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Myth Hunter

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Everything posted by Myth Hunter

  1. "How good is your attention Aia?" Myth asked. It's as good as my Father taught me. Right. Well, lets see how good he taught you. As we walked here, how many people did we see? Aia's face went blank as she recalled how many people she saw. Her eyes turned glassy as she focused on nothing but her thoughts. Finally, her face became animated as she answered. Seventeen Myth raised an eyebrow, "seventeen? are you sure you are accurate?" Aia nodded. A wookiee is not concidered people. Not the way I was taught. And I wouldn't say the man lying in a heap would be a sentient being. Not from the smell he gave off. Myth nodded slowly. "Would you know this non-sentient being if you met him again?" Aia stared at Myth. I... I don't know. Indicating the space of corridor behind her, Myth asked another question. "What is it that you can sense behind me? Use all your senses." Aia looked. I see a corridor, the same corridor of any Star Destroyer. Long and slightly illuminated. I hear the humming of the machinery behind the walls. The beating of power. "The beating of power? I don't hear that." I do. It's like a double beat. Rythmic. Echoing. Can you not hear that? Myth thought for a bit. "I hear rythmic beats, but it is not power I hear. listen again, and watch." Staring at the corridor, Aia looked once more. Her brow furrowed in concentration and frustration. Myth watched her as the beating became louder and closer, and then she saw the shock on her face as the two men came around the corner of the corridor. "The lighting in thses corridors are decietful. What may appear to be a long corridor may only be a curved corridor. Now... May I introduce you to two of my officers, Dave and Dan." Aia looked at the two men, so similar in looks. Are they twins? "No. They are not. Do you recognise either one of them?" How could I recognise them? "Dan was that pile of flesh, lying in a heap. If you noticed... his hand was showing. Take a look at his hand now." One of the men held up his hand to Aia. A long, gruesome scar circled the palm. "He was showing this hand as he came around the corner. Aia, this is the sort of detail you need to learn. I am proud of your Father teaching you the basics, you have learnt them well. But if you wish to be a great Hunter, you will need to be able to pick up on the finer details." Myth laughed "and besides, why would I ever let some slum to curl up and die on my ship? I would put him to good use, like feeding some of our pets."
  2. Myth shows Aia her new quarters. Then takes her to the mess hall for a quick meal and evaluation. So, have you had any previous experience in hunting?
  3. *Myth sends a comm message out to the young bounty hunter* If you haven't already landed, there is room in one of my hangars. I will help you learn about being a Bounty Hunter. I hope you are tough.
  4. If you do not wish to be a part of the 'normal' crew, perhaps you would like a position in the fleet that would allow you to answer directly to the top. Unless Outer Heaven have other plans.
  5. ((OOC: actually, I think a Bounty Hunter will actually hunt for things that have a price on their head. Assassins are simply hired to kill specific people.)) Mr Klay, I am insulted. Captains aboard my ships are not concidered second ranking. They have their place too. And I believe the phrase was "special staff". A man of your legendary status, with all your skills would be of great use. I am sure the men of Outer Heaven, and those of us from Sabaoth, would greatly appreciate anything you offered.
  6. *A ship lands and down the ramp walks a woman dressed in black.* I am here about some work
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