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Pack Fenrir
A Von Howlster Conglomerate

"When the Moon calls, we answer. When Fenrir beckons, we surrender."

Blood Moon with the Mask of Mythos in the foreground

When Mythos Fenrir Von Howlster passed, word managed to reach his father's ear. Sergi Fenrir, the Alpha that fathered him, became so lost in turmoil and grief so strongly, it is said he howled for nearly fourty moons before he began his Trail of Mourning, an ancient right amongst the Shistavanen where the Alpha of a Clan must march alone across the land and bring his pain to the other clans by challenging each of the Clan Alpha's strongest sons to single combat and slay them. An ancient right so respected and revered that it cannot be denied nor retaliated. The Clan Alpha's must share in the losses until the pain becomes grief. Sergi, a silvered Shistavanen slew nearly two hundred of the strongest contenders in response, bringing not only pain to the Clan's he traveled to, but reverence in his plight before his pain was swayed and grief took hold in his mourning. In this reverence, not only for the pain each saw and felt in him, but for the hollowed soul it had bore in him before his heart could grieve, the Clans came together with him at the Eternal Den. Here, at the Eternal Den where the Trail of Mourning end and the bones of the fallen can be buried at long last, they proclaimed their fealty to Sergi and his Clan in honor of such a son. It was here, as Mythos and the two hundred were buried in the mound, that Pack Fenrir was born and became a Conglomerate under the banner of Von Howlster.

The Mother's Teet, Uvena Prime






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Edited by Mythos
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