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Tarrian Skywalker

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The world of Ossus, seemingly resistant to all attempts by the will of Man to destroy the secrets which she kept, loomed like a violet gem as the Millennium Skyray reverted into realspace in a shimmer of light and pseudo-motion. It was here that he had been instructed to journey, and so he had, finally, after several long detours. There was something that the Jedi Knight needed to do here, far apart from what he had told his companions that were, presumably, still on Borleias.


After running a sensor sweep of the system, Ben'a was slightly surprised to see that someone had arrived already, and more important, it was someone familiar. With a contemplative sigh, the Jedi eased his ship into the atmosphere, finally setting down alongside the Requiem after orbiting once the world below. With a loud hisssss, the boarding ramp opened, and Ben'a, dressed in his black Jedi robes but with a cloned nerf duster over them, descended to the surface. There were not many trees in this area, and the ones that Ben'a could see were small and scraggly, but his Force-sense was telling him that there were other Jedi close about in the mountains.


No, I'll not bother them.


Doing an about-face, Ben'a quickly reboarded his ship, and once again took off to find a better place. His task was not here, that much he knew, and as he flew on away from where the other Jedi had made their camp, he reached out with his own powerful connection to the Force. It was drawing him steadily further away from the camp, over forests, rivers, the ruins of former cities, the beginnings of new ones, but mostly over vast tracts of wastelands. Unsure what it was that he was supposed to be looking for, Ben'a flew on for several hours, not daring to go very fast in case he missed where it was that he needed to be...

"Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns..."


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The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

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Firmly intent on finding what he sought, Ben'a continued to pour over the controls of his vessel, still flying through the atmosphere of Ossus. As he drew further off of his original landing point, a new stimulus began to attract his attention. Nom Anorus and his Padawans were not the only Force-sensitive on this world. As he continued to fly low along the surface, his sensors began to beep, and Ben'a looked at the readouts briefly.


"So, someone else is here..." he muttered as the signature of the modified Lambda-class shuttle appeared on the readout. That wasn't the only thing out there, though; the shuttle had been landed, and a campsite had been set up around it. As the Jedi Knight approached the camp, he extended his Force-sense out, trying to get an idea of who this was he had come across. What he was feeling made him wonder; this young woman was clearly Force-intuative, but it was also apparent that she had had considerable training in how to use her gift. And yet...there was something else about her...


In the end, Ben'a chose to investigate for himself who this mysterious young person, with the potential for Jedi Knighthood, was. Still flying low and slow, he approached the campsite cautiously, finally landing next to the Lambda-class shuttle.


"Greetings, my friend," he said to the girl ((Xae-Lin Ardel)), who had been startled to see the sudden appearance of the Millennium Skyray. "My name is Ben'a Solo, Jedi Knight. May I ask why a person like you is out here in the middle of nowhere?"

"Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns..."


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The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

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((OOC: Xae-Lin, if you're still interested in continuing the RP once you come back, PM me.))


The young woman before him seemed oblivious to the Jedi Knight's inquiry. Though she had not responded to him, Ben'a could sense that she was still alive, somehow, but catatonic in some way. He wanted to help her, but it seemed that what she needed was time alone. After looking around the campsite, Ben'a could see that she would not suffer for want of supplies, but nonetheless, he unloaded a couple of crates worth from the Millennium Skyray's hold, and left them by the girl's side along with a note.


"Seek me out on Borleias..."


With a last nodding gesture to the young woman as she sat, Ben'a Solo reentered his starship, making his way solemnly to the cockpit. Somehow, he could sense that he was needed elsewhere, but he still had things to discover on Ossus, and he needed to finish them before anything else was attended to. After powering up the repulsorlifts and ion engines, the Jedi Knight once again skimmed along the surface of this world at high speed, this time searching for what looked like an ancient and gnarled tree...that was where he needed to be.


--two hours later--


The thing was enormous. There was no way the lifeform before Ben'a could be a normal tree -- it was as if some sentient thing had sprouted thich, wooden tendrils, calculated to both conceal and prodect -- but what could this mamouth thing be protecting? With his senses fully receptive to whatever clues the Force may provide, Ben'a exited the Skyray and began to examine the tree...it was positivly brimming with Force-energy, far, far more then any natural tree should. When he touched one of the roots, Ben'a let out an audible gasp, it had moved slightly to the left, just enough for him to poke his head and shoulders through. And inside --


"Lightsabers? But why...?"


The pile of weapons gathered under the roots wasn't the only thing he could see. Through the twisted and tangled roots, Ben'a could make out the distinct outline of a door, the hidden entrance to some sort of underground complex, or rather, a complex that had been buried by some sort of horrible cataclysm. Backing out for a moment, Ben'a began to look for a way past the roots...but they were already parting, seeming to sense his curiosity. Or rather, sensing his intentions. In the end, Ben'a decided that it didn't matter; he took the invitation and clambered through the new opening in the roots. The hatch or door came up easily, and putting his feelings aside, Ben'a lowered himself through....

"Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns..."


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The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

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He was in a bleak, lightless corridor that looked like it hadn't been trodden through in millennia. The only illumination was provided by the still-open hatchway, which in itself was only adequate enough to reveal about two feet of hallway in either direction. No, Ben'a would need another source of light...and with a brief glance downward, he found it. Picking up the large wooden torch, the Jedi Knight began to focus in on it with the Force, willing the tip of it to heat up; hotter and hotter it became, until a popping noise was heard, and a flame started to crackle merrily upon the torch.


"Now, which way should I go?"


Forward, never backward, a voice in the back of his mind told him. So, without a glance back into the opposite direction, Ben'a set off though the corridor in the direction he faced, kicking up small clouds of dust with every step. The air was still and stale, as though centuries had passed since it had last seen the nose of a living being. There weren't even the usual cave-dwelling animals that one would expect; the place seemed completely dead, yet it pulsated with some hidden, secret power. A good-intentioned power, maybe, but a great one nonetheless. The Jedi Knight continued on, letting the Force and the torch guide him to where, he knew, many things would be revealed to him.


--one hour later--


The maze of corridors had reminded Ben'a of when he had first joined the Jedi Order as a hopeful from Corellia. He had seemed completely lost then, and when he had finally met with others of his kind, they had been feeling equally ill-displaced. However, this time, he knew where he was going; the tingling in his lekku had become steadily stronger as he had strided down empty hallways, descended empty stairwells, and performed Force-feats to get past obstacles, all on his way to the ancient Jedi library. Why the obstacles had been placed, he neither knew nor cared; though as he reached his goal, it did occur to him once what one of his Jedi mentors had said: "Life isn't a destination, it is a journey..."


"Indeed, Masters, you were right," Ben'a said to himself absentmindedly, as he peered contemplatively at a large stone door that had blocked his path. The thing had proven particularly stubborn. There were no visible means of prying it open, and it had not yeilded to his command of the Force. Indeed, there had seemed no way to get the stone to reveal the secrets that lay beyond -- that is, until Ben'a had muttered that admition of his master's correctness. The Jedi bit back a cry of surprise as, with a shuddering groan, the stone split in two and the halves moved aside.


The chamber beyond felt just as old as the surrounding compound, yet it was incredibly well-kept. The shelves, bearing books and devices of a familiar nature, were immacculately clean and undisturbed. The vast chamber itself was illuminated by some ethereal glow; not too obtrusive, yet strong enough to provide ample light to read and meditate by. Surely, this was what remained of the great Jedi library, and as Ben'a walked in and began to take in what he was seeing and feeling, his whole being began to feel lighter, more liberated. This was, indeed, a sanctuary...


"So, you've finally made it, Son of Skywalker," said a voice just behind the Jedi Knight...

"Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns..."


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The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

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The voice, and the form to which it belonged was completely unfamiliar to Ben'a, as he turned about to acknowledge its presence. The blue apparition of some unknown avian species stood before him, clad in Jedi robes, and though this spirit seemed to recognize him, Ben'a was at a loss as to whom this echo once belonged to. "My apologies," he said meekly, "but... who are you?"


The spirit appeared to ruffle its feathers slightly, as if shaking dust from them. "I would imagine why you ask this, young Jedi, for I doubt you have come across a being of my kind in your travels. However, your father knew me quite well, and I, him."


At once Ben'a realized to whom he was speaking. This had to be the spirit of the Fosh Jedi Vergere, who had helped Jacen to overcome certain obstacles in his own lifetime. As he sat down before the spirit, he thought back to his own travels across the ethereal plane, in his escape from Sanity's End. His instructions were quite clear, but he let the one before him take the lead. "Yes, I know you now, Vergere. I was instructed to come here..."


"Yes, I know the particulars, Master Solo. And indeed, you have come." As she spoke, Vergere began to walk in a circle around where Ben'a sat. "Yes, yes, strong you have become, young Solo. But there is much recklessness within you still. Unless I am much mistaken, you have probed into what you know as the dark side of the Force, and on more then one occasion. Though you never blatantly crossed that line...interesting."


Ben'a simply sat there, letting Vergere's spirit probe him without resisting. He had, in fact, been dwelling on what he had done in his life. The Order had seemed like such a noble calling, and he had always wanted to do what he could to improve life in the galaxy, but darkness seemed to have followed him wherever he had gone. The destruction of Sanity's End had very nearly been the last straw -- he had intended to save the Rebel fleet from that weapon of awesome power, but instead, he had condemned thirty million beings to a firey death.


"Tsk, tsk, young Jedi," Vergere admonished suddenly as she continued her pacing. "You dwell upon the past, as if it were your own fault. You know better then that. You chose that particular course of action, and so did the being that fired that weapon. It was his actions, not yours, that doomed the moon city. And yet, you still blame yourself...how sad indeed."


And then, Vergere's spirit touched Ben'a's shoulder, and a white-hot pain shot through the Jedi's entire body, as though he had just laid his hand in a high-voltage current. But he kept his silence, bearing the excruciating pain with clenched teeth, until the avian relinquished her shocking touch.


"And why did you not use the Force just then, to shield yourself from that pain, Master Solo?" she asked shrilly. "Do you still think you deserve this? Then who am I to doubt you?" Again, Vergere touched Ben'a's shoulder, and again the white-hot pain arched through his body. Vergere let out a sigh as, once again, she eased her pain. "The next blast will be a killing one if you do not put up some sort of resistance, young Solo."


"But, why?" was all Ben'a could get out before, once again, Vergere's spirit made to touch him...

"Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns..."


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The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

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The feathery apparition of her hand was barely millimeters from Ben'a's shoulder when it happened. No matter what he had done in his life, he knew that he did not need to die here, alone, shocked out of his mortal existance by a Jedi of the Old Republic that had been dead for nearly thrity years. He wasn't quite aware of willing it to happen, and indeed, the next thing that Ben'a knew, the blue avian ghost was flying backwards, feathers akimbo, and looking distinctly ruffled as she regained her metaphorical footing.


"Well, I see that you have finally awakened your senses, Master Solo," Vergere said in that same, slightly condescending voice she used so well. "Though the effort was crude and uncontrolled, you were able to ward off my attack. And what was more...you realised something, didn't you?"


Ben'a gave a solemn nod. Obviously, Vergere was capable of probing his thoughts, so words were about as necessary as a winter coat on Tatooine. Yet still, the creature's plibald face gazed at him dubiously, as though still doubting that she had the right person here before her now. The Jedi knew that look, it had been the same one Master Keiran had given him when expressing doubts about the progress of his earlier training.


"Indeed," was all Vergere cared to degin in reply, before resuming her circular pacing. "I see that you have learned something since coming here, and that is always a good thing." And at this, she stopped right opposite Ben'a, staring him down with an oddly steely glint in her eye. "However, there is much more you must know. We will resume now...defend yourself!"


Without warning, the Fosh spirit launched yet another series of electrical attacks of the same killing intensity as before, but this time, Ben'a was ready for them. They were coming in from all directions, one after another, quite apart from where Vergere's spirit stood, quietly observing. Ben'a kept up his defenses, gradually learning to rely less and less on resisting the attacks, and more on avoiding them alltogether. The whole lesson unfolded and evolved into a game akin to dodgeball, but with barely-visable strands of killing energy. And it wasn't so much a physical game, either...


--one hour later--


Ben'a was exhausted. Vergere seemed to understand this as well, because with a wave of her hand, the game had stopped. As he rested, Ben'a slowly began to realise that it had not, in fact, been her spirit at all that had caused the painful surges, but machines embedded within the room. A spirit was just a spirit, and couldn't possibly call upon the Force in a physical sense.


"You are making progress, Master Solo," Vergere said, with a little less of the usual approach in her voice this time. "I had to learn my art in order to survive; one slip, and I could have been dead before my time. Therefore, I was somewhat at an advantage -- you would be surprised what duress can enable one to accomplish, young Solo. When you are done here, you will be able to blend as you please, unknown as one of the Jedi if that is necessary for what you choose to do. But that is not all when it comes to the Art of the Small; you must accept the primal lesson of defense. When someone attacks you, the best defense is to simply not be there. And you will learn how.


"Start by focusing on your being, and your connection to the Force. You have been taught how to disconnect yourself from its powers completely, but that is a mistake for which you may suffer greatly. Instead, you must focus inward upon that connection, and steadily shrink it, until it is too small to be seen by even the trained eye, be it Force-enhanced or not." Her voice, before somewhat shrilly and borderline annoying, suddenly begame smoother, deeper, slower, and oddly hypnotic. It was the old Jedi Mind Trick, but different. This was the kind of soothing voice that aided in the learning and understanding of lessons, carrying the student onward amidst waves of inspired confidence.


"Slowly, slowly, draw yourself inward. Feel the Force around you as you shrink your presence within its energy. Deeper, and still deeper, pull inward, further inward. Think small, and you will be small, think about not being there, and you will cease to be in harm's way. Tighter, still tighter, draw the circle inward, Small, small, you must be small!"


Ben'a could feel himself drawing inward, obeying the instructions that Vergere gave him. And apart from learning this lesson, the Jedi Knight was finding himself in an ever-increasing state of peace, and of acceptance, finally dealing with the events that had brought him here. No longer would he act so rashly; in his mind, he began to review and understand the events of hte past that had gotten him into danger before, and to learn from these mistakes. Ben'a Solo had touched the Force in its purest form, and he would not falter again for lack of foresight or wisdom.


Vergere seemed to understand this as the lesson continued unabated.

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The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

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Hours had passed like moments as Ben'a continued to meditate, applying the knowledge that his Fosh Jedi teacher was passing on to him as he hovered a few inches from the floor. He felt as though he were hovering, weightless, and isolated unto himself as though in the dark vaccum of intersteller space. But far apart from simply floating alone, in this underground library illuminated by an ancient, almost secretive, knowledge of the Force, the Knight let himself fly away freely, his senses taking in the world, and worlds, beyond. He could touch and interact with the life-force of the ancient tree that guarded the entrance. He could sense the strong Force-presence of his acquaintance, Nom Anorus, and his two charges, as well as that of the young girl he had left behind at the campsite. Indeed, he could peruse the whole of Ossus from where he sat, locked in a meditation so deep...


...that until then, he thought, no external source could break. No sooner had Ben'a let his attention wander into the worlds beyond his compatriots in the Jedi Order, then several strands of that same Force-energy streaked out from their emitters in a combined effort to finally do him in. Though he maintained his meditative stance, the Jedi Knight was nonetheless caught off-guard by the sudden assault, and he managed to apply the lessons so recently learned just in time. Though they could not be seen, he could feel the tendrils of energy as they passed through the space he occupied with his body, but not the Force. He had not only survived, but he had evaded the attack completely, without moving an inch.


"Do you know why you succeeded?" Vergere asked him in hushed tones.


"I believe I do," Ben'a began. His own mouth was rather dry, and he spoke in a low murmur. "I was there, but then I wasn't there. The lightning couldn't see me!"


"You're half-right," the Fosh said, cocking a gimlet eye at him. "However, I am obliged to point out that you had let your attentions wander too far, and that is why you were caught unawares. Though I will admit you did well for that lesson." She paused for a moment, and began to pace around where Ben'a sat, still hovering, again. "There is little more I can teach you at this point, Master Solo, though your training is not at an end. You must now absorb what lessons you can from this ancient vault of knowledge, and when you have, I will return to test you, once again..."


Without another word, the spirit of Vergere began to fade out. As if on cue, the lights in the ancient library began to glow more brightly, so that Ben'a could see the true extent of its interior. Row upon row of shelves filled with ancient, yet clean and wel-kept tomes could be percieved immediately, but that was not what attracted the Jedi's attention. Rather, a bank of panels, each glowing with a faint white-blue glimmer, and in turn set in the far wall pulled his eyes from the nearest shelf of books. With hushed footsteps, the Jedi rose from his meditative position, and walked calmly over to where the rows of panels stood. Each one bore a small plaque beneath a brass handle, and upon each plaque was engraved a letter-number combination. Some unknown desire drew him towards the panel marked "Holo-XP233", and without a moment's hesitation, he opened it. Inside a small, one foot square cubbyhole, stood a small, triangular object -- a holocron! Ben'a couldn't help himself... "Hokey religions and ancient weapons...if only Grandad knew..."


With the utmost care, Ben'a extracted the small pyramid from its resting place, and strode from the bank of holocrons, looking for an appropriate place to view the item's contents. Within moments, one presented itself, and so the Jedi took his new discovery, and began to enter his meditation cycle once again. Though he had never worked with one so old as this example, Ben'a knew how to operate the device...and as he began to probe its secrets, a whole new world opened its doors to let him in...

"Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns..."


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The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

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Many hours, and indeed, many days passed as Ben'a Solo sank ever deeper into the depths of knowledge contained within this most ancient Jedi library.The holocrons were not the only sources of information to be had; the many volumes in the library were literally brimming with old and powerful techniques, including extensive guides to lightsaber combat, advice on advanced meditative poses, tips on using the Force to camouflage oneself from enemies, and even an old History of the Jedi Order.


By the end of that first day, it was readily apparent to the Jedi Knight that he would be staying for a while, so he had gone back through the many complex tunnels and corridors, obstcles and barriers, back to his ship, where he retireved enough supplies and gear to last him for however long he would need to spend. By the time he had studied all that he could, he had taken two more trips back to the Millennium Skyray, both times using some of the skills that he had learned. While there, he glimpsed into the powers of jedi Combat Sense and Battle Meditation, Crucitorn and the Force Bubble, the forbidden art of Morichro, as well as many forms of offensive telepathy and mind-manipulation.


Finally, he had studied all that he could, doing his best to practice the techniques and powers that he had learned. But Ben'a knew that he would need much, much more practical experience before he could consider himself a master at any of these arts. And though he was steadily becoming more powerful within the Force, there yet remained a small void, and it slowly began to resonate within his soul. He did not know when Vergere would be able to come back, but he found this was less of a priority now. Ben'a Solo needed a purpose; something, or some cause towards which he could apply his new learning. He needed to find his place within the Jedi Order, and that could not be done by conversing with a guiding spirit. He needed to see one of the Masters of the Order, but he dared not leave yet...


...the Fosh Jedi may yet come.


((fast-forward to "just before the crash" Grrrr @ the hacker))

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The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

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For a while, Ben'a pondered the Jedi Master's reply. Specialization was something he had not considered, and it shamed him slightly to admit that, but still, it was a valid solution to his dilemma. The only problem was...what would he specialize in? His training with Master Kerian had been short by most standards; while he had learned much of his skills during that time, he still felt as though the man could have gone further. But dwelling on the mistakes of his master was not the way to go, that was clear...he had to focus on his own future.


What was he good at? Piloting, for one thing...flying the Millennium Skyray into combat had enabled him to achieve great success against the forces of injustice. But on the other hand, he did not seek a repeat of what happened at Sanity's End; he had just now come to grips with what had happened. Lightsaber combat? Yes, he was profficient at that; some may have even considered him somewhat talented at it...but to specialize in it? Maybe...but he didn't think that would be particularly Jedi-like to train and wish for combat all of the time. Master Keiran had taught him to appreciate all of life, deep in that Naboo swamp, and it had opened him up to the Living Force...and like his Master, he had learned to enlist the aid of animals in a fight...


But what could he do with this talent? Was it not disrespectful towards life to manipulate it for one's own survival? Was it not an insult to the Force to use it to that end? Perhaps...perhaps not...but Ben'a had no answer to this. He was drifting ever further away along his stream of thought, but nothing profound was coming to him...until several faces floated before his mind's eye. He had it.


"Master Tares, I believe that I am an accomplished pilot, as well as skilled in the art of the lightsaber, but I feel that my greatest strength may lie in bringing souls back to the light and sending their darkness away. Twice I have done this, and while one yet still serves the Order....the other is...lost. I felt his passing, but it was in service to our cause, that much I know. Perhaps....perhaps this is my calling..."

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The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

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Skills that I lack? Ben'a thought to himself. It was chance that I met those that needed and sought redemption... He knew that, as a Jedi trained in the Force, he had the ability to peer into the minds of beings, to sense what they would not want to admit otherwise. But he also knew that if someone was to be redeemed, they needed to want it; a being fallen in the darkness cannot be forcibly dragged back into the light, and any attempt to do so will achieve the opposite result... No, he did not know...


"I do not know what skills are required, Master Tares, so I could not begin to tell you the ones that I lack. But maybe it is not so much a 'skill' that I need...I have found that compassion for my enemy is what enabled me to reach out to the ones I brought back from the dark... Does this make sense, Master Tares?"

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"Knowledge, Master Tares? What good is knowledge to those who have rejected it in favor of willful ingnorance, in favor of the dark side? Unless they wish to seek it of their own free will, how will they attain it? No one can force redemption upon an enemy..."


Ben'a thought to himself, long and hard. Was he indeed the right kind of being to be a redeemer of the light? He had journeyed far across the galaxy in his time as a Jedi, and he had seen and felt many new things. He had seen the darkness within many sentients, and was by no means afraid of that...compassion can only go so far against an enemy determined to murder.


"I know that I have much to learn, and that is why I need a guide, a coporeal guide..."

"Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns..."


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The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

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Ben'a considered his new mentor's ponderings as he considered where to begin. This kind of philosophical lesson had been rare when he had recieved his training as a Padawan, and it intrigued him to hear Master Tares speaking this way. But when the Jedi Master held his wrist and asked his question, Ben'a knew he was in the presence of genius. It was his first instinct to say that he was in control, but Ben'a knew that was not true, not yet.


"Master, indeed you are in control here, because I have submitted myself to your wisdom and guidence. Though that might not be the case if we were to become enemies at this instant..."


Though his thoughts bore no emotion or conotation, he broadcast into Tares's mind the image of a martial-arts technique that could be used to drop the Jedi Master to the floor, whereupon Ben'a could do further actions to him.


"I hope you understand that this will not happen, though...I would die first."

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The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

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Ben'a nodded to himself and the man before him as he acknowledged Tares's words. This wasn't the first time he had engaged a more experienced Jedi in mock combat, and when Tares released his wrist, Ben'a brought it down and forward, using it to send a wave of Force energy that sent the Jedi master flying along the library floor. At the same time, he shrank his Force-signature in the way Vergere had taught him, and began to sprint silently amongst the shelves, heading for the exit into the outer corridor. It wouldn't do to destroy any of the priceless tomes, holocrons, and other items here in this duel...


As he entered the hallway, he fingered his lightsaber, bringing it out of his belt...but he didn't activate it yet...

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The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

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It surprised and at once intrigued Ben'a how Tares tracked him, but then, that was why he was a Jedi Master, and Ben'a was a Knight. He could sense and hear the rock coming at him, but instead of igniting his saber to bat it aside, he took hold of it with the Force. If this was to be a contest of control, then so too should it be a contest of wills.


The rock halted in midair, and another rock rose to meet it a few inches opposite.

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The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

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Like a current of water, Ben'a allowed the force of Tares's push to knock him to the ground, maintaining the focus on the rocks as he rolled backward. As he recovered his poise, the two stones pelted forward, striking the Jedi master hard about the head and shoulders.


With that moment of distraction, Ben'a lept to the side, using the momentum of the jump to spring off of the wall, landing behind where Tares stood. He then ignited his lightsaber, its purple blade bathed the dark corridor in an eerie violet glow. It was inevitable that the lightsaber would be used in this duel...but still, who was in control? What was the object of this fight, what was Tares trying to prove?


"How far will this go, Master Tares?"


As he waited for a reply, Ben'a's focus intensified, seeing into the possible as the Jedi master turned to face him...

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As Tares released his now somewhat bruised arm and backed off, Ben'a extracted himself from the floor, all the time thinking about how quickly the Jedi master had knocked his lightsaber from his grasp. He was still feeling somewhat dizzy when he summoned his weapon back to him through the Force, and reattached it to his belt. What was the point of this? Was it to demonstrate control, will, or just raw skill? There had to be a point to this exercise; if there was one thing he was sure of, it was that Jedi Masters did not do anything meaningless or pointless.


"I am not quite sure, Master Tares," Ben'a said as he sat down opposite him. "Could it have been to demonstrate my lack of control? Or was it to show that you had it from the start, when I expressly gave it to you? Or...no, that can't be it.


"No, Master, I do not yet see it..."

"Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns..."


Proud Member of the J.Net Addicts' Club since March, '04!

The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

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Ben'a thought upon what Tares was telling him. What the Jedi master was saying not only made sense, but explained so much of what he had been through in his Knighthood. Even in situations when he had eventually prevailed, control was rarely in his grasp completely. That was what he needed most of all, control, for he had been too reckless, for too long. But how was he to acquire this? Undoubtably, Tares would help him in this.


"Yes, Master Tares, I do have a question..." Ben'a was now looking into the man before him, sensing how he felt...it intrigued him how, frail though he was due to some unknown malady, Tares was able to dictate the terms of the combat. "What was it that happened to you that drained you of your strength?"


Ben'a looked ashamed then, for this was indeed a very personal question. He held up a hand to stop Tares from speaking, as he thought up a more appropriate query. "I apologize. What do you suggest that I do in order to learn control?"

"Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns..."


Proud Member of the J.Net Addicts' Club since March, '04!

The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

Founder, The Satirist's Guild

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As Tares rose to his feet, Ben'a followed, all the while thinking of how he could attain control over a potential opponent. The most obvious method was to initiate the combat himself, on his own terms, but this was a direct contridiction of not only the most basic principles of the Jedi Code, but also his own morality. In all his combats, over his time with the Order, he had never been the aggressor...he had been the defender. On Hoth, and then on Coruscant...he was fighting for others, not himself. But whatever he would do to learn control, here in this long-buried archive was not the place to do it.


"Master Tares, I believe that we should continue this lesson elsewhere. I...I don't think it appropriate that we remain in this place, it is too old and devoid of the Living Force. Perhaps Naboo? Or maybe Kashyyyk? The more life, the better..."

"Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns..."


Proud Member of the J.Net Addicts' Club since March, '04!

The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

Founder, The Satirist's Guild

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Ben'a had, of course, been to the villa that Tares had mentioned. It had been where he had brought Nahstaa, the former Sith apprentice, to meet his sister Skye. It hsd been through his actions that the two had met...and that Nahstaa had been brought back into the light, and into the Jedi Order. Indeed...life was full of interesting twists and turns, and that was what made it interesting. He let Tares make his own way back to the surface, because the Jedi Knight had his own things to think about. One of those lightsabers that he had found had looked particularly interesting...


After about an hour of making his way through the underground complex, Ben'a emerged from the tunnel. The weapon he had been eyeing was still there, so he snatched it up and clipped it onto his belt opposite his uncle's lsaber...one of these days, he would have to recontruct his own lightsaber. But as he ascended the boarding ramp into the Millennium Skyray, he put this thought aside for now. The journey ahead, though it would be routine, was a long one nonetheless. He sealed the hull, sat in the pilot's chair, fired up the repulsorlifts, and brought the sleek craft into the air, engaging the ion engines and blasting out of the atmosphere. The tumaltuous skies of Ossus, witness to untold battles in millennia long past, fell away, and the vessel and her pilot were bathed in starlight and starstreaks as she entered hyperspace.

"Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns..."


Proud Member of the J.Net Addicts' Club since March, '04!

The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

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