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Zadkiel's Character Sheet


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Identity (Basic Info) [!ident]


Real Name: Zadkiel

A.K.A: Zad

Homeworld: Courscant

Species: Human [With various cybernetic enhancements]


Physical Description[!dscrp]


Age: 28

Height: 5'11"

Build: Medium; muscular

Hair: Blond; kept short

Eyes: Blue

Sex: Male


Equipment [!equip]


Clothing or Armor: Nothing exceptionally high tech or protective. At most there is reinforced clothing that provides only moderate protection, for the time being

Weapon: x1 Red lightsaber, vibroknife, x20 Light razorblades

Common Inventory: Comm

Cybernetic Enhancements:

Hookshot in right arm [Removal from the arm without being fired is possible, letting the reverse end be used as a tool or weapon however it's a last ditch sort of weapon]


Neural implants that allow interfacing with various electronics, backups of his 'brain' are stored in several separate locations.


Muscular enhancements


Lack of natural genitals, replaced with cybernetics with no other function than waste removal and increased testosterone production


Faction Information [!factn]


Force User, Force Sensitive or Non-Force User: Force User

Alignment: (Optional) Chaotic Evil

Current Faction Affiliation: Unaligned; Ties to the Empire and Sith

Current Faction Rank: Master Level force User




Force Side: Dark

Trained by: Alora

Trained who: Malyss, Sasori

Known Skills: Strong Survivalist skills, excels at hand to hand combat, neural computer interface supporting the slicing of computers and general ability to connect with most machines with basic ports [Also permits remarkably enhanced capacity for learning], moderate weapon smithing skills, noteworthy charismatic leadership qualities, remarkable capacity for personality suppression


Background: Born to a Rich Family, possessed sociopath tendencies, directed at the Sith at a young age. Fed into the brutal, sadistic culture and rapidly ascended. Relatively unknown compared to many of the greater names, but made it to Master Rank regardless of this.


He's had multiple alterations to his physical form. His brain has been digitized and stored in various computers, updated every so often.


Spent the last year or so cultivating anti-alien sentiment and Sith leanings within the under levels of Courscant.

It takes two sides to make war. It only takes one side to make a massacre.

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