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Darth Impious

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Posts posted by Darth Impious

  1. Impede stood with his feet on the ground and his arms crossed. He listend with both ears but did not wish to speak. He barely knew this Malvagio and why should he trust him? Impede didnt even reconize Bishop. It was like two new strangers live in their house. But Impede threw those feelings away and shook it off. They promised the Sith power so that means they are going to get power.

  2. Impede stood back up and saw the Sith arrive. They have seemed to gotten Impede's message as he was pleased. He looked back at Bishop and stared at him wondering how did he come back and if he rembers Impede in the bug war, or if he just thinks of him as any normal sith. Impede was growing impatient but he decided to shake it off and wait for what Lord Bishop had to say.

  3. As Impede listened, he dryed his hair with a towl. When the Dark Lord was done speaking Impede threw the towl on his bed and walked down the halls. He gave out a loud force message for every one in the temple and out side to hear


    All sith lords, apprentices and masters come to Lord Bishop's throne imminently. Come or be killed.


    When it was over Impede entered the throne room and waited on one knee.

  4. Impede's ship came spinning from space. It quickly landed and Impede go out. He ran to his room and took all his close off and jumped into the shower. He scrubbed as he rinsed the blood from his hands.

  5. The Black Flame of Hell came flying from space into the planets atmosphere. It soared slowly around the city until it came to a landing bay. Impede slowly landed the ship and hopped out. All the civilians looked at the new comer as he made his way through the city. The sith lord looked at the green mountains and tall buildings. He made his way to the hospital as the sliding doors opened. He came to the fron desk to be greated by a lady.


    " Hi sir. May I help you?"


    Impede raised his hand and gave it a wave at the young women.


    " You will give me the code for Leslie Fvetha."


    The women's face turned blank as she handed Impede a key. He took it and walked down the halls and found the room. That was when he entered the room and found his mother plugged to a resperater. Impede walked up to his mothers side and held her hand.


    " Mom, rest now for ever. I am here now. "


    Impede looked at the heart monitor. It beeped 2 more times and then stopped. A tear ran down his face as he looked down at his feet. He let go of her hand and turned out into the hall. Impede took his saber out and ignited the blade with a hiss. His hate grew into rage as he came up to a docter that walked by. He swung high and sliced the mans head off. With a scream, both, his head and body fell on the ground. The alram was suddenly ringing as security ran towards Impede.


    " You all killed her!!!!"


    Impede arose his hand and sended a powerful ball of energy towards the group. The men hit the floor screaming in agony as blood splattered on the walls. He headed for the exit killing any person that got in the way. The women at the front desk tried to stop him but it was that time Impede had sabered her body in half. Covered in blood Impede ran through the city striking more people on the way. He had no control of him self utnil he go into his ship. He took off and left the planet.

  6. " Yes be gone with you."


    Impede left the room and threw his hood back over his head.


    Jareth Im going Corellia. I have to see my mother. Join me if you want, I will be back. I dont know when but I will be back.


    Impede swung into the hanger and got into his ship and left the planet.

  7. Impede turned sad. He was alone now and had no one to talk to. He walked slowly down the halls, turning each corner gracfuly. When he came to his room he entered slowly and sat on his bed. He looked around and yelled.


    "Vauler!! Show you self"

  8. The Black Flame of Hell came soaring out of space. It slowly made its way into the atmosphere and landed into the docking bay. The cockpit opened as Impede rose. He leaped out and landed softly on the docking bay floor. His black robe reflected on the floor as he swiftly made it into the halls. He leaned ahianst a wall and waited for Jareth.

  9. Impede set the contorls and picked the ship from the hanger floor. It slowly turned and flew out of the exit. Impede set the cordinates for lightspeed to the Last Call. In a few moments it left the planet.

  10. Impede smiled in relief and then spoke with a soft tone.


    " Maybe we could speak with some Hutts or some one. I heard a bounty was on you. A pretty good pay too."


    Impede smiled.

  11. Impede looked up at Jareth and grabbed his wrist. He pulled him self up and held the wall trying to keep balance.


    " You know thats the third time I've died. I never get use to it. I feel like I was frozen in carbonite."


    Impede held the wall like a helpless child learning to walk. He breathed heavily to comsune much air as possible.


    " Those Jedi will pay.....Jareth?"


    Impede looked at Jareth in a wierd way.


    " Are you okay? You seem a litte.....I cant put my finger on it. Like if you are turning to the Lightside.."


    Impede stared at Jareth with a distinguch look.

  12. Deep in the dark shadows and darkness of the temple laid a Cloning Device. Slowly it began to form the Sith Lord Impede who was killed three days ago. It slowly formed his fingers and then began to grow his arms. By the time it was done Impede's eyes were hard to open. It was like being reborn again. He took his first breath and began to choke on it. The air was moist and thick as the smell of mildew swiftly rubbed Impede's nose.


    He opened his eyes slowly trying to block the bright light that hanged over the table, which he laid on. Impede lifted his head but dropped it back onto the table for it was to heavy.


    He tried again and gained some of his strength back. The Sith Lord looked around to see no one. He was greeted by no one and he was seen by no one. He lifted his body up and then sat on the table. His eyes rolled down and he noticed he was naked.


    " Oh geese..."


    He lifted his hand and tried to use the force to bring a robe to him, that was near , but he had not gained all of his force strength back. He stood up and walked over , with a few falls, and grabbed the cloak and then placed it on. He tied the rope and walked through the halls. He fell over a few times and grasped the walls to keep him self up. He finally made it to his room and got his clothes on.


    He walked out, holding his head, and wondered the halls.

  13. Impede stood there watching the two conversate about the Sith and who was weak. Impede knew he wasnt. He knew who the true enemy was. The Jedi were the true Sith enemy. Impede shook his head towards Sauron. He was disapointed on how true he was. While the Sith sat here on Mimban, the Jedi could know that they were planning an attack. Impede grew very bored and whished the war would start sooner.

  14. Impede's smile turned side ways. He looked into the eyes of the urchin. Impede's eyes swirled blue and green. Every thing around him grew quiet and cold. Impede ran his eyes through the mans mind. Cell by cell, the Dark Sith Lord ran his mind through the other man mind. Impedes eyes turned to Tarrian and every thing went back to normal.


    " He knows some thing....some thing...." Impede whispered but loudly so Tarrian coulkd hear.

  15. Impede saw Tarrian throw the older man threw the room. Listening to the conversation Impede wore a smile across his face. As the doors slammed closed Impede walked towards them and lifted his hand. With a flick of the wrist he swung the doors open. He slowly walked through and slammed the doors shut as he entered outside of the temple. Impede hid his face under his hood and gleamed at the man with disgust and then a Tarrian with passion for death.


    " Do try not to kill him my lord."


    Impede chuckled with plesure and humor. The man who laid alive on the floor was soon about to be laying dead on the floor. Impede put his back against the wall and watched to see what will happen.

  16. * Impede grew bored and figured Tarrian did not wish to speak with him. He swiftl rose and locked his door. He went back to the throne and waited for Ab.*

  17. * Impede stood up. He could feel Tarrian was upset. Impede drew a confused face and then spoke to her through the force so only she could hear.*


    May I speak wtih privatly in my courters? I will be waiting for you.


    * Impede turned his head to the dark lord.*


    " My lord. I will be right back. I need to do some thing really quick."


    * The fifteen year old boy left the room and walked down the halls. He entered into his room and sat on his bed waiting to see if Tarrian wanted to come.*

  18. * Impede sensed the power of the force as Abaddan arrived. The you sith lord walked down the misty hall. His feet could not be seen but his legs could. He entered the throne room of Abaddan and stood in front of him. Impede got on one knee waited for the others to arrive.*

  19. *The Black Sith ship soared into the planets atmosphere carry Impede and The Talker. It slowly made it through the rain and then into the hanger. Impeede took it down slowly and landed. The cockpit opened and Impede jumped he walked over to Bishop who was making his way in.*


    " My lord. He his in my ship and waiting."

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