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Darth Heretic

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((3 pages, YEAH!))


Hexious smiled, "Fool."


Hexious disconnected the locking device on the two-hilt saber. Khaos did not remember that this saber could de-tach itself. Khaos flew backward, now that there was nothing pulling from the opposite direction. Hexious then spun around, and attempting to cut through his own hilt, he cut straight through Khaos' wrist instead.


He yelled out in pain. Hexious than brought the blade back down, Khaos' severed hand still gripping the hilt, as Hexious drove his part into Khaos and dislodged his knee-cap. He fell to the floor. He then stabbed him in the shoulder, and that entire arm went numb. He then did the similar thing to his other leg, stabbing it's thigh.


Completely helpless. He couldn't stand, he couldn't see, and still couldn't hear.


Hexious shot a bolt of Force lightning at the green ball that still hovered above them, that had drained all audio. The ball exploded and all the sound within it burst throughout the complex. The ground shook from the vibration.


Hexious than re-placed his blade at Khaos' neck, and pulled his other hilt from his life-less hand and positioned it on his neck.


Being able to talk, and hear his voice again, "We can do THIS all day, face it Khaos, you've lost, accept it, you can't do anything with yourself now, accept it, ACCEPT IT!"

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Khaos looked up at Hexious, his sightless, mismatched eyes seething with rage, hatred and loathing, but when he spoke, his voice was yet again emotionless and disturbingly calm.


"As you wish, my liege."


Theen, defying all laws of psysics and medical study, he pressed himself to stand, and limped out of the hall in search of the medical facility.

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Hexious mused as he watched Khaos stumble to his feet, physically imposible after what Hexious had just done to him. Only a powerful being could walk from wounds just as such.


He turns around and walks away, "And don't call me leige, you and I are much of equal," Hexious was saying more to himself than to Khaos, "the Rouge Jedi Order is becoming quite a menace to me and the rest of the Sith, and may prove to demise. It is time to stir some trouble in the galaxy Khaos, and we will have, a command performance." He turned around to notice that Khaos was not listening to him and was obviously tending to his wounds. He thought back to the battle, perhaps he was a bit disrespectful to Khaos... no. He was being a Sith. Khaos would recover, and it taught Hexious that his technique toward another Sith was disrespectful. Firing a missle at him planning to distinguish him quickly. He shook the emotions away.

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((Edited it has been.))


Exar ends a recorded message intended for a Bounty Hunter, and ships it.


He takes a few steps foward, "Dhan-Jaroe Kenobi. Perhaps it would benefit to keep him alive, with him leading the RJO, it's doomed to fall anyway, perhaps even a waste of time and money even. But what's done is done."


He then goes to begin construction on a Sith Infiltrator.

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((Many thanks for the edit.))


"...You and I are much of equal...." Hexious' words floated over to Khaos's ears and somehow managed to penetrate the throbbing sound of blood rushing to his head. Equal. He had never been called that before.... Khaos mused through the pain that threatened to overwhelm him... Equal... interesting.... in many ways, he perhaps was Hexious' equal.... perhaps more....


As soon as he was a few meters from the hall, his knees buckled and he tumbled to the floor. Muttering a long list of obsceneties from ever corner of the galaxy, Khaos decided he'd just have to drag himself to the infirmary... which would be a lot easier if I still had a hand... He had only gotten a few feet when he was suddenly struck by a wave of dizziness and passed out...



When he woke up he felt quite disoriented... Where in the name-

He was lying on something soft... a bed? He must have made it into the infirmary somehow... how, he didn't really care, but was thankful for it nonetheless...


"Good morning sir, it is good to see you have regained a conscious state." said the monotone voice of a medical droid... most likely a 2-1B.


"How long have I been out?" he demanded, voice hoarse.


"63 standard galactic hours sir-"


"WHAT???" Khaos sat bolt upright. That was nearly 3 days... muttering some more curses in a variety of Huttese and Bocce, he swung his legs off the cot and stood, then grimaced. He was sore, achey, and battered, but at least he could probably walk...


"Sir, I do not recommend that-"


"Stuff it." Another thought occurred to him- he tried flexing the fingers on his right hand- they complied. He smiled and ran his other hand over the robotic transplant; the flesh felt real as anything. These droids are good... "Do you know where Darth Hexious currently is?"


There was a whirring of machinery before the cnned, robotic response came. "In the great hall, sir."


Khaos nodded. It figured... he thumbed the amulet he always wore around his neck with his replacement hand as he limped out of the infirmary...

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Hexious sees Khaos walking into the Hall, "They binded your real hand back to your wrist, and fixed your knee-cap. You eventually got the feeling back in your other limbs, you're just sore from being asleep for so long."


He then turns to his holographic communication recorder, and records a transmission.


"Greetins Mike Attard, I am Hexious, i have a proposition for you..."

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a young man, not much older than 30 walks in... his dark cloak covering him from head to toe... his sith saber the only thing you can see that is not covered by the cloak... he walks in and senses the dark strength of the planet... so full of hatred a place for me reach sanity or die trying... he is looking for a master upon the advice of the hermit... he is unsure of the existence of masters like the son of palpatine or khaos anarch... he does wish they live on for he is in need of a master to train him and in desire for a crystal to create his own lightsaber... being bored with the sith saber he received from a brother in arms...scornius, seems like it happened recently, yet it was long ago...


he walks in defensively unsure of the creatures or people lurking here...

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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Khaos stood leaning agianst a wall as he watched Hexious recording his message, then frowned. There was something new here.... something different. A presence... Furrowing his brow, Khaos branched out with his mind through the network of dark energies that encompassed the planet like shroud..... Yes, a man was there.... coming this way...... He focused harder, straining his sleep-logged brain. There was uncertainty..... nervousness...... but a strange underlying desire......




Sliding out of the hall and into the dusty corridor, Khaos made a fist with his replaced hand, and the nearest torch sputtered and died, plunging the hallway's stretch into murky darkness. Stepping behind a column that fully concealed his emaciated form, Khaos waited, his sensess acute and ready to observe as muffled footsteps tread down the hall.....

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A Star Viper lands outside the palace on Byss and the lone Agent hops out and makes his way to the entrance of Palpatine's old palace to carry out his mission. He is stopped by two guards, demanding his business.


"My name is Zero," the agent states in his low, dangerous voice, "I am from a party, interested in causing harm to the Jedi. We at CORE do not wish to see their presence in this galaxy any longer. I believe Lords Anarch and Hexious would be interested our Faustian little bargin as we have much to offer them."

I'm trying to start a war here. It's a prestigious line of work with a long and glorious tradition.


-Vizzini, The Princess Bride

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Hexious senses the new precences. He turns around and comes out to see two men. Skywalker walks into a clearing. Hexious fires Force Lightning at johnskwalker, and hurtles him into the hall that which Khaos is walking through. Smoke arises from his clothes and is now far to weak to move. Alerted, Zero sprees to his ship. Exar turns and fires a tranquilizer out of his Gauntlet dartcaster. He twists some-what violently and falls to the ground, unconscience. He walks up to Zero, and looks at Khaos, and nodds. Take him to the throne room. Or whichever you wish to do to him. He lifts Zero with the Force, and sends him down a shaft leading to a steel box before the throne. Hexious then calmly walks back to the throne room.


OOC: I am doing this to find out what you two are doing here, you are prisoners until Hexious finds out for himself what you are both doing here. You're both prisoners until farther notice. This palace is very quite fortress-like, and has passageways to my personal underground fortress, don't bother to try and escape.

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OCC: Understood, but DO try to avoid posting my actions for me- in this case running back to the ship, which is the LAST thing he would have done in this situation. Thanks.

I'm trying to start a war here. It's a prestigious line of work with a long and glorious tradition.


-Vizzini, The Princess Bride

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OOC: Noted.


IC: Zero is lifted from the steel box into a energy prison, similar to the one Dooku held Obi-Wan Kenobi in before the break out of the Clone War.


The small crackels of electricity wakes him up. His eyes are forced open, and sees a man in Mandalorian armor, sitting in what was probably Emperor Palpatine's former throne. The mandalorian raises a hand as the shocks electricity stop. "Zero, is it." The Mandalorian nodds, "Yes. 'Zero'. May I ask why a simple man like you, are doing on my planet?"

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Zero lets out a short, ugly barking laugh.


"Simple? Har ha. That is quite good," The CORE Agent named Zero states in his low voice. "I am here, because my employer wishes to make an arrangment with the Sith. He believes he has aquirred a means of eleminating forever the Jedi presence in this galaxy before carrying out the rest of his plans. He wants to know what you would offer for this secret."

I'm trying to start a war here. It's a prestigious line of work with a long and glorious tradition.


-Vizzini, The Princess Bride

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Exar smiles. He clears his throat, "Lord Khaos, i am going to Aracoun, mind the palace and Skywalker while I am gone."


The holding device slides back into Hexious' Sith Infiltrator.


Hexious than goes into the ship and leaves Byss.


*Enters hyperspace*


((Continued on Aracoun))

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Khaos's mouth twitched sightly at the corner in a small smile. "That I will, Lord Hexious." He continued to stand until the hall was empty of all but himself, and the skywalker fellow... Seeing as I have little better to do.... He treaded silently back down thee hall over to johnskywalker's limp form. Wincing slightly as he was assaulted by the sickly-sweet stench of charred flesh, he rolled the body over with a swift kick. When he spoke, his voice was soft and bland, but bore undertones that suggested extreme danger. "I suggest that you identify yourself and your reasons for being here quickly, elsewise I may find myself in the mood for target practice." His dirks slipped out from their concealed position in his robes and into his awaiting palms. He toyed casually with one of the wickedly sharp blades as he awaited a response....

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OOC: i meant no harm... i came in search of a master... i guess... i should have asked first... my sincere apologies...


okay: from the decrepit charred flesh... a voice barely audible for his pain... the words... "i came for a... master... i wished to train... there exist few sith now... the hermit... he suggested i look you up... again... i did not wish to provoke this... i meant only to ask... but now... i see it is useless... he blanked out... not dead for his breath remained weakly... suddenly his eyes open and he says... excuse me the concussion from the blow slurred my speech... he still cant move but at least he could speak...


my name is john... and as you understood or tried to from my moaning painful speech... i came in search of a master... i meant you all no harm for their is little i could give... i simply came to learn... with the other sith dead or hiding... only you remain loud, i came to train under either one of you...

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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OOC: John, you may want to insert Quotation marks when you speak- it's less confusing that way. :)


IC: Khaos furrowed his brow, his mismatched eyes narrowing. "...And what, dear John, makes you think you are capable of weilding the supreme dark forces?" There was a pause. "What about you makes you think that you may survive being a sith? What do you know of the dark side? What ambition do you have, and what drives you forward? What do you possibly think you could do for the sith order?" Another period of awkward silence. Khaos sighed, then snapped his fingers; two medical droids rolled out of a nearby chamber and stopped a few feet away from the wounded John.


"These droids will tend to your wounds, to a degree. In that time you will compose answers to those questions and give me notice when you are prepared to present those answers. In the meantime I will be in the Dining Hall." Khaos turned to leave, then glanced over his shoulder. "Oh, and be honest..." With that note, he walked off down the hall.

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quotations you say... never thought of it...("...")


as the med droids worked on him john sat by thinking...he thought of what was told him and he saw images flash before him. the kind when your mind goes into its apparent screensaver mode...his thoughts dwelled and he realized the answer was simple... he likes darkness, its dampness, its simple, easy to see nothing... it was the stealth, the minority, the few, the hatred, the despisel of the world; of good, of life... that is all that turned him... as he grew it engrossed him more and more... the call for bloodshed he felt inside growing, an animalistic desire to destroy...


one he was capable of walking... he stood up, his range of motion felt inhibited but since he had been sitting on his arse for so long it would be normal... as he moved he felt his body crack all over... from his shoulders, his ankles, his neck, his knuckles... "interesting..." he muttered... he began to walk with the his mind still flowing and dwelling...


he looked for the dining hall...


what made him think he wasnt capable of living as a sith... to give death was his call, his joy, his only means of fun... his only way to peace... reaching the supreme dark powers was only trading in a blaster for cannon... it was only the medium to as it has been put, give death out like candy canes...

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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Khaos sat down at one of the only two chairs in the Dining Hall.... the one that sat at the head of the large, long, varnished table. He let his shoulders slump and his narrow figure go slack as he slipped into a state of brooding. He liked brooding; to let go of rational thought and simply let his mind dwell on dark and dismal thoughts. So much easier than actually making an attempt to act cheerful.... But then, what was there to be cheerful about? Yes, he was strong, yes, he had power... but he craved something more..... a call to action, in which he could excerisize this power, and discover his true potential....


He was roused from his mental wanderings by a soft scuffling noise of feet upon flagstones. He lifted his head, and nodded, acknowledging Skywalker's presence. Reaching into the oily mesh of darkside energy, he plucked a single strand from it and used it as a channel, of sorts, into John's mind. After obtaining what he needed to know, he leaned back again and allowed himself one of his rare smiles.


"Your reasons are sound, your potential great. I sense that Hexious will be most pleased by this addition to our society; come, sit..." he gestulated to the chair at his left. Just then, a small holoprojector on the table began to bleep. His smile contorting into a scowl quickly, and Khaos reached forward and activated the Transmission.


"What is it?" he hissed softly....

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Darth Hexious appears on the hologram, not to Khaos's surprise.


"What is it?" Khaos said grimly.


"Lord Anarch. The COREagent that had slipped through the defenses and brought to Aracoun Morion for the entire Sith to interrogate, has commited suicide and have only his transmission to rely on where the COREagents are. I am about to undergo a mission to find these COREagents. If you wish to aid me, you must bring Skywalker and yourself to Aracoun Morion."


His image is replaced with a star map that shows AM location related to Byss. With the map still showing, Hexious continues.


"The base of the Sith Order. From there we will gather suplies, and etc. to prepare for the investigation. If you so choose to come, put the entire base, including the palace and my underground fortress, in complete lockdown. I'm most anxious to hear your reply"


The transmission ends, and the holgram then prints the cooridinates to AM.

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Khaos listened to the message intently, and when it was finished, played it over again. After the holoprojector went dark for the second time, he sighed, then stood up. "Forget sitting down. I hope you're feeling up to traveling because we're going to be paying a visit to Aracoun Morion. Meet me in the main hangar in the east wing in 20 minutes." he nodded to John Skywalker, then turned on his heel and silently left the room.


After making a quick stop in the armory to pick up a blaster and a few cartridges, as well as a theremal detonator or two, he headed to the Fortress's central computer. Flipping switches and pulling levels with agile fingers, he set the entire fortress to put itself into complete lockdown mode within a count of 10 minutes. 10 minutes to get to the hangar. Breaking into a run, he raced through the dark corridors of the fortress until he came into the open hangar where Skywalker was waiting for him.


"Come on, quick! the whole place is going into lockup in 5 minutes, max!" he hissed, then darted over to the nearest ship- a modified Firespray-class scouter. Not much, but competant enough transport for his purposes. Keying in the entry codes, he and Skywalker climbed into the ship and buckled in, then engaged the engines and took off, the sheilds cosing in their wake as they sped off for Aracoun Morion.

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without a weapon other than his sith saber he had no other choice but to tag along...


aboard the ship he smiled and remembered the other gadgets he had placed under his robe... they were there, if he was incapable of defending himself with the sith saber then he had a blaster or two on him just in case...


well...with a slow breath he muttered "road trip" and the ship blazed onwards...

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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I hate to say this, but when johnskywalker was brought into custody, he was logically stripped of all equipment, and etc. and if he wasn't, i'm now taking the liberty of stating that he is unarmed, and has nothing to do anything with, and NO LIGHTSABER! You cannot make a transmission, unless you do so in THIS THREAD!!




You are the quote unquote "Son" of mine. But nevertheless, you could not have found out about this place just like that! This place is to be presumed destroyed by the Galactic Gun and the Eclipse II (EU). If any ships here, including Star Destroyers, that are of the enemy, they WILL be fired upon! Darth Mortis Diabolous built defenses when he brought the planet back to life, and i will use them if i must!


I am using this post now, to inform all users, that this thread is OFFICIALLY A SECRET LOCATION!! This has nothing to do with older members, this is because of people like COREagents, johnskwalker, and Ken Palpatine barging in here 'unoticed', not asking permission to land, bypassing the defenses, and being totally INVISIBLE TO THE PEOPLE ON THERE!


From now on, unless the mods deny me the criteria, you must be RPing for AT LEAST 3 MONTHS TO COME HERE! Providing that even if you meet that criteria, does not mean you will be allowed to post here.


'Alec Ketsuragui' will be an exception, because i have agreed to take him as my apprentice before hand.


Note: These things are currently in discussion with the Mods, so Byss will stay in lockdown, where all weapons, even SDs, will be unable to insue damage. Thank you, and goodnight. Mods forgive me for any inappropriate language in this post.

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OOC: I would perfer to be your nephew, i wouldn't want such a whiny rper to be my father. And listen up, why the hell does skywalker need to have a transmission sent here?! YOU'RE ACTING LIKE AN IDIOT! It offends me that people act like this on Jnet. He sent a transmission to outer heaven and a star destroyer was sent here. i don't see why a transmission needs to be posted here. I for one am tired of this, there only two people here and you consider this place a faction. It's not. This is the sith faction. SoP your being arrogant and inconsiderate, your walking around bloating self importance. I've come to believe that this thread will suffer the same fate as sabaoth squadron. I don't want to see that happen to a thread that has so much potential to end like that. Another thing: Not everything that happens in the EU is taken into consideration on Jnet. As far as Jnetters are concerned it was never destroyed. And another thing: You don't have the power to put this thread in lock down your not a mod and your not an admin. You say your getting sick of people posting here when only 3 people have. Chill man.

IC: Ken awaits an answer.

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OOC: like the pm said... its not a fricken lightsaber! its a metallica alloy, alchemically enhanced to resist the impact of a jedi's lightsaber... no one has trusted me to wield a lightsaber, yet... talk to khaos... he would clear me on it... dammit... i hate to say it but ken is right... the damn sd is simply close by me... cause it is mine! inherited by my leader who died and gave it up to me! excuse me for being rude... plus why in hell must i make a com from the byss to outer heaven when at the moment i am in neither... if i am taken with khaos someplace, as an apprentice or lackey or whatever i am not going to be given back my stuff?!? dammit man, read and think! once more for clarification... its not a fricken lightsaber!

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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