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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2020 in Posts

  1. “Shut off those alarms.” Admiral Valiston Alekseyev, sat in the chair designed for stalwart officers a hundred years before, overlooking the bridge of the Imperial Star Destroyer. The ensigns and officers of non human species, mixed with everyone’s non imperial dress uniforms gave the stark imperial design a strange incoherence. Alekseyev took a moment to rejoice that he was not aboard a Mon Calamari vessel with their consoles designed for flippers. In response to his request, the Bothan executive officer gave a crisp salute and turned to one of the stations in the command pit, barking a harsh order. Restoring the bridge to its relative silence, though the lights stayed their crimson colour, indicating for the entire ship that it was in battle stations. But even that was not very necessary, considering that the turbolaser crews were busy shuttling rounds up from the armoury, and preparing the first long distance strike from the barbettes. The XO nodded his furry head and turned to Alekseyev. “Flight decks are cleared for engagement and cannons one through eight advise that they are prepared for ranging strike.” Alekseyev nodded. “Helmsman, engines to one third, put us on a direct line with the capital ship Fane of Swords. XO, when course is set, you may give the order to engage. Shields to double front.” The Star Destroyer was an angular ship, and most effective while directly facing an enemy vessel, able to bring all four angles of broadside to bear on a single target. The helmsman steadied the course and within moments the deck beneath everyone’s feet trembled as the great guns let loose a long barrage of green fire towards the first enemy vessel. ((All ground forces. @Vox and @Mythos the ground combat is up to you two to work out. With no opposing PCs this is your responsibility to take a realistic attack. Three posts or more to take the capital. You have several thousand opposing men and ground support. Interpret this as you will. Do not take heed of the post order for the fleet fight. Take your time and give em hell.))
    1 point
  2. Roshan kept to himself as he mostly listened from the shadows to the yammering of the younglings. They knew nothing of war or suffering. He had been there. He had watched Coruscant collapse underneath his feet. He had seen the sky of Chandrila turn bright red from the streaking debris of once mighty vessels of war. They would know far too late that what they sought was not glorious at all. There is no glory in war. There was only fighting to survive with your honor and life intact. After the ship landed, Ro helped unload the cargo. He figured it was only logical, although he was liking his half-cocked plan less and less with each passing minute. “Good luck mister Jedi.” “And may the Force guide you along the eternal battlefields of good and evil.” It seemed like something wise that a sage like a Jedi would come up with. Ro had faced a Jedi once. Well, the original Dhonarr had. It was back in his bounty hunting days. Jedi were a fanatical religious cult that believed in doing good. But all his research at the time had led him to believe that the Jedi were more concerned with sounding smart and wise and giving you a fish rather than teaching you how to fish. Chandrila just reaffirmed that for him. They prided themselves on being the flashy centers of attention, but when it came to the less glamorous stuff? Suddenly they were off to the next big battle and were nowhere to be found when their messes needed cleaning up. “We are to escort the supplies to the nearby clinic for dispersal. Will you be joining us?” “Doesn’t look like I have a choice,” Ro half joked as he boarded the vessel. Mon Cal was a peculiar world and this was an increasingly peculiar situation. What was wrong with this planet anyway? It seems pretty normal to me. Is this how Jedi take "business trip" vacations? And come to think of it... where is everybody? Ro reflexively ducked for a moment, reaching for his blaster but finding a lightsaber hilt in its place. He cursed silently to himself as he looked up in the same direction as the droids. “Did they not know that all ships that arrive are quarantined for 14 standard days?” “Woah, woah, woah. What quarantine?” “I was under the assumption you had warned them.” “Warned them about what?” “I did not. It was not in my directives.” “Preserving humanoid life isn’t part of your directives?! What sort of droid are you?!” “The planetary patrols surely warned them. What fools those Jedi are. “ “Listen here you homicidal tin can--” ”We have arrived, Jedi. We will assist in offloading your supplies from the bus. We have other shipments to wait for.” “Thanks. But I think I’ll take my chances. Where do these go?” the Former Watcher of the Link replied curtly as he grabbed two large boxes and began to carry them inside. He was rather frazzled. As if the self-righteous Jedi weren’t enough of a problem, it seemed that he had been taken to a neo-Trade Federation world where they shoot Jedi ships out of the sky after asking for their help. This whole thing reeked of a trap. And while he maybe couldn’t totally blame someone for wanting to take shots at the Jedi, this was far beyond anything that he had in mind. And worse yet, he likely now had a target on his back as well. Casually entering the building, Ro was, nevertheless, confident in his gameplan. If there was any advantage to be had in regards to the length of his trip from Nar Shadda to Mon Cal, it was that it had given him plenty of time to think. He was anxious to see who he’d meet first and improvise from there. He goes nothing. Rose, wish me luck. ___
    1 point
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