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As Nimbus prepared to pull out of hyperspace, Zalis contacted his charter to the bridge. Though he made sure to make the call late, just in case it was a trap waiting for him. Upon exiting lightspeed, Zalis was greeted with a scene of empty space, minus for a space station that was clearly out of commission and floating dead in the water. Making a sensor sweep to make sure that there was no other ship near the station, he found it all clean. Off to his right, he could see what appeared to be some sort of asteroid field. Had his coordinates been slightly off, he would have had to navigate them. As he waited for his passenger to make his way to the bridge, Zalis scanned with his eyes for a good place to attach the ship for boarding. With the information that Calmin gave, some where in the fourth ring of debris of the station would have all of the valuable stuff. It didn't take him long to find a good place to latch on.


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Zalis was glad when Calmin left the cockpit. There wasn't much he really wanted to say to the Miraulka. He didn't much like working for him, and he hadn't spent all that much time doing so. Maybe he was being spoiled by the Hutts. They gave him a job to do and then left him alone. When they did need to speak to him, they made sure a female contact was almost always present. Maybe Calmin should hire a beautiful Twi'lek to aid him from now on. With that thought, Zalis smiled as he brought Nimbus close enough to dock with the station. It took him a bit longer then he would have liked, but he had to make sure he would be able to load everything in and out. Also, it helped when an easy escape was needed.


Walking back into the the cargo hold that held his docking tube, he found Calmin with a suit already on. He made sure to put his on in such a way that his eyes would always be on him. It didn't take him long to get all suited up. From there, he quickly attached the docking tube and then opened the hatch and climbed in. Upon entry, he activated a glow stick and held it close to his blaster. If there was any danger, he wanted to be ready to blast the Force out of it.


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Zalis carefully walked up to the object that Calmin indicated with his hand. He took a glance at the object and then towards Calmin. Zalis did this a few times before he gave a very quizzical glance at the Miraluka.


"A cylinder. We went through all of this trouble for a cylinder. A simple cylinder that has nothing on it. There's no buttons, now place for a glow fixture, no nothing. A cylinder."


Zalis was a bit upset that he went out of his way for something a simple and stupid as a cylinder that he could easily find on his own ship. Why Calmin had him fly all the way out here in the middle of space to collect a metal cylinder.


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Zalis couldn't understand whom Calmin would sell a lightsaber to that could only be activated by the Force. The market was very limited to those whom used the Force unless there really were collectors out there whom wanted such a thing. It seemed silly to him to attempt such a sell. He did his best to ignore his complaint and went back to work looking for other stuff to sell. He found at least two holocrons within ten minutes of looking along with a few other random stuff that looked important. He didn't fill his bag as much as he would like, but he hated being in a station that was once occupied by Jedi. He turned towards Calmin and indicated that he was heading back to his ship. No point for him to continue to look for stuff that he didn't much understand anything about.


As he entered his ship, he placed the bag in the cargo hold and walked up to the cockpit. Shutting the door behind him, he took of the helmet of his spacesuit. Flipping a switch or two, he began to warm the engines of Nimbus up so that he could easily leave this station behind and get paid for the job. The sooner Calmin made it back on board the better.


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Calmin took so long that Zalis almost began to fall asleep at the control. Upon hearing him shout that he was back on the ship, Zalis prepared Nimbus for takeoff. Right after he heard the hatch shut, he detached the landing claw and quickly pushed the throttle forward. Activating his comm control, he gave Calmin a quick understanding of what he should do.


"Secure the cargo and then strap in. I'll be making the jump into lightspeed shortly."


Carefully, he maneuvered his ship out from the station's broken down parts and out into open space again. It was a slight shame that the Death Star was nowhere to be seen during such a time as this, if only for him to brag about escaping such a massive space station. Instead, it appeared to be nothing more than an average vulture heist. As he cleared, he set the coordinates for Outer Heaven and upon the navcomputer receiving them, made the jump into hyperspace.


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  • 11 months later...

Nimbus raced through space after leaving the Golden Link. Onboard the ship, her captain took a long moment before making all the needed calculations for a hyperspace jump to really think about what exactly he was doing now. Zalis had started off his adulthood years smuggling for anyone who would offer him up a job. But ever since he fell in with the Hutts on Nar Shaddaa, his life has taken one turn for another. But he wouldn't complain, because his charm, and while he knew that Zeltron's produced pheromones, he believed it was apart of his own personality that drew Kaldena in, as it seems that no matter where she goes, she had a job for him to do. Although the circumstances of the job changed, as with the Hutts is was dangerous and risky crime every time, and now with the Link is was honest and safe, it was a job that paid no matter what.


But his hesitation wasn't even on Kaldena or his work, but rather his ship. Nimbus had been a long time smuggling ship, and even held many crews over the past years. Only one captain during her time in service as a smuggling vessel. But now it seemed that she was to be used for the service of the Link, which did pay well, he just felt like he betrayed himself or her through this change of occupation. But it didn't matter. He still had a job that he had to do, and Zalis made it a pride of his to be the best at whatever he did, even if it is an honest job. So with that thought, he made the final calculation and pulled the lever. SHortly after that, Nimbus threw itself forward as the stars streaked into a giant tunnel of light that all came to know as hyperspace travel.


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  • 4 years later...

Zalis had gotten comfortable with silence from a few missions she had been on since before her time with Black Sun and even after she joined the team. However, upon being summoned back by one of her droids for the Togorian, she was a fast learner and picked up really fast that the Togorian could not speak. She did her best to watch his tale as he tried to explain his life story without words, which was difficult, but she managed. After he was done, or at least she thought he was done, she spoke bluntly.


"So you're a mute. That could be a problem and a huge advantage depending upon which way you look at it. There is technology to help you speak or communicate if that is something that you wish, as the resources of Black Sun are immense. If you so choose not to though, we had better come up with a way to have quicker communications with each other and future agents. That would be a key in the work that we do. And I am sorry to assume that you want to work with us, or else you had the option to leave."


She sat in a chair and awaited the Togorian's responses through hand gestures and other signs. He had talent that could still be used, but he would need to meet her halfway in order for it to work out for all parties involved. Otherwise she may end up dumping him at the Casino to look for other avenues of work.


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Zalis acknowledged the droid's response for the Togorian. She herself didn't like mechanical prosthetics as they were a pain to maintain and cost much more in the end. While synthetic implants were most costly upfront, the end result was always better. She made a mental note to get the Togorian setup as soon as possible. They may even be able to do so on the Golden Link Casino. She was about to respond when an alarm went buzzing off alert her that they had made it to their destination.


"I will setup an appointment for you to get one as soon as it is possible. For now, let us see how this investment is going to work out."


With that, she marched herself to the cockpit to have Nimbus exit hyperspace so that they could board the Golden Link Casino.


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  • 1 year later...

Zalis made a few adjustments on a datapad to move and secure some funds to help pay for the massive amount of mercs that she and Delta had just hired. It would cost her a lot, but luckily, she still had some resources that could help fund this very mission at the least. Upon making all the needed transfers, she put the data pad away in a back pocket and secured it to her belt holster. She was now wearing black pants and boots, along with a black tank top and special wrist gauntlets on either wrists. One held an assortment of small detailed things that she would always need, and the other was more of a tactical display. Her red hair was braided and ready for whatever may come of this mission, if she was even needed. She normally wouldn't engage in any sort of combat stuff unless it gave her a chance to get unclose and personal, but she was ready to help move Black Sun in the direction it needed to go. Armed with her two blasters in their holster, she moved towards the bridge and gave Delta a head nod as she moved herself through the main part of the bridge.


"I do believe this is only our second slaughter together. You ready to blow stuff up and take pets? Dinner can be on me this time around."


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  • 4 months later...

A return message came in from Ord Mantell Black Sun headquarters on a secure line.


"The information you may be seeking is in regards to the animals and planets. They are all on Bogden, and this job will require a ship with enough size to transport fairly large cargo. The rest of the information and tools that you may need can be picked up at Sandorne Palace in the city of Worlport on Ord Mantell. There Ms. Krales will meet with you."


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  • 2 months later...

Zalis took only a moment to walk to the front of the bridge and look around before the drink Delta had offered her kicked in. She made the super obvious face of tasting strong alcohol before she bent over backwards slightly before making a wild jump forward with a shout of excitement. She made a comment to herself about being limber enough to strangle someone with her legs, but no one actually heard her, which only brought up some slight disappointment. She decided to take some time to observe the bridge of the vessel she was on, Mephistopheles is what it was called, or at least that’s what she remembers it being called.


“Ma’am, would you like for me to-“ “Seriously… Don’t call me ma’am. You may address me as Zalis or the Vice Queen, or the Queen of Vice. Anything else and I’ll remove your nether region.”


The man stumbled where he stood for a second as he tried to process how he was supposed to respond. After a long moment passed, she prompted him to finish


“If you can’t handle being interrupted, maybe you shouldn’t speak to someone who is over you…”


He quickly pulled himself together and stood at attention.


“I was just going to ask if you would like for me to show you around the bridge and what is has to offer. We’re used to Delta. Rumor has it, you only join us when you’re bored or mad at someone…”


And there it was. The sly curl of her own lips in amusement that she held such a reputation. While it was true, the last two times she had been onboard a war ship was out of boredom and looking for fun, she held no clue as to where the rumor of her being mad at someone came from. She actually thought it was slightly fitting though. And to be honest, the very last time was Kashyyyk, and there was a purpose behind it. She wanted resources from the planet and wanted to make sure that Delta behaved enough for her to get them. Offering up a gentler smile to the lad, she changed her posture to one of playfulness again.


“No thank you. I’d prefer to observe everything for myself. Besides… My rage hasn’t quite cooled off yet…”


She let her words hang as she turned away from him and began to walk behind some of the officers on the bridge, all of whom had heard what she said and tensed up as she passed by them. And this is where my fun begins…


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There was nothing but an eye roll from Zalis as Delta attempted to discourage her from harassing the crew. He’s tense and needs a good kriffing. It was the only thing she could think of to keep her from getting too mad at him. She understood why he said it, as it most likely wasn’t helping to crew, so she walked away from them and instead towards Delta and the Trandoshan, who appeared along for a ride with them. She heard the last part of what Delta told the Trandoshan, and the response from the bounty hunter.


“Twenty only Delta, the funds aren’t quite there for twenty-five. Although, I will let you have access to the laborites on Ord Mantell to test out whatever you want if twenty is too low for you.”


She said the last part directed towards the Trandoshan bounty hunter. And she thought upon it more of what Delta had declared before she responded fully to the situation.


“Although… I think if a high value target was acquired alive… Twenty-five could be arranged for the information and usefulness I could get out of them.”


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  • 2 years later...

Zalis felt a slight sting that was far more annoying over all of the other pain she was experiencing at the moment. It was located within her lower spine, but the last thing she wanted to do was make a sound. Her eyes darted from a bright light that annoyed her to a display showing the time. It clicked within her mind that very soon Czerka was about to send off aid packages she had set up enroute to Kessel, but with the procedures she had set up within the organization, they would have to get a verbal confirmation. A fast PR storm could easily be worked up as Czerka and HealthiDrive were delayed on purpose by whomever Terra was working for. Typical stuff like that quickly kept favor on her side for a moment and stirred distrust the other way. These were typical procedures for her to constantly maintain a steady flow of credits, and by this point, they were impossible for anyone to stop. 


Within the now ragged and destroyed jacket, she wished to be back in her black dress she wore for Kane on Coruscant. She also wished she didn’t store the weapon basket she received from him in her ship. She was sure that PD-087 was flying the ship on direct course to medical attention, but that wasn’t what she wanted. Granted, she was very thankful that she had installed in all of the droids within Black Sun certain protocols that kept key members alive and well as best as they could, as it was part of what got her out alive. She wasn’t sure how she got from the mines to the ship, but she heard shooting and some explosions. Most likely it was a droid or two that was still on the ship that activated themselves to engage in PV01 programming she installed. PD-087 was the one who got her on the ship, she was sure of that much. 


As she lay, she heard her comlink buzz and she tried to search for it, slowly stirring around but not having much luck. After a moment, the door to the room she was in opened and there was Akor’ketez, the Twi’lek assistant she had since the beginning of her time in a high level at Black Sun. “I thought I had you running things on Titan?” He walked in and placed a blue skin hand on her shoulder. “There were reports coming from a few former and current Vigos that hinted you may need to be rescued. As it turns out, my gut was correct. And Titan is doing fine. There was no one of importance on board this journey, so I took the time to come to you.” As he talked, he quickly injected her with a stimulant of some nature and then handed her the comlink. "I currently have us enroute to Corellia, as per a scheduled marking from PD-087. Once you’re dressed and feel up to it, you can come to the bridge of Nimbus."


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  • 9 months later...

Zalis sat in the cockpit of the Supremacy and stared at the starlines of hyperspace as she traveled from Iridonia to the Outer Haven. Her mind wondered for a moment how much of this was worth it. Setting up an empire of Czerka alongside Black Sun was an undertaking she knew would require a ton of leg work and people pleasing for a while. And a lot if it was fairly simple and easy for her to do. But to show up in the massive hive spot known as Outer Haven was an undertaking she didn’t think she’d ever have to do. Such a place made dealing with the Hutts seem like child's play compared to how the entire facility ran at Haven. 


Calmin she was sure was dead- those reports of his death surfaced many years ago, long before the Crusaders even struck at Coruscant. In fact, she was sure that she still owned a stake at the Golden Link Casino when he died. Yet somehow, here she was, being sent by the Zabraks to finish a deal they had with him. Part of her wondered if the dark fur Wookiee, Jathrrro, still operated the facility quietly under the guise of Calmin. He was a poor beast that through heavy manipulation served the Miraluka filled with rage. Either way, she would soon find out the nature of Outer Haven and what sort of business she could accomplish there, along with what sort of profits could be squeezed from it.


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  • 1 month later...

The starlines completely encased the Supremacy, giving the rapid color change in the cockpit of dark blue to near white. There was a moment of pause before Zalis let out a sigh of relief. She turned towards the Yarkora. He looked at her for a moment before he spoke. He clearly wanted to break the ice. “Since you’re all formal and not at the same time. Name is Ve Livan. Balchi trusted you, so I will as well. But I have so many questions about what just transpired.” 


She leaned back within her chair, putting her feet up on the main console of the ship. “Well, feel free to ask away. We’ve got a little bit of time.” She already knew what he would ask. Many people were unsure of the inner workings of everything that she did. She kept it that way on purpose. The less people knew of the grand picture, the more likely plans kept in motion regardless of whatever transpired with her. She glanced over at Ve as he processed how he would start. 


“You said on Outer Haven that the Alliance would have to take full control over the station in order for it to be successful… What gives you such insights?” She now leaned back and looked up at the hull of the ship. “Places like Outer Haven that have been overrun by criminal activity that’s so blatantly open have a hard time transitioning. Everyone that’s there depends upon some form of the activity that was going on. To remove the activity like the Alliance is attempting to do will do one of two things. It will revert back to it’s prior state within two months after the Alliance leaves…. Or everyone who lived there dies off or leaves in search of what they need. A full occupation is the only way to secure a stable way of life. Liberating places like that do more damage to life without a takeover plan in place.”


Zalis now pulled her feet off the control board and looked at Ve directly in the eye. “Every action has a reaction. Whether for good or evil intents. The Alliance wants to remove criminal activity in hives like Outer Haven. But to do so without fully taking control and possession over the place… kills the life that they spare.” The Yarkora turned his head to look outwards towards the streaking starline of hyperspace to think for a moment. After a good ten seconds passed, he turned and quickly asked a new question. “You had me broadcast a Czerka beacon to the Alliance fleet… What was it?"


Zalis now offered up a very wild grin. “Czerka still falls under the business bureau, which does business with everyone. The Sith Empire, the Alliance and everyone who needs supplies from major companies. Under the business bureau, all goods get reimbursed when a loss takes place. The Yarrock we’re currently carrying from Iridonia is worth somewhere between forty-five to sixty-five million credits. If we are delayed in getting it to Healthidrive, a company of which I own, or if it’s lost, under the beacon will be known of the loss. And with such information, the Alliance would have to respond one of three ways. Pay the costs outright to Czerka. Resupply the goods, and we both know they’d never do that. Or they allow themselves to get blacklisted from Czerka.” She now returned to her position of putting her feet up. “While getting blacklisted doesn’t sound bad, especially from a company that they ‘know’ has ties to Black Sun… Czerka supplies a good twenty five percent of the daily operations to the Alliance. I know this, because I check the books regularly.”


Ve Livan let out a sigh and turned back towards the starlines before him. “So you’ve managed to put yourself in a position that’s almost untouchable…” Zalis wiggled around slightly. “I wouldn’t say untouchable. Just in a position where there would always be consequences for taking actions against me. There is plenty of room to be caught and pinned down for other things. Like actually getting caught on Outer Haven without any purpose in being there.” Ve slowly nodded his head and touched a few things on the console before him. He suddenly out of the blue just asked what Zalis was sure was his final question. “What’s Grooming Station?”


“Groom station is a location on Ord Mantell. It’s used to process supplies that come in, make them untraceable, and then prepare them for being redistributed out to whichever company under the umbrella needs them. Right now, it’s Healthidrive. We need to get them quickly in order to make sure the Alliance stays off our back.” There was a beeping from the console. “Speaking of which, it looks like we’re almost there…”


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  • 1 year later...

Sitting in the main hold of the Supremacy, she stared at the holodisplay of Thalassia and all of its glory. Her mind raced about the best options to gain better advantage. She didn’t even bother to listen to some of the banter going back and forth between Fluanern and Akor’ketez. Ve stood behind her as the ship was still traveling through hyperspace towards Chandrila, so there was no need for him to watch over the cockpit. The Yarkora kept his stance calm, which helped Zalis focus a bit. It was only when Fluanern spoke on utilizing some of their own resources that the Queen of Vice lifted her head. “I mean Graak has made it fairly clear that he doesn’t like the avenues of aggressive movement we as Black Sun are taking, and Kivro is just an idiot.” She turned from looking at Akor’ketez to Zalis to finish up her thought. “He’s going to get himself killed sooner rather than later.” 


The comment had Zalis put her own head down again as she re-looked over Thalassia to process what was being put forth by her team. Without looking up herself, she slowly responded to the comments. "... Kivro is a smart enough to not start a war. Only the Hutt family has enough to make a full take over outside of us. Pykes and Crimson Dawn together... Maybe... But still doubtful. They have a play in mind..." She looked up finally after musing over some options. "Akor'ketez, now is a good time to use Delta Contingency. Maybe not the best play, but the panic afterwards may help us." She turned to look at Fluanern. "Connect with Graak and Bakkull the Hutt, invite them to Thalassia. I may as well make a play myself if I can." 


She then stood up and straighten her dress that she was wearing. "I have to finish my trip to Chandrila before anything else can happen. I will let you both know how it turns out. Until our next meeting... Oh- Fluanern, activate Remo protocol. I want it in motion by the time I land. Have fun." She then cut the transmission and turned to Ve and gave a slight smile. "And now we get to wine and dine with the finest of Chandrila."


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