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darth reaver

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Posts posted by darth reaver

  1. Reaver trudged slowly through the soft red sand, his feet sinking upto the ankles with every step. Dust coated his clothes, face and sun cracked lips as he glanced upwards towards the sun. He reached slowly up and dragged the back of his right wrist across his forehead, smearing the dust with his sweat and turning it into a reddish muddy streak across his face.


    The force was powerfull here, he could sense it all around him, the darkside, it felt...cold. A strange sensation for a desert world, but one he welcomed. He ran his tongue over his lips and closing his eyes. The few pools of water he had encojuntered since he landed he had stayed far away from, a quick glance had been enough to tell him they were poisoned, toxic and distinctly unhealthy. He took a deep breath and concentrated. Then changed the direction he had been heding slightly and again began to trudge slowly forward

  2. The 'Grey Kestrel' arrowed down through the arid amosphere of the planet. Around him Reaver could feel the intense darkside signature of the planet beating at his mind. He swallowed uncomfortably as he brought the yacht in a for a pinpoint landing at a randomly chosen location on the planets surface.


    The boarding ramp lowered and Reaver exited the yacht into the red dustly landscape. His eyes tracked around the horizon as he took in the veiw for as far as he could see. The planet was hot, but Tattoine was was hotter, it was sandy and dusty, but again so was his home planet. Ironcially given how much he loathed his home planet, that seeming familiarity made him feel almost at home.


    He lowered his head and momentarily closed his eys, "Trust in the Force" he mumbled before setting off in a randomy chosen direction

  3. Reaver sat in the cockpitt of the 'Grey Kestrel', after so many years flying starfighters and shuttles the star yacht felt large and ungainly as he manipulated the controls. His eyes moved from gauge to gauge and from control to control as he attempted to perform the functions of the usual sized crew of three, the specs may have said that this ship had a minmum crew of one pilot, but flying it by himself the middle aged human wished he had at least one more arm as he reached anod stretched fror various controls, knobs and levers situated across the dashboard panel. He grimaced as he reflected that it would be a whole lot easier if he could still use the force, but ever since the Jedi attempted their ritual, his sense of the force was muted. He could still sense it and feel it all around him, but he could no longer consciously access it.


    If it hadnt been for the incidents where he knew he had used the for ce purely on instinct, crude and uncontrolled as those incidents had been, he would have been in despair. Cutting off his force sensitivity, preventing him from ever using it again, in his opinion, his master and fellow padawan would have been kinder to kill him outright. He was determined to relearn the old skiils, and if the only way he could now access the force was through the darkside, then so be it, and they would regret what th8ey had done to him.


    His mind went back to the Sith who had picked up the crippled remains of his fighter with his unconscious body inside it. They had refused to identify themselves, but they had recruited him and helped him choose a new name. Thay had also given him a destination, but not told him how to get their. A test they had said, was he truly worthy to join their order? Now he reflected back on the actions he had undertaken since they left him, including the aquisition of this yacht from its former owners.


    Finally he was making his way to final destination, Korriban, a place he had only heard of in legends and stories. He gritted his teeth, in all the stories it was described as an evil place, home to nightmares and psychos. Definitely the last place he had ever wanted to visit, now it could be his last hope, his hand moved to the hyperspace lever, and unconciously taking a deep breath he reached ou and pulled the handle towards him, wathcing as the stars outode the cockpitt tunred to long streaks of light





    Birth Name: Calan D'lareg

    Sith Name: Darth Reaver

    Homeworld: Tatooine

    Species: Human


    Physical Description


    Age: 40

    Height:5ft 8Inches


    Eyes: Grey, Yellow (Darkside)


    Left Handed




    Clothing or Armor: Black Corstosis Weave Light padded Armour One Piece Suit, Black Leather sleeveless vest with attached Mandalorian Beskar'gam chest and back piece, Black with grey patterned Silk Kama, Red Sleeveless knee length high collared robe with armoured shoulders, Black leather belt with holster and pouches, Black gloves, Black leather calfhigh boots


    Weapon: SE-14c Blaster Pistol, Combat Knife, Modified Sith Lanvarok custom made from Mandalorian Iron


    Common Inventory: A99 Aquata breather, Compressed air Grappling spike launcher, comes equipped with a liquid reservoir. When the hook is fired the liquid hardens, turning into a high tensile cable with a max length of 21 metres and a breaking strain of 550kg, Hush-98 comlink, Imagecaster personal holoprojector, Nutrient capsules, Glowrods


    Faction Information


    Force Sensitive

    Alignment: Lawfull Evil

    Current Faction Affiliation: Sith

    Current Faction Rank: Hopefull




    Darth Reaver was born Calan Clareg in Mos Espa on Tatooine and named Calan Dlareg. His father was a struggling mechanic and his mother was a Housewife who constantly struggled to keep their modest house presentable. As a child he was renowned for his bad temper until he learnt to channel and control it. While he was young he was trained in Desert Survival as a matter course and underwent periodic refresher courses as he grew up. At age 8 he was involved in a serious accident that left him injured and unconscious. Unable to afford Bacta therapy his family had no choice but to allow him to heal in natures own time. Even when he recovered conscioussness he was weak and unable to attend school. Bored at home he filled the time by reading voraciously anything he could get his hands on. Alltogether he missed about two years of schooling falling badly behind in some subjects.


    On his return to his school the teachers found him disruptive in class and he hardly wrote anything down in his exercise books. The teachers expressed the opinion that the accident had left him backward and that he would never catch up, but his mother refused to accept this opinion. She realised that Calan was simply bored and knowing her sons temper decided to use it. She informed him of the teachers opinion, it had the effect that she had anticipated. Calan grew extremely angry he stated that he hadn’t been writing anything down as he already knew it and that the teachers should know that. He decided that he would show the teachers. He caught up quickly even in the subjects he actually HAD fallen behind him. So started a lifelong use of his anger as motivation to accomplish things he was told he wouldn’t be able to accomplish.


    He read everything he could find on the Jedi knights and grew to admire them tremendously. He dreamed of becoming one himself but didn’t know if he was force sensitive.


    Jedi Academy


    At 20 a Jedi came to visit Tatooine, Calan made sure he met the Jedi and was delighted to learn that he was indeed force sensitive. The Jedi took him with him when he left


    The council were worried about training him as a Jedi as they sensed so much anger in him, but decided it was too dangerous to have someone with his force potential wandering around untrained as the risk of him fallinfg to the dark side was too great. They decided that they would train him in the hope that they could teach him to lose his anger. As a safgaurd they decided that he couldn’t be trained as a Guardian and as he didn’t have the requisite temperament to be a consular insisted he become a Sentinel instead and assigned him as Padawan to Master Trober Sott. They thought that this would keep him out of temptation more than anything else. They also barred him from using a Lightsabre or training with one untill his Master was satisfied that his anger was all gone. Shortly after he was accepted his parents were killed in a speeder accident. He mourned them deeply and looked to the Jedi and his new Master as a new family


    Calan tried hard at his training he rapidly learnt to use the force and knew several powers, but he was less successful at eradicating his anger, it was simply just too much a part of himself and his personality. He undertook several missions with his Master and Krion Darnwall the other Padawan in their team and performed well on all of them. His role was that if things went really wrong that he was to fly the protectee out while his master and Krion held off attackers. On his last mission things went badly wrong and they found themselves badly outnumbered. He hustled the VIP they were protecting to the shuttle and took off looking back he saw his master, who he liked and respected, go down while Krion was trapped outnumbered and unable to go to his assistance. Trober Sott was badly injured but Calan was certain he was dead. He exploded with rage and used the force to kill all of the attackers.




    Although injured Trober Sott and Krion Darnwall managed to persuade the planetary authorities to remand Calan into their custody. Now they had the problem of what to do with the Padawan. Although they thought he was basically a good man, it was now perfectly clear that training him in the use of the force was dangerous. Deciding that it was only a matter of time before he fell to the Darkside they reluctantly came to the decision to strip him of his connection to the force. They had found an old holocron that told them how to do it.


    Alone and isolated in his quarters Calan waited confused and scared about what was happening. It was after midnight when the two silent Jedi came to fetch him.They refused to answer any of his questions and Calan was really scared when they eventually reached the chamber where they had set up. They informed him of their decision. Calan was horrified he begged them to give him another chance but they were implacable. They started the ritual and Calan could feel his force sensitivity slipping away, he tried to use his powers to stop them but was horrified when he couldn’t remember how. He grew angry it combined with his fear, instinctively he lashed out with the force, not knowing what he was doing, they were caught by surprise and sent flying, knocking Krion out and stunning Master Sott. Calan took his chance and dived through a window and into the jungle. He was desperate, he knew that the Jedi would hunt him down now, and even though he could still sense the force, he had no memory of how to use it. He hid for days in the jungles avoiding the search parties sent out for him more by luck than judgement, before deciding he had to get off the planet.


    Cautiously he made his way to the Spaceport and stole an unguarded X-wing, taking off, he wondered where to go and without a Astromech to help him punched in a blind Hyperspace jump.


    Calan emerged from hyperspace not knowing where he was, as he was getting his bearings 6 other fighters, piloted by Bounty Hunters ,attacked him. He flew desperately but skilfully and thanks to a combination of skill, luck and instinctive use of the force, even if he didn’t know HOW or WHAT he doing, managed to destroy 4 of them, but the numbers were just too much and eventually his fighter was crippled and he was knocked out, the remaining pair of fighters were just preparing to blow him up, when a Sith crewed ship arrived. They had been patrolling nearby and had been attracted by the fight. They swiftly destroyed the last pair and then being curious as to why they had been attacking and impressed by how the pilot had handled himself when so badly outnumbered had his wrecked X-wing tratored aboard. They were surprised to find a JedI aboard and were about to kill him, when Callan began to talk deliriously. They listened to the disjointed phrases and sentences coming in a jumble from Calans unconscious mouth and ordered him placed into a bacta tank. The wrecked X-wing was ejected back into space and used for target practice until it exploded. When the remains of the 7 fighters were found it was assumed that Padawan Calan Dlareg was dead


    When he recovered conscioussness Calan was overwhelmed to learn that he had been rescued by those he had considered his greatest enemies. Angry at his treatment by the Jedi he had trusted, and convinced erroneously that the Bounty Hunters must have been employed by them, he listened attentively to the Sith when they explained their philosophy. Determined to get his revenge, he accepted their offer and asked to join the Sith. He left the name Calan Dlareg behind and became Darth Reaver


    Force Side: Darkside

    Trained by:

    Trained who:

    Known Skills:Astrogate, Pilot, Survival, Blaster Pistol expertise, Quick Draw




    Ship Registration


    Grey Kestrel - Sorosuub Corporation Horizon-Class Star Yacht


    Length: 55 meters

    Maximum acceleration: 3,080 G

    Maximum speed (atmosphere): 1,000 km/h

    Engine unit(s): 2 ion engines

    Hyperdrive rating: Class 0.5

    Sheilds: KDY military-grade shield generators

    Hull: Armored non-reflective hull

    Navigation system: Equipped

    Countermeasures: False identification transponder

    Armament: 2 Retractable CEC AG-1G laser cannon turrets with stutter-fire modification,1 Retractable blaster cannon, 1 Tractor beam projector

    Complement: 2 Starfighter (Enlarged Hanger bay

    Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Co-pilot, 1 Navigator, 1 Astromech droid

    Minimum crew: 1 pilot OR 1 astromech droid

    Passengers: 5

    Cargo capacity: 80 metric tons

    Consumables: 2 months

    Other Systems: Bacta Tank

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