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Darth Heretic

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*Snuggled tightly into her mother's arms once more, Kaylynn again felt at home. She watched from her protected vantage point as the fight over the past weeks began. She felt the pain as her father was injured, then the healing powers of Sly. Focusing on the other Jedi that had attacked she found him on a far bank sitting near a woman. Despite all that had happened, Sly had been reletively the most kind to her over her ordeal so her focus ignored him for now. Instinctively she touched the minds of the animals around her. The dogs on Aracoun Morion had reacted easily to her touch, her nack for controlling wild life a boon she did not yet conciously understand but that would serve her well anyway. From the depths of the swamp nearby she found a mind. Touching it took little effort, and bending it to her will almost less. Soon it began to move from its still position waiting for fish. Behind Adi-Wan the waters rippled. His focus was entirely on Reagen as the creature crossed the distance to him. In the shallows of the shore, its face broke the water's surface. Sloshing through the mud the large crocadile like lizard padded forward. A set of large spines on it's back protected it from attacks. Its cresent shaped mouth was a maw of pointed and dangerous teeth. Long talons adorned its short legs, excellent for climbing trees, clutching the muddy ground of a swamp bottom, and for rending the flesh from living creatures. The mud absorbed the sound of its foot steps. It was only the barking growl it gave right before it lept to attack that alerted the focused Jedi of its presence.*

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*Bishop's body lay on the shoreline as Sly ran off. The pain was dull in his unconsious state, though his mind roamed somewhere within his inactive shell. His mind was still open to the force and could feel Sly moving to where Tarrian held Mes away from the fight. Sly moved towards where Tarrian and his child were. In his mind he screamed at himself to wake up. To get up and to go defend the things that he cared for most in his life. Twitching only softly, his body reamined otherwise motionless for the time being.*

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Tarrian seeing Sly begin to get the better of Bishop, starts toward the two. stopping a few feet from them, she watches as Sly drops Bishop and begins to move towards his apprentice.


Anger and rage finally got the better of her and she was tired of Sly constantly hurting what was hers. It was time that Sly hurt for the same reasons. Grabbing Mes, she lifted him up with the force like he was a doll, and force threw him with all of her might face first into the same stone outcropping that Reagan had slammed into. Tarrian released her grip on Mes and let him fall like a stone to the jagged stones below.


Turning her back on the two, she went to Bishop.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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What pathetic fools.

What pathetic, stupid fools.

The same thought darted through the Falleen's mind again and again as the creature grinned maliciously, the woods behind him erupting in a cacophany of lightsaber clashes as he made his way down the path after his prey. Even he had not expected the arrival of others - multiple Sith from the looks of them, though he had not stuck around long enough to make sure. He had melted into the trees as quickly as he came, pausing only to laugh occasionally as he viewed from shelter the bodies of several Force-users falling to certain woe from the same cliff that the prey had leapt from.


Woe. He liked that. What if he had named himself Darth Woe?

The thought kept the sickening grin fixed on his features as he slipped unnoticed through side paths and hidden vales. Dagobah's strong sun, normally obscured by thick mists, shone stark and bright upon the rocky, tree-lined path.

As he faded back into the mists, descending into the marshes once more, he stopped and drew in the senses of his victim.

The blond girl, the padawan. The prey.

And another, a man with greater Force dexterity, one of the Jedi. He had recovered quickly and rushed to escort the girl through the fog, knowing she would not hold out long.


Damned if she wasn't putting up a fight though. The assassin winced and rubbed his leg in pain where her blaster bolt had burned through the insulated armor he wore there. Only a flesh wound, but an annoyance nonetheless...


Maybe he would enjoy other pleasures with her for his trouble, besides the simple joy of murder.

The thought seemed to lend new life to him, and he broke into a sprint, unable to conceal his bloodlust any longer. A feral grin darkening his face beyond inhumanity, he sprinted along the path his prey had carved for him. There was no subtlety, no stealth here. He knew he was the hunter, and this time there would be no escape.


Yes... none whatsoever...

The light around him faded from perfect light to perfect dark as the cave's mouth enveloped him.

He made his way through the underground channels with inhuman speed, savoring every moment which brought him closer to fulfillment...


(5:46:09 PM) Five Wing Seraph: make a thread called "I want to get plastic surgery to get tusks grafted into my mouth"

(5:46:18 PM) Prince Scumbag: okay

(5:46:21 PM) Prince Scumbag: after this one gets closed

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Airleas quickly made her way through the cave with Tares right behind her. Navigating with the force alone, it was taking longer then she wanted. She could feel the dark presense in the cave and knew that he was even more determined since she winged him with the blaster shot.


If she wasn't so determined to beat this man at his cat and mouse game, she would be terrified. Tares was keeping up with her, which was good. Either she was getting slow, or he had learned how to hike. Cause when she was younger, he never could keep up with her and she was forever having to back track to find him.


Taking a quick turn around yet another dark corner, Airleas slipped and started to slid down the rough stones. Grabbing the wall, she stopped the fall, and yelled up to Tares. "Don't move. I'm fine." She slowly scaled back up on her rump and made it to her feet. Well, this is going to be fun. Is nothing going to be easy. Dammit. she didn't have a rope with her and well in the dark she could not depend on Tares being able to get her and him down.


"Tares you have to go down yourself. I'll be fine, I'll be right behind you. I'll scale it on my ass."


After a bit of arguing, Tares agreed and started down the loose rock slope. Sitting herself down, she started to decend the slope herself. She was going to pay dearly for this in the morning. She wished to god she could figure out why in a matter of frigging days she had become the most wanted in the damn galaxy, this sucked.


She could feel the falleen closing in and he would be there in moments. She knew she would not make it down to the bottom at this rate, but if she went any faster, she only manage to make to the bottom dead.


Stopping her decent, she pulled her blaster and aimed it at where she thought he would be. Waiting, she held her breath. She could feel him in the room. Closing her eyes, she tried to see him through the force and fired. She heard him yell, but had no idea if she did anymore then graze him. Starting back down, she put as much speed into her decent as she could....

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As Reagan lay on the far shore, the blackness faded a bit. She could hear Adi saying something, but she couldn't make out the words. She knew something had happened, but it hurt to think.


As she tried to open her eyes to look at adi, even that was to hard a feet. All that she could manage was a few words before the darkness took her again.


I'm sorry, Adi...I'm so sor....

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A unique and unmistakable sound shot through the pitch-black caverns, the sound that only a blaster carbine set to full power could make - that weighty, metallic pyarr so characteristic of common laser diodes.


Dammit, what the hell is a Jedi doing with a gun anyway?? was the only thing that Darth Grief, clinging to the sheer rock wall, could think before the scarlet bolt hissed up towards him, illuminating the cave walls as it went. The cliff left no room to dodge and the Jedi's aim was true. The only thing he could do, he did - flinging himself as tight against the rock as possible. The bolt zinged past so quickly that he could feel its warmth against his cheek.


He watched, mesmerized, as the bolt pinged off the cave's ceiling, which was angled slightly off of level, and zipped back down towards the powerless Falleen. In desperation, he did the only thing he could, raising his right hand above his head to protect it--


The spear of light spiked deep through his left hand and down into his arm with a thud.

A yell of surprise and pain accompanied the Falleen as his spasmodic arm released its grip and he fell into the hideously black emptiness below--

The yell lasted about as long as the fall - about a half a second.


He hung in the black air, touching absolutely nothing, in perfect control of his situation with the exception of the pain in his arm - which was smoking-

With a whispered curse, he blew upon his hand until the faint embers of charred flesh cooled. He would need medical attention for that one later, no doubt about it.


--Good recovery, my Wielder-- spoke the voice at his side.

"Shut up, Chattur'gha," whispered the hovering Falleen urgently. Levitation was always but a paltry trick to him. He had spent days in constant levitation before. But the agony in his wounded limb was threatening to overwhelm his concentration. He couldn't even break through the background "noise" to sense his prey for the time being.


Silently, perfectly silently, he drifted down to the smooth cave floor, and came to rest on the stone.

He knew the prey was probably near, though a good distance above him.


"Chattur'gha, flashlight."

--Yes, Wielder.--


A brilliant flashlight beam struck the walls and floor, coming from the pommel of the thing in the assassin's palm. From her vantage point, the girl could make out nothing of the beam's source, just its presence, flickering over the rock face, searching, scanning for her...


(5:46:09 PM) Five Wing Seraph: make a thread called "I want to get plastic surgery to get tusks grafted into my mouth"

(5:46:18 PM) Prince Scumbag: okay

(5:46:21 PM) Prince Scumbag: after this one gets closed

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Seeing the light searching for her, she ducks down and flattens her body to the stone floor. Now, what. Jeez, this guy is really good. Okay, can't go down, cause he is down.


Finally deciding what she should do, she leaned over the side and let her body follow her. Hanging from the rock face, she started to decend the wall. It had been a very long time since she rock climbed and if memory served her, she didn't like it then either.


Angling herself, she began to scale sideways and down hoping to reach the bottom of the wall on the far side of him. Losing her grip twice, she finally reached the bottom of the cavern. Crouching low, she had no idea what she was going to do. She reached into her bag, and pulled out two more blasters. Taking the two blasters, she pointed them in the direction that she knew that the dark man was standing.


Sending out a message to Tares...Hit the ground Tares she opened fire on the dark man and proceeded to back out of the cavern. emptying out the two blasters, she reached down to her sides and pulled the other two blasters that she always carried. Continuing to pour blaster shots into the cavern, once she cleared the cavern, she turned and bolted at a dead run.


She had no idea where she was going, but she knew that she needed to get away from him. Letting the force guide her, she made her way through the tunnels. She could feel the dark man closing however.

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*Bishop's internal voice was screaming at him again to get up. To fight his way back to his concious self. The blackness around him was a heavy blanket and his limbs felt too weary to lift it. Rather they wished desperatly to simply let him suffocate in its folds. Movement after movement he forced them to life. Clawing their way, fighting for every inch through the fog that was his world. He came awake suddenly and with a dazed and unfocused lunge. He quickly saw Tarrian's figure standing before him and he recoiled into himself. Looking around dazedly he finally located a fuzzy Sly across the swamp near Mes. He struggled to his feet with Tarrian's help, feeling his strength return the more he was awake.*


"Where are my... lightsabers at?"


*He had noticed the missing pieces of metal and Tarrian guestered towards the swamp. Taking a few shaky steps he got into the shallows and scanned around for them. He quickly located the reckage from his force signature on the crystals. They were ripe with his blood and force energy, making them easy to locate. Calling the two orgs to his hand, he slipped them into a pouch on his belt so he could make use of them later in reconstructing his lightsabers. When he turned around Tarrian was holding Mes' lightsaber out to him.*


Tarrian: "Here, you'll need this I think."


*Bishop smiled as he took it. The hilt felt strange in his hands, but all saber hilts did when not in the hands of their masters. He gripped it tightly, trying to make it more comfortable before nodding a thank you to her. Then he turned towards Sly and began towards him.*

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The sound of dislodged pebbles striking the ground tipped off the Falleen to the location of his prey just as she and her companion hit the cave floor. In an instant he had focused the beam on her, saw the fear and determination in her eyes --

Next to her, her companion hit the dirt as she drew twin carbines from her belt and leveled the lethal pistols at him in an instant.


Chattur'gha did not even need to warn his Wielder. Quicker than thought, than any human reflexes, the weapon was in his hand, the flashlight off, his feet quickened, his hand thumbing the large switch marked ON--


As the first blaster shots began to ring out, they were interrupted by a blazing snake, a fan of light that seemed to be everywhere at once, dazzling and leaving ghostly trails in one's eyes as it snapped and cracked through the air. The glowing beam lashed here and there, around his head, humming in a huge radius around his person, picking blaster bolts from the air with harsh snaps again, and again...

She fired, and kept firing as she backed away. Darth Grief simply danced, wreathed in the ruby red of his weapon, tagging each and every bolt with superhuman reflexes like a frog lashing at flies with its tongue.


Finally, the barrage ceased, and the man relaxed his grip. Through the smoke of melted rock, Airleas could see the dark figure, holding in his hand a massive gripped pommel, from which sprang the fifteen-foot-long crimson lash of a lightwhip blade.

The double-tailed end of the thing darted back and forth along the ground with quick hums, kept above the floor by skillful wrist flicks.


There was silence except for the girl's footsteps and the hum of the whip...

Then he broke into full pursuit, his prey finally in sight.


(5:46:09 PM) Five Wing Seraph: make a thread called "I want to get plastic surgery to get tusks grafted into my mouth"

(5:46:18 PM) Prince Scumbag: okay

(5:46:21 PM) Prince Scumbag: after this one gets closed

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*Adi-Wan was totally consumed by the Force - and in a meditative concentration state that allowed the healing power of the Force flow through him ... he didn't hear the monster coming from his rear until it shrieked*


*Adi-Wan opened his eyes, and was yanked from the trance he'd placed himself into. As he turned, he saw the reptilian monstrasity - and in one quick movement, scooped Reagan into his arm, and was jumping, force aided, through the air, towards the tree that lie directly in front of them. When he reached it, he used his feet to kick off of the tree, and bounce back in the opposite direction - landing on top of the opening to the cavern in which Reagan was supposed to enter into earlier. He rested her head against a small brushlike conglomerate of plantlife, and propped her up with his over robe. She still lie, almost in a lifeless state, and he bent down and kissed her softly on the lips. "C'mon, Red ... just hang in there ... you're almost there ... " - he said before turning towards the monster*


*As he peered down, the reptile tried to jump up, on top of the cavern, with unsuccessful attempts. Adi-Wan tried to access the creature's mind, and see what it's intent was ... and then would try to change its mind about going after them. As he poked, and prodded with the Force, deeper into the creatures mind ... the area where it held its thoughts was ... locked. It was as if there was a "Password Needed to enter" screen flashing ... and Adi-Wan figured it could only be one thing*


*He glanced over at the child scooped into her mother's arms, and noticed he fingers pointing at the reptilian creature ... she was controlling its actions ... and sending it after Adi-Wan. He then promptly sent a Force message to Tarrian*


"Damn, woman ... keep that girl under control there ... you all are out of hand ... i'm playin' nurse over here, and your baby's tryin' to kill me ... let's get civilized here, eh? Otherwise .... i just might have to intervene with your "fair" fight ... being that it's two on one, now ... Got it?"


*Tarrian's head whipped around, and her eye's narrowed ... she wasn't happy with Adi-Wan's comments*

"*****, you bettah bring me some muh'******' cone-yack, or i'll keeeeeeeeeeeeell, yoooooo"

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Helping Bishop up and handing him Mes' lightsabre, she heard Adi Wan through the force. Turning her head to face him, she stared coldly at him.


Two on one, and where do you get that from. I'm surprised you can't handle an infant. You need to take care of your woman, so be it. But well, Kaylynn has mind and will of her own and well, you will just have to deal with her pets first.


Smiling at Adi Wan, she watched as 3 more of the crocadile creatures climbed out of the swamp and headed for him and Reagan.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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*Mes fell and fell until he hit the bottom of the jagged rocks, cutting him terribly bad. He opened his eyes to see his side with a deep gash in it, and his leg was bleeding profusely. He also had immense back pain, and it just so happened that a sharp rock had protruded his skin and was sticking into him. He pulled that out with some of the worst pain he had felt in his life. He found that it had been much more shallow than he had thought, and it barely bled. This was encouraging, but he knew if he wasn't helped, he would surely die. Right now, he was hanging 5 feet over the soft ground below, and he went to jump, but his leg prevented him from doing so. Then he saw it, Bishop, holding HIS lightsaber...


"No! I will not let my weapon harm anyone of the light, especially in the hand of the enemy!"


*Mes struggled, but with the last of all his energy, he mentally tugged at his lightsaber, trying to rip it from Bishop's grip. It was a tough fight, and Bishop held on strong, but mind won over matter. The hilt came flying out of his hands, and up onto a cliff ledge some 40 feet above the water. It was still close to Bishop, and Mes knew he would get it back, but this would stall for the time being. Mes collapsed, everything went black. His limp body rolled off the ledge and fell to the soft, marshy ground.

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Sly stand next to Mes, as Mes pulls his saber from Bishops hands... closer to Mes, as Sly finishes the move. As Sly raises his hand, Mes's saber fly's again in the air, towards Sly, as his other hand Pulls his saber, Ignites the Blade, and Slices Mes's Hilt in half.


This weapon will only be used for good... not to help you create your havok...


Sly yells out loud... "You have the Child now leave us alone... I am sorry, I realised that you belong together..."


Sly pauses, as he gets another vision, the picture of the Boy, In his shackles, as he free's the slave populated word.

"She will not be queen of darkness... she will not win... you parents are blinded by love... you have no idea of what really happened. Blinded by the Darkside, you have turned your back on us, and the child."


Sly says as he puts up his white force shield that cannot be penetrated even by Tarrian, it protects him and his padawan, as his Padawan's wounds begin to heal from the white light.

The powers of Master Prophet and Adi-Wan were defeated by whining, rather than the Sith RPers using their heads to defeat them.
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*Adi-Wan looked over his shoulder ... and checked on the sleeping Reagan ... she seemed to be safe here for a minute. He looked down from the uprise of the cavern mouth ... seeing the reptiles on the ground beneath him ... he ignited his lightsabers*


*Expecting the water to have some ill-effects on them, they ignited with a pop-hiss, and to no avail ... the blades ignited ... uneffected by the water*


*Adi-Wan jumped down, instantly being circled by the primitive beasts. They swarmed him, instantly ... and with one saber tucked in his hand in the upside down hold, the right hand, in the right side up, he swivelled in a circular motion, his yellow lightsaber appearing through the abdomen of a jumping reptile. Flipping into the air, force-aided jump ... he landed a boot straight to another swarming reptile's face ... catching it running off, in a scared motion, it fled. The third Reptile charged, and almost caught Adi-Wan's right leg with a chomp - but he swiveled, and dropped in a rolling motion away from the monster in just time ... he caught the beast in the face with the saber - and took it's life in the blink of an eye.*


*Regaining his stance, he stood back up, and brushed the debrit from his wardrobe. He glanced over at Kaylynn ... and sent her a force message, "To kill innocent beings in that manner is not nice, little one ... you should learn that now ..." - The child seemed to be upset by the comment, and began to fuss in her mother's arms*


*Adi-Wan spoke through the force to Tarrian*


"Perhaps you should put your spawn down ... and finish what you've come here to do ... Sith ... "


*Adi-Wan had to place his anger in check, and make sure that he wasn't tempted ... he was upset about having to kill these beasts ... but, afterall - he had to protect his fellow Jedi, and Reagan*

"*****, you bettah bring me some muh'******' cone-yack, or i'll keeeeeeeeeeeeell, yoooooo"

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Trying to pull out of the darkness, she could feel herself being lifted and carried. She felt Adi's lips on hers and wanted to speak but the darkness kept a hold. Slowly, she opened her eyes slightly and watched as Adi fought and killed the creatures threatening to come near her.


She tried to move and the pain was immeasureable. It shot through her body like steel nails being driven through her. She cried out weakly. The same thoughts kept running through her mind...


I'm sorry, Adi, please be okay.


She could see him staring at Tarrian but she couldn't hear if he was saying anything. She watched as Tarrian put the child down and walk towards him. As Tarrian looked at her, she finally found her voice.


"Adi, no." The pain from calling out to him was so intense that the darkness started to take her again. Fighting it as best she could, she closed her eyes trying to be calm, knowing that he was a Jedi.

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*Adi-Wan spun around, in the foot deep murky waters, and looked at Reagan - he called out to her*


"Reagan ... just rest ... don't think about the pain ... just try to stay conscious ... "


*As he was talking, he could hear the sloshing of footsteps in the water behind him ... Tarrian was on the prowl*


"Just hang on!" - he finished yelling to Reagan ... all the while, fully aware that Tarrian was nearing his location. He was prepared.[/i]

"*****, you bettah bring me some muh'******' cone-yack, or i'll keeeeeeeeeeeeell, yoooooo"

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Airleas ran down the tunnels guided but the force alone, she knew the hunter was right behind her. In the darkness, she took the turns with all haste. I am so gonna need a vacation after this. If I survive.


As she rounded the last corner, she skidded to a halt in front of the edge of the very wide very deep crevace. Dammit is nothing going to be easy. God, I just want to get out of the damn cave. She could do nothing else but climb down. Trying to use the force to calm herself, she went over the edge and started scaling down as quickly as she dared.

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Tarrian stared at her one time friend. Turning, she placed Kaylynn safely on the shore bed well out of harms way from the battles.


Stepping into the murky water, Tarrian started towards Adi Wan. Leaving a slight distance between them, she looked up at Reagan. She could feel what she meant to Adi Wan. It would be very easy to take that from him. But she would not do to him what he had already helped do to her and Bishop.


Glaring at him, she stood there, her hands clasped in front of her. She did not move or waiver, nor did she draw her sabre. He would have to come for her.


"Adi Wan, I would never have believed that you the virtueous Jedi would assist in stealing a baby out of her own crib. Taking her from her family."


Taking a breath, she watched as Adi Wan looked from her to Reagan. Tilting her head slightly, she continued. "Last I saw you was at Midsengard, you have changed since then. I expected Kaylynn to be in danger, but I expected it from other Sith. Not the Jedi."


Still she stood in front of him. Just looking from Adi Wan to Reagan, but never making a move to take her sabre.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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*Bishop called the main haft of Mes' lightsaber to him. He quickly noted the decapitated emitter and threw it at the white field before him in frustration. He stalked through the water towards the two surrounded in Sly's shield. Pacing outside it's range his anger seethed at the surface. Stepping into range he struck out at it, his hand bounced off the white Force barrier painfully. The energy burned against his skin for the duration of the contact, but as soon as he removed his hand from it the pain stopped. Blood still oozed from his face where it had been smashed by Sly's pounding attacks, though the pain had dulled. Continuing to stalk around the dome he began to speak to Sly, fighting at him with his words while his mind worked furiously through the force to try and tear down the barrier that held him away from burying his hands back in the one he sought.*


"So do you see yourself as the rightous one here Sly? Is that what drove you to go through with all this? The rightousness of Jedi. The rightousness of man. Do you realize what rightousness has caused people to do? The most terrible acts are carried out for the 'good of all'. You consider the Sith evil for doing the same actions. We simply admit that we do them because we feel like it. Because that's what we want to do. You Jedi hide behind your 'morals' and knowledge of 'right' and 'wrong' in order to enact your primal desires. Primitive kingdoms destroyed eachother to appease their 'gods' over imagined atrocities. Hundreds killed hundreds to liberate a 'holy land' or to apprehend those that caused their 'unjust' economic downfall. And all for 'rightousness'. Is tha what drove you Sly? Your silly rightousness? Did it drive you to commit these acts? You must recognize, as a Jedi of such 'superior' thinking, that, even behind a mask of rightousness, evil acts are evil acts. Whether you believe them good or ill does not change what you have done. Stealing a child from its parents is steal kidnapping whether you've convinced yourself it's for the 'greater good' or not. The thought processes, the actions, the desires, they're all the same. You wanted to take her from us and so you did. For that you've become no better than the 'loathsome' Sith whom you hold in such low esteem! Perhaps you should take a look at yourself Sly, a good look. Are you the pristine model of Jedi qualities that you believe yourself to be? Or is that all a deception? Is that all an illusion? Is that all a lie? You pretend to be good and wholesome, the exemplary Jedi Master that all should strive to be - but a dark spot burns within you Sly. A black sooty mess. The kindling of flames that have yet to roar to life. You might ignore it but I think you know it's there. And every time you fan it that spots gets a little more air. It gets a little more life. And before long it will consume you like a flame on paper. Your 'Jedi qualities' will burn and ember before the very eyes of those impressionable padawans whom you serve over! Your image will fall from its grand stage on the Jedi Council! You will know what it is to fear! What it is to Hate! What it is to be angry! What it is to be the very thing which you strive to overcome! You've allready begun the path Sly. You've allready learned to cause pain. Twice have I felt the loss of love because of you and your trechery. Once - you told me Tarrian, my love and soul care in life, was dead and murdered at the hands of the Sith Darth Sauron. Twice - you stole from me the only second love in my life by kidnapping my own infant daughter from us. Have you felt the pain you are so eager to dispense? Have you Sly!?! No. No you haven't. You've been too wrapped in doing the 'rightous' thing to experience or recognize the pain you're inflicting."


*Bishop stopped his pacing and faced directly towards Sly. His chin dropped slightly, his blue-green eyes were darkened by his soul and locked burning deep into the Jedi Master's own blue orbs. As he held his gaze, his mouth spread into a wicked grin.*


"But you will. You will know the pain Sly. I give your precious and innocent love of your life there another five minutes before that hunter catches up with her. I must admit, I am impressed she's lasted as long as she has, but he seems to know what he's doing. It will take him little effort to finish off such a weak little Jedi. And then you will know the pain of losing that which you care for and love most in your life!"

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Sly stands inside the shield ignoring the words of Bishop but still listening... He knew that the Sith in battle liked to talk allot... Their speaches only worked against you, bringing out rage and Anger.


Sly Still stand Both hands extended as if he was holding something, from his hands came the White light, that shot to the Ground, and all the way around him and his padawan... and formed a perfect dome...


Bishop paced back and forth waiting for Sly to let this bubble come down... But Sly was very strong with the force, and had no intention of letting it down.


Sly began to speak his words of wisdom, hoping it would help the angry father shine some light on the subject. "You still dont understand do you Bishop... Blinded by the darkside you are, You serve the darkside now... you serve your Kaylynn now... what about the other Child... Search your feelings you know it is true... Search the heart of yours that has blackened from the Dark.... Search that and you will find lies that have been covered up... so that you will never see the light again. Dont Believe what Crimson Morpheus told you... You dont understand that the darkside are the ways of lying and deseting others... EVEN their own kind. You have been lied too... there were two children in the whomb of Tarrian... Believe me old friend... Do not trust the darkside, It will only further hurt you..."


Sly Stops talking as he notices that Mes is begining to heal... his eyes open, and he smiles at his Master...


"Don't worry Mes, we are safe... just try to meditate... Regain your strength, you will need it."

The powers of Master Prophet and Adi-Wan were defeated by whining, rather than the Sith RPers using their heads to defeat them.
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*Adi-Wan stood between Reagan ... and the Dark hearted Tarrian Skywalker ... or the former shell of what she once was. He spoke out, in response to her comment*


"To be honest with you, Tarrian ... i never had any intentions of taking the baby from you all ... i never saw the need for it ... never went along with it ... until it was done. Then, and only then ... did i have a hand in this ... you can condemn me ... guilty by association ... but you must know, the child was being brought here, along with us, to gather the hidden comrades, and then all of us were going to return to AM, and leave the child with you ... to give her back, to reunite her with her rightful ... 'owners.'


The last time you had seen me .. was back on Midsengard ... and i was prepared to give my life to keep you from voluntarily leaving to go with the Sith ... you, however, shed our attempts to give you protection ... and left ... and look at what you have become. A hateful ball of festering retchidness ... don't think i can't sense what you're thinking ... "


*Motioning over his shoulder, he flipped a thumb back in Reagan's direction*


"You hurt her ... and i'll kill you ... you've already forced the death of several innocent life forms ... manipulated by your child's mind tricks ... she is totally, and completely unaffiliated in this in any way ... search your feelings ... you know it to be true ...


... and if you follow the bread crumb path in your mind ... the only conclusion that you should draw in killing another innocent being ... would be your death ... and it WILL be by my hand ... Sith."



*Adi-Wan stood, almost in an old western gun fight stance ... feet should width apart, hands by his side, prepared to pull his lightsabers at the drop of a pin ... he was ready for whatever Tarrian was about to throw at him*

"*****, you bettah bring me some muh'******' cone-yack, or i'll keeeeeeeeeeeeell, yoooooo"

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Tarrian just smiled at Adi Wan, continuing to stare at his beloved. "Adi Wan, what I have become is stronger and skilled in the force. Something that the Jedi could never give me. My family is with the Sith Adi, and we are not as evil as you would like to make us out to be. We just choose to use our emotions as a tool and not to hide them within us."


Moving slowly, Tarrian begins to walk around Adi Wan. She watch with a bit of amusement as he kept his eyes trained on her, making sure that her hands stayed infront of her.


"And you hurt me Adi Wan, if you believe that I would hurt our Reagan here. Reagan has worked for us for sometime." Looking to Reagan, "Haven't you?" With a slight wave of her hand, Tarrian release all of the locked memories of her trips to Aracoun Morion. "Have I ever injured you in the past Reagan?"


Reagan only shook her head to acknowledge that she had not been hurt in the past by Tarrian. Turning back to look at Adi Wan, Tarrian went on.


"You see, I'll not harm her. But you lie when you say that you would have died for me to stay. And do not argue with me that I am wrong. You did nothing for me that day. I was a green Jedi then, having been just knighted. You let me go. I could not have said no regardless. And you know that to be true."


Placing herself between Adi Wan and his love, she stood there and waited. She wanted him to be angry with her. She would hurt Reagan if need be, and if Adi Wan tried to kill her what did she care, death was inevitable anyway.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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*Adi-Wan watched as she straffed around him, and now stood between him and Reagan's location ... he spoke out to her*



"You think that you're breaking news to me? I knew that she'd made runs to Aracoun Morion ... her memories of the place's location were not present, but she still remembered making runs for you all ... you're not swaying my thoughts of her. I'm not playing your mind games, Tarrian ..."


*Adi-Wan pulled his robe to the side, and retrieved his yellow lightsaber ... placing it into his right hand*


"And you KNOW i tried to talk you out of leaving ... you KNOW that i stood up for you ... and tried to keep you from leaving ... you walked out on us! You talk about your family ... they are not your roots ... the Jedi are ... you were one of us long before you were one of them ... so, what? Your brother is a deadly sith Lord ... what's the difference? Do you think that his evilness can save you? You sith speak as if the Jedi hide emotion ... we once did ... no longer do we ... your intentions are evil. You look to hurt the innocent, and strike fear for the advancement, and gaining of power ... you look to kill the protectors of the peace ... us ... the Jedi! - How can you talk as if you are higher, and mightier, then the Jedi ... your brother, a SITH caused the genocide on Kashyyyk ... killing many innocent wookiee ... for what? For no better reason then, 'just because' .... THAT is what separates you from us ... not that you believe that we hide our emotions ... or that you better express yourself ... it's all crap ... and so is what your Order stands for ... you look to hurt others, and for what? They've done nothing to you .... NOTHING ... "


*Adi-Wan placed his anger in check ... but was emotional in his speech to her ... he was ready, now - igniting his lightsaber he spoke with a gravelly voice*


"You offend me ... Tarrian ... the Tarrian that i once knew would never have done that ... now come, Sith .... it's time to choose your path .... "

"*****, you bettah bring me some muh'******' cone-yack, or i'll keeeeeeeeeeeeell, yoooooo"

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*Continuing his pacing once again, Bishop listened to Sly's words. They made no sense to him and the confusion showed, for a brief moment, before he crammed it back inside and resumed his static face.*


"Your words are lies Sly. I've no reason to trust them. If I had learned that lesson long ago then I would have saved myself much pain and sorrow. You would seek any means to trick me, to distract me. Such deceptive ways... ways not unlike that of an accomplished Sith. Sometimes, even you can impress me Sly. Your words mean nothing to me without the proof to back them up."


*Bishop glanced down and noted the white shield buzzed and cracked lightly against the water, a sure sign that it extended to the bottom of the shallow lagoon. He had hoped perhaps he could go under it, but the idea was out of question now. He still continued to wrestle with the feild through the force, hoping to bring it down.*

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Smiling, Tarrian just looked at him. "I offend you. I'm so sorry, Adi Wan. But my path has been chosen. My path was chosen the day you and Sly stepped aside and let us leave Midsengard. You sealed our fate, you and the others just let us go. You could have stopped me and Bishop, but you did nothing, NOTHING to stop us. I have no reason to return to the Jedi. I did everything in my power to return Bishop to you. I got him out safely and to you. And you lied to him. You hurt him again."


A single tear fell from her cheek, and she grew angry at remembering the past, Tarrian let her cloak fall to the ground. Shock crossed Adi Wan's face, and it took her only a moment to remember she was wearing her old Jedi clothing. Watching as Adi Wan drew his weapon, she looked over to Reagan who had once again succumbed to the darkness of unconscienceness.


Without any warning, Tarrian pulled the force to her and grabbed Adi Wan and threw him across the swamp, slamming him into the rocks. As she reached out her hand towards him, she released a ball of dark fire sending it slamming into him and engulfing him.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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*Adi-Wan was wrapped in some sort of Dark fire ... and it took him only seconds to tune into the Force ... and succumb to its will. He instantly began running through his mind, the type of coding that would unlock, and extinguish the Fire - he ran through several different sequences ... the first couple unsuccessful ... but finally he unlocked the correct process to put out the fire. It was not a normal fire - burning the outside ... but cutting off one's force abilities ... he cut it off in time, with minimal effects upon his use of the Force*


*Standing up, again ... he readied himself - and with the Force ... pulled Tarrian, as if she'd been hit from behind the head with a sledge hammer. She plummeted face first into the water - dirtying her old Jedi Robes. As she shook her head, and pulled it out of the water, she looked up to see Adi-Wan charging him - she lifted her hand, and tried to Force push him, but Adi-Wan rejected the attempt - and flung her straight up into the air using the force. She landed on the shore this time ... and against the sloshy ground*


*Tarrian started gasping for air, as she'd lost her breath ... and curled up into a ball for a second ... she started to feel the oxygen of the Dagobah atmosphere reenter her lungs in time to see Adi-Wan standing over her ... his hand extended ... *


"... Take it ... Tarrian ... get up ... "


*She scowled at him, and grabbed the hand ... but didn't use it to help herself up ... she pulled hard, and force pushed Adi-Wan from behind, causing him to fall shoulder-first into a tree. As he re-established his stance ... he caught a glimpse of Tarrian standing up again, and dusting herself off.*


*Adi-Wan spoke aloud, not even facing her*


"... You know ... Tarrian ... i still blame myself for letting you go ... i should've tied you down, or knocked you out ... but you shouldn't have left ...


... you know that i didn't 'allow' you to walk ... i had my sabers ignited, and stood before Barhom Zar ... prepared to give my life to keep you from them ... search your feelings ... you know it to be true! How can you be so blinded? What is your problem? Can't you remember ... Midsengard ... think, Tarrian ... Bishop, you, Zar ... you left ... and the next time i saw Bishop ... he was scarred with the misfortune of having a mechanical arm! - Look! He still does! And it wasn't my fault that you left ... you KNOW that i was there for you when you needed me ... you turned your back on me ... on Sly ... and on the rest of the Jedi ...


... only you can choose your fate ... and it's not been made yet ... you still have a chance. You're not totally consumed, i feel it within you ..."


*Tarrian readied herself for her next move, and Adi-Wan stood to his feet, and faced her, again*

"*****, you bettah bring me some muh'******' cone-yack, or i'll keeeeeeeeeeeeell, yoooooo"

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She stood and heard what Adi Wan said, but those were not her memories. She knew that he was lying to her. She remembered that day and she saw them let them go.


Walking to Adi Wan, she pulled out her sabre and held it in her hand. Standing in front of him, she spoke low and looked at him so that he could see the hate in her. "Your a liar."


Thrusting her sabre up towards Adi Wan's torso, he blocked her Scarlet blade with his own. And pushed her back. Going towards him again, Tarrian swings her sabre using her anger and rage to strengthen the blows.


As Adi Wan returns the attacks, their sabre's lock.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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*Adi-Wan's yellow lightsaber locked with her's ... and the blades were no more then mere inches from each other's faces ... Adi-Wan looked through the interlocking x they'd created, and spoke to her*


"Tarrian ... how can you call me a liar? You hold so much hatred ... your memory has been blocked! You're letting your hate blind you! Open up your eye ... see what the truth is .... see into your past ... unlock it ... "


*She scowled, and growled over the lightsaber hissing at him*


"Liar! You deceive me!"


*Adi-Wan used the power in his arms, not the force, to push with his lightsaber against her's ... sending her backwards ... and as she struggled to maintain her balance in the bumpy terrain, Adi-Wan was after her again ... his lightsaber smacking her's - wizzing by her head ... and it was all she could do to keep her child from being an orphan. She parried the attacks, but had little chance against Adi-Wan's clearly better lightsaber techniques. He flipped over her, and swung his lightsaber at his waist while he turned, and barely missed Tarrian's mid-section. She was lucky there ... she'd have to make sure not to make it so close next time.*


*She tried to force push him back, again, but to no avail ... Adi-Wan was all over her, and was swinging on her like a crazed pyschopath. Every chance that she had to go on the offensive was blocked, and countered with precision, from Adi-Wan ... she was forced to get back, and away from him ... otherwise, she'd end up like the reptiles that her daughter had sent after him*


*Tarrian maintained a consistant distance from Adi-Wan for a second, and while she'd had the chance - she jumped to the side, and broke a tree at the base with the force - and it began to toppel over, it's landing spot ... the same one that Reagan occuppied. Adi-Wan disengaged his saber, attached to his belt, all in one motion, and extended his hands, to catch the falling tree. He closed his eyes slightly, and then slowed it ... eventually stopping it a few feet from completely crushing Reagan ... once he felt comfortable with the grasp he had with the Force on the tree ... and then flung it with the force to the place in which it came*


*He exhaled for a second, and noticed that he'd lost tabs on Tarrian ... he tried to scan the area for her visually ... but then had to use the force, for she was hiding somewhere nearby ... he began his Force-hunt of her*

"*****, you bettah bring me some muh'******' cone-yack, or i'll keeeeeeeeeeeeell, yoooooo"

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