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Posts posted by JJK

  1. A Jedi shuttle winked out of hyperspace over Scarif and began circling the planet. Both the electronic sensors of the shuttle itself and the Force senses of Jedi Knight Osiral stretched toward the surface, trying to pinpoint the exact origin of the distress signal broadcasting from Jedi Sarna's lost ship. After several orbits, the Knight located the beacon and homed in on the proper stretch of beach. She then performed the first successful landing on the planet by a Jedi in recent history about a hundred meters away from the crash site.


    As soon as the shuttle touched down, the four apprentices that made up the rest of the shuttle's crew (including Joelle K'smet, with her temporarily inherited canine companion, Tyue) swarmed out and ran toward the wreckage. It had already been days since the other shuttle had gone missing; if Sandy Sarna was still entrapped inside, there was no time to lose!

    • … Although I appreciate the creativity and ingenuity it took for them to create the illusion of the Temple being above ground, it's still not quite the same as actually having access to outside. If I don't get to feel actual sunlight, fresh air, and maybe even a real breeze soon, I may start to go stir crazy - meditation or not!


    Joelle finished typing her journal entry and set the datapad down on the desk with a sigh. This caught Tyue's attention and he looked up at her from his cushion at the foot of her bed. With the absence of Master Roene, the pup seemed to have attached himself to her. "Yeah, I'd bet you'd like to get some time outdoors, too, wouldn't you, boy?" The Garral thumped his tail in response but didn't get up, possibly realizing the "conversation" wasn't going to be getting him anywhere.


    Joelle stretched and looked around, thinking about the time since Grandmaster Kirlocca's memorial service. During the Jedi Council meeting, there had been that strange sense of darkness that had distracted her from following after the young Jedi, Sandy. The sensation had been so strong it had overwhelmed her briefly, both mentally and physically. However, once she recovered, she recognized there were surely others present who would be better qualified to deal with whatever may have brought the darkness, so she did her best to put it out of her mind while mingling. Then, Master Roene had returned to the gathering, sending out messages through the Force. Unfortunately, they hadn't gotten the opportunity to discuss the memorial ceremony, or the feeling of darkness, before he needed to leave on his mission for the Order.


    Fortunately, the members of the Jedi Order at large were as hospitable as Joelle could have ever hoped. When they left Kashyyyk to set up the Felucian Temple, they made certain she had a place on the transport ship. Upon their arrival here, she had been assigned living quarters - this single, simple room - and never wanted for any general supplies. Since then, she had spent the majority of her time practicing meditation as Master Roene had shown her, participating in sparring drills with other Hopefuls and Padawans, (even helping to lead a few drills with those with no martial art background) having discussions with Jedi of all levels, and exploring the resources in the library. The latter exercises had begun with the hope of better understanding the doctrines of the Jedi Order. However, the main thing she had found was that there almost seemed to be as much disagreement as agreement!


    In some ways, the lack of consensus was freeing, as it meant she didn't necessarily have to fit into a set mold to become a Jedi. In other ways, it was frightening. How would she be able to tell if she was using her abilities for the Light verses drifting toward the Dark Side?


    Joelle was pulled from her reverie by the sound of someone rushing down the hallway outside the open door to her room. In her time at the Temple, she had grown used to a slower pace; contrary to her first meeting with Master Roene, it seemed most Jedi tended to take their time getting from point A to point B. Curious, and a bit concerned, she hurried to the door to find her Twi'Lek "neighbor" fumbling to get his door open.


    "Hi, Trakin, what's going on?" Joelle inquired.


    "You hadn't heard? Knight Osiral is asking for volunteers to go out on a rescue mission!" The apprentice radiated excitement about this opportunity, his lekku twitching, "There's a distress code coming from a Knight's ship that apparently crashed on Scarif." He finally succeeded in getting the door unlatched.


    "Oh, wow! I hope they're ok! Do you know who crashed?" Joelle stepped out into the hall, continuing the conversation from Trakin's doorway as he hurriedly grabbed a pack and began filling it with necessities.


    "Knight…." the Twi'lek stumbled a bit, obviously more interested in preparing for the mission itself than the specific Knight needing rescuing, "um, Cindy Sarma, or something like that?"


    "Wait, do you mean Sandy Sarna?!?" Joelle's concern doubled.


    "Yeah, that's it! How did you know? She hasn't been at the Temple in about forever." Trakin paused in his tracks to give Joelle a puzzled look.


    "I met her at the former Grandmaster's memorial service. She's really nice. Do you know if Knight Osiral has enough volunteers yet?"


    "No idea. I heard about the mission from Dez and Shamell," he turned back to his packing, "but they did say she wants to leave within the next hour, so you might want to carry whatever you'd want to take with you when you go to find out."


    "Thanks, I appreciate the tip. In case I don’t see you before you leave, may the Force be with you."


    Joelle returned to her room and began tossing her belongings into her own pack. "Well, Tyue, looks like sometimes you get what you ask for! I sure hope Sandy is ok…"




    Just shy of half a standard hour later, Joelle stood in the hanger, waiting with Trakin and a couple of other apprentices for Knight Osiral. They didn't have to wait long.


    "Good," announced a voice from a shuttle behind them, "four apprentices should be just right. Come aboard and let's get flying."

  2. The crowd, with its consistency of Jedi, the Wookiee kin of the departed Grandmaster, and even Imperial dignitaries, was unlike anything Joelle had previously experienced. It was interesting: Before meeting Master Roene, she would have said her life was fairly well-rounded. Now she was quickly realizing, despite her family's travels and her formal education, she had really been rather sheltered. And, the fact this was for a memorial service notwithstanding, these new experiences had all been fairly positive! How will I react when I'm faced with the more negative aspects of the galaxy? she mused while waiting for the ceremony to begin.




    After the memorial service concluded, Master Roene slipped off into the forest. This didn't come as a great surprise to Joelle. She had already recognized that the Cerean had been slightly distracted since their arrival on the planet. Whatever he'd been sensing, it must have been something he felt he could help to fix. As this left her in a sea of strangers, yet one where she felt quite safe, she allowed herself to reflect on the service.


    Strong. Wise. Selfless. Kind. All characteristics she had been taught since childhood were hallmarks of the Jedi. It was encouraging to hear the words used to describe the late Grandmaster. Even though some of her preconceptions about the Order and its tenets were proving to be slightly off, the emphasis on those traits reassured her she was on the right path.


    Her revere was broken by a young woman who came bearing dessert and an accent Joelle couldn't quite place. “Cheers mate, don’t think we've met so I’m Sandy Sarna, at your service!”


    Joelle couldn't help but smile as she shook the offered hand and accepted the plate of pie. "Joelle K'smet, and if your service includes bringing me dessert, I am certainly glad to accept! Sweets are a major weakness of mine. It's a good thing the Sith don't offer cookies or something, or I may have joined them instead!"


    As she took her first bite of the pie, she felt a bump against her thigh. Looking down, she found herself meeting the sad expression only a pup wanting a share of food he can't quite reach can make. Tyue was obviously feeling left out of the refreshments.

  3. The more Joelle communicated with Master Roene, the more she wondered if many of her perceptions of the Jedi belief system were outdated. At the very least those perceptions were certainly limited! Of course, even though he was her Master, that didn't mean he was infallible himself. Nor did it mean that his views were those accepted by all Jedi. Perhaps it would be best to simply take these conversations as a sign she needed to keep an open mind during this process of training.


    She was pulled from her musings by the realization that the young lady Master Roene had stopped to speak with was introducing herself. "Hello, Tirzah," Joelle replied, bowing in return, "I'm Joelle K'smet." As she straightened, she took a closer look at the girl. In doing so, she realized she may have overestimated Tirzah's age by a few years. Despite her aura of maturity, her appearance indicated she was still just short of her teens. No matter; a mature child deserves to be treated as such. "I wasn't trying to listen in, but did I hear correctly that you have just become a Padawan, too? Congratulations! Maybe we could do some training together at some point."

  4. Kashyyyk. The jungle planet where the Wookiees built their arboreal homes. This city overlooking the sea was a rather different landscape than Joelle had ever pictured. She had always wanted to visit this world, but it had never been a factor in either of her parents' research studies, thus wasn't a destination for any family vacations. Now, though, she was finally here. Of course, she certainly would have preferred it to be under happier circumstances….


    It was good that she had followed Master Roene's cue and taken a seat next to him before he'd shared the news of Grandmaster Kirlocca's passing. While she was long past the childish naivety that Jedi Masters were anything near immortal, it was still a bit of a shock to hear of one dying. Especially one who was still in the prime of his life, during a time of relative peace in the galaxy at large.


    "Master Roene," Joelle had tentatively asked after a few moments of silence, "did you know Master Kirlocca well?" Later on, as she was working to process the Jedi reaction to death during their flight, she followed with the question, "I understand the idea that Jedi are not supposed to have attachments as those can lead to negative emotions, but how can one keep from forming attachments as one forms relationships? I had never even met Master Kirlocca to have a real relationship with him, I only knew his name and had heard some stories about his life, yet I am still feeling a sense of loss and deep sadness over his death. And if Jedi do not have attachments, then why is the Order having a funeral?"


    Now that they were on Kashyyyk, surrounded by such life, and Joelle was beginning to have a better understanding of the Jedi outlook on death. Yes, Master Kirlocca is from the physical universe. But there is no reason get so caught up in the fact of his death that I ignore the life that continues! She had a sudden feeling that this funeral service was as likely to be a celebration of life as it was to be the mourning of death. And that is no bad thing!


    While she was trailing behind her master, pondering these thoughts, a teen girl called out to him. Joelle stepped aside and allowed the two to greet one another.

  5. Joelle awoke to the slight jolt of the transport coming out of hyperspace. For a moment, she was disoriented. Classes start soon. Why am I traveling now? she thought in the moments before opening her eyes. Her first, blurred, view was of Tyue at the feet of Master Roene. Oh, that's right! I'm a Jedi padawan now. That's probably going to mean a lot more frequent travel than just semester breaks have allowed.


    As she shook off her grogginess, she noticed a small ripple in her Master's normally peaceful presence. Not wanting to disturb him, but giving in to her concerned nature, she attempted to control what she now knew was a part of her connection to the Force and gently probe the outermost layer of his presence. Through what she knew was a far more clumsy effort than she had hoped, she managed to determine that he was dealing with something that had brought him great sadness. Unfortunately, she was certain he must have felt the brush of her mind. Given that, she took the opportunity try to send him a mental message, hoping it wouldn't come through to him as a shout: Master, I have felt your sadness. I am sorry to have intruded and will leave you to work out your emotions. Please, though, let me know if there is any way I can help you. Her message relayed to the best of her abilities, Joelle turned her attention out the viewport to the world toward which they were rapidly descending.


    Ossus - home to the Great Jedi Library. How Joelle had always dreamed of the chance to visit that amazing repository of knowledge! Of course, she knew that wasn't possible. After all, it was destroyed all those millennia ago by the supernova caused by the Sith. That was still a piece of history that got under Joelle's skin! Oh, sure, it was true that the Jedi at the time had saved as much of the information as they could manage and that could be found in the Archives in the new Jedi Temple. But so much was lost!


    Well, hopefully I'll at least have the chance to visit the modern Archives at some point. The thought was a small consolation. It was followed by one that was just a bit better, Perhaps, someday, I might be able to manage them! I'm sure the Jedi must have librarians staffing the collection. Or, maybe I could even find a way to contribute to the current store! These ideas brightened Joelle's mood, compensating for her frustration over the historical destruction, though her concern for her master remained.

  6. Joelle let out another sigh, this one more along the lines of relief, her frustration slightly calmed by her master’s response. "Thank you for that reminder and reassurance, Master Roene," she replied gratefully. "I struggle with accepting the gray areas of life at times, and I've always been easily frustrated by confusion. However, you're right in pointing out that it's a part of the learning process. If I already understood all of this, then I'd probably already be a Jedi! Maybe even have a place on the Council!" Joelle ended this with a self-deprecating chuckle.


    “You’ve given me a lot to process here, Master. I think I’d prefer to reflect on it quietly for a bit, if you don’t mind?” A wave of tiredness hit Joelle at that moment and she let out a yawn. “And possibly take a nap, actually. It would be getting fairly late if we were still on Corellia, and I doubt we’ll be getting a lot of rest once we reach Ossus.”


    She reclined her seat back and shifted to find the most comfortable position possible. Tyue, apparently curious about the movement, turned his attention to her, nuzzling his head against her knee. She lifted her head and smiled down at him, “Just trying to get some rest, Tyue.” She reached down and scratched him behind the ears, letting her hand rest on her knee after a couple of moments. The Garral pup was less than content with this. He whined softly, pushing his nose between hand and knee, then maneuvering until Joelle’s fingers were once again hitting that spot where all canines can’t get enough attention. “Alright, boy!” she laughed gently and continued to give him the ministrations he so clearly desired as her thoughts, and then her consciousness, slowly drifted...

  7. Once Roene, Tyue, and Joelle were settled in their cabin and the transport had taken off from Corellia, Joelle voiced some of the thoughts she had previously held back: "Your analogy of the difference between how the Jedi and Sith interact with the Force was enlightening. And that illustration certainly works better for a river than it would with the wind I was sensing on my own!" With that last statement, Joelle's mind wandered into future possibilities. Hmmmm. If my real perception of the Force is more like the wind, how would I someday begin to teach a padawan about it and the difference between Jedi and Sith? Realizing she was getting ahead of things, she mentally shook herself. Throttle back, Joelle! Much as teaching is in your blood, let's not get ahead of things!! You've only just started learning so much of this yourself. You need to be sure you understand the difference yourself before you start thinking about that. Besides the importance of knowing so you can avoid falling to the Dark Side yourself! She returned her thoughts to more immediate questions she had concerning the Jedi's lesson.


    "Master, as enlightening as the illustration and your lesson was, it also confused me in some ways. I do know the basic Jedi Code: There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force. I also learned the Sith Code during my studies, with its talk of passion, strength, and power. For that reason, I had always thought that what separated the Jedi's and Sith's use of the Force was the emotional state through which they accessed it. Or at least that the difference came from that combined with the result of what they did with the power: peace and protection for the Jedi versus destruction and personal power for the Sith. But it seemed as though you were saying the difference comes instead from what they do with the power in its raw state. If I understood correctly, you referred to it as channeling it as a Jedi verses twisting it as a Sith?" While she had started out this path of questioning very calmly, at this point Joelle began to be agitated, raising her voice slightly and gesturing with her hands to add emphasis. "But on the other hand, some of the later things you said seemed to point back to the idea that the product of the power does indeed matter, and even that the Jedi shouldn't be aggressive toward the Sith, which is why I was concerned by the actions of Kyrie and the other Jedi on Carida to begin with, but you had said earlier that you believed her motive was enough to make things alright!"


    Joelle ended the final thought with a frustrated sigh. "I know I'm not off to a very good start of controlling my own emotions, Master. I do look forward to the life-long pursuit of exploring the Force and hope that the passion I have for understanding and knowledge won't lead me astray. Now, though, I suppose I need to stop talking for a bit and let you address my confusion."

  8. The second time she gathered her concentration and eased into the pattern of meditation, she found the gentle presence of her new Master there to greet her. With his guidance, she was able to hold her focus to complete the mental journey into the depths of her own mind. As they neared their destination, though, she began to realize things were slightly different this time. The current she had sensed before was still there, but it seemed to have changed in form slightly. She was also more and more thankful he was there with her the closer they got. The power of the Force was far stronger than she had imagined. When she reached into it, she wasn't entirely sure if she wouldn't have been carried away in it without him keeping her attention focused.


    "A river, Master Roene? That almost feels right, yet somehow not quite what I was sensing before…. That current felt more like the air or wind, all around me instead of somewhat limited to one dimension."


    This, Ms. K'smet, is the force. It manifests differently to everyone, and I would hazard a guess that this interpretation is affected by my own. 


    "Ah, yes, I had already recognized that the current had to be at least related to the Force. If the representation of it can vary, it would be logical for your perspective to influence what I see with you guiding me."


    From this point, Joelle did her best to quiet her own thoughts as the Jedi Knight shared his knowledge and perspective of the Force, the Jedi, and the Sith. Instead, she concentrated on what he was saying, making mental notes to reflect upon and ask questions about later. She had, after all, had enough experience with class lectures during her academic career to recognize a teacher being in the middle of one, even if it was one-on-one!

    When the lesson concluded, Joelle mentally followed her Master back to the surface of her mind. The return to the physical world was a bit jarring at first; meditation had been much quieter and involved far different senses! However, just as he had helped her find her way on their mental journey, Master Roene assisted her in regaining her equilibrium and make her way onto the shuttle transport.

  9. With the Jedi's admonition to be calm, Joelle realized that, even without allowing the word plague to cross her lips, some of her concern must have found its way into her tone. She took a few deep breaths as he sat and continued sharing his thoughts.


    "Yes, sir. I didn't mean to risk causing panic. I suppose part of becoming a Jedi will be learning to better control my emotions, rather than allowing them to slip out to possibly affect others?" she replied as she sat beside him. She then followed his example, closing her eyes and continuing to take deep, controlled breaths.


    Meditation was a new activity for her. As she sat and concentrated on her breathing, she began to sense a type of current running around and through her. She tried to focus on it more closely, recognizing that this must be at least related to the Force. Unfortunately, in doing that she unconsciously held her breath. That left her gasping, breaking her concentration completely, so she had to start all over again.

  10. At the Jedi's direction, Joelle proceeded him into the spaceport. Almost immediately, though, she was distracted by the arrival of his young canine companion.


    "Well, hello, little one!" she greeted the pup, holding her hand out for him to sniff as they walked, should he so desire. Directing her attention back to Jedi Roene, she continued, "He seems quite calm, especially with all of the repulsor activity around. You must have him well-trained already."


    The Garral lent credence to her observation as he following between the two larger beings, thoroughly smelling her offered hand. After completing his investigation, he gave her a gentle lick and let out a soft yip indicating his acceptance of her joining his master.


    "Thank you, I'm glad to have your approval," Joelle responded, smiling down at him.


    The party continued briskly through the spaceport until reaching the centrally located ticket counter where Joelle and Roene split the cost of a medium-sized cabin compartment on the next passenger transport to Ossus. Boarding was scheduled in about half a hour. Fortunately, this allowed them to slow their pace a bit, as their route to the pad holding the transport was a bit less direct. At one point while checking the monitors to ensure they were headed in the right direction, a holonet scrawl caught Joelle's attention: SUSPECTED PLAGUE: CORUSCANT UNDER EMERGENCY QUARANTINE - TRAVEL MUST BE APPROVED BY DEPT. OF GALACTIC HEALTH


    For the second time within the span of less than an hour, Joelle was stopped by surprise. "Jedi Roene!" she called out, pointing to the screen. "Do you think this could be related to what's happening on Cerea?"

  11. As Jedi Roene rose and prepared to set off, Joelle replied a murmured affirmative, "That's fine," in answer to his statement concerning the need to head toward the spaceport while continuing their discussion. Rising from the log where she had been seated herself during the conversation and shouldering the pack she had set on the ground nearby, she added with a bit more volume, "I don't want to delay you further, but whether I'll be accompanying you off planet will depend on the answer to another question."


    Joelle walked alongside the Jedi as he headed back through the woods toward Coronet. She easily kept up with his pace while quietly waiting for his answer to her question about the possible role of Faust in the previous day's attack on CoreSec HQ. When he confirmed that the Sith Master had indeed had a hand in things somehow, she felt a shiver of dread run up her spine. However, it only served to strengthen her resolve to be trained as a Jedi if it was found she had the ability. This was compounded when he commented on the need for the Order to take action to help rectify things.


    Then the Knight changed topics: “As to your second question, the force exists in all things. There are many schools of thought on how it exists. But, ultimately, to see if someone is sensitive, you have many options at your disposal. You can take a blood test and measure what are called ‘midichlorians’. Supposedly, the more midichlorians one has, the more sensitive one is. But, if you’re like me, you look in someone’s mind and see how they react to the physical world. If one is force sensitive, even unconsciously, they observe the world differently than others do.”


    Taken aback, Joelle stopped short for a moment, feeling her jaw slightly slacken and eyes widen. "Wait, what?!?" Realizing quickly Jedi Roene was not going to stop himself, even after firing that proton torpedo of information that somewhat answered the question she hadn't even yet asked him, she hurriedly began walking again to catch back up just before he entered the city. "How did you even know I wanted to know about Force-sensitivity?" she asked incredulously.

  12. As Joelle neared the meadow, she focused her thoughts on prioritizing her concerns. The nearer she got, the more certain she was that the Jedi was there waiting for her, though she wasn't entirely sure why. Just as some of her other experiences in the last two days, this feeling was slightly different from others with which she was more familiar. It wasn't quite like her normal intuitive sensation, but it also wasn't the same as when Jedi Givrah had sent her the mental messages. (And hadn't the first of those been startling to get yesterday!) This sensation, though, was somewhere in between -- more along the lines that she could more and more strongly sense him there waiting for her. So, it was no surprise when she broke through the tree line and saw him sitting on a stump beside the stream.


    Upon reaching him, Joelle returned the Jedi's greeting, "Hello, Jedi Givrah. Don't worry about the delay. It gave me the opportunity to join in the clean up efforts after the attack yesterday afternoon. Honestly, I probably would have felt guilty leaving without helping a bit, so really that part worked out.


    "As far as my questions, yes, I have a few! More now than ever before, about so very many topics…. Before we talk more about the attack, or even what had been my original concern, though, there's something else that has been bothering me even more: Have you heard anything about the recent events on Carida? There was a holonet report yesterday morning, which was more than a little disturbing!"


    Roene’s expression darkened. “Yes. As I was contending with matters in Tyrena, I heard that the Sith struck a huge blow against the Remnant. Their fleet was decimated, along with that of the Remnant forces. And a large monstrosity was let loose, causing havoc among the common folk.” Roene cleared his throat a little and gazed out into the deep indigo sky.


    “The Sith have proven that they will not bow to Remnant threats. And while this is hardly unusual, the power they’ve mustered is very troubling.”


    “Oh! I have to admit, that wasn’t the aspect of the report I was referring to.” Joelle paused for a moment, reflecting on what he had said. “Yes, I can see that being a definite cause for concern. I’m guessing the Jedi Order will be looking into where they got their resources?


    “However, I was a bit preoccupied by the ultimatum the Remnant had issued,” she continued, addressing the aspect of the holonet broadcast that had been bothering her since she had first seen it, “and the fact it seemed as though the Jedi on the planet were reacting rather harshly and violently. I am certainly not a proponent of the Sith teachings, and I understand the need to keep them in check. The actions I saw taken against them, though, seemed to be almost more in keeping with their philosophy than those I associate with the Jedi.”


    “Interesting,” Roene interjected. “ I believe I caught part of the Remnant transmission as well. The Remnant leader’s strategy is extreme, but I have seen that mentality before. She is afraid. And fear, like other powerful emotions, can color one’s interpretation and actions. As to the transmission that came after; the one made by a more sinister element. I can only assume that that was the Sith’s answer. Any more information would be difficult to glean given the circumstances.”


    “True enough,” Joelle agreed. “That broadcast did seem as though it was coming from the Sith, so I suppose it could have been made to look as if the Jedi were being more violent than they actually were. After all, from what I’ve been taught, they are masters of manipulation!”


    Roene nodded thoughtfully. “That said, the Jedi you saw, was a Jedi Knight that I am familiar with.


    Her name is Kyrie and she is a Jedi Exorcist. Her tactics are a bit extreme and her philosophy is more that of a sword than a shield. But she thinks her intentions are proper and that she fights for the right reasons. Which, although war is hardly an appropriate answer, would explain why she is doing what she is doing.” Roene said, remembering the ceremony he performed on Tython, and the knighting of Kyrie at his hand. Was it too presumptuous? Was it too soon?


    No. Roene was convinced that Kyrie’s knighting had been appropriate. Exorcists always walked the razor’s edge of the force and would look as if they had turned their back on the Order. It was what made their involvement in the Mandalorian Wars all those years ago look like a betrayal.


    “Is there anything else you wish to know?”


    “Oh, yes, definitely!” Even having spent the time thinking through the priority of subjects to discuss, Joelle debated for a moment. Which should I discuss with him next? Yesterday’s attack, or wondering about my Force-sensitivity? “Um, just a minute, please…. I thought I’d had this all worked out, but I’m second guessing myself.” The attack would probably be more of a fact-based discussion, and he might not know anything more than I do. Not to mention that no matter what it’s bound to be faster, so let’s get that out of the way. “Well, I do wonder if you have any insights into the attack here yesterday? I overheard some people yesterday saying something about Faust being involved, but that seems impossible!”

  13. The rays of the sinking sun reflected off the billowing clouds, painting the western sky in brilliant shades of red and orange. The fiery sphere was just reaching the top of the Coronet skyline as Joelle made her way from the eastern suburbs into the woodlands on the outskirts of the city. It was hard to believe that it had been only a day and a half since her abrupt introduction to Jedi Knight Roene Givrah; so much had happened in those intervening hours! As she hurried to the meadow, she hoped she wasn't too late for their rendezvous. After all, regardless of her abilities or what her future might hold, (though she was becoming more and more certain that would indeed include Force training) she had confidence he could help her to understand some of those events….


    The walk from the spaceport the morning before had given Joelle time to process her morning, which was most assuredly needed, especially with the addition of her experience in meeting the Jedi Knight. However, there were times when "more time to process" started to become too much of a good thing for her, and this was assuredly one of them. By the time she reached her family's neighborhood, she had begun to second guess the idea of having Force-sensitivity, let alone the decision to explore the possibility of being trained to use it. After all, at no point in time during their meeting had Jedi Givrah actually said anything about recognizing potential in her. Nor had she herself mentioned her new-found belief, for that matter. In fact, she had done all in her power to avoid mentioning the possibility. For all she knew, the Jedi thought she was needing healing of some disease, not interested in being trained!


    She had thought back over the conversation, especially her own word choices. Let's see…. A major aspect of my life that I was hoping the Jedi might give me advice about…. Yep, that definitely could have had more interpretations than "I think I might be Force-sensitive!"


    Fortunately, when she had arrived at the K'smet's modest two story duracrete domicile in the eastern Coronet suburbs, her parents had been home. She'd found them both in their shared office, engrossed in preparations for their upcoming courses. However, upon seeing Joelle's conflicted expression, they had given her their full attention.


    Due mainly to her mindset, but also to her general personality, it had taken Joelle some time to share the morning's events. Being familiar with her method of processing, her parents mostly allowed her to explain things as came naturally, interrupting as little as possible to ask for clarification. Finally, after nearly an hour had passed, Joelle had concluded by saying, "And that's about it. The Jedi Knight went off to the hospital, while I came here to tell you about everything, and say goodbye. I mean, just in case it turns out he says I am Force-Sensitive and he's willing to train me, that is."


    Not surprisingly, her parents were supportive of her plans. However, they had also offered a few words of caution. "Remember, Joelle," her father said, "Force-users these days are in greater danger than ever before." Her mother agreed, "Yes. While it seems that the general bounty has been lifted, the new Imperial Remnant just recently made their ultimatum to the Sith. It's hard to say how the Jedi will react to such a thing, or how exactly the Sith might then counter."


    Picking the thread of parental concern back up, Jaysun K'smet had continued, "There's also the commitment involved. If you begin training as a Jedi, you know that will mean giving up many things, including us, in some ways. From what I have heard, the Jedi feelings concerning attachment may be slightly less strong than they were in the days before the Empire, but the Order will always come first!"


    "Yes, Dad, I know," Joelle had replied, "but the two of you have always encouraged me to do everything I can to help others. If I have the ability to get Force training--" Suddenly, she'd been cut off by a strong, yet strangely muted, sensation of mental anguish.


    Of course, what she'd seen next was one of those things she most wanted to discuss with Jedi Givrah….

  14. "Do you mind if I show you?" Jedi Givrah's expression and body language were calm and reassuring as he asked the question, yet the first emotion that flashed through Joelle was wariness. Hadn't she already seen enough mental pictures this morning?


    Oh, don't be ridiculous! she mentally chided herself. This is different! It's controlled; you know it's coming, and you understand why. These thoughts were processed in an instant before she inclined her head in agreement. After the Jedi Knight checked to make sure she truly was alright with the idea, a peaceful image popped into her head, which she could sense was coming from him.


    For the second time that morning, Joelle did a slight double-take. She knew that meadow!


    Her parents' "learn through experience" philosophy wasn't limited to galaxy-wide history; they wanted their children to learn about their home planet as well. Because of that, the family spent much of their free time on Corellia visiting local museums, attending cultural events, or hiking. The elder K'smets also encouraged her and her younger siblings to spend as much time as possible exploring the natural world outside of Coronet independently.


    She had discovered the area Jedi Givrah was showing her one particularly hot morning early in the summer she was twelve. On that day, the brook cutting through the clearing had been the most attractive portion. She had run back home to find her brother and sister and the three of them spent several hours that afternoon wading, splashing, and playing in the cool water. As it happened, the heat of that day was just the beginning. It turned out to be one of the hottest summers of Joelle's life, so the K'smet children returned frequently to the brook. Some days they stayed in one place, while on others they would walk up and down through the water or explore the reaches of the clearing. It was again Joelle who had found the glen on the border of the forest.


    In the following years, the little meadow had become her sanctuary. Set apart from the rest of the clearing by a spur of the forest that nearly encircled the open grass, it was even more peaceful. Additionally, Joelle had been delighted to learn one of the trees at the border had grown in such a way to form a perfect seat! Throughout her teens, she had spent countless hours there reading, writing, or simply appreciating the beauty and peacefulness. Some summer days, she had left in the morning with a bag holding a cushion, blanket, food, a water purifying bottle, and her datapad and not returned home until dusk. Now, though, she hadn't even visited the clearing or meadow in years. It had been long enough, in fact, that she'd almost forgotten about both. However, the vision Jedi Givrah shared brought all those old memories back and looked too much like her old sanctuary not to be the same place!


    Almost too quickly, the image was gone and the Jedi was bidding her farewell. "Please meet me there. I will be there at the indicated time to guide you if you need it." Joelle returned his bow, too surprised by the recent events to form a response, then turned toward her family's home.

  15. Somehow, Joelle had thought she couldn't feel any more like a blithering idiot. Then Jedi Givrah mentioned being here to find his ill grandmother. Processing through her emotions, she mentally rolled her eyes at her previous belief. Think about it, girl: What he could have been on Corellia for that wouldn't have made you feel like you've been utterly wasting his time with your explanation that wasn't one? Would you really feel any better if he was here on a mission for the Galactic Alliance or Jedi Order?


    Yet, here he was inviting her to join him on his trip to the hospital! Of course, that was ridiculous; she would never want to intrude on a family matter like that! Fortunately, he gave the alternative option of meeting later outside the city.


    "Thank you so much for your kind offer, sir, but I wouldn't want to intrude! My situation can wait. After all, I'd been expecting it to be at least a day or two before I was talking to any Jedi about my experience! Please, go and focus on your family. I can meet you this evening."


    After a moment's thought, Joelle added, "In fact, your mention of family made me realize I ought to have at least told my own that I was heading off-planet. It would seem our meeting is even more fortunate for me than I'd first thought!


    "Is there a specific place east of the city you had in mind, though? That is a rather large area." Though meeting later seemed to be the better option for both of them, Joelle wanted to make sure they would indeed meet again. It would have been the worst sort of irony to have accidentally literally collided with a being who could change her life, and then to not be able to find him when she meant to!

  16. For a moment the recognition in the Jedi's expression had made Joelle question her belief that they hadn't previously met. Now, though, she realized that must have been due to something else because his reply left no question: She had never met him, which meant her intuition had somehow suddenly grown into something much stronger in the last twelve hours!


    Even with Jedi Givrah's calming presence, Joelle's thoughts and emotions continued to be in minor turmoil. Excitement at her possible future fought against anxiety of what that same possible future could include. His mention of the Force and her experiences only increased both. She was so caught up in trying to sort out her feelings that she nearly missed the polite question at the end of his introduction, "My name is Jedi Knight Kro'Roene'Givrah, what's yours?"


    "Oh, I'm sorry! Please forgive my manners, or lack thereof!" Joelle blurted in a rush. "I'm Joelle K'smet." She extended her hand again for a more traditional greeting. "I've had quite the morning, and our meeting has only added one more layer to that…" The end of her sentence trailed off a bit as she continued the attempt to gather her thoughts and control her emotions.


    Taking a deep breath and glancing around to ensure no one was especially near, she mustered the courage to continue, "I think us running into each other could turn out to be rather fortuitous, though, at least on my part. I was actually heading to the spaceport in the hopes I could find a transport to try to reach the Jedi. The things that made me refer to my morning as 'interesting' have me questioning something that's been a major aspect of my life for almost as long as I can remember, which I thought they, um," remembering mid-sentence that she was speaking to a Jedi, "or… should I say you…? Anyway, I thought the Jedi might be able to give me some insight and direction about what to do from here."


    Realizing that, between her nerves and the effort to avoid mentioning either what actually happened that morning or wanting to be tested for Force-sensitivity, she was using a lot of words to not say much, Joelle cut herself off. "As you might be able to tell, I'm not completely comfortable talking about this standing here in the middle of so much activity. And I'm sure you aren't here to be talking to a babbling girl who isn't making sense, either! I don't want to completely distract you from what you came to do, but would you have some time to talk more privately? It wouldn't have to be right now if you need to be getting somewhere quickly… I mean, you were running incredibly quickly a few minutes ago!"

  17. At a time like this, Joelle preferred the stress relief and energy outlet provided by walking to the spaceport over taking a public shuttle from the university. The shuttle option would have opened two possibilities: Either there being absolutely nothing to distract her, or having to engage in small talk with her fellow passengers. In her current mindset, both were fully unappealing. Besides, the university was close enough to the spaceport that she could get there under her own power almost as quickly as she could have caught the shuttle.


    Of course, walking, even quickly, requires minimal concentration. Therefore, she soon got lost in her thoughts. This made it oddly unsurprising, though simultaneously a bit of a shock, when she collided with another being just before reaching the spaceport. As she was still a bit distracted, it wasn't until she was scrambling to gather her things back into her pack and her hand fell on an unfamiliar, yet unmistakable, cylindrical object that she realized there had been something a bit different about this collision. A light saber! That means he's likely a Force-User! Oh, I sure hope he's not a Sith!! But then, that fall was a bit gentler than I'd have expected... A Sith wouldn't have taken that amount of care... Would he? And if he's a Jedi, then he might be able to test me for Force-sensitivity and save me this ridiculous trip! Looking up she did a double-take. The face she saw was uncannily familiar, even though she didn't believe she had ever actually met him in her life. In fact, until this moment, she had spent a good bit of her day oscillating between hoping her imagination had manufactured his likeness and desperately wishing she would be able to meet him soon, since that would mean she could be on her way to becoming a Jedi. She had never dreamed, though, that meeting might occur so soon! Or maybe he won't save me the trip, and this is going to be the start of an experience I'd never imagined...


    “My deepest apologies, miss," the Cerean said as he reached out his hand contritely in assistance. "I must remember to look where I am going and consider my actions carefully before engaging in such reckless activities. Are you okay?”


    "Uh, I'm fine, sir..." Joelle replied timidly, accepting his offered hand and rising to her feet. She then held out the lightsaber, "I believe this is yours?" Then, despite being fairly certain of the answer, she continued in a rush, "I know this is going to seem like an odd question, and I'm really pretty sure the answer is no, but have we met before?"

  18. Joelle continued to think back to that day, when she had later stopped by Dr. Paladin's office…


    After they'd exchanged pleasantries, the professor had given her a warning very similar to the thoughts that had passed through her own mind after class: "You are an intelligent young woman, so you may have already made this connection yourself, but I wanted to make sure you realized that the story you shared in class today was more unusual than you may have previously known. While I am very glad you were able to protect your brother those years ago, I would suggest that you keep that story to yourself moving forward. Beings are often afraid of things and others that are 'different,' especially when it comes to their abilities."


    "Thank you, professor," was Joelle's reply. "As you somewhat expected, I had already realized that it may would be wise not to share my story publically in the future."


    "I'm very glad to hear that. Especially considering the current feelings in the galaxy related to Force-users, it's not safe to give others a reason to think of you too closely connected to such individuals."


    "Oh my! I have to admit the amount of danger had not fully registered. Had I been thinking about that during class, I probably wouldn't have shared my story even there! In that case, I want to thank you very much for taking the attention off me!"


    "You are quite welcome, Ms. K'smet. I care very much for my students, and would hate to see one with such potential as yourself end up in the amount of trouble that type of slip could bring about. For now, have a good day. I will see you at our next class."


    "Yes, professor. Have a good day." Joelle left the office feeling safer yet in greater danger all at once…


    That evening, she had discussed the whole experience with her parents, whom had known about her intuition, and the events from which it had protected members of the K'smet family, for almost as long as Joelle had herself. They agreed with Dr. Paladin, and also apologized to Joelle. "I am so sorry, sweetheart," her mother said regretfully, "that we didn't think to warn you, especially with that class in your schedule!"


    "Yes," her father agreed, "we probably should have had this discussion a bit earlier, but I hate discussing how the galaxy has turned against both the Sith and Jedi. It's a good thing your professor does care enough to protect her students in situations like this one."




    Through the next four years, between advising and the number of classes Joelle took with Dr. Paladin, she became close with the professor. She also came to be fairly certain Dr. Paladin was sympathetic to Force-sensitive beings, though neither of them brought the topic up directly. There were just things the professor said during their one-on-one discussions that didn't fit with the common mindset that all Force-users were a danger to the galaxy.


    Then, a couple of days before graduation, Dr. Paladin had asked Joelle to stop by her office. In and of itself, this was by no means unusual. The conversation that ensued, though, most assuredly was…


    "Joelle, do you remember our first conversation here and what prompted it?" Dr. Paladin asked.


    This was not exactly a question Joelle had been expecting. However, that conversation was called to mind each time her intuition flared, along with the included warnings that reminded her she had to be careful how she reacted publically. "Yes," she replied cautiously.


    "Good. At that time, we didn't yet have much of a relationship or trust built, so I didn't share all of my thoughts with you during the conversation. Now, though, we have gotten to a point where I believe we can safely be open with one another. Therefore, I'm going to share something with you, which requires me to place quite a bit of trust in you. Then I'm going to ask you a question, which could potentially require you to trust me quite a bit as well.


    "First," Dr. Paladin continued, "I disagree with the way Force-users have begun to be treated. I believe the Jedi still deserve our respect, and that it's important that those with Force-sensitivity be trained to use their gifts in positive ways. Moving on to my question for you: Was the time you saved your brother when he fell out of the tree the only time you experienced that type of strong intuition?"


    With the information Dr. Paladin had shared, combined with the fact the very intuition being discussed was almost seeming to push her toward telling the professor, (A slightly odd experience for her, as there wasn't also a feeling of danger in not sharing the information.) Joelle saw no reason not to be honest. "No, there have been a number of other times I have experienced strong urges to do something, accompanied by a sense of danger. Each time, doing those things has saved either me or someone close to me from being seriously harmed, or potentially even killed."


    "I thought that might be the case," Dr. Paladin nodded. "Though the other types of intuition I mentioned in that class do indeed exist, it's rather uncommon for someone to have an experience like the one you described as a solitary incident. It's also rather uncommon for people who have that strong sense of intuition to not be Force-sensitive. That's part of why I gave you the warning not to share your story. Have you ever considered that you could be?"


    "Be what? Force-sensitive?!" Joelle was incredulous. "No way…"


    "I think you should seriously consider the possibility. In fact, if I were you, I would look into getting tested by the Jedi and being trained. As I said before, I believe that training is important. Also, the potential I saw in you as a freshman has only grown as you have studied here. Much of the Jedi training is mental, so, if you are Force-sensitive, I have no doubt you would excel."



    ((Present Day))


    Joelle hadn't put much thought into that conversation since it happened years ago. True, each time she'd had that DANGER sense, the concept had flashed through her mind, but she'd always brushed it off. After today, though, that wasn't being quite so easy. The possibility of having a Force connection kept circling. I think I need to go to the Jedi and find out for sure. Last I heard they were on Lehon, but that was months ago…. I'd rather check before I start arranging transport. With that in mind, Joelle pulled up the Holonet and did a quick search. Hmmmm. Good thing I did. It looks as though the Jedi Temple on Lehon has gone mostly inactive. But here are a few recent mentions of Master Kirlocca being seen on Ossus! Maybe I could get there before he leaves. She threw her datapad with the removable chip and some other necessities into a pack and headed toward the spaceport.

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