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Posts posted by Yue

  1. OCC: my bad, yes I am and sorry about the typo Nom




    "Well master Nom, I came to find out somthing about a light saber I had in my postion. Then these beast came, and well that was that."


    He waited before speaking.


    "A jedi, I did not think about that. On the other hand, its dose sound like somthing I would like to do.

    Life is what you make it
  2. after going about the dojo and not running into any other of those stupid beast, he then looked for another source of life who might be able to tell him somthing.


    He then came across two people one he knew was a jedi called Norm, and the other he was not sure. He shouted grabbing there attetion


    "Excuse me, Master Norm. What is going on here?"



    Life is what you make it
  3. Coming out of a haze a smoke and rubble he made a move to another area of the base with viro-blade in hand. He moved very quickly, but rather quietly.


    He came upon a small group of 3 vornskyrs feeding off a bodie, he put his knife in its case and drew his blasters. He shot off a quick volley at the vornskyrs killing one and wounding another. He dodged and finished off the beasts with another volley draining a small bit of his blaster battiers. He walked over to the bodie and saw that it was a young man.


    "This is not right. I have to try and do somthing, even if I don't have any of the force on my side."


    He left the scene and moved forward down the hall in seach someone who could help him or who he could help.


    Life is only what you make it
  4. "Well the bartender did not say much other than that my father was a jedi, and that my mother was a Imp office who was a princess descended from a sentor before its collapse. The only other thing he said was that I would find my next clue on Naboo. Im sorry but that is all he said."


    life is only what you make it
  5. "Well Calen, I just came from courrsant and I found somthing that might intrest you."


    I reached into my bag and pulled out the light saber and showed him.


    "This was given to me by a bartender who told me that this light saber belonged to my father. My question to you now is, can you help me figure out to who it belonged?"


    Life is only what you make it
  6. Yue looked at the man. He was taken by surpise, but gathered himself and answered.


    "Why actally yes there is, my name is Yue. Before we go any further might I inquire about who you are, if you do not mind?"


    Life is what you make it
  7. Yue pulled out of hyperspace over the planet seeing that it was a preety cool to see another planet that he hasn't seen yet. He felt somthing in his gut tell him that he made a right choice. He landed on the surface and headed twoards the main complex. Yue saw many people walking by him in hoods and robes. He was in disbelife at the sight of so many Jedi, but he had other rather important matters to attend to. Yue entered the building and walked up to a clerk and made his request.


    "Good day ma'm. I have no appointment with any one, but I must speak to a master about a fallen Jedi."


    she looked at me with her own disbelife, but somthing was not right.


    "Sir, I'm sorry but there is no new fallen jedi in the force."

    "I know, he has been dead for a while, but I need to know who he was."


    Yue went into his bag and pulled out the Light Saber and showed her.


    "I need to know who the owner of this weapon was."

    "I will try and find someone who can help answer your question, till then please sit and wait till I can help you."


    Yue thanked her and sat himself down. He now sat down looking over what he had un-cover at the bar. He now sits hoping to find some one who can help him with his questions.


    Life is only what you make it.
  8. Yue was on Corsucaunt, but for such a populated plaent he saw no one. He wondered looking for any one, any thing only to find not a single living soul. He kept searching untill he came to a single door. The door had the same symbol on it, just like his pendeant. He opend the door and heard the Rebell fleet move in and start engaging the enemy. As the battle took place a single bomb went off.


    Yue awoke from his sleep in a cold sweat with fear heavy in his heart, for he could not tell if that was a dream or somthing more. As he gathered himself his ship dropped out of hyper space over Corsucaunt.


    life is only what you make it.
  9. Yue felt relaxed after being in space for a bit. He had forgotten what it had felt like to be in space. Yue had no idea why he was flying to coruscant when the Rebell fleet was on its way there, but somthing told him if he did not early. what he is looking for may not be there afterwards. Yue set the auto pilot and then let him self fall alseep.


    Life is only what you make it.

    Real Name: Paul Cohen

    Nickname: Yue Damon

    Age: 21

    Species: human

    Height: 6'2

    Weight: 200

    Hair: Jet Black

    Eyes: Jet Black

    Sex: male

    Homeworld: Naboo

    Alignment: Evil

    Clothing: Lose fitting black pants and black shirt

    Weapon: One light saber, One long saber, two short sabers.

    Force User Yes

    Inventory: com watch

    Posessions: None

    Back Story: Yue is the darkness to the jedi known as Damon. He was created when Damon spilt his soul to eradicate it of the Darkness. Now Yue's soul purpose in life is to master the ways of the Sith and destory Damon once and for all.

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