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Drogan Character Sheet

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Real Name: Drogon Dedroska

A.K.A: Crimson Death

Homeworld: Thyrsus

Species: Thrysian


Physical Description Dark tan skin with black hair and grey eyes. . Has a scar along his right jaw line that is visible but not overly drastic. Is well muscled with broad shoulders. Keeps his hair close cut and when not wearing his armor wears a slightly modified version of Echani clothing.


Age: 28

Height: 6’8”

Weight: 300lbs

Hair: Black

Eyes: Grey

Sex: Male




Clothing or Armor: Standard Echani style clothing with a suit of Thrysian Sun Guard Heavy Armor inherited from his grandfather. Color scheme for both is a dark crimson with a rose gold accents.

Weapon: Hand and a half vibrosword. When not engaged in hand to hand combat prefers the use of dual heavy blaster pistols. Carries a Hide out blaster and short sword while in street clothes.

Common Inventory: 5 sets of everyday clothing, communicator, creds, a red guard signet ring inherited from grandfather, echani boots, one set of formal wear based on Thrysian design.


Faction Information


Force User, Force Sensitive or Non-Force User Force Sensitive

Alignment: Neutral (currently)

Current Faction Affiliation: Jedi Order or Free lance depending on situation.

Current Faction Rank: Hopeful




Force Side: Something in between

Trained by: Grandfather to be a sun guard (includes training in both Thrysian and Echani combat styles. Included training with blades, pistols and rifles. Minimal force training at the hands of his grandfather. (training was more or less just to explain the strange events the sometimes happened around him or things he could make happen.

Trained who: Has not trained anyone in his fighting style though he is open to it.

Known Skills: Swordsmanship with heavy and short blades. Blaster Pistols of various sizes and mild talent with blaster rifles. Crafting: Blades, Thrysian Style Armor, basic ship parts. Generic repair of ships drives and navigation systems. Echani and Trhysian hand to hand combat styles. Mild Diplomatic understanding and etiquette. Bartering. Ship and ground craft piloting. Echani and Thrysian Meditation


Background: Raised by his grandfather and a small band of Sun Guard Mercenaries that broke ties with the sith and the empire his early years were spent going through the rigorous training required to become a sun guard. As he grew older and the mercenaries began taking on more body guard like jobs he began to have some interactions with diplomats and merchants and began to pick up the subtle nuances of both politics and business while honing his combat skills against assassins and insurgent groups. At several times in his young life his grandfather was approached by force users on both sides of the spectrum indication he was force sensitive. All of these instances led to nothing but his grandfather sequestering him at their base of operations and forcing him to perform both the Echani and Thrysian meditation rituals. At the age of 16 his grandfather passed and left him his weapons and armor. The remaining mercenaries decided that without the leadership of his grandfather it was time to part ways. Since then he has hired out as a personal bodyguard to merchants and low level diplomats. As time progressed he began to put together a small crew on an X4 Gunship to hire out as body guards and shipment guards.


Ship Registration


Name: Crimson Star

Class: Gunship

Model: Modified X4 Gunship

Manufacturer: Incom Corporation


Length: 60 meters (guess based on appearance and capacity)


Armaments: 2 laser cannons (fore and aft) 6 light laser turrets (3 dorsal and 3 ventral)

Armor: Heavy Armor and Shields

Anti-Personnel Defenses: Crew defense team


Appearance: Entire Ship is a deep crimson color with rose gold insignia of a sun with the burst pointing inward.

Modifications: The ship has been modified to function with a crew of 6 to allow extra space for clients. Some of the storage space has also been converted into an armory and work station to allow for repairs and additional security lowering the carrying capacity from 20 tons of cargo to only 15. The work shop area also contains space for a small drone/droid ship/hover cycle that has yet to be obtained (obtain early in game)

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