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Malicious Intent

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Posts posted by Malicious Intent

  1. After meditating for a questionable amount of time, her bright pink eyes once again graced the physical world with their beauty. She didn't mean to be here this long, but the planet was just so...intoxicating she could hardly help herself. Everywhere you looked, you could feel the pain and desperation of endless imprisoned souls. Simply beautiful. She stood, dusting off and readjusting her form fitting crimson coat, a quick flick of the fingers through her hair putting it back in its place.


    Um...listen, I've gotta go. Thanks for showing me all this, it was really, really pretty. But, the reason I came here was because of this jerk, Rev'Nullem. He's leading some ugly ass warriors through the galaxy and messing some stuff up, and its really making it hard to, well...exist. So, if any point you decide you wanted to sorta stop him, or something, that'd be really neat.


    She turned from the ornate archway, raising her hand over her shoulder as she made her way back to the ship.




    Back in the ship, she set the course and took off, oddly hungry. It may have been the weeks without eating, but that didn't seem right. Maybe something else.

  2. The mob continued to press forward until finally pinning Strel. During the fray, one managed to knock him unconscious. The task master added him to the chain gang. When Strel awoke, he'd find himself chained between two of the very people that helped to bring him down, forced to mine the cave like everyone else.


    All told, it was a good exchange. Though he lost one of his more experienced workers, the lot as a whole had started to grow old and sickly, years of grueling work, little sleep, and constantly breathing atomized rock dust taking its toll. This young lad would still be fit, capable of working twice as hard as anyone else, and for many more years to come. Plus, the task master had acquired a brand new sword, which he branded boldly at his side.

  3. "Hmph..."


    The tall man lowered his pick axe. He raised his hand, signaling the chain gang behind him with but a twitch of his fingers. Without hesitating, the somber group came alive. Their fear of the massive task master outweighed the likelihood of their deaths. As one, they jumped at Strel, not caring for his sword. Scratching and clawing, the moved to pull him down to the ground, trying to disarm him.

  4. "Good."


    His words seemed carefree, but with a hint of joy. He looked back to the gang of chained men and woman. They looked back with nothing but sorrow and hopelessness.


    "No one ta'miss ya then."


    Suddenly the man lept at Strel, brandishing the flat end of the mining pick. In one vicious thrust, the blunt weapon sped toward Strel's unprotected chest.

  5. "Is that so?"


    The tall man looked around at the chained individuals who, at his glance, immediately returned to their work. He turned back to the boy, sizing him up.


    "Well, boy I don't know nothin' bout the force. So that means you aint were you're supposed to be. You got any loved ones, boy?"

  6. As Strel walked into the cave, he found himself staring at a group of pale individuals, bound together at the ankles by a thick chain. They returned his stare with a blank gaze of their own, free will and hope lacking in their faces.


    "What are you doing here boy?"


    Another man, more authoritarian looking than the rest, moved unhindered from the rest. He was maybe six and a half feet tall, sporting a lovely mining axe.

  7. She brought her small shuttled in the planet's atmosphere, the same place she had been previously. Last time she was just an apprentice, stuck reading datapad after datapad of useless drivel over dead sith she could care less about. She had been on guard duty, but that was a joke. Watching a tied up blind Jedi was far from what she considered guard duty. Like before, everywhere she looked she saw the darkest light. It wasn't there, but it was. This, she found to be normal. The odd thing was that she was trying to see through her bionic eyes. She should have seen the planet for what everyone else saw, not the scarred vision the force allowed her to see. Atia let herself take a deep breath of Nhagathul's air before heading through the massive city. She moved through by instinct, knowing each twist and turn would take her exactly where she wished to go. She paused only when she came to a massive entrance, made of what looked like brilliantly arranged bones.



  8. Atia boarded as she was instructed, oblivious to the real scale of the events that were to unfold. She sat toward the back of the shuttle, figuring Dominique would be the one to ride shotgun, and as she knew no one else on this little trip, she didn't want to have to force herself into thinking of something to say if she sat next to Tarrian or Oblivion. Normally she could talk to anyone, but these people weren't just anyone. These were Sith, and well versed Sith at that. The more mature Sith tended to keep to themselves on long flights, favoring for self reflection or other equally deep thoughts, no room for friendly banter.


    It struck her just as she began to fasten herself in, a feeling of fear, pain, and loathing to a lesser extend. Death, lots of death, and some sort of being, more sinister than anything she had encountered since...


    Okay, don't think I'm bailing, 'cuz I'm not. I, uh, just gotta go get something.


    She stood and moved to the back of the ship, spilling reluctant excuses the whole way out.


    I'll be back in one or two...days. Sorry, big appointment, can't miss it. I'll be back, promise.


    She boarded her own shuttle and took off, cursing herself the whole way out. What she was about to do was stupid. Really stupid. But something inside told her to go alone. Outside the asteroid belt, she plotted her course. Nhagathul was only a jump away.

  9. Atia was slightly taken back by how curtly she was responded to, but to be honest she expected nothing less from her former master. She felt rather alone, knowing only one person at this little gathering. All she knew was the massive man before her required her assistance and she was bored. So she let the matter with Dominique drop and turned her attention to Exodus, clinging on to every word for clues as to what they were planning. Apparently they were going to demolish some big weapon, which would of course require a big bomb. No style or subtlety entered her mind as she envisioned the mission, but just fire. Big, writhing flames.


    I'm down for whatever. She said with a careless shrug. As long as I can bring my toys.

  10. At a loss for words, Atia had no choice but to follow the mechanical monstrosities. With idle tenderness she coerced the shuttle through the broken field. Her attention was spread thin as she tried desperately to watch everything at once. The mechs, the large rocks, even her own shuttle had to be watched closely to avoid fatal mistake. She didn't even notice the planet in correlation to her own ship until she was nearly upon it. Once outside the threatening asteroid field, she exhaled a heavy sigh of relief.


    Vision blurred as she closed her eyes, shifting between the material and immaterial. Her bionic eyes had grown strenuous, and she had tried to make a habit of using her old sight upon seeing a new world. The force came alive as it unveiled the planet's secrets, shining in a light unique to the world. She tilted her head as she took the image in. There was a sorrow to the planet that she couldn't quite place. Never the less, the time for aesthetics was over. Time to get down to business. Atia pulled the shuttle through the massive bay doors opening below her and landed.


    Why did you chose here of all places to meet? I can't parallel park worth a damn.


    She paused, struck suddenly with a presence she hadn't felt since...She bent down low, like a hunter stalking it's prey as she strayed to the titan's side. Slowly the familiar presence unfolded as her form became apparent, once hidden by the mountain of a man.


    Oh. Hello.


    Part of her wanted to give them a moment's peace before answering his summons, but she knew the moment, if there was one, was ruined.


    How've you been, Dominique?

  11. What the...


    Atia's shuttle exited hyperspace to reveal a large asteroid field, something she wasn't at all prepared for.



    Um...Hello? I was, uh...asked to meet someone here. I request passage to the...screw it. Hey Exodus! You there?! How'm I supposed to get through this mess?

    --End Comm--


    She sat in the shuttle impatiently. Stupid rocks.

  12. The pain, the sorrow. Both flowing ever so readily from the girl, much to Atia's enjoyment. Her apprentice rose, ever so delicately, so much practice and poise in her movement. She knew this behavior all too well. Years of subservience does things to a young lady. They are given two choices. Rebel or submit. It would seem this young one had taken the opposite route as her. She was almost saddening to look at. Her soul looked so hollow. Atia could hold nothing but pity for the girl.


    "Come. You can practice on the ship. Let's go get that jaw taken care of."


    Atia turned to board her apprentice's ship. She was sure the girl would do just fine in due time, but there would be much more breaking to be done first.


    ((Post either in here, space, or the Upper Levels. Up to you.))

  13. Excellent


    "There is a code that we follow. It by itself is just a collection of words, but behind them lies power. You will commit it to memory. I will say it for you once, and only once."

    • Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
      Through passion, I gain strength.
      Through strength, I gain power.
      Through power, I gain victory.
      Through victory, my chains are broken.
      The force shall set me free.

    She let the it sink in for a brief second, the words still lingering in the air. When it appeared that her apprentice was going through the repetitions, trying desperately to memorize the code, she called upon the force for a small task. Her foot miraculously found it's way to the childe's head, sending her sprawling a good three meters to the left. With a sense of urgency, she shouted at the prone girl.


    "Get up."

  14. What about your soul?


    She's stubborn. Let her see for herself.


    Atia turned her attention to the girl, her body language telling it all. Her mind was set. A higher calling, no matter what. She smiled, now walking toward the girl, the subtle writhing of her figure emanating power to the point even the untrained before her could feel it. Face to face, Atia stared into the girl's aura, scouring the tainted soul for it's impurities, and how they could be harnessed. This girl had potential to be great, if her enmity didn't consume her first. She raised her hand to brush back the girls bangs over her ear.


    Oh, the ways I'll break you, and from the ashes you'll rise anew.


    "You will devote yourself to me? Give yourself over to my will?" Her tone now lacked emotion, now replaced with solemn curiosity. What lengths was she truly willing to go to achieve her goals?

  15. Atia stood still, staring at the bodies, admiring how they could remain so still while creating such movement in the force. Was it really her place to bring this child into the darkness with the rest of her brethren? Granted, she had the right. Her life had certainly paved the way for her induction, but to take away what innocence she had left; was it a greater crime than any Atia had committed thus far?


    Shut up. She deserves retribution and it's your duty to teach her. The Dark Side wont spread on it's own.


    "The road ahead of you is veiled and full of death, much like your past. What little moral restraints you have will eventually be lost. I myself am fast on the way to being consumed. Do you really think you can handle it? You think you've blood on your hands now? You've only begun to make your ocean, childe."

  16. Atia looked on quietly as Jzora told her story. As she walked closer, she could see the girl's facial features.


    You know she's a Falleen, right?


    Do you enjoy stating the obvious?




    "Ah, I see what happened now." She turned to examine the bodies without explaining herself. A few were nicely laid out in rows, one remained on the loading dock. With a wave of her hand, the body lifted to the air, the resting next to the rest. She stood, dusting the bottom of her jacket off with her gloved hand.


    "We all desire freedom. However, the galaxy is full of people who want power. Power over you, me, the galaxy as a whole. The only way to stand up to these sort of people is to achieve some greater power, until one day none can oppose their will over you. Only then, when none can oppose you, will you be truly free."


    Atia snapped out of her trance like rant, looking from the sky back to the girl, flashing her most charming, innocent smile.


    "My name is Atia, by the way."

  17. Panic. That's normal. But making light of murder, excellent.


    Atia kept her hands clasped behind her back as she moved forward, wanting to push the girl if just a little. When she began to get closer, Atia switched between standard vision to her more familiar force vision. The girls aura was a curiosity. Stained innocence. Something growing in her that would eventually consume her unless she found a way to control it. She had potential, she could be useful.


    "Is this your handy work?" She said with amusement. She spoke more as a curious little girl than a potential master.

  18. As she stood upon the barren surface of Korriban, a ghostly wind arose from nowhere, carrying with it the sense of new death. Atia turned toward the direction of the anomaly, feeling a far off presence that had no reason to be on the planet. Her curiosity took hold.


    "I'm headed this way. Go check out the cliffs that way." She said, sending Mittsu in the opposite direction she was headed.


    She began walking the desert, the jaded presence her only guiding beacon. The landscape was bland and the temperature to levels of discomfort, but it wasn't as bad as traversing the dune sea on Tatooine, something she had been forced to do before. After some time, she came to a ship landed in the middle of no where. Carefully, she approached the vessel, probing for potential threats. A lone girl could be seen dragging a corpse down the loading ramp, it's throat very open. Standing behind and downwind from the girl, she yelled out.


    "You'd think this planet has enough dead."

  19. Atia pretended not to hear him. It was such a magnificent sight to behold, she wasn't going to let some pissant apprentice screw it up for her. Her vision spread out through the force, seeing past the physical and into the eternal, the dark eddies of the force still strong here after so many years. Here would be where she began her path to greatness, no longer needing her hand like some child for her own progression to commence. Though the land appeared barren, there were so many things still living on the planet, physical and spiritual.


    "Fine. If you want to ignore my order, then prove yourself of some use. Go scout the surroundings."


    Her mind remained aware of his presence and feelings. He was the kind who'd lash out for small things, and it never hurt to be cautious.

  20. Atia set the shuttle down on the outskirts of the old ruins.


    "Mittsu, we're on Korriban now. I've contacted another Lord to meet us here. He is better suited to train someone of your....temperance. Until then, you can read up on what you're going to be learning on this terminal."


    She left Mittsu on the ship as she descended the ramp. She could feel the ancient dark energies of Korriban greeting her. There were many dead here, and none were silent. All would gladly tell their stories to any they considered worthy. If there were any tombs left that is. Countless years of treasure hunters raiding them for some trinket has destroyed the solemn graves of these once great lords.

  21. Atia had been walking the cold durasteel halls of Mechis III when it hit her. The familiar resonance of her former master grew from a subtle whisper to a scream, speaking only her name. She fell to her knees, the sound almost unbearable.


    He's alive. His blood isn't on my hands.


    She stood, walking in the general direction of Mittsu.


    He's in pain, and not the good kind. I have to go.


    She found Mittsu. He'd had also been seeking her out. His implants were working well, but the swelling was evident. He should be resting. His persistence and endurance made an impression on her, but that was far from her mind.


    "We leave for Cardia. Follow me."


    She walked the empty halls in silence, Mittsu not far behind. They boarded the shuttle and left.


    Why was I the one he called out to?


    Stupid girl...

  22. ((No, I'll still train both of you if you both still wish. You both knew what you were doing when you entered this brawl, and I find Mittsu's reaction perfectly justified.))


    Atia leaned forward from the wall, basking in the suffering mingling with the air. Zuko had shown some admirable resolve, but his poor judgment and underestimation of his opponent sealed his fate. His remains were really a work of art. The unbridled fury Mittsu exhibited was a beautiful scene to behold, warranting not further repercussions. His injuries would be a well enough lesson, should he choose to learn from it. Without looking away from the marred, still oozing corpse, she spoke to him.


    "You can have implants or new eyes cloned, if you wish. Afterwards you will be given time to rest. The labs are down the hall and three floors up. I trust you can find it yourself, or will you need assistance?"

  23. Heh, this could be entertaining.


    Atia made no point in interrupting. Maybe if they beat the hell out of each other first then maybe Mittsu would be more complacent. She stepped out of the immediate vicinity and leaned against the wall. She folded her arms in front of her and let her force vision be her medium of viewing. You can always take the time to appreciate skilled beating.


    ((Don't kill each other.))

  24. She could see her hold on him had started to slip.


    This one's wirey.


    She regained her hold on him, tighter this time, to the point of putting pressure on the whole surface of his body.


    "I don't think it's rude because you are the one who attacked me without provocation. I'm holding you because I want to and because I can. You seem to be perfectly capable of talking from where you are."


    She returned his smile and turned away from him.


    "What is it that you want in life, Mittsu?" She added no special inflection on his name, not wanting to boast what little information she managed to glean from that torrent he called a psyche.


    A short, sullen looking man entered the room, pausing upon seeing the suspended Mittsu.




    "Ma'am, you have a visitor." He outstretched his hand beneath rust colored robes to reveal a lightsaber. She examined it momentarily.


    "Send him here."


    The man nodded in acknowledgment. "Yes, Lord." And with that he was gone.


    She turned to address Mittsu.



  25. -COMM TO Zuko-


    Please land in hanger level 4, Section B29. There you will be searched and escorted to a place where you may meet Lord Atia.


    -End COMM-



    There is potential in this one


    Atia stood still, waiting for Mittsu to make his move. The man was adept with his pike, that was for sure. There was something about him that made Atia uneasy. His aura was naturally dark, but new. How could this be? He looked at least 24. All of this was pushed aside when he lunged.


    The pike came in with incredible speed. It was unsettling how fast he moved without the aid of the force. With proper training he could be a monster. Well, a stronger monster. The force enveloped in her and pulled her to the left, the pike going between her right side and her arm. Her hand snapped alive and caught the pike just in front of his fist. With the strength of the force, and the added momentum from Mittsu's lunge, Atia pivoted on the pike and threw him against the wall behind her in an obscure sling shot motion.


    "You're blood lust is admirable. It can make you into an unstoppable beast."


    She turned to leave to room. Upon reaching the threshold, she stopped. Lush, violet tendrils flew from her outstretched hand, invisible to all but those trained in the force. Purple strings wrapped around Mittsu's body, suspending him in the air, stretching his limbs as if being quartered.


    "But first you have to learn to control it."


    She walk to him, standing just a foot from his suspended body.


    "You attacked me. I would be perfectly justified killing you."


    Her mind lingered into the inner workings of his, weaving through what little memory he held. Dark, vicious thoughts. Nothing but linear rage. Excellent. This one has hope.


    "However, I'm going to give you something no one has yet to give you. A choice. Thus far you have taken what you want. Why? Because you can. Isn't that an excellent feeling? To do what you want, whenever you want?" She stepped forward, her new pink eyes staring directly into his intense green ones.


    "How would you like to go further that you have thus far? Start a path that would lead you to as much power as you desired? To command the very strands of life...and death...to your whim?"


    Don't you think you're being just a tad too dramtic?


    Yeah, but...shut up. This one is vicious. And a little cute. Well, sorta cute. Eh...I've probably just been studying too much. My field of comparison is kinda stretched thin.

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