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Jedi Naturalist


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The first thing to understand about naturalism is that most Jedi practice it to some degree, and many have their own connections to nature and the natural world without calling themselves Naturalists. The guide below is more intended to be how to write a character that has dedicated themself to these principles to the point of becoming a Naturalist, and many of the unique takes and new abilities are still restricted to the subclass.


Jedi Naturalists are pathfinders, explorers, and survivalists. They are often most at home in the wilderness of the countless planets in the galaxy, learning the flora and fauna, the terrain, and the secrets that nature holds. They are often on the more spiritual side of the Jedi, their time spent alone with naught but the company of nature often leading to prolonged periods of introspection that Jedi more connected to the galactic conflict may miss.


Within the Order, they serve their roles as scouts and protectors, and as early warning for potential corruption on a planet, whether it be one that the Jedi already have an established presence on or one they have just come to. To this end, many Naturalists forgo the standard lightsaber and much other modern technology and heavy armors, forging their own blades and armor with the aid of the Force to deepen their connection with nature and the Force. Their work often leaves them alone for anywhere between days to months, so many naturalists grow to appreciate this time alone rather than dislike it. That does not mean naturalists are antisocial or awkward, only that they don’t mind long periods of solitude.


Animal Bond (All classes): The force surrounds all things, living and not. Through a deep understanding of this, the Naturalist can form a bond with a wild animal, imprinting on it as though they were a parent and growing the bond from there. This is not a domination of the beast- It’s instincts, decisions, and thoughts are its own, the bond is much more a pathway for suggestion that goes both ways. A Jedi can convince their bonded animal not to attack their allies, but that animal’s nature will also be reflected in the Jedi.


Most Naturalists pick animals that reflect who they are, and this bond is formed early in a Naturalist’s time. If they are trained for naturalism as a padawan, then they are often guided by their master in the act of creating this bond. Those that learn naturalism on their own often seek out a creature to bond with early in their learning, as forging a bond with another living creature is believed to be a powerful connection to nature.


In battle, the bond weakens as the beast’s instincts take over, and maintaining it takes a considerable effort that prevents the naturalist from using more powerful Force powers such as mass telekinesis and heavy physical augmentation, a trade many naturalists are more than happy with.


Jedi Alchemy (Consulars and Sentinels): While some naturalists are able to use traditional force healing, many believe that to be the purview of the Order’s healers. Instead, naturalists are adept at crafting elixirs and balms infused with the Force through herbalism to advance the natural healing abilities of the ingredients. While this allows the naturalist to heal wounds and revitalize their wounds at a very efficient rate after intense combat, they are extremely limited by their materials and what they prepared beforehand, as many of the more powerful elixirs and balms that rival a proper healer require incredibly rare ingredients, even for Naturalists to find.


Cleansing (Consulars and Sentinels): Naturalists can use their connection with nature to effectively cleanse areas of dark side corruption on a physical level. Corrupted plants and animals, a damaged environment, and other such things that an area with a large Dark Side presence brings on are their speciality, though given enough time without further encroachment, they can cleanse the spiritual taint of the Dark Side as well. Depending on the severity, this can take anywhere from a few days to years of coordinated effort with other naturalists and healers to properly cleanse an area.


Poisons and Toxins (All classes): Naturalists are not only familiar with the healing aspects of nature, and are well versed with poisons, toxins, and venoms. This familiarity, plus their natural abilities as force users, allow them to mitigate the effects of such things. They do not use these things themselves, however, as such things are either lethal or incredibly dangerous.


Tapas: The ability for a Jedi to keep warm in incredibly cold climates. Not limited to naturalists,nor a powerful force ability, but an important part of their repertoire given that they’re often in uncharted territory where the weather may not be ideal.


Nature’s Boon (All classes): Naturalists are able to, in states of deep meditation, influence growth and durability in local fauna, and can encourage them to grow even to specific shapes to be worn as armor. These works are similar in strength to medium armor with minor lightsaber resistance, but are lightweight and do not affect one’s ability to use the Force.




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