of 12 is NOT a council, and it never was about that. The 12 positions represent a house of the Sith, all 12 seats equals with not one as a head. The original houses were there so that all of the warring houses could periodically converse as to a course of action. It has not truly and correctly been utilized as such in several millenia, to the extent of my memory. To call it a "council" is to defile that name of a Sith. The Republic had a council, as did the Jedi (every time that word spilled from his lips, it erupted an anger he had long forgotten about). We are NOT either! We manipulate the Force, and rule planets with fear! If that is a concept that you are not familer with, then I suggest you go grab a holocron and go to your chambers to learn! I for one will not prescribe to that, and, even though I can't speak for the rest, I refuse to be known as a "council member" in this place! I should kill you where you stand for being such an insollent cur. Get from my sight before I strike you down where you stand!!!

  17. *Heretic grew bored with the waiting and decided to go see the old training facility. He needed to do a bit of practicing anyway, and this was the opportune moment.*

  18. *Heretic was thoroughly impressed with how much the two had advanced in the art of saber fighting. Both had little, if anything left to learn, in that regard. He was, on the other hand, none to sure of either's ability to lead effectively for a duration. It seems that Montar thought himself a god in regards to the Sith and the way he was blindly followed by some. The same held true for Abaddon, though. Any Sith that followed just because thier master told them too was no sith at all, but merely a Dark Jedi (there was that word again). Heretic had nothing to do to prove his loyalties to anyone, Montar or otherwise. He took orders from no one, save his own mind, and any person that crossed him, no matter their strength, would suffer dearly. He merely alligned himself for the sake of peace amongst the houses, which seemd to occur rarely. 12 houses, and where was the table? Nowhere that he could find. Seems Montar thought himself better than the Sith houses if he did away with it. Good thing he would soon be removed from any seat of power. Heretic would have to remind Abaddon that the Sith had survived beyond the order of 2 due to the fact that all 12 seats had to be filled in order for all Sith to have a voice.*

  19. *Looking down at this Sith he was unfamilier with, the eldest master simply stated:*


    Child, I did not address you, therefore I have no concern over what you feel is "adequate" for me. I desire not anything that you might have to offer me, except that you might consider showing the same respect for me, as a master of the Force, and an elder.


    *still addressing Jareth, but with an air of arrogance, and showing disrespect to a subordiante to turn his back, he continued:*


    I was defeating Jedi (The same distaste in his mouth) long before you were much more than midichlorinas, themselves. And don't for one second believe, even with your mental block up, that I won't, or can't break you, for, even though you are stronger in the mental than anyone I have seen in a VERY long time (think when DH defeated Palpatine. Yes, Heretic truly did 3 times), I have the experience to bury you inside a maze in your own mind.


    Now, child, will you stand down, or am I to make 2 enemies here tonight, instead of coming home to open arms?

  20. You INSOLLENT little worm! *He could feel his anger rising to an uncontrollable point* You are the first Sith I seek out, and you dare to be attitudinal with me? I should take you into the training room and show you what a REAL Master is capable of!!! I beat your master down many a time, and you are nowhere near the caliber of Sith he was.


    Now, if you are quite finished with your arrogance, and trying to be more than what you are for the sake of your apprentice, you can show me where I can berth. It has been a rather long journey, and I require a shower and sustinence.

  21. *Upon arrival to Mimban, Heretic once again collects his effects from the shuttle and proceeds to locate lodgings. The first Force-signature he feels is a very familier one.*




    *The master follows the signature until he finds the Sith, speaking to a very obvious padawan. Heretic approaches and says:*


    But how does she handle the situation if she crosses someone like me that can control the very air we breath? Hello, Montar. It's been a long time.

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