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Raia’s eyes fluttered open at the unfamiliar growl as her father’s presence grew stronger as his hand found hers. She’d barely managed a nod, when he was gone from her side just as quickly. His words remained, however, and her earlier resolve only strengthened. There would never be a failure like this again. She knew Draken Shadowlord placed a high value on knowledge and she was determined to arm herself under his guidance.


It might take some more time to prepare her body after this latest setback, but she was just as determined to make her body as strong as her mind. Though a large part of her was relieved that Raynuk didn’t seem to be too upset with her, she knew enough not to allow herself to make the same mistake twice.


Pain was a good teacher, and this was one lesson she’d never forget. It was in that pain that her heart was revealed and goal formed in her mind. In the chaos she’d found the order and been granted a glimpse of a possible future in a way that was utterly different than the visions that had come from the Dagger.


Raia found it was one she wanted to embrace.


PMs need to be sent to Mirdala if you want a timely response.

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"Damn..." Celora fell again into the dream-like scape where the Force memories appeared before her, their visions oddly real, interacting with her as if it was truly real. Perhaps it was, but simply on a different frame of refernce from the one she could see and feel, the same which others could, at least she supposed they could. She really had no idea what went on in other peoples minds, most seemed focused on hurting others and the rest seemed to be to busy pleasuring themselves to the tune of their lofty ideals to help anyone else out. Except the kriffing Remnant.


She stood in the center of a black floor, the walls and ceiling shrouded in a dark mist that concealed all far closer than her vision should have allowed. Ambient light filled the circle around her, ending abruptly in the dark mist. Suddenly, the form of the wookie she had slain, ragged wound still glowing on his chest, appeared in the ground in front of her. The vision wavered for a moment, then returned with another wookie, cradling the head of the fallen wookie in her lap, a mournful scream fleeing from her lips. Again it wavered, and the two froms were joined by several wookie children, one covered in burnt and burning fur and the others neck resting at an unnatural angle, all staring at her with unseeing and unflinching eyes. Another shimmer, and dozens of wookies appeared around the circle surronding her, each with a pale glow in their eyes, and most sporting serious wounds, scars and the marks of battle. Upon many, the wounds were clearly fatal, massive chunks of their bodies, heads and entire missing limbs visible.


A slow chant started, dozens of deep voices growling from the darkness, their columns extending into the fog beyond her site. They began to stamp their feet from side to side, even those who were missing legs shaking their bodies as if their legs were still attached. As the chant grew louder, they began to stomp forward, pacing roughly forward in an ever shrinking circle toward her as the loud stomps continued. As they neared, Celora began to shake, her form unarmed and the Force seemingly beyond her grasp. Before they could touch her, the Wookie she had slain began to shake, the head cranking from side to side, and looked up to face her, head tilted to the side with a brilliant pale glow emaniting from them. The nearest Wookies began to spring forward as Celora seemed to fall into the body of the one she had slain.



She opened her eyes again, a familiar taste coating her lips, the thought of the vision she had experienced fresh in her minds as she looked up at the Sith Master. "Kriffing hells."

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Finding Sith troopers nearing his position, Draken nodded as he heard the Dark Lord’s words.


“Quietus, Draken, Sheog, and Lady Alora. Strip this planet bare. The people. The resources. All that these wretched lands have to offer. When this business is finished, I will have word from each of you.”


He was satisfied with how things had gone and it was time for everything to be wrapped up. Relinquishing control of the Force storm, he watched as it to through the lower levels of the city with a vengeance before dissipating into nothing then turned to face the commander of the troopers behind him.


“Orders Milord?”


“Burn it, all of it. Purge the planet of life and strip it of resources. Dismissed.”


Leaving them to their work, Draken strode away, listening to the cough of flamethrowers, sharp cracks of blasters and the few cracks from bowcasters as well as the way that bloodthirsty berserker howls were starting to trail off. The troopers would have things well in hand in a matter of hours, especially once the bombing raids started.


He walked over the crystal stairway and down to where Raynuk had joined them and regretted it almost immediately.


"What the hell happened Draken..."


“She became distracted and turned the wrong way then was jumped by a band of wookiees and knocked over the walkway.”


He looked at Raia who was still on the ground and saw that Krakis had nestled himself against her and was cleaning the blood from one of his paws while purring in satisfaction. It seemed that the panther did like her and he was pleased by it. Draken smiled then knelt beside her and setting his staff down. He glared at the wookiees enough to make them step back as he reached down and ran his fingers over her neck and spine, seeing the bone and nerves through the force. FInally he nodded to her.


“You don’t have any neck or spine damage, you do have a bit of a concussion though."

E nomini patri, et Fili e spiritu sancti.

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As the Sith forces under Draken began to purge parts of the population of the wookiee homeworld, Black Sun scientific and survey teams were dispatched down to the surface, alongside a Golan construction team. (Golan I Persecutor Station to be finished 2/18/2018) Whatever resources could be collected from the planet would be secured, from slaves, wooden furniture carved from their sacred trees, and precious metals all would begin to be exported over the coming months. The slaves, strong as they were would be sold in batches of one hundred, separated to keep families and clans apart, less chance of rebellion that way. Export orders from as far Gyndine shipyards, CelCon, and DeepThirteen Construction in the Doldrum Asteroid belt were already being funneled through Black Sun channels.


Overall, other than the loss of the Totenkopf and the Warrior gunship of the Sith Armada, the campaign had been completely successful. Delta looked over the starfighter wing replacements as they were being shuttled in from Mechis alongside the additional Victory-II class star destroyers. It was while he was looking over the sleek new replacement Uriel ARCs that his comm chirped from an unknown Sith Priority Channel. Gulping back a sudden rush of anxiety, Delta turned and ported it into the holographic console of the Golden Dawn. What appeared took the breath from his lungs and shocked him into silence.


Telperiën, the daughter of his lover Qaela and the great Ar-Pharazon was standing at rapt attention, eyes dark and full of fury. Her face etched with dark Sith tattoos, and a look of scorn across her small face. She reflected only the darkness of Qaela, the lust for power, and desire for domination. She was too young, too innocent to look that way, but when she spoke he knew that he had lost the fight forever. She had orders from her master and there was nothing he could do. He tried to muster a simple ‘happy birthday’ but she shut off the comm before he could.


Delta could feel his knees grow weak and he slumped forward on the console. His hands tight around the control bar as if to choke the life out it, his knuckles white as bone. The only voice in his head was the distant pealing laughter of a spirit.


He took a deep gulp of air and spun on his heel, the crimson cloak he wore whirling like blood splatter behind him. He looked the comm officer in the eye as Delta clamped his Katarn helmet down over his head, the ‘T’ visor igniting a bright vermillion.


“Order all ships to prepare for hyperspace jumps, end location alongside the Lesser Lantillian. And order the Totenkopf II and the Canto Bight Fiasco to Onderon. There Commander Gialtroth and Fieldgrey are to obey the Sith commander Ar-Pharazon without hesitation.”


Within several hours, the Black Sun Fleet departed into several microjumps, then to deep space.




Black Sun Fleet

The Marie

Ship Class: Corvette

Type: Corellian CR-90E Heavily Modified

Crew: 130

Starfighter/Troop Complement: 1 squadron ARC Fighter-bombers refitted, 1 Squadron of TIE Defenders 1000 Assault troops

Armaments: 5 turbolaser turrets, 4 point defense guns, Advanced sensor and jamming package

AP: 1


St. Cathryne

Ship Class: Cruiser

Type: MC30c

Crew: 900

Starfighter/Troop Complement: 4 squadron TIE Defenders, 2 K-Wing 3000 Assault troops

Armaments: 2 Heavy Assault MG1-A proton torpedo launchers, 16 Medium Turbolaser batteries, 16 twin laser cannon batteries, 6 cluster bomb launchers

AP: 3


Golden Dawn

Ship Class: Cruiser

Type: Victory II-class Star Destroyer

Crew: 6000

Starfighter/Troop Complement: 3 squadron K-wing, 3 RZ-1 A-wing interceptors 3000 Assault troops

Armaments: 10 quad turbolaser batteries, 20 turbolaser batteries, 20 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries, 10 Heavy ION cannons

Build date: 6/14/2009

AP: 3


The Red Hussar

Ship Class: Cruiser

Type: Victory II-class Star Destroyer

Crew: 6000

Starfighter/Troop Complement: 3 squadron K-wing, 3 RZ-1 A-wing interceptors 3000 Assault troops

Armaments: 10 quad turbolaser batteries, 20 turbolaser batteries, 20 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries, 10 Heavy ION cannons

AP: 3


The Silent Spring

Ship Class: Cruiser

Type: Victory II-class Star Destroyer

Crew: 6000

Starfighter/Troop Complement: 3 squadron K-wing, 3 XJ7 X-wing starfighters 3000 Assault troops

Armaments: 10 quad turbolaser batteries, 20 turbolaser batteries, 20 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries, 10 Heavy ION cannons

AP: 3



Ship Class: Frigate

Type: Lancer Frigate

Crew: 900

Starfighter/Troop Complement: 2 squadron K-wing, 2 squadrons XJ7 X-wing starfighters, 2000 Assault troops

Armament: 20 AG-2G2 quad laser cannons

AP: 2


Total AP: 15

Troops: 15,000

Total Starfighter Compliments:

1 Squadron ARC Fighter-bombers refitted

(Refit Loadout: 4 Proton Torpedos, 4 Diamond Boron missiles, 2 EMP/ION bombs slung on the wings, Heavy Sensor/Scope jammers)

5 Squadrons TIE Defenders

13 Squadrons K-wings

6 Squadrons A-Wings

5 Squadrons XJ





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Moments before the Akumanosu exited hyperspace, an encoded message detailing it's arrival along with the transponder codes Haley had given Milenko arrived upon Sheog's ship. As the Luxury Yacht exited hyperspace, Milenko grinned devilishly as he looked upon the burning planet. Oh how he wished he was upon it, dissecting it's corpses. But his gaze turned more toward the ships that sat before him with a hint of wonder and amazement, envious of those that sat within. His blood pumped with excitement. and his soul called toward Sheog, almost as if it screamed "I am here Master" though Milenko would never call another by such a name.


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Alora watched as the Wookiee Doctor and Nurse began to carefully see to Raia. Krakis and Vex wouldn’t leave the young girls side though let the two giant walking carpets work on her. She could feel Raynuk’s approach along with more mercenaries and Draken. Pointing to the Wookiee’s of her “group” that had survived she said to the Captain of the of merc’s, "Round up this group of new slaves," she told him, noticing a shuttle had landed on the pad down from them, “I want this group sent to Leria Kerlsil unharmed. There you will report to Overseer Varad Kemble of Darkknell Shipyard Industries and turn them over to him. These two here are to be sent there also once they are done.” Alora indicated to the Doctor and Nurse seeing to Raia. The Heiress of Darkknell Shipyard Industries would send her Overseer a message to warn of the influx of new workers he would receive.


Looking around the Sith Mistress returned her former Master's gaze and gave a nod as Darth Quietus approached, nearly moving to destroy the two Wookiee’s that were treating his daughter. Once he knew that they were acting under her orders she watched as he closed the distance and spoke to Raia. She let her gaze scan the area once more, feeling Draken’s approach though watching as the Wookiee’s were loaded onto one of the shuttles that would take them to Alora’s home planet.


“What the hell happened Draken...”


The words drew her gaze back to the two men and she listened as Draken answered him. She wandered over to the two men and glanced at Raia saying, “We’ll get you proper medical attention soon Raia. You will love Serreno.” Her gaze shifted once more, meeting with her fiance first and then the Warrior King. “This lot of Wookiee’s I’m having sent to Leria Kerlsil. My Overseer was complaining of not having enough workers in his last report so I think these will fill that gap perfectly.”


Darth Alraune

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Pain distorted her features as she felt his hand at the back of her neck and Alora's promise of treatment. Though she was glad to hear there wasn't any structural damage, it made the muscles surrounding her spine no less sore to the touch.


“Can't...breathe...tired,” she managed through the sharpness in her side, opening her eyes as best she could with her entire right side beginning to swell from where her face had impacted the walkway.


Her teacher's face swam in her vision for a moment and she was only vaguely aware of his movement as she felt the brief coolness of the knife against her skin before the side of her tunic was torn away. Something wet and cold was applied, something that pungently mixed with the odd spice smell that her mind somehow connected to Draken rather than the woodsy aroma of the burning forest. There was the briefest touch of warmth from his fingers as she mentally followed what he was doing. After he located the right spot between her ribs, she clenched her fists tightly because she knew the knife would be back with its bite but that some measure of relief to her breathing would follow.


Was he once a healer too? It was then that Raia realized she really knew little of the man she'd just agreed to dedicate the next several years of her training with. Those thoughts were pushed from her mind as she bit back her cry of pain as she felt first the knife, then something round shoved into her side.


A few seconds later, each new breath was no longer a struggle. “I'm sorry... Master Draken.”


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Raynuk continued to feel entirely wound tight following the events that had marked the attack on Kashyyyk, both present and distant. Raynuk's arms were crossed as Draken answered him, and he forced himself to nod as he looked at the ground. He neither blamed Draken nor Raia for the girl's injuries, and refused to acknowledge the existence of guilt in his own mind. He looked up as Alora approached with her comment about the group of wookiees, which then drew the gaze of the Warrior King, appraising them for their capabilities. He then nodded again, his eyes fluttering back to Alora.


"Assuming they've had the fire of resistance torn from them by now, then I agree; they will make a suitable acquisition to your workforce." He spoke quietly. "And if they do cause trouble, we have an entire planet now to find replacements. I think it is time to finish our business here."


He grasped Draken's arm in brotherhood, and then let a hand fall to Alora's shoulder before he took his leave from them once more, aiming to speak with the several groups of troopers that had gathered in the area, awaiting further orders from the Sith. Raynuk again paused at Raia, giving her a confident nod.

"I'll see you in a little bit meita, if not before you leave the planet, not long after..." He began, but trailed off as he noticed for the first time that his warhammer -- a weapon he had left on the Ravenhammer -- was now lying partially covered in the dirt beside where his daughter had supposedly fallen. He glanced back at the girl, and fixed her with a silent look that clearly read as "Oh really?". The look hovered momentarily, not clear if it was of anger or not, before the hint of a mischievous smile played across his face.


"Heavier than it looks huh?" He asked, leaving the question open as he stood and retreived it from where it had fallen before affixing it to his back where it usually sat, and then continuing on towards the troopers.


He spent the next roughly twenty minutes organizing troop movements, the transporting of wookiee prisoners, securing locations and overall ensuring the Sith's grip of the planet was absolute. Once he was content with the reports he had received from other units spread out across the planet, and with the orders he had thus given, he dismissed the officers to execute the orders given. For the next few hours, countless wookiees were going to be rounded up to further the Sith war machine. They would be bound, loaded onto ships, and carted away to various locations where their brute strength would be put to task as laborers. Some were shipped to the Golan construction site to assist the Black Sun construction team, some were to stay on the planet to construct garrisons for the contingent of troopers that was going to be occupying the planet, but most would be sent off world to several locations throughout the galaxy. As Raynuk turned to rejoin his friends, his eyes were drawn skyward as he watched the remaining Black Sun vessels begin to blink out of realspace, their objectives completed. As he continued, his attention turned to his gauntlet, keying in the codes that would draw the Darksoul back to him for his own impending departure.


"The Black Sun fleet is departing, and I imagine the SIth forces that are not to remain here will not be far behind. The planet is under our control; I think we've all spent enough time on jungle planets for a while. If I don't see you up there, expect me on Serenno not long after."


He gave Draken and Alora a nod as the roar of the Darksoul's engines signaled its approach over the trees. Raynuk turned his eyes upward to meet it when a low growl brought his gaze back down towards Vex'aedr.




"Stay with Raia. Keep her safe, I'll be along shortly." He said convincingly. In reality, it was simply a matter of the fact that he couldn't take Vex with him at the moment, even if he wanted to; the cockpit of the Darksoul was cramped enough already without a giant tuk'ata shoved in along side him.


Vex let out a resigned whuff, gave Raynuk a headbutt to the chest that was enough to make him stumble back a step, and then turned to walk back over to Raia and lay down beside her, resting his massive chin on her hand, keeping watch over her. Raynuk's attention turned back to his approaching ship, which came in as low as it could given the foliage of the area. In the end Raynuk had to use the Force to climb a tree to get up to his ship, before he jumped effortlessly into the cockpit, sealing it closed around him. He gave a final wave to those gathered below, and then the engines screamed back to full power and the Darksoul shot off again, arcing upwards towards the remaining fleet ships.


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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"Assuming they've had the fire of resistance torn from them by now, then I agree; they will make a suitable acquisition to your workforce. And if they do cause trouble, we have an entire planet now to find replacements. I think it is time to finish our business here."


"I don't think it will come to that. I saved most of them when I was masquerading as Jaina and they know now just who saved them. Did you know she was here not long ago. From the Wookiee's memories I accessed, she officiated a funeral." Alora watched as Raynuk addressed Draken and Raia once more, then farewelled them for now. As Raynuk's hand rested briefly on her shoulder, she in turn placed her's upon his, giving a gentle squeeze, "You will be at our Wedding won't you?" She would talk to him more when he came to see Raia once they were on Serreno. She watched as he instructed some of the mercenaries then as he climbed a tree to get into his ship.


As the sound of the Darksoul's faded Alora approached another Captain, "We need a shuttle to return us to the Kyber."


Darth Alraune

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“Belay that,” Draken informed the captain as he sent a coded pulse to the Grand Duke before turning back to Raia while they waited on the ship to land.


“These things happen Raia,” He acknowledged as he leaned down to check the tube. Running his hand around her rib and around the tube protruding from her rib cage, he continued, “You have a collapsed lung and at least one rib has punctured it so the tube with help to drain off the blood so that you don’t choke.”


She nodded, already breathing a bit easier. I understand, Master. I trust you.


When the ship arrived, the medical droid scurried out of the ship with medical scanner in one hand and a hypo spray of painkiller in another hand. After a brief check of the scanner over Raia’s torso, the droid made a brief adjustment to the hypospray and applied it to her neck before triggering it. After waiting a few minutes to let the painkillers take effect, Draken lifted her with the force, holding her immobile as he moved her onto the ship and to the medbay.


“Let the droid do its work for now, I will return.”


He glanced at Alora who had boarded the ship moments after he had.


“The droids are going to prep her for surgery now and once we make the jump will start the surgery. Keep an eye on her while I take off”


He touched Raia’s shoulder. “You are going have to have surgery to stop some internal bleeding, you won’t feel any pain and then they are going to transfer you over to the bacta tanks for a couple of days but you should be up and around before we reach Serenno though you won’t be fully healed yet.” I will check on you after the surgery and Alora will be here for the surgery. As for Vex, he will have to wait outside the med bay during the surgery for sterile purposes of course. Once the Surgery is complete though, he will be able to stay with you.”


He reached down and patted Krakis’s shoulder as he walked out of the med bay. Walking back to the cockpit, he guided the ship off of the planet and away from the gravity well. Once clear, he made the jump to hyperspace then set the autopilot before leaving the cockpit and heading back to the medbay.

E nomini patri, et Fili e spiritu sancti.

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With the lumbering ruckus of a thousand shambling cadavers, the Master of Gluttony pushed himself onto the bridge of the Bleeding Kyber. About his mind, a dark storm swirled, the leftover crumbs of desiccated souls, streaming about him in The Force. The bridge crew did not acknowledge him, their eyes and minds glued to their tasks, their spirits bound to his will. The dark storm was a whirlwind, siphoning into his vitality their will and their souls. He was the centerpoint for a corruption of the corporeal plane, a bitter wound in the force into which all energy was consumed.


To his newest apprentice, the princling and mad scientist, he offered a taste. The succulent epitome of fallen divinity. The screams of shattered innocence. The death of the world below him. It would come to him as a shadowed wind creeping into his darkest thoughts, offering salvation from virtuous science and ethics, the temptation of unlimited potential unparalleled outside of the bountiful gift of the embracing darkness.




With scarce a breath, the Sith fleet under Sheog’s command departed into the starry embrace of hyperspace. He had an apprentice to bring to glory, and much to do.


King Kheldar vos Correlli said:
Sheog, I have to ask, overkill much?
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Milenko sat there along with Sheog's representative, patiently awaiting confirmation, when a brisk feeling washing over him. It was almost erotic, the young Prince closing his eyes from near instinct as it took hold. Screams echoed in his mind, sending goosebumps across his skin, as he welcomed their chilling embrace. It was almost as if death floated beside him, it's fingers and hands caressing his heart and soul, letting him feel the pleas and sorrow of those whom had perished below. And Milenko cherished the moment truly. Opening his gaze, he placed his hands upon the navicomputer once more.


"Off to Onderon we go."


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  • 3 weeks later...

Imperial Battlegroup Knight emerged from hyperspace at the edge of the gravity well projected by the planet of Kashyyyk. Imperial gunnery teams began to cycle up their weapons and all fighters and bombers were launched. There would be short work done of the black sun defenders.


Moff Hohenlohe stood on the bridge of the Ascalon, his white cloak falling off his shoulders in pure array, his grey blue eyes taking in the site of that lonely Golan, and the destroyed planet below.



Battlegroup Knight

Total AP: 10



Ship Class: Star Destroyer

Type: Imperial II

Crew: 40,000 crew


50 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries

75 Turbolaser Batteries

20 Heavy Ion Cannons

8 Octuple barbette turbolaser

4 Concussion Missile Launchers

10 Heavy Tractor Beam Projectors

Compliment: 4,000 Troops, 4 TIE Defender squadrons, 4 J-983 Javelin squadrons.

Construction Finish: 03/06/2018

AP: 4



Ship Class: Star Destroyer

Type: Imperial II

Crew: 40,000 crew


50 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries

75 Turbolaser Batteries

20 Heavy Ion Cannons

8 Octuple barbette turbolaser

4 Concussion Missile Launchers

10 Heavy Tractor Beam Projectors

Compliment: 4,000 Troops, 4 TIE Defender squadrons, 4 J-983 Javelin squadrons.

Construction Finish: 03/06/2018

AP: 4



Ship Class: Frigate

Type: Lancer Frigate

Crew: 900

Starfighter/Troop Complement:

2 TIE Defender Squadron

2 Skipray Blastboat Squadron

2000 Assault troops


20 AG-2G2 quad laser cannons

AP: 2



Pretender to the Galactic Throne

Leader of the Rebel Alliance

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Vos sat in one of the ready rooms and situated his armor for the upcoming battle. Inner layer of a vac-suit specifically designed for combat. it could take a beating as well as keep a pressure seal in the event the suit was cut. He'd survive a few minutes of being in the vacuum of space. No desire to test it though in the hours ahead. Once they had departed Nar Shaddaa, Tobias has informed Hohenlohe that the Jedi were providing some type of support, save for himself, Adenna, Tom, Tut, and Chal'lar. He wished he had more Jedi here, but somewhere in the back of his mind a voice cried out stating the Imperial Knights were there- they were specifically oriented for combat. In some ways they were more capable of this fight than Jedi. It was still a lonely feeling, in a grander sense.


Programming a few quick commands into his datapad and connecting them to the appropriate systems- communications, sensor analysis, and a few others. One command would bring the Jedi ships into battle, the other would bring them in for relief. Another would indicate the platform was about to explode and for friendly ships to get clear. Several others, too many to list off really. Too many variables in battle.


Thankful, he was alone for a bit. He took this moment to meditate, preparing himself for a fight. The Black Sun agents would be given the option to surrender, but deep down- Tobias knew they wouldn't. This fight was going to be bloody. The Grandmaster had spoken of the issues he wanted Tobias to look for in his almost-late reply. He had chuckled at the statement that he was supposed to watch Adenna, and make sure she stayed true to the Jedi ways. Ironic, because Adenna had promised to kill him in the event he turned to the Dark Side again. Darex was similarly unaware of his own past as a slave and how this would play out for both of them. How a former Sith would act upon slavers. Two dark times of his past- and yet he was supposed to make sure his lover stayed true. If anyone would have troubles with the Dark Side- the Imperial Knights would keep the Jedi in check and vice versa. Part of him wanted to be showered in blood as he cut down his foes, the other part of his mind told him that was wrong. The Knights' General - Kyrie - an exorcist- she'd be watching all of them. They all had a goal they needed to work together on- it would work out.


When he was on the planet a short while ago, Kyrie had asked him who he was at his core. The question had caught Tobias off-guard. There were only a few certainties in his life- his role in the galaxy was a question to himself. Love for Adenna, and a fierce determination to fetch that Orb of solid smoke that had been plaguing his dreams. That was it, really. This wasn't the time to start that philosophical discussion in his mind again, not a pre-battle mindset he needed. Shaking that bit away, he focused on the armor plates he was adorning. Fastening the leg plates had been easy, with help from the Force, he attached his chest and arm pieces. It would have been easier, perhaps faster too, with the help of a droid or someone else, but Vos was enjoying the solitude. He took a long moment when putting his helmet on. Most of it was starting at the reflection in the visor.It was an open-face helmet but the faceplate would slam down in the event of toxins, or lack of atmosphere, or on command. There he would be able to see a heads-up-display with several bits of information useful in a tactical situation. Clipping it to his shoulder via the mechanism there, he rose and started to put the extras on his body. A satchel- a few grenades (from sonic to cryo to frag), a combat medical kit, spare power cells for both blasters and lightsabers. Two lightsabers were clipped to the small of his back, as well as his cane magnetically attached on one side of his back. Other knick knacks made it onto his body as well. It felt odd not wearing any material like regular clothes. Vac-suit and armor. Thankfully it didn't itch like Jedi Robes. he thought.


Tom had left earlier, already dressed and ready for the fight. He, and the two other Jedi Masters- Tut and Chal'lar had all squeezed into armor pertaining to their species needs. Chal'lar with a bulbous head, and Tut with his many headtails. Tom was lucky in the fact that almost any vac-suit worked with his humanoid figure. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. Analyzing the image, making sure nothing was out of place. Really, it was just the blaster on his hip. That was a safe-rather-than-sorry decision. Closing his eyes, he reached out to find Adenna. She was across the hall in a female-prep-room. With that, Tobias slowly made his way out of the room and towards the ship that would take them to the platform. After the station had received a barrage of fire, they would be on their way.


He felt the deck vibrate- and Tobias knew they had just exited above Kashyyyk. The deck of the ship, as well as the Force, vibrated with the combat beginning.

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((Imperial Fleet movements posted with permission.))


With a flash of pseudospace, the Imperial fleet emerged from hyperspace over the verdant green world of Kashyyyk. As soon as they were in realspace, fighters began pouring from the bellies of the mighty warships. TIE Defender squadrons split their numbers between escorting the Javelin fighterbombers and providing a screen for their motherships in the event the enemy attempted to make a bombing run against them. The bombers, loaded heavily with ion bombs, made all speed to the Golan station defending the occupied system. As soon as fighters and bombers had vacated their berths, assault shuttles loaded with Jedi, Imperial Knights, and Imperial slate grey clad marines followed. Speed was of the essence in this blitz.


The Ascalon, with shields and weapons fully armed engaged its engines at maximum to quickly close in to the Golan to offer its own ion cannons as a backup in case the two wings of Javelins failed in their attack runs. The Agamemnon and Benedictus stayed a little back offering cover should this be a trap and enemy ships were to jump into the system. The Ascalon alone with the sizeable cloud of bombers and fighters going with it were thought to be more than sufficient to disable the light defense station, so the rest would stay a distance back so the entire fleet wouldn't be trapped by any Sith surprises. Those two kept their sensors keenly scanning for activity both in space and on the surface, taking note where Sith and Black Sun communications were emerging, what sort of ships were launching, and where enemy bases and slave processing centers might be.


Adenna stood beside Tobias, similarly outfitted, though significantly less armed than he. It was not her first space assault, though it was by far the largest scale operation she had been in since the Liberation of Thalassia. In the beginning, she had always been nervous, but after dozens of engagements and battles, she now allowed the Force to flow through her and bring calm determination. As odd as it was, the dark whispers of insanity that sometimes ate at her were usually quiet when she was about to go to battle. Today was no different, though, if she wasn't mistaken, they seemed to be quite the opposite of their normal distracting selves. Instead, they offered more clarity, calm, and anticipation that bordered on eagerness. It was as though they craved blood and fighting after so many months without it.


She wore no grenades, but relied solely on her lightsaber and a single blaster pistol. She was never one for the heavy assault, but instead fought quick and light, relying on the Force to direct her and overcome opposition. Though she was wary of their potential use of the dark side, she was still quite interested to see how these Imperial Knights fought. She had not truly fought beside or against another Force user since destroying the Sith Temple on Coruscant, so this would be quite the change for her.


Around her, the Imperial war machine did what it did best: all out blitz assault. As they approached the Golan, the four squadrons of Defenders were in the front waiting for the enemy squadrons. While they also carried quite a punch, their job for now was to live up to their name and protect the Javelins. Should no enemy fighters present a threat on the initial run, their task was to fire a stream of laser cannon blasts at the enemy station to weaken its shields slightly and attempt to disrupt some of the enemy targeting systems, but they would not use their torpedoes and risk damaging the station itself.


As the two entire wings of Javelin bombers approached the station, they unleashed a double salvo of ion bombs—vibrant blue darts of doom designed to devastate defenses and computers. If their initial bombing run failed, they would form up and prepare a second, this time with the direct support of the Ascalon. The assault shuttles would wait behind the mighty Star Destroyer until the Golan was disabled before making for it to board.


[[incapation shot requested for the Golan I station.]]

Adenna Sig


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(Imperial Troops Movements Posted With Permission)


Tallin looked out of the massive viewport at the front of the Ascalon, standing beside one of the many consoles and only a few feet away from the Moff and the Jedi Masters who had decided to accompany them in this re-taking, this freeing of the conquered and suffering planet. Though Tallin had but little love for Jedi, he had reserved judgment on these two, for they had left their broken Order and actually joined the conflicts around the galaxy, upholding their sworn mission as protectors of the helpless, not just hiding behind shields and ships as they dedicated their lives to doing as little as possible in the name of improving self. Moff Hohenlohe did not smile, his face set in hard lines, but Tallin thought he detected a note of grim satisfaction at the site that lay before them, their chance to wreck havok upon these traitors and to free the broken planet beneath them, tempered only by the knowledge of the many Imperials who would breath their last breaths in the cold vacuum of Space, the regulated air of the Golan and the ashy destruction of Kashyyyyk.


Tallin had been sent from the side of the Empress herself to assist with the attack on Kashyyyyk, his name beginning to spread around the troops of the Imperials as their forces split to actively attack the Black Sun and Sith. The troops of the Imperial Legions had rallied for the attack, settled aboard the three massive ships of Imperial BattleGroup Knight. Six Thousand Troops from the Ascalon and the Benedictus were waiting for the go-ahead for the assault on the Golan 1. Outnumbering the enemy defenders 6-1, the assaults success was almost guaranteed. Once the point defence had been cleared, the assault shuttles of Assault Group Alpha would land at every docking port and attachment, and storm into the Golan. Each shuttle contained some of the thouasnd men and women from the 93rd Mixed Battalion, known as the Black Grenadiers, for the heavy black tinted armor and helmets they wore. These were handpicked men and women, each with unusual strength and size, and armed with massive shields and short fleschette and grenade launchers. Behind them came the soldiers of the rebuilt 9th legion, comprising the 13th Regiment, the Imperial Regiment of Hohenlohe, and the Whispering Battalion. The 13th Regiment was tasked with taking over the command center and the surronding sections, the Whispering Battalion was ordered to take over all gun emplacements, and the Regiment of Hohenlohe tasked with standard sweep and clear. and the freeing of the mass of slaves on board.


Tallin smiled as he thought of the troops nicknamed the Regiment of Hohenlohe, for they were a personal favorite of his. Primarily former slaves, escappees and victims of the diabolicol machine known as the slave trade, many of which had been freed and joined as recently as the assault on Nar Shaddaa and Nal Hutta, they burned with a special hate against any who would support the enslavement of others. Assault Group Bravo, comprised of the four thousand troops of the 17th Mechanized Regiment and the Raks Raiders, a fast moving force designed for rapidly approaching and taking over widespread installations, were waiting in the shuttles aboard the Agamemnon, ready for the assault on the planet. The 13th Regiment and the Imperial Regiment of Hohenlohe would join them on the assault, comprising eight thousand troops in the initial assault on the planet. Tallin too would land on the planet and establish a command post on the surface for the campaign, which would only end when the Sith and Black Sun were driven off and the planet restored to its rightful inhabitants.




Imperial Assault Group Alpha


93rd Mixed Battalion - Black Grenadiers

Commander: Lieutenant Colonel Ser Santino Lobesk

Heavy Infantry

Size: 1,000 Soldiers

Base Ship: Ascalon

Specialization: Close quarters combat, area defence


13th Regiment - Byss War-Walkers

Commander: Colonel Yust

Medium Infantry

Size: 2,000 Soldiers

Base Ship: Benedictus

Specialization: General combat, large-scale invasion


69th Regiment - Regiment of Hohenlohe

Commander: Colonel Gars Giva

Medium Infantry

Size: 2,000 Soldiers

Base Ship: Ascalon

Specialization: General combat, Anti-Slavery


13th Battalion - Whispering Battalion

Commander: Lieutant Colonel Trev Veard

Medium Infantry

Size: 1,000 Soldiers

Base Ship: Ascalon

Specialization: Ship assault, Golan Assault, Enginnering, Stealth Combat



Imperial Assault Group Bravo


17th Mechanized Infantry - Heavy Rollers

Commander: Colonel Larla Seivlain

Mechanized Medium Infantry

Size: 2,000 Soldiers - 30 HAVw A9 Turbo Tank, 100 TX-225 GAVw "Occupier" Combat Assault Tank

Base Ship: Agamemnon

Specialization: Heavy Ground Assault, Anti-Infantry


14th Light Reconnissance and Support Infantry - Raks Raiders

Commander: Colonel Arcivan Raks the 4th

Light Infantry

Size: 2,000 Soldiers

Base Ship: Agamemnon

Specialization: Rapid Supression, Surprise Attack, Stealth Attack, Anti-Tank, Adaptability

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...You spend far too much time singing to your imaginary friends, not enough time teaching me how to fight…


The vision spun around the leader of the Imperial Knights as she readied herself for war. Her black braids were partially tied back behind her as she was adjusting her Imperial armour, and they fell about her neck as she steadied herself against the bulkhead, her hands frozen at the armoured strappings. She felt younger, full of uncorrupted hope. Before her was her sister, auburn hair cropped sloppily by their drunken mother, a wry grin always twisting her face.


“L-lit-ttle F-Fox.”


Her stutter had regressed, and her voice was lighter and less gravely. The young girl turned and ran, and pain ran through the body of the Imperial Knight, the pain of betrayal and abandonment. Rage blossomed in her heart, overtaking her flames as tinkling laughter fell about her like rain


“I’m no longer such a little Fox, slave of the Empire. I serve a more ravenous power, one far stronger than your songs…”


Voices screamed through her head as she reached for the fading vision of her lost sister


“You are b-broken, I can f-fix you!”


The girl’s face appeared before her, concealed by much longer hair, ragged and singed. Kyrie’s nail-bitten fingers brushed aside the locks to reveal a much more evil smile. Pale, freckled skin had changed to a purplish hue, veins more prominent. Her eyes were no longer kind and innocent, the hazel corrupted to sulphuric yellow. One of them was gone completely, replaced by a cybernetic implant. Hayley’s voice was a seductive purr that was far more terrifying then any visual change


“This life chose me, I’m not lost in sin. I embraced it. All these years pushed me to the edge, and with happiness I welcomed damnation.”


Kyrie slammed her fist into the bulkhead and in a flash of flame the vision was gone. The quizzical face of Hadran Narraghmore loomed from the opening blast-door, and he averted his eyes to give her her privacy. She was still partially undressed, only wearing her armoured leggings, her chestpiece having fallen to the floor of the refresher. He blinked a few times, taking in her scars as she placed the underarmour over her lithe body.


“Well commandant, we ‘ave both squads ready. The Grenadiers of Foy and the Imperial Commandos of Kildare are both stocked with weaponry and ‘re at full battle-strength.”

He gave her a wink as she strapped her long-handled lightsaber to her side, and he threw her dark cloak about her shoulders. The rhythmic lilt of his brogue was comforting.


“When youuu be decent, we are ready for deployment. Come now Exorcist.”


Kyrie followed him out the door, silent as she composed herself while they made their way to assault ships. She had two of the best squads of commandos at her back, and no matter where they were to be deployed, she knew they would work well as a team.



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“Well God Damn, won’t you check that out, Imperial battleships all high and mighty near my station?”


Captain Kriegfehrung’s voice began to increase in tempo and ferocity until he was nearly screaming at the top of his lungs. He was an angry jawa to be sure.




The control group, went about their work swiftly, raising the shield array’s before the approaching storm. THe two interceptor squadrons launched and began to attack the incoming fighterbombers.




There was really no reason to scream so loudly but that was the way he liked to do it. Around the station, 28 heavy turbolasers began to focus fire on the lancer frigate and the proton torpedo launchers belched the heavy hitting siege weapons towards the vulnerable craft. In the large shipping warehouses in the underbelly of the station, the high yield detonite collars of the 5000 slaves were primed with pull pins.


((Incap shot resistance post, going for counter on Lancer Frigate))


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Even by a very conservative reading of this battle, it's clear that the Black Sun is badly outmatched. I think leaving the attack to the bombers was a very modest move when two Star Destroyers are available, but it is in fact nearly one hundred bombers against only a Golan I platform and a couple squadrons of interceptors.


The Lancer frigate Benedictus was noted as hanging back behind the ISDII Ascalon and should be safe from the defense platform's assault. Because of this, it's unable to lend the bombers any assistance against the interceptors, but there are plenty of TIE Defenders for that.


The Imperial Remnant force suffers a few casualties. In the first moments of the battle most of the Black Sun interceptors are destroyed by the Remnant TIE Defender vanguard and the bombers reach the Golan to deliver their considerable payloads.




Next move goes to the Remnant.

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((Imperial forces utilized with permission))


Though she wasn't in command of any of the Imperial forces, Adenna was able to hear the general ebb and flow of battle over her headsets along with the rest of the Imperial Knights and officers. Casualty reports did come in as TIE Defenders were lost against the defending squadrons, but their numerical superiority was great and they were well trained. This wasn't some New Republic holodrama where the "bad" Imperials were complete incompetent fools and X-wing pilots could wipe out an entire squadron of TIE's in a few quick seconds over jungle ruins while the heroes cheered and slaughtered stormtroopers like they were rusty droids. With the way paved clear for them, the bombers delivered their payload and pounded the station's defenses to nothing. There were no cheers when reports of the station's power collapsing and going dark, but she could detect a sense of satisfaction and pride in a job going as it should from the Marines around her.


With the station out of commission, the Ascalon moved into firing range, but stayed a safe distance away on the off chance that the defenders managed to overload the reactor or some other devious tricks. The mighty Star Destroyer could offer support for the six thousand troops boarding the station, but without risking the near forty thousand men within its own decks. She didn't know what orders the Imperial leadership had regarding if they were to get in trouble onboard or if another Sith fleet were to attack, that was beyond her concern now. She had a job and would do it. If they abandoned them in trouble, so be it. Sacrifices sometimes had to be made as risks weren't worth it.


The clouds of assault shuttles approached the dead station while the TIE Defenders from the Ascalon fell into patrol patterns around both their mother ship and the station. The slightly less than four squadrons of Defenders from the Agamemnon returned to join the four squadrons of the Benedictus that had protected the rear while the bombers stayed near the station and began preparing for bombing runs on the planet in support of the invasion force going there.


Adenna wasn't sure quite what sort of resistance they would face from the defenders, but she suspected that it would be fanatical, so she was ready. As their shuttle got closer to their destination, she doubled checked her lightsaber to make sure it wasn't on its usual default stun mode, but was ready to cut through or and kill whatever got into her path. She would look pretty stupid if she tried to cut through a corridor wall only to have her orange blade bounce off the wall because it was on stun, and she didn't generally afford slavers any quarter in the middle of a fight.


The shuttle slowed as it came up against the hull of the station and began extending its cofferdam to cut through the hull. Some of the shuttles would go for the hangar bays, but most would breach along selected parts of the hull to prevent the enemy from being able to focus their defenses. Adenna and Tobias' shuttle was part of the team going straight for the command center. They weren't able to cut right into it, but they were as close as possible. It was essential to capture that area to prevent attempts to reboot or repair the systems.


The entire shuttle jerked a little as contact was made with the station's hull. Loud grinding noises vibrated the waiting marines as the cofferdam's saw cut through the hull and cleared their way into the station. With a deep breath, Adenna immersed herself in the Force and prepared for combat as she had many times before. Having a man she loved at her side was new to her and a great comfort. She knew his skills in combat were not inconsiderable, and there were also the Imperial Knights. She suspected that taking the station would be the easiest task of the day, going down to the planet's surface and rooting out the Sith and Black Sun scum would be far worse.

Adenna Sig


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Vos let his body sway as the shuttle clamped onto the exterior of the platform. He couldn’t devout any of his attention, however small, to keeping his body still. One must sway with the current of the Force. was one of the lessons he had committed to automatic memory. There was a taint to the stations’ Force aura, one ebbed in the selfishness and greed. At one time this would have sucked him back into the dark side. That was behind him now. He was here to fix that problem. Slavery was not cool.


Quiet satisfaction emanated from the group; there was no raucous celebration. Their task was right now, their battle was just beginning. So was the day. The mental preparations were done and the visor closed around his face. Around him the silent seal of helmets making the same air-tight seal quietly echoed across the room.


Small bulletins came across his helmets’ display. Several teams were already on board, casualties had not begun to mount this was just the beginning. The ion cannon barrage was bound to effect a myriad of systems to be sure. As the seal for the boarding tube connected and begun the process of breaching the hull. As the metal peeled away, Vos reached out to get a sense of life within the immediate area of the station: trying to see if there was anyone around the entry point. At the moment, no.


How rude for them not to send a welcoming committee. He thought, then voiced it. Some of the troopers accompanying them even chuckled.


The section of the hull fell in and with the grace of trained soldiers- Adenna, Tobias and the Marines that came with them entered the station. The platforms information started to filter into his heads-up-display. Temperature, atmosphere and gravity, all normal. There was a slight breeze- but that could just be the ventilations system in their regular mode.


As the group settled into the area, the group of marines took up primary defensive positions. Less than a minute in and Vos was collecting information from the other Jedi Team. They had inserted more closer to the slaves than his own group- they each would have their own mission- theirs just happened to be to stop the slaughter of the slaves. Also to evacuate them- should the worst happen.


The group sealed their entry port- two pilots and two guards were left behind at the entry. A force field covering the port to prevent any atmosphere leaving the station and any damage coming to the tract.


Tobias took the lead, with Adenna at his side. He would defer to her judgment of course, but he wanted to be the first into combat. Something subconscious no doubt, coupled with the fact he was ready to get some frustration out on some bad people.


The group didn't have to wait long, as they maneuvered down the hallway towards the command center someone took a pot shot at them from behind- beyond where they had come in at. The rear guard called out the target and gave the shooter suppression fire as the group scattered for cover. What little there was. Blaster shots peppered the hallway. Vos pressed against a maintenance port where a droid would be out of the way in its duties. The firefight lasted all of a few seconds, according to his helmets display. The group collected themselves back up after the shooter had hit the floor.


As they progressed down the hallway of the Golan platform, Tobias could feel a squad of troops coming from the right side of a T-intersection. As he signaled for them to give him some room- he started to pick up his pace. He rushed faster down the hallway and stopped right at the corner. He took a moment, the four men were still here- alert but unaware. He guessed it was time to change that then.

The first man took a step that brought him within range of Tobias’s weapon. With one step- he swung his staff like a club into the mans face. It made a sickening whump as bone and pressurized fluid tried to break around the sphere at the end of his staff. Putting a foot on the body- he pulled the weapon back and threw it like a javelin over his shoulder into the man at the back of the squad. Continuing his spin Tobias swept the second mans legs out from under him and he started to fall backwards.


With his momentum built up- he completed the turn and sprang to knee the third man in the chest. He hit the wall- as he did Tobias left heel came up to crush the mans sternum. Collecting the staff from the crumpled fourth man on the floor, he swung the heavy end over onto the second man like a hammer- also crushing the mans skull. The fourth man didn’t try to get back to his feet- he was pushing himself backwards using his shoulder blades as a sliding point- and fired at Tobias- it missed. Another shot- that missed before Tobias ripped the blaster from his hands with the Force.


The fourth was a good soldier alright- because there were two chirps from the blaster and Tobias threw it back just in time for the battery to explode and kill its original owner. The blast knocked Tobias off his feet, and with being a few feet away- not too much shrapnel connected with his body. He would have bruises, but he could deal with that. They recollected- and after seeing Tobias was fine they moved towards the command center. Two marines stayed behind to guard the intersection in case they needed to bail out quickly.





On the other side of the platform- Jedi Master Tut Maris watched through the viewport as his boarding craft settled into position. His team was made up with force users- so they could take the fall that would land them through the roof of the platform. Their ship was one of the last ones to settle into position. Theirs was one of a dozen. Based on thermal scans and looking at the station, they were closer towards a large mass of heat. It was not the engineering room, however- so chances were that the craft was unloading boarders closer to the wookiee slaves. Meanwhile- other Imperial Marines and Knights would be running through the platform causing chaos for the crews of the Black Sun.


The tube that extended onto the platform went from red to green- and turned to the others in the shuttle. "So, when the light was red- that meant you guys were in charge. Now its green- so I'm in charge?" The green nautolan flashed a wide smile and held out his hands like he had just surprised his nieces with a visit on their birthdays. He giggled a bit. The Imperial Knights just looked at him, mostly unamused. Jedi Master Tomalauin’kquintan’tus sighed, and shook his head. Master Chal'lar let out a Bith version of an amused snort. As one, they activated their helmets and their expressions vanished. "When we're all done here, we need to make sure you all have a sense of humor." Then he muttered something about requisitioning it from the Imperial Armory and paperwork then jumped down the tube to land in the hallway. Immediately he came under fire and started to bat back some bolts. Chal'lar landed and likewise activated his blade for some defense. One by one the Imperial Knights dropped down and joined in on the fray. As soon as defenses in place- a four of them deflecting blaster shots- one knight cut them a beveled hole in the floor of the hallway they were in. Calmly, he used the force to raise it up and out of the way. So they could make their escape.


Two Jedi and five Knights retreated down the hole. The bevel was left out- but that was a trap. The soldiers that were stationed in the hallway ceased fire when the immediate threat was gone. They advanced slowly- one of the knights had been killed. From Tomalauin’kquintan’tus' view- she laid there in red armor, her visor looking up the tube at him. There was no life in her, the Chiss could feel that. It still twisted his stomach into knots. He and four other knights waited for the enemy to draw closer. The bevel wasn't directly under the hole the shuttle had cut, so the good guys were just waiting to drop down. Or so... that was one plan. Their comm channel was alive with chatter- but their squad frequency was quiet- until the Jedi called down to Tut and said the troops were in position. "Egg is in the hen house!" Tut called on their frequency- and a silver ball shot up from the floor below through the bevel.


How did he ever become a Master? Tomalauin’kquintan’tus thought.


A loud BANG occurred down on their entry point, and everything seemed to freeze below. Reaching out with the Force, he dropped down and cut the first troop down he came within reach. Four Imperial Knights in their red armor followed suit- and summarily cut down the other troops caught within the cryoban grenade. Then started to block blaster fire again- but significantly less.


Tut and Chal'lar would move in another direction on another floor while Tomalauin’kquintan’tus and his crew, including the wookiee knight the Moff had introduced, made their way to the slave center.

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Sergeant Hill Leaft smirked beneath the expressionless mask of the custom fitted red helmet perched tightly upon his smooth shaven head, the red armor barely making a noise as his squad accompanied the Jedi and Imperial knights as they moved to capture the Golan. The dark corridors were only lit by the thin flashlight beams of the troopers and the multicolored glow of the various lightsabers. The many intersections and slightly inset doors made perfect ambush points for the hundreds of Black Sun criminals and Sith scum still on board. Though mercy would have been granted by the Imperials for any surrendering, in the form of capture and a fair trial, the veteran non-commisioned officer knew that few would surrender, and would fight to the death aboard the shattered station. The Black Sun were not kind to those who gave in to their enemies and risked giving away information during the interrogation and trial process.


Leaft glanced over at First Lieutenant Felicra Melor, his immediate commander within the ranks of the famed Whispering Battalion, and a rising star within the ranks of the Imperial forces. He could almost imagine the chagrined expression on her face, for she hated bad jokes, and the ones coming from the mouth of the Jedi Master were even worse than the morbid battlefield jokes of the Imperial troops under her command. He had spotted the Lieutenant staring awkwardly at the Master, and know she faintly shook her head as they continued down the long corridors toward the slave center. Close behind them, troops from the Regiment of Hohenlohe followed, ready to assist with freeing the slaves and eliminating their guards.


A bitter curse jumped from his lips as a heavy bolt flew down the hallway, blasting into Private Nwsa and sending the small Rodian flying down the hallway. A hail of bolts were exchanged as a handful of angry Black Sun could be seen defending another intersection. The Jedi continued to push ahead, most of the opponents dropping from the heavy combined fire of the sharpshooters within the Whispering Battalion, many of these using longer, non-automatic rifles whos precise arks seemed designed to avoid the hurried movements of the Jedi behind them. The path cleared after another injury, this one to Corporal Bricks of the Grenadiers, and the party moved on, Leaft staying behind momentarily to direct the troops coming behind to tend to the injured and to slowly sweep the areas they were passing through. Though only a small number of troops had arrived at first, more and more continued to land on the Golan, carefully clearing the areas behind their forerunners. Sergeant Leaft hurried after the rest of his squad, glancing back one last time at the smoldering hole in the armor of his fallen soldier, a regimental medic kneeling at his side to check the fallen soldier.






Still aboard the Imperial Ship Ascalon, Tallin's face was locked in concentration, listening the constant calls and comm chatter from the various commanders and officers amongst the troops currently aboard and boarding the Golan, especially those of First Lieutant Felicra Melor, accompaning the majority of the Jedi and Imperial Knights, and those of Major Velsk of Aslf, commanding the squad with the famous Jedi knight Tobias Vos. These were some of his best trained and most experienced commanders in the ranks of the regiments in Assault Group Alpha, and the most experienced squads in the Whispering Battalion, men and women innured to combat and veterans of a hundred battles and skirmishes. Every report of a fallen soldier brought a wince to Tallin, for he had prepped and briefed with most of them personally before the battle began. Still, the assault was moving as planned, the addition of the Jedi Knights welcome in the dangerous and bloody close quarters combat aboard the heavily damaged Golan.


Tallin strode briskly away from the command bridge, accompanied by two other members of the Imperial Guard, headed directly for his personal shuttle. The second phase of the Assault was about to begin, and with the Golan incapacitated and with its capture undergoing, the attack of the planet far below could begin. Assault Group Bravo was already readied and standing by for his command. Covered by the heavy guns of the fleet and the missiles and close support of the fighters and bombers, the peices had fallen into place, and the freeing of the war torn planet and the enslaved Wookies far below could now commence. It would not end till Kashyyyk stood free once again, and the enemies of Freedom punished to the fullest extent by the Imperial Legion. A brief smile crossed Tallin's scared face, "Vengeance is Mine."

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“Templar leader to all flights, engage the last of those fighters while we prepare the screen for the landing force, careful of any cluster munitions from the golan. Templar Leader out.”


Beth brought her Defender into a tight spiral, to dodge a blast from one of the few remaining black sun ships still alive. She watched out of the corner of her eye as the Imperial fleet advanced on the disabled Golan. The inbuilt HUD on her helmet showed the stress on the airframe of the TIE Defender, and due to the planet’s heavy gravity well, she knew well enough to not stress the delicate fighter past 98 percent fatigue. Which was fine since she was only at twenty percent anyway. She tucked the Defender under the Golan and began another rotation, peppering the outer hull with ion cannon blasts, in case the golan decided to wake back up.


For now the imperial fleet continued its advance towards the planet. Intent on freeing this world, and its abused population. Beth couldn’t be prouder. The new Empire would be on the right side of history this time.


Rebel Alliance Fleet Command - Lieutenant

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“Sir they have entered the ventilation shafts!”


Captain Kriegfehrung looked at the tac officer with an inquisitive look. Or at least as inquisitive as he could with his beady jawa eyes. His voice was calm as he spoke.


“Are you sure about that Lieutenant Mael-Morda?” The calm broke as the station shuddered from another breaching charge. “OR PERHAPS THEY ARE ALL OVER THIS KRIFFING STATION AND YOU ARE AN IDIOT.”

He spun in the low gravity and thought to himself. He had one mission, and one alone. Not to let anything fall into the hands of the Empire. Delay their fleet, and kill a craptonne of people. Plus his family on tatooine would get one hell of a bonus for this. He slowly pulled his personal comm from his belt and activated it to the commanders below. “We have delayed long enough. Blow it.”


In the belly of the station the commander nodded and pulled the closest several pull pins from the slave collars. Instantly, three huge explosions detonated in the crammed lower decks of the station, followed by the explosion of every collar in the proximity. 1000 high yield detonite bomb collars went of in a chain of succession, blasting the station, its core, the command post, and everyone on board. The explosions from the collars amplifying through the lower decks, blasting the expansive weapons stores in the lower decks, tibanna gas, proton torpedoes, and shells and adding them to the mix which would blow through the station with enough force to detonate it like the second death star. The Jedi of course would have a few seconds of danger sense, but that was normal for a combat situation. There wasn't really anything the Black Sun could do but die. And die they would.


Kashyyyk had served its purpose, a delaying action to hold up enough of the imperial fleet as possible, and to kill as many jedi and knights as possible. And plus the explosion looked really cool and would at least kill the Lieutenant that had quoted a poorly rated holofilm.




Tobias, Adenna, Kyrie, Imperial, black sun, and Jedi NPCS.


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Adenna had experienced more intense combat in her time, and as the only Force user. Having Tobias leading the charge left her with fairly little to do comparatively except clean up the mess and make sure things were going as planned. In the zero gravity of the powerless station, she relied on the magnetic boots of her vac suit and a touch of the Force to keep herself oriented on the corridor floors, but not everyone in the station had such luxuries. Some of the Black Sun defenders were floating in the air, clearly a bit disoriented unless they had spent a good bit of time in zero grav combat training. Even then, blaster bolts in close quarters were always dangerous, so she kept wary watch to swat any that made it through Tobias' charge. Her concern was navigating them through the corridors and letting Tobias clean up everything along the way.


In combat, she always could feel the death around her. The core part of her was repulsed by it while the newer, darker taint was exhilarated by its feel. As they got closer to the command center, she could feel a spike in the Force that hit her straight in the gut. Death was coming, and a great deal of it.


"Vos!" she shouted, "They're blo—" She didn't have time to finish before a series of explosions vibrated through their boots and the entire station began to shake. Reacting instinctively, she threw up a telekinetic shield around their party and hoped for the best. They had always known there was a chance the Black Sun would try to destroy the station, but the thoughts were that without the central core and main systems active, it wouldn't be a catastrophic explosion. It seemed that, despite that, their foes had managed to find a way to at least do some significant damage. She only hoped that the others in the station would be shielded or far enough from the source of the explosions.


Adenna Sig


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"KRIFFFFFFFFFF." The screams and yells echoing through Sergeant Leaft's comm, combined with the thunder of the far-off explosion and the rending of many tons of metal deafened him. He was almost unaware of his own shout, which joined the chorus. Explosions in space were most feared by the Marines, who preferred solid ground and the safety of an atmosphere over the numerous dangers of space and the instruments of mortals which flew through it. The majority of the troops already on the station, some 600 in total, had mainly progressed down paths behind which the Jedi and Imperial Knights, along with their complements of Marines, had taken, and so hoped to escape the destruction by the Force Shields far in front of them. The heavy shield troops with Leaft braced themselves against the path, hoping to deflecte any debris which might make it through, though it would be of but little help if the entire station collapsed around them.


Leaft listened as many of the cries were snuffed out as those who voiced them were instantly snuffed out, and he prayed to whatever gods might exist to get him through this day, as he had many others. Briefly, a strangely cheerful thought crossed his mind, "Good thing they blew the station early, if they had waited until we had reached their location we probably would have lost most of the troops."

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Memories flooded Tobias’s mind like a hurricane on Kamino. Images flashed and faded almost before he could properly identify them. Sometimes they say this is what happens right before death, but this action was based entirely on his own initiative. Some coalesced into ethereal memories; the feeling of accomplishment and pride he held back on Gala, Dahar welcoming him on Taris as well as on Tython for different reasons, when Sandy had become a Knight.

He harnessed those warm feelings and let it flow through him as he felt the death ripple from decks below. Adenna tried to warn him, and took action upon herself to save their squad. The woman was powerful in the Force, and incredibly intelligent. He hoped that was enough to save them. As death rippled through the Force, he had withdrawn a step to be closer to Adenna. There she made the Force Shield that would save them. The main core was down- most systems were down also. Tobias wondered if the explosions- they could feel it in the deck plating as well as the Force- would rip the station apart. That was why they had all worn vacsuits, for this exact reason. None of them really expected this, but at least they had prepared for it.


With the memories boosting his own abilities- he reached out to reinforce the Shield- pouring every bit of energy into it that he could spare. The Marines had taken defensive positions inside the bubble- It wasn’t roomy, but it was their best bet. So they fought their combat instincts and bunched together, somewhat. Vos hoped they would live, all of them- here and in the decks below.








Chal’lar’s vision slowed to a crawl- he had just cut the third and fourth bevel down through the flooring closer to where the slaves were held- the ripple had started. He knew he’d have been sweating from the exertion if he were anything but a Bith. He had just seen two Imperial Knights fall and two storm troopers- as well as four Stormtroopers who had boarded elsewhere and were rallying to his team’s position to free the slaves. It was a noble effort- and one he had not foreseen. Jedi, fighting alongside Imperials. He was glad to die like this- ordering the troops to retreat- they got on the other side of the blast door as the Jedi Master closed it with the Force. They didn’t know the explosions were occurring or that the slaves were dying. There was no time to communicate that with non-force users. As the blast door slid shut, they shouted in surprise when they turned around to see what was going on- and saw the Jedi Master silhouetted by a giant plume of orange flame. Their last glimpse of him was him turning his gaze to the blast- and throwing his hands out.


Chal’lar knew he would miss Tut and Tom, even Vos. Mostly Tut- the two had become great friends- despite being Jedi Masters. There were worse fates to suffer other than dying to protect ones comrades. Following the Tobias’s mental suggestion- he threw up a Force Shield in order to attempt to save himself- and the blast door which lead back into the main station. He was at peace with himself, his fate, and the Force. If he lived, he would live. But death was part of the Force, and one could not hide from it forever.






Tut shouted in protest as Chal’lar had pulled the freshly cut bevel back onto the hole it was removed from. He was almost caught off-guard but he was a Jedi Master attuned to the Force, and he had instincts of an underwater predator who could adapt to almost any situation in the blink of an eye- there were always other predators in the water and ambushes were plenty. The Force called him away- he had to leave Chal'lar- the choice was made. The former Lehon Temple Master held his own fate in his hands. Clenching his jaw, and with a moment of mental communication with Chal’lar- there was nothing he could do for his friend so the green skinned alien set to his own defense. He jumped up, following the two knights that came down to level three with him, back up to level two. The Black Sun squad had been neutralized- so there were no blaster bolts to defend against, at least that was a plus. The first ripple of explosions could now be felt- the death ripple had just preceded that within the Force- the deck vibrated. As he heard the roar from the first explosion- he deactivated the magnets in his boots and shot up through the hole in the floor onto the level they inserted into.


The Imperial Knight that jumped first slid the metal plate down as soon as his feet cleared the threshold. Rotating in zero gravity- he pulled his body towards the first level. Tom was there- his black armor distinguished separately from the Imperials in their red suits. As the multiple explosions rippled further- it was becoming a more solid thundering in the deck plating and the anguish in the Force was growing louder- and held some panic in it- but Tut still maneuvered towards the boarding tube- and as soon as his eyes saw Tom standing at the top he felt Tom yank on him with the Force. Tom's right hand closed into a fist and pulled back: Tut shot up into the shuttle. As Tut was ascended into the bay where they all had traveled in minutes before, he wondered if the main core was going to go as well, but it didn’t seem possible with everything being shut down. He maneuvered his way towards the back of the shuttle, so he wouldn’t be in the way- but there was only one surviving Imperial Knight left on the station.


The Knight that was behind Tut- communicated to leave him behind- he couldn't get to the ship in time. With two Knights dead, one still on the station and one obviously wounded- the squad was down to two Jedi Masters and eight Imperial Knights healthy, one wounded. The first level still had a few blaster shots echoing through the hallway, keeping the Knight pinned. The Knight shouted for them to engage their defenses- a Force Shield. Tom ordered the shuttles shields to engage and divert all power to keeping the ship intact. Meanwhile- The Knights and Tut pushed out a Force Shield- their efforts all reinforcing one another. Tom surveyed the scene with his glowing red eyes. As the boarding tube closed- Tom refocused his own efforts into the shield as well. Chal’lar had not made it back, he wished to see him again. He sensed the Knight still on the station put up his own barrier- an effort to divert the energy being released away from the shuttle.


How big was this explosion going to be? The gravity was offline, as well as the main core... would the explosions be directional without gravity? Would the blast doors still seal in the event of an emergency? Or were they propped open or disabled? Could they disable the emergency systems this fast? Or would doors start to seal up around the station? His mind had been racing ever since the tremor of the first death, and these were just a few questions in his mind. He wished he knew more about Golan 1's other than the layouts and basic systems, but there hadn't been enough time.



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The leader of the Imperial Knights always hated being late for a battle. She could feel the pulse of it hanging about her and the Sentinel-class Landing Craft her and her two squads had chosen for their assault. It was palpable, the pangs of death, the joys of victory. With a gloved hand she reached out in the Force, connecting with her Jedi friends, the strong and mysterious Tobias, and the warrior she had idolized for her fight with Geki, Adenna. They both felt different in the Force. Their spirits were distinct, but strangely more connected than any of the other Jedi she had come to know. She could see the shifting connections, their stray thoughts often strayed to each other.


Attachment is their sin.


Kyrie could feel the sorrows flood from the station with each death of the Imperial Knights. They had always been few in number, so each death was a major blow to her operation. She was losing friends, and failing them by not being at their side. Her gloved fingers gripped the blackened leather of her command chair as the Golan loomed before the Landing Craft’s viewscreen, so large that she could see the roiling currents of electricity from the incapacitated station. As more deaths came to her mind, these focused around Tobias, she spoke out with the Force as a lament to the dying, and as reassurance of her arrival.


...Live forever in the slow and silent streams of the Force, where no violence can touch. Drink now and forget both joy and grief, pleasure and pain. Your oaths are fulfilled, the darkness flees before you…


A spike of fear and resolution blossomed through the Force, the spirits of those that were dying crying out in terror. As her landing craft entered the main landing zone for the Strike teams, she shut out all other feelings and distractions, losing herself in the fire of righteousness. Kyrie breathed out her flames along the connections she had forged, allowing her power to be lent to the Jedi, to strengthen their actions, and to add a fire to their souls. It was like an empowering embrace, a gift of strength given from her soul. To the pilot of the shuttle and the shield operator she passed her orders which were immediately followed.


Raise shields, prepare for detonation. Thrusters Full reverse.

((Killshot Defense Assist))



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Black Sun vs the boarding parties --


I reviewed a bit of information about the original Golan defense platforms and quickly discovered that they are over 1200 meters long and about a third as wide. Putting that into perspective, it's about 118 acres or something like 50 city blocks. They're pretty big. I do appreciate the tactic of setting up the killshot before the previous one was made on the station, but given the uncertainty of the yield of the collars as well as the size of the station, I don't think we're going to get the level of destruction described in the killshot. Furthermore, the core being disabled and powered down by the bombing run should keep it from going critical and blowing up spectacularly.


Since the entire station is not going to be destroyed, and given that none of the PCs involved were stated to be particularly close to the slaves when it happened, I don't think I can arbitrarily rule that any of them are in more danger than others. I like what the killshot had going for it, but I don't think it's enough to kill a bunch of PCs. So I must conclude:


<< Killshot Failed >>


That said, the station is now in very bad shape. Deck plates have buckled and with no power for the emergency bulkheads much of it is now exposed to vacuum. The power core was mostly destroyed and is now leaking dangerous radiation out into space, and the explosions have caused the station to begin to tumble towards Kashyyyk. Not all of the boarding parties were as fortunate as the PCs and some of them were caught in the blast, inflicting Imperial and Jedi casualties. The mission to liberate any slaves aboard has failed as they have all perished, as has any thought of capturing an intact defense platform.


With no remaining AP invested here, Black Sun has lost their ability to defend Kashyyyk from attack and the attackers may play out their liberation of the world as they please.

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An outstretched hand extended before him in the pose he had learned so long ago as a youngling at the Jedi Temple. The blast door behind him echoed with troopers banging on it shouting for him to open the door and retreat through the blast door. After a moment to block the shouts from the troopers, and recited the Jedi Code aloud. Once in Basic, a second time in his native Bith language.

Opening his eyes, he watched the hallway turn from the natural steely state into a scene straight from an industrial forge complex: orange with a thunderous roar.


The brightness hurt his eyes, but he didn’t turn his gaze. He asked the Force to help him deal with the pain- and then breathed one last breath as the flames met his Force Shield and paused- then overtook him. The Jedi Master had become one with the Force.


Had he still been conscious, and if his body would have been intact, Chal'lar would have felt himself be hurled into the bulkhead behind him. The troopers on the other side of the hatch leapt backwards in an effort to get away from the heat. They were only partially successful, their suits cooled them in response- and the hatch whined and groaned under the intense heat. A loud pop- and the raging fire on the other side dissipated. They weren’t sure what the Jedi had done, other than save their lives. There was no way he could have survived- and when they were brave enough to open the hatchway a little bit with brute force- the seals had popped under the stress- they found only a small yellow crystal.




While the mask covered the man’s expression, it was obvious something was disturbing him. His body was stiff. Almost as if he were trying to lift a giant boulder with his upper body. Hands were outstretched to either side as the whole station vibrated around them. The black visor just reflected the scene back to the Stormtrooper Marines around him, and his Jedi companion in the same stance. A terrible creaking noise came through their audio sensors and transferred the noise into the helmets of each person within the sphere of Force power all around them.


The grinding of the metal plating of the ship was like a tornado of pure metal. It all escalated to a point then stopped. Everything had turned silent. At least the physical torment did. Within the Force there was an absence. Not only of the slaves aboard but also Imperial Knights, Stormtroopers, and a Jedi Master.


The former Temple Master Chal’lar was no more. Tobias would have to talk to his cohorts soon. He had asked Chal’lar to come to this fight, and with any fight he should have anticipated casualties. While he had, this wasn’t the casualty he was expecting. He would have to hold off on the grief until this battle was taken care.


The station lurched violently as he and Adenna closed the Force Shield that had held them all in place. Sergeant Leaft looked over at Tobias- “Sir, report from Ascalon - the Golan has lost all power. Kashyyyk’s gravity is going to pull the station down. Multiple radiation leaks and hull breaches reported. They’re asking for a status report of all the teams aboard.”


Vos nodded understanding, but held out his hand in a gesture that asked for a moment. Both of the Jedi looked like marathon runners after a race- hunched over and taking fast deep breaths. Collecting himself- he looked to the trooper that was relaying. “We’re fine and will be evacuating, there are no more wookiees aboard. I recommend we all vacate the station into shuttles or whatever is available. See if they can hold the station in place with tractor beams until all teams are off the station.”


As the trooper nodded and started to relay- Tobias’s team started their way back to their shuttle in the darkness, reduced gravity and buckled deck plating. As the team started to maneuver their way back to their shuttle, Vos drifted over to Adenna, and squeezed her hand with his. They couldn't see each other through the visors, but Vos was seeing if she was okay. Silently their hands parted and they began to get back to the shuttle.


The station groaned as the Ascalon hailed them all- "Boarding parties, retreat to your shuttles. Golan Station is drifting planetside. Our tractor beams will delay it until you depart. Broadcast your signal and we will collect you. Jedi Forces will arrive to assist in recovery. Repeat- abandon the platform."


There was no mention of prisoners, there was no way that was feasible now. It was time to take the fight dirtside.




Tomalauin’kquintan’tus rolled to his side and then onto all fours, gently he rose to his feet. The shockwave of the station had rocked their shuttle- but reports from the pilots said the hull was still intact. The boarding tube was compromised so he cut it away. The immediate area between the spacecrafts was littered with bodies and debris. In the mass of bodies outside he could feel life wink out- but there was one out there that was still alive. The Imperial Knight was wounded: Tomalauin’kquintan’tus reached out to pull him into the shuttle and then sealed the hatch. The bay pressurized. The Knights went into action, inadvertently pushing Tomalauin’kquintan’tus to the back of the pack. Most of them had been Jedi- they knew how to heal one another. The injured Knight would survive. He was even slated to get a commendation too, for whatever that was worth.


It was fellow Jedi Master he had worried about. He felt Chal'lar being ripped from the Force, but there was a sort of peace about how he went. At least within the Force, despite the station imploding below them. Silently he removed his helmet and sat down next to the Nautolan. His black eyes gazing into his own visor, both locked into a staring competition. Neither of them spoke as they made their way to the Star Destroyer to drop off both injured knights, and then take the fight to the ground.




The Golan would be held in place for the moment as all surviving Imperial Forces abandoned the station.

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