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  1. Thank you for the feedback! Yes, it is in several different time periods. I felt it necessary to break them up because of the different events that happen in them and for the fact they are in different time periods. The first flashback is linked to the young girl's doll. The two "chapters" are separate points in the story; this is actually a bit thrown together. I'll expand chapters one and two later; these are not all there is, just all I have on the computer at the moment. You'll find out what happens to his wings later, I assure you
  2. Here's the first bit of the prologue and first chapter (they're short for a reason) When I had lived here, it was a bustling metropolis, a cliff-side city of unequalled proportions. It was unconquerable and incomparably beautiful. The sweeping walkways from tower to tower, each spire reaching to the clouds as outstretched fingers. Seeing my people diving from their eyries and spreading their leathery wings to fly anywhere they wanted. Now, as I gaze at it, I feel only despair. The white towers sit crumbling, walkways collapsed. It looks, and is, deserted. Knowing I caused it is a heavy burden to bear, because I once loved this majestic city. Wandering among the broken edifices, I can see the destruction my lack of action caused. Looking at the battered homes, my eye is caught by a small spot of colour. I move towards it, and push aside the rubble, revealing a small doll, slightly burnt and battered. I picked it up, remembering where I had last seen it. - - - - - - The hands of a little girl clutch a doll tightly as I was led in chains to the bottom of my home city. She didn't even have full-grown wings yet. Seeing the commander of her country's armies being exiled for something he did not do would damage this child. I smiled at her and mouthed that everything would be fine, but I knew it would not. A cruel shove from behind kept me moving, past the throngs of people gathered to see an even that had not happened in centuries. I was the first to be exiled in 500 years, and even for a Draconian, that was a long time. Finally we reached the lowest of the eyries, and the guards holding me released my bonds. I flexed my wings as one of the guards spoke the ritual condemnation, the relayed verdict. ”œYou, Glyph Drakau, have been charged and proven through evidence to be guilty of treason and attempted assassination. Your punishment is 500 years exile.”
  3. CHARACTER SHEET Real Name: Ultros Ramalia Nickname: Ultros Age: 32 Species: Nautolan Height: 176 cm Weight: 76 kg Skin Colour: Purple. Eyes: Deep black. Sex: Male. Homeworld: Glee Anselm. Alignment: Evil. Clothing: Black skinsuit, stolen Imperial uniform, sadissssstic grin. Weapons: Dagger, holdout blaster Force User (untrained) Inventory: Vibrodagger, holdout blaster with 4 charges. Posessions: PLY-3000 starship. Bio: Ultrosss hass been ssslinking through Corusscant's underworld for many yearssss. He hass been living off theivery and killingss for many yearss, making a tidy prosperouss ssum from the idiotss that sstumble upon him.
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