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Deedius Mange

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Posts posted by Deedius Mange

  1. Mange set his controls for "idle". He trurned the stealth and sheilds of the Infiltrator on. He then steped into a large machine which he had been preparing over the past couple of weeks; he would remain in this machine in suspended animation until the proper time comes.


    It was dark and cold within the depths of space. Silence was upon him.

  2. Mange had been meditating for many days. Planning. Thinking. He awoke and searched the ship for Ikirra. He found him in his quarters.


    "Mange, good to see you." Ikirra remarked at Mange's arrival.


    "I must speak with you about something, Ikirra." Mange replied.


    "What is it?" he asked.


    "I must leave you. There is something I must do for now. Maybe I'll join you again someday and it has been pleasant under your command, but for now I must leave. I bid you a goodbye." Mange said with remorse.


    At that, Magne seemed to seemed to vanish. Ikirra looked out the window to see Deedius Mange's ship fade into the depths of space.


    "Fairwell" Mange said to himself as Ikirra's ship left his sensors.

  3. Mange had just left Yavin IV in hi master's infiltrator without alearting his presence to the jedi. They would pay. Those Jedi would pay for what they did to Lord Hethrir and Jeng Droga. Mange had looked up to Hethrir, he had made Mange as strong as he is today. Just before he had left Yavin, Mange had removed the steel fangs he had made as gift to his master from Hethrir's lifeless mouth. He had place them on a necklace he had made even though Hethrir's canines where still inside the fangs. Mange also consumed his master's blood; he felt as circulated though his body that it had given him a new strength. He kept Hethrir's light saber even though he probably never use it, just keep it in remebrence of the pain, suffering, and power it had delt him.


    The Jedi had crossed the line. All of them would parish in agony. They started this war, they don't know what they have done.


    Mange had to seek out Dorn Tlo, the fallen Jeng Droga's apprentice. He knew is hate for these Jedi had grown too. He would need his help, along with all the sith.


    He set his course, making sure to avoid all planets' and fleets' sensors.

  4. After Mange set the course of the ship, he continued to train. He glanced out the window of the ship into space. He now felt the danger Hethrir had described to him. He felt a great hatered towards him. Many Jedi's and even Sith. He must train hard; he would need it. They would arrive at the Sith temple soon, where they would seek allies. He thought to himself Cowards. Why would they need that many force users just to kill me.



    Real Name: Deedius Mange

    Nickname: Mange

    Age: 25

    Species: Ewok

    Height: 3'

    Weight: 85 lbs.

    Hair: Jet black fur

    Eyes: Red

    Sex: Male

    Home world: Endor

    Alignment: Evil Sith Lord

    Clothing: Small black cloak

    Weapon: Red light saber

    Force User: Yes

    Inventory: Smal back-up dagger, rations, some spare credits, and thermal detonators.

    Possesions: Sith Infiltrator and Sith bike

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