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Ulic Ri'Lo

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Everything posted by Ulic Ri'Lo

  1. "Good," Ulic proclaimed with a sarcastic veneer in her voice. Ulic stood still and took in the surroundings....Her eyes stopped at the smoldering hull of the ship no doubt crashed by this man. "Well, I'm Ulic Ri'Lo, and that must be your...uhhh...ship. Get your belongings from the ship and I will wait here." The serpent master clipped her saber back to her belt and waited as Draj entered the ship and retreived his belongings.
  2. Ulic kept herself hidden for the moment as Draj shrugged of his wounds with a determined vigor reminiscent of a mandalorian. Ulic could now see he was indeed a humanoid as his armor came off. She was also pleasently enthused with the mans handling of the forest creature....They were all made to obey she thought. The time had come though now, and Ulic could no longer stalk the man. Unceremoneously, Ulic walked out from her hiding spot, doing well to hide her saber. She eyed up the man and then spoke in a condescending tone. "What are you doing here on this planet? Don't you know this planet is under Imperial control and is welcome to only those who crave power, the empire, the darkside of the force, or any who serve those three?" Before the man could speak Ulic added one more remark. "Buuuuuut, you seem to have found that out the hard way already" she said throwing his battered vessel a sideways glance. "Now to business, either I'll have to kill you or you can be trained in the dark side of the force. Simple enough, no? Ulic brushed a few strands of her platinum hair aside as she stared the man down. Her left hand quiantlly placed in the small of her back with her finger on the lightsabers igniter button.
  3. "Mmmmm".....Ulic smiled devileshing and licked her lips as all the Mandalorian's shots missed her.....but only barely. Each time she rolled behind a try as each well placed shot came millimeters from grazing her white robes. The sith's hand fell down quickly to her granite and marble alloyed saber, her body pressed up against a tree as the being approached her spot making far too much noise. Ulic used her free hand to summon a log near the size of a man from across the way.....Slowly the log rumbled to life as it lifted up in mid-air certainly drawing the mandalorians attention. The serpent master did not need to look as she could hear the mandalorians footsteps cease. She brought the log towards where was. With alarming speed the log became a 300 pound projectile. Ulic had already chosen her apprentice, and his tests had begun......She snickered to the fact that he did not know any of this.
  4. The Sith found her quarry after a few hours of wanderings. Led by the force out of the industrial sector and into a wooded area, Ulic was surprised to see that the Empire hadn't turned the planet into one massive factory yet. The tendrels of the force swept over every spec in their path as Ulic used the force as her tool to search for her new apprentice. Some commotion deeper in the forest followed by some loud cracks and bangs caught the sith temptress' attention. Like a blade of white light cutting through the green darkness of the lush forest undergrowth, Ulic darted towards the area where she felt inclined to go. Her white robes were not characteristic of a darkside user, but they matched Ulics hair as they fluttered through the forest as she used the force for increased speed. As she came nearer to small streams of rising smoke and made her steps near soundless. Forest animals no longer scattered as she neared for not even they, with there sensitive hearing could hear her. The force pinged inside Ulic.....She sighed in a sensual manor as she thought of the prospect of a male that she would be in command of. Her heart belonged to Rocketblaze though, and Ulic's true cause was the Serpent Order. As she neared what evidently was a crashed ship, she did well to hide herself and observe the being who apparently was examining the extent of the damage.
  5. Ulic's ship was given no clearance codes as it decended through the atmosphere. Something or someone must have sensed her and let the unidentified and extremely battered smuggling vessel land. The docking pad had the usual gray industrial look, remeniscent of most imperial held worlds and technology. Bland was the color of the day. Not really knowing why she had come to Foy, she did not care, as it had been the same with the plethora of other places she'd visited since the reformation of the Sith. Her fear was now gone.....Indeed because of the last words she had heard from her love...Rocketblaze. She was now searching for something. Through the force though, Ulic could now feel things were different.Something had changed within the ranks of the Sith, and upon here arrival to this planet. she could feel it within the Empire as well. Ulic's loyalties were still to the Serpent Order though and her new mission, personal as it was, was to strengthen the order for what might come......for what might always have been coming. This meant finding an apprentice. On a world such as Foy, if so inclined, one could find beings who craved power, yet were focused enough to acheive their goals. The Empire was methodical and efficient even though it had fallen on semi-hard times......Reguardless of its current state it always seemed to spawn just the type of beings made to use the darkside. Ulic reached out with the force, like a millions tendrels stretching over the landscape....searching the near area for any force sensitives.....
  6. Ulic piloted her rundown craft through space.....Whispers and shadows of a white haired young witch had made their away around the galaxy by now. She was only a faint echo of a person to other beings in the galaxy....Her face hardly know....Her name unable to be told, yet on the lips of everyones tongues. Gone before they even knew she was there. Those unfortunate enough to find out her found themselves on the wrong end of a shimmering crimson blade of energy from her lightsaber. It was time for her to take back what was hers. She made an approach for the imperial held planet of Foy. No doubt a haven for all who craved power. She would begin there.
  7. Ulic glared up at him sentually. No sooner had last word left Rocketblaze's lips then Ulic leaned forward and planted her lips against his. The shear courage he'd just shone her got to her in a deep deep way. Her heart palpitaded inside her chest. The Serpent felt like it would leap out it was beating so fast. She regained her composer and leaned away from Rocketblaze, and eyed him up casually...."What would you have me do then my lord?"
  8. "Sith had shown up at the academy as I was this close to finding my apprentice. They slaughtered most of the academies inhabitants stating they were too weak. Even if they were hopefuls with no training!" Ulic's eyes welled up with tears but she did well to hold them back, instead rage filled her as it never had previously. "The arrogant bastards. I want every one of their heads!" She stepped away from Rocketblaze and starred him in the eye, waiting for his response.
  9. Ulic embraced Rocketblaze tightly. Mild fear had filled her at the sites at the old Sith compound on Niruaran. As she gazed into his eyes, she spoke quietly and calmly. "What are we to do my love?"
  10. Ulic had arrived in a timely manor though her flight through space had seemed more than an eternity...Maybe it was the fact that the Sith had begun a civil war of sorts, but mostly the fact that she was without her love had stuck in her head.... As the smuggling vessel landed near the facility, Ulic walked at a swift pace to find her love.
  11. Edited Ulic left the chamber as the mayhem ensued, she could not feel the force signature of Dark Lord Procs as well anymore. He must not be near. He's on his own for now she thought. She hurried to her ship and took off, careful to avoid any imperial entanglements. With the coordinates set, she made her way to Chandrila.
  12. Ulic got up gasping for air as small volts of lightning still crisscrossed her being. She smiled at the glorious pain she felt. She embraced it and longed for more. Her body still smoking she rose to a full standing position and starred at Ar-Pharazon seated before her. Behind her dark eyes electricty could be seen flashing. Rage filled her as she waited.
  13. ((Ben this character's a girl, I'd appreciate it if you didn't refer to her as 'him' )) Suddenly thrown in the air, Ulic had only, just now, been summoned by the Dark Lord for unknown reasons. The Sith had little time to think of the possible reasons for her summons as she was flung about in the meditation chamber she solely occupied. As she came near the ground she commanded the force to halt her descent. Inches from the ground, the serpent warrior stopped as her blue armor enveloped her. A product of hard concentration in the force, the armor was able to withstand immense amounts of force and blows. It was unique only to the serpent masters. Ulic quickly dusted herself off after the ordeal. Her blue armor faded back into oblivion as she let her conentration go. With a small 'huff' she stormed out of the chamber and towards the Dark Lords main hall. Ignoring each guard stationed outside of the hall she calmly pushed each away with the force and entered the room.
  14. Her time was well spent at the academy, but the time had come for her to leave. Her hope of finding and apprentice was fading until she sensed the flicker of the force in a new comer. The man was searching for something, much as she was. He seemed to have no path or method to his madness. She could feel the force in him though he could not harness it yet. Like a prick on the finger Dark Lord Procs received a message from Ulic. Do you wish to learn the ways of the force? Then come find me, I'm here His first task already at hand to find her, Ulic sat and waited patiently in one of the many meditation chambers as Dark Lord Procs would ultimately find his way to her. If he was not careful he could easily walk in the path of the wrong Sith, or look at a Dark Lord wrong and meet his end. The academy was a dangerous place for one not acquainted with such places containing evil intent.
  15. Ulic nestled herself in the grasp of Rocketblaze. She looked back at Ar-Pharazon, a gentleman she could feel was of considerable clout and power thought she'd never met him before. She'd only heard of him through reputation....Ulic interjected in her own train of thought. which really wouldn't make him a gentleman at all...considering his past history. Ulic pulled herself slightly away from Rocketblaze to do a quick bow to the man seated in front of them. She quickly shot back to her lovers side. Unbareable as it could be to act polite, it was always much easier to act towards those more powerful than ones self. Ulic smirked at her own thought which she did well to keep hidden.
  16. Ulic felt the presence of her loved one on the planet. It was undeniable that he was here. Their love was consumated some time ago, and forever would the two share a bond. Like following the fragrence of sweet perfume, Ulic tracked Rocketblazes location in the facility. She smiled devilishly as she could feel his presence nearing. Something rocketed through her head that she found comical yet took offense to. Gay? Gay?!......My love is not gay! Her man was in a conference however and she did not wish to disturb him. She was overjoyed that he was here, and it truely was the only joy she felt or wanted to feel anymore. Ulic conceiled herself near the entrance but left her force presence wide open for Rocketblaze to feel.
  17. Ulic made her way to Darth Sauron. She found him debating matters of the Sith as would be expected. The Sith lord waited patiently and quietly until the Dark Lord was finished. "I'm Ulic Ri'Lo serpent master, and former apprentice to Rocketblaze. I wish to take on an apprentice."
  18. Coming in at a steep angle with her ship, Ulic turns on the base thrusters to keep the ship from bludgeoning down into the landing pad. However, three unlucky techs are incinerated. An evil kackle escaped the Siths mouth. The lady dusts herself off before exiting the ship. The academy door just beyond the landing pad beckons her to enter it. Evil is felt all around, and in turn is welcomed into Ulic's soul. The Sith enters the academy to the howling of slaves and other captives. She grins with excitement and sets off to find the keeper Tarrian.
  19. Ulic's 'commandeered' YT-1300 heads through space enroute to Nirauan.
  20. Seeing Rocketblaze walk out of the room as cool as the other side of the pillow still had Ulic worked up. She could sense something different in him, but she did not know what it was. Whatever he went through she would be by him. She truely did not care if she was an ordinary Sith or Serpent master. The reason she stayed was for.....him. The order was her home now, but the order would not last without new blood. Quickly packing up her belongings she only slows herself to write a note to her love. It would simply ink on paper or letters in a holopad.... Her hand shivered as she pricked it with a small needle. As blood seeped from her wound, she took a drop of it and began to write with the pin...bringing it back each time more organic ink was needed. My love, I stay a serpent because of you. I must leave now for I feel it is pertinent to add to the order of the sith and serpent. I will go to Nirauan where you found me, and in turn find an apprentice. However, I will again return to Chandrila because of you. This will not be easy for me to be away my love, as I will loath every second we're apart. With all my heart I bid you farewell. Ulic With that the Sith lord made her way out of the compound and headed for an outcroping in the forest known for smuggler landings. Sure enough a crew of three smugglers was keeping camp near their small archaic YT 2300. Walking in a seductive manor towards them, Ulic managed to capture the trios attention. "Pretty lady" one of them managed in broken basic. That was the last any of them ever spoke or anyone ever heard from them. Two quick strikes with her saber saw their blood stain the ship they'd landed with. The third smuggler, frightened and blinded by fear made a run for it. He did not make it far however as Ulic summoned her staff for the first time in the presence of someone other than Rocketblaze and hurled it directly through the mans chest. It made a splug at it entered through his spine and cracked through his sternum before coming out his chest. His scream was quelled by the blood as it spewed up through his mouth while also coming out both ends of the hole. Ulic released the energy of her armor and staff letting them disappear back into the force. Not savoring the death of her first victims she quickly rushed to the ship and put in coordinates for Nirauan and the Sith Academy.
  21. Ulic felt a rush as she could sense her lover through the force. She was needed immediately at the dining hall. Leaping up off the bed she began to hum a beautiful yet sinister tune. Her white robes flowing she hurried to the dining hall with all speed.
  22. Ulic disrobed as Rocketblaze left the room. Anymore, she was comfortable naked in his presence. As the door shut to his chambers she made her way to the bathroom. She drew herself a hot bath and waited with eager anticipation for the tub to fill up. The water shut off on its own as the sensors realized the tub was full. The room went silent accept for the sound of Ulic dipping her toes in the water to get the feel for it. A small gasp escaped her mouth as her foot slid in gently. The water was scalding hot, but it felt good. Much anger and hatred had been released by the Sith Lord. The evil energies seemed to seep out of every pore all over her body. This bath was something she needed.....not for herself but for others. Ulic was beautiful on the outside, and meant to keep herself that way, wishing to contain her evil intents so as to surprise any of the unsuspecting. Washing herself head to toe she leaned back and let her body slide under the surface of the water full immersing herself.
  23. Ulic smiled as her title was bestowed. She clipped her lightsaber to her belt as her master gave it back to her, then she leaned forward and kissed him deeply. Long and pationate was this kiss, though it would not be the last. As Ulic pulled away from Rocketblaze and smiled up at him....for the first time in a long while. She began to speak in a calm voice radiating with confidence "My dear, I will not leave you just yet. I wish to stay a serpent, that is my decision. Is there anything you would have me do my love?"
  24. After bidding her love farewell with a force message which could be considered the equivalent of a kiss, Ulic then examined the scars on her arms. Though vicious they could not manage to take away from her overall beauty. However she would leave them to remain and be seen by all. Pain was essential to her now. She craved it....not only for herself, but for others. Pouring over the information in the datapad in a timely fashion she walked back to Rocketblazes quarters where she herself had spent a great deal of time. Outside two black marble pillars stood guard to the entrance. Peering around the back of one she unassumingly called on the force to bring her the blue energy staff so eloquently bestowed upon her by the knowledge of her serpent master. She gouged out a chunk the size of a human hand from one of the pillars. She picked up and dusted off the black glistening specs from the main piece. She released the force from her service for the time being and proceeded into Rocketblazes chambers and locked the door behind her. I hope my love with not mind me using his workbench On her way over to the workbench she smiled at the satin bedsheets of her lovers bed. She could not describe the feeling of the sheets caressing her naked body as it was intertwined with that of Rocketblazes. However there was no time to waste. In a cupboard beneath the bench she found a small kiln along with a couple other metal alloys which would be perfect to mix with the black marble to produce the desired hilt strength. She kept the datapad handy on the bench to reference it as she needed. Heading up the marble to an intense temperature it began to slowly melt. Ulic was forced to use a barrier with the aide of the force to keep the hot temperatures from melting anything close in the room. She did not wish to ruin her loves keepsakes. As the marble began to melt she added the alloys for extra strength. To her pleasure, the mix retained its black glistening shine when melted. Letting it cool she took the mixture via the force and began to manipulate it into a cylindrical shape, while hollowing out the middle. The excess mixture fell neatly back into the heating pan. Once hollowed and shaped perfecting she allowed the mixture to cool. The hatred that had fueled her earlier meditation that Rocketblaze had saved her from seemed to permeate every aspect of the sabers making. She set all the components in the cooled hilt. The datium powercell and the lense were powerful but delicate and it was a pain for her as she had to reset them a few times to make sure the saber when ignited would not explode. As the saber lay cystal-less on the workbench she looked it over once before grasping the crystal and returning to the meditation chamber she had previously been in. Her blood still stained the floor and small splatters could be glimpsed on the walls as well. She lit each candle and began to concentrate on teh crystal which she kept levitated in front of her. She poured her malice and hatred into it as the force enveloped the room and apprentice. The crystal shook with anticipation as more greed and hate were placed into it. The energy was astounding even to Ulic herself. The young woman did not know she had this kind of dark energy pulsating within her. This time would be different however, for she would not lose herself to meditation. She controlled the force....it was a tool for her to use....unlike the feeble jedi who valued the force as an ally..... --------------------------- Hours later the door to the chamber swings open and the apprentice steps out with her crystal in hand. A small red glow could be seen in the once clear crystal. From a glance even, it was evident that the crystal housed a darkside energy. When she arrived back in her masters chambers, Ulic carefully tended to placing the crystal. Indeed one of the most important parts of a light saber according to the datapad. The crystal was placed to Ulics liking so the last focusing lense was attached and the saber was finished. Truely unique in its look, the saber glinsened with tentative evil whill. It mirrored perfectly its master. Beautiful yet deadly, and it only called one person master the same as Ulic. Two white buttons could be seen gracing the black hilt. One for hilt length the other for ignition. With the length knob adjusted, Ulic ignited the blade. It surged out of the hilt with ferocity and blossomed in a beautiful red glow. She smiled with an evil look in her eye to accompany it and twirled the blade a few times as it hummed. She hoped it would make her love proud. She sat on the bed and began to meditate calmly....
  25. Never was her master this curt with her. Ulic was perplexed by his short manor. A small surge of anger over Rocketblaze's actions was quickly quelled within her as she found herself at the fact that the two were lovers. Heeding her masters words she took to a small dark meditation chamber. The chamber was all black save for three candles hastily placed in small red glass containers. The red glow from the lit candles set off the eeriness that could be felt by one in the room. Fear, hatred and lust consumed Ulic as she disparaged over her past. Failed relationships with her parents and siblings, and of course her current relationship with Rocketblaze. All were fuels for her determination to have things how she wanted. Voices struck out at her within her psychie. She kept her eyes closed but would flinch slightly every time another voice would yell or howl. Truely her mind was growing more and more evil. Still weaponless, she began stirring the force around her..... Instantly a small wind whips up within the room, the glass candle holders are thrown across the room with reckless abandon. An unconscious act however the shards that splinter hit Ulic on the arms but are unable to break her from the meditation now beginning to consume her.
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