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Everything posted by Kyu

  1. Kyu's ship, following Shadow's blasted off Dubrillion, heading towards the desert planet.
  2. Kyu watched as the fights were quickly broken up, he watched Shadow's movements closley, he needed to add some more moves to his dictionary, and he would have to start with his and Piccolo's. Moving closer into the fights, he stayed within the shadows.
  3. Electrical sparks flew from the inside of his clothes, they quickly healed the hole that was formed from Fett, he sighed waiting until it was fixed, happy he moved towards Fett. "Excellent fight my friend, now all we need is a war." He smiled, and moved back over to Piccolo and Sal.
  4. Kyu flipped, landing on his good knee. Kyu could feel the pain, but there was no pain in where he used to live, there was only death. Kyu used his good shoulder, the one he didn't hit, and pulled a dagger from his belt, holding it in-between Fett and Kyu. He pushed it forward and quickly took it back, still holding it close. He did a move that he did to Piccolo, but this time he did it quick, and Fett didn't see what he was doing until the last possible second. Kyu put his weight again, on his left leg, the one that was kicked at by Fett. He pulled his right leg up, taking his weight off his left; he flew into the air, knife still drawn. Kyu leapt onto the shoulders of the Mandalorian, both feet holding the same weight. He placed his hands around Fett's neck; a string of pain was caste up his right shoulder, the one that Fett hurt while dealing "his cards." He put his hands silently under his neck, dropping the dagger he pulled up, flipping into the air. As Fett was off the floor, and parallel to it he let go. He watched as Fett spun, landing onto his neck at a very odd angle, something very paralyzing. He backed up, staying low to the ground. ((What I did was put my two hands around your throat and pulled you into my flip, while I still had my two hands wrapped around your neck. When your body was in the air, parallel to the ground, I let go, and you kept spinning.))
  5. ((I think John died.)) Kyu smiled, a devilish smile, sheathing the sword into its proper place on Kyu's hip. Kyu moved forward to Fett, a Mandolrian a very strong one at that. The man looked strong with the amount of armor he held on his shoulders, but that armor weighed him down, he may be strong enough for some, but too slow for others, like Kyu. The rest would fall into place very soon. Kyu lowered to the ground, sword still sheathed on his left hip. He moved, quick, and powerful. As he moved left to right, he also moved closer, step by step, a very ensuring move that would work out for him in the long run. He rolled, as Fett prepared himself for his attack, Kyu rolled underneath his legs, the mandolrian quickly took a step back targeting Kyu, but it was too late. Kyu was already in his previous position, low to the ground, and attacking quick, and painless. I sprung from my feet behind his left knee cap, knocking it out as he closed down to the floor; he let a small yelp for help. As he stayed on his knees, Kyu held his balance, the thing he was most trained in, balance. He un-sheathed the sword, watching and waiting, he carried it by his left shoulder for a quicker attack or defend. As Fett prepared himself to attack, Kyu was on him like a cat; he pounced on his back, and knocked him to the ground. Kyu put one hand around the neck of Fett, and flipped him over, sword still in right hand, he also placed it on his neck, holding it and waiting. Kyu did it correctly, he protected his back, and made Fett immobile for the second, just enough for Kyu to think of another move.
  6. Kyu's eyes turned red with pure rage, he pushed both of his hands behind him, and jumped to his feet. "I think we got off on the wrong foot, Sal, perhaps I can show you the right way." Kyu charged, Sal not ready with her admiring jokes stood in shock, not ready to defend, and already too late to fight back. Kyu withdrew his sword with his right, holding it, ready to fight, he knocked Sal to the ground and held the sword tip at her throat. "Don't... do that again."
  7. "I am a cyber-netic human, very complicated story, but that is why I move so fast, and can attack so fluently, but you my boy are more than what I, you are a great fighter, and seem to be a great man to be with for protection." Kyu smiled, and looked over to Searcy, and Will. He spoke to Piccolo first, "What do you say us two verses them two?" He waited.
  8. "Excellent work, my comrade." He said as Kyu placed his feet down, centimeters away from Searcy. He ran full speed, almost faster than the speed of sound, he was only a mere blur when Kyu's shoulder made contact with the upper chest of Piccolo knocking him down to the ground with a hard crash on his back. Kyu lightened up, cracking his neck as he stood in correct posture, he put his hand down at Piccolo, offering help up. "I am very surprised with your skills, young one; you offer a lot of your services to the Black Sun. I feel honored to be by your side." His bulging arm hung, waiting for Piccolo to take it.
  9. The shocks tingled up to his spine, his back started to vibrate as he removed the sword that was in his other hand, he took a slice of the wrist grapple, cutting it instantly. The Trandoshan was annoyed by the events, but still expecting them from Kyu, he was a great fighter; it just took him time to figure out what to do next. He moved grapple still clinging around his foot; he pulled with all his weight, now standing completely upwards, waiting for the right time to pull. From Kyu's training, he had to run with two-hundred pound weights holding to his back, it was a very good exercise, and this time he would show why. Kyu with his one free hand gripped the grapple upwards and pulled with all his might, Piccolo fingered the pistol trying to fire. With the other hand, Kyu brought the sword down as the grapple cord slithered lifelessly on the ground. He was now free, and it felt good. He now had to tune himself to an attacking pose. He wanted to make this fight last, and by that he couldn't use many of his old Ninja ways of killing. Kyu rotated his heel, locking his left foot in place while he swung with his right foot at the bounty hunter's face. The attack was a great move, but it was easy enough to block it even if you never trained. Kyu took his weight off his left, and moved forward, walking in a crouched position. Kyu's eyes meet Piccolo's and that was the last time that would happen, he moved his left arm over Piccolo's right ankle, pulling it outwards, making him collapse to the ground. Kyu then used his right hand and applied pressure to the upper shin, he then slowly started to raised from the ground, releasing his right hand, he placed his foot on top and body slammed Piccolo, pulling his foot farther back then it should have been, he at least pulled it out of the socket. Kyu's elbow entered into the stomach of Piccolo, hard. Kyu jumped off the body, watching and waiting for him to spring.
  10. Kyu smiled, as his black cloaked self moved close to the ground, he was now what looked to be a big black blur, blending in with the ground, he removed his blaster from the side of his pants. He shot the electrical box, it shined bright, and then blew, turning the arena pure blackness, as Kyu was. He stashed his blaster and pulled out the sword, it wasn't a vibro-sword, but a very, very strong sword made of pure steel, and had a black diamond augmentation. He sneered, staying low to the ground, he picked out his target, the trandoshan. Kyu knew that he had much skill underneath his small belt, but not enough in Kyu's way of performing, his... ninja-like ways. He moved slowly, staring over his enemy before he made a move, he could see in the dark, very well, almost as much as he could in day-light, but he really couldn't tell by the day-light, for he was really never out in it. He stepped in close, grabbing the Trandoshan with Kyu's left hand, pulling it away from his body to prevent him from pulling out any weapon that he had stocked on him. With Kyu's right hand he took hold of his left lapel and thrusted it up under his chin. His reaction was good: he stepped back with his left leg to regain balance and open up distance, from which he might be able to employ something from his older training as a rouge bounty hunter. But I wasn't going to give him that chance. Kyu caught Piccolo's right heel with his right foot and used Kyu's fist in his troat to shove him back in kouchigari, one of Kyu's older training, it was a basic judo throw. Kyu backed up, holding up his guard, and waited for Piccolo to respond to his recent attacks. ((I saw you post other's actions, if you don't want me to post yours just say, and I won't.))
  11. "Of course, and your idea sounds pretty good, two against four sounds excellent." Kyu smiled underneath his cloaked mouth, he waited, and watched as they prepared the duel.
  12. His ship entered into the atmosphere of Dubrillion, as he started to land he forgot to comm, but he remembered that he was already cleared by Smash's guards, and had no need to talk to another one of these fools, he wanted to fight, he wanted to kill. He moved into the Dojo, where he could tell another one before had just gone from the slight scent of spice, excellent. He moved in, walking to a green-lizard like creature, he spoke, quick and to the point. "Smash sent me, I am here to train." He waited.
  13. KYU'S CHARACTER SHEET Real Name: Kyu Inatota Nickname: Kyu Age: 25 Species: Human Height: 5'9 Weight: 165 Hair: Black Eyes: Red Sex: Male Homeworld: Coruscant Alignment: Neutral Clothing: Robes, Light-Armor Weapon: Short-sword, Blaster, Force User Inventory: Flash Bang, Thermal Detenator, Smoke Posessions: The Hippo-griph
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