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Ary the Grey

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Phillep was aboard the Imperial shuttle, Admiral's Fervor, on its trek towards the isolated temple fortress of Vjun.


With his hands interlaced with one another, he tried to settle into the Dark Side's contemplation... it would only be another day's travel back, once Ki had completed her set task.


He withdrew his Sith-style lightsaber, the dried and decayed flesh forming the saber's grip... a very visceral feel to the blade, the way Phillep preferred. And soon, my dear, Ki, I shall test your progress.



--Holo to the Rebel Alliance--

*Raiden's ass appeared on the monitors again, only this time with a smiley face drawn on it.*

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"Not in the forseeable future?" Shy mused with a half grin. "I take it that means you'll hunt and attempt to kill me down the road?"


She veered away from Heero and moved silently towards what looked like a storage locker. She opened it, reached in and pulled out a rather mundane looking blaster. She inspected it thoroughly and once satisifed that it fully charged and set to kill, the woman looked up and smiled at Heero.


A split second later she was behind the man, the cold nozzle of the blaster pressed to the back of his neck. She leaned forward and laughed lighty in his ear.


"Tsk tsk, Mutt. I thought you'd know by now not to let your guard down."


She drew back the blaster and smashed it into the back of Heero's skull. As he stumbled forward she backed away, weapon trained on the man.


"Force speed." she called across the room. "By manipulating the Force you can use it to enhance your movements, your strength, your speed."


She waited for the man to turn and face her, waited eagerly for his delicous hatred and anger to flare up again.


"I've always wondered if it was possible to dodge blaster fire with Force enhanced speed. Here and now we're going to see if it is possible. You have 10 seconds to connect to the Force, draw it into your body and warp it enhance your physical self." Shy immediately began counting down.

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He considered giving her a response as she moved towards the locker across the room, but decided against it. She hadn't asked for him to explain himself so he didn't feel the need to inform her of the meaning behind the words. He casually eyed the blaster in her hands and was caught off guard as her body flickered out of existence and appeared directly behind him. She was far faster then he could perceive without some sort of assistance.


He let out an amused smile as she pressed the less then elegant weapon to his neck. It wasn't the first weapon he'd had positioned in a similar way, but at least then he was able to talk his way out of the trouble rather then now where there really wasn't much of a chance of that that he could see. He also found it amusing when she mentioned him letting his guard down. She had to be joking, what did she expect? Just because his guard was up he'd know the exact millisecond she passed by him and he'd be able to trip her?


The world in front of him erupted, his vision darkened as the pain rushed through his skull. It instantly began to throb as he struggled to keep from falling to his knees. He could hear her voice from across the room, but it was as if he was underwater listening to her as she spoke from the other side. He turned to face her, his hands remaining at his side as a dribble of blood dripped into his hair where a corner caught him. He managed to catch her bit about force enhanced speed and dodging the blaster fire.


Yet he still remained calm. He knew she was serious and that the possibility of him escaping her blaster fire was rather large as long as she didn't allow the force to assist her aim. After all, even normal people could dodge a red bolt coming at them if they had enough raw skill and dexterity. Hell, in ten seconds he could pick up a piece of something and simply slam it into her hand, knocking the weapon away all together”¦but that'd do nothing but piss her off because he didn't do it her way.


Heero focused on the pulsating pain in the back of his head. It intensified as he pulled upon it, drawing it and stretching it throughout his body. He used it to touch upon and fuel the finite power he had at his disposal through the force.


A smile crossed his face and he tilted his head to the side a bit as he heard her say ”œNine.”

The people who try to kill me, and the people who fight against me, are my enemies.

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Before he even finished muttering, 'eh' Shy head butted Heero, broke free of his grasp, spun quickly and kicked him full force in the ribs. As he staggered backward she marched up and cracked him across the face with the blaster. The sound of it striking him was nearly intoxicating. Before he could respond in any way shape or form Shy backhanded him with the weapon then tossed it aside. She moved in and kicked him, the toe of her boot catching him just under his chin. The sound of his teeth clacking painfully together nearly sparked a grin on the woman's face. Heero's head snapped back with nearly enough force to break his neck. He tipped over backward and Shy loomed over him, her face dead of emotion at first.


"Why Mutt?" She asked as her face became etched with sorrow. "Why must you ruin my fun?"


She stomped on his gut and reveled in the sound of pained breath gushing out of his lungs.


"I was prepared to teach you how to use the gift that lies inside you. But you apparently seemed determined to NOT use it. So be it. You have made it known through your actions that you have no desire to learn mastery of the Force. At least not by me. I grow weary of your lack of obedience. I refuse to train you any further. You're so pathetic that you can't follow a simple order. I haven't the time to continually play punish the bad bastard. I, unlike you, have an actual life to get back to. Oh.. and one last thing..."


She stood up, used the Force to spread his arms from his body. Heero lay splayed and vulnerable on the floor. She strolled around him, lifted her foot and stomped the heel of her boot down onto the top of Heero's left hand. All of her weight was put onto her heel as she twisted it. She could almost hear the thin bones snapping within that extremity.


"Don't EVER lay a hand on me. Got it." She said matter of factly. She stared down upon him with wide innocent eyes. "Oh dear... did I forget to mention that little rule? Must have slipped my mind somewhere between you sleezing it up at the Last Call and attempting to attack me on Vjun."


She stepped over him and stomped down on his other hand, twisting and grinding her heel into it until she was satisfied a most of the bones were broken.


"Touch me again and I'll simply hack off your arms."


She grabbed him by a boot, dragged him from the cargo bay, stuffed him into a small storage space and patted him lovingly on the head. After that the door hissed shut leaving the man in the lightless room that barely was large enough for him to crouch in.


"Men..." Shy muttered as she made her way back to the cockpit.

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The physical pain was intense, yet it was”¦lacking. It had been but a few simple days ago when the concentrated sting and constant throbbing of his hands would have had him down and out, when his already bruising ribs would still have him gasping for air. A time when he would be screaming in pain, but that time had past. She had opened him up to something that was far greater then anything he could imagine. Even after the beating, after everything she had said”¦He was still determined to hone his abilities.


He was not some dim-witted, he had picked up on the subtle bits and pieces of her personality and catalogued each of them accordingly. Perhaps the most useful of all was the change in her hips, the curve of them speaking volumes to him. He had learned to pick out such things, as it was one of the easiest ways to surely tell a virgin”¦from one that was not so pure of body. That Skank had kids before and due to the fact she looked no older then twenty seven, they were at the most in their early teens and at least still in the infant stages.


She'd kill him if she knew what he was thinking, but the thought of death seemed a bit lack luster. A way that the dull get back at others, simply robbing them of a replaceable life and thinking they had done something amazing and worth merit. No, that was not true pain”¦that was not a punishment befitting of the woman outside of his dark containment area. She will end up emotionally distraught or emotionally numb, she will go mad trying to seek the safe return of the child.


The people who try to kill me, and the people who fight against me, are my enemies.

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Rom had finally eluded the Coruscant police force after random hyperspace jumps. his ship sat there in the darkness of space, with the stars and planets winking like distants lights. He recalled what happened on Coruscant, the human died form a spice overdose, and he was blamed for it. "Shouldn't really surprise me", he thought. Things like this always happened to Ryn, though usually it ended up in death or inprisonment.


He sighed and them laughed at what the secretary had said to do. "Join the Rebels, ha, she must of used a lot of spice." He then rembered one of his fathers sayings, "spice causes people to do and say some very strange things."


Rom then thought about the rebel alliance, he appreaciated what they were trying to do, but he wanted to die in a bed not inside a starighter. He then thought,"I could porably get some advice at The Last Call, or at least some food." He then fired up the hyperdrive and put in the coordinates (0,0,0) in nav computer and blasted off to Coruscant.

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The hyperspace flight had given Blackman a good while to work on the model of his fighter, although little real work was done, or at least that ways the way the squadron leader felt. He had been working on the model for years now, and so he should have been used to the slow progress rate. However he wasn't. Blackman didn't display an extraordinary amount of patience, but neither did he have little; it just was rather ordinary. However, times like these he wished it were one of his strong points.


The grown of the fighter exiting hyperspace found Blackman unoccupied by the fighter and ready for whatever his commander might wish of him. He decided not to bother with a audio check, and instead looked at the sensor display. All eleven of his wing mates were space side along with him.


”œEclipse Squadron, follow my lead.”



Since when do you have to tell the enemy when he has won?

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The shuttle containing Ki and Phillep surfed through the channels of hyperspace on the way to their destination. Various jumps were made so as not to be tracked.



Kheldar pops back into the bar, giving Ki a startled look.


"Wait a second.... Weren't you just here and- Oh, wait, nevermind. For some reason I'm getting deja vu..."

[meaning Alora]
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Kautras newly aquiered YT-1300 slowly wandred through space, while the new owner, began grasping the control set up of the ship.


He flipped switches, and pushed buttons, and laughed as they light up, and flashed, for he hadn't a clue as to what they were doing...



After getting the baisics of the controlls down, Kautra input his new destonation of Helix station, and shot off into hyperspace.

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Evadne woke with a start. looking around, she saw that no one was there.

'Could it be?' she thought to her self. she had doughts about her acually killing her master in the first place. Changing her course, she said to herself, "I've just got to make sure, but if hes not...." she shivered when she thought about the punishment waiting for her if her master wasn't dead.

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Darla let Darex's words sink in. The picture in her head suddenly became a whole lot clearer. She had been there through the whole thing with Shy-Ree, but she had always been on the outside of the situation. Certain parts of the scenario had been clear to her but now that Darex had filled her in on Trowa Barton it all made so much more sense.


The memory of trying take Shy with her when she'd last left the Sith came to Darla's mind. She had offered Shy the choice to stay and she had taken it. It appeared that love had swayed her to the darkside. Love...


Now Shy-Ree had children. How had Darla not known who the father was? She had been so wrapped up in her own worries that so much had passed her by. The news that he longer considered himself a Sith gave Darla hope. She too had been considered a Sith and had instead chosen her own path. A path of her own.


Darla hoped that Nivana was safe.


"If this Trowa has harmed Nivana..." Darla's words trailed off she didn't know what she would do at all. " Let's just hope he's co-operative and hope he does know where she is, since he's our only lead at the moment."


Reaching out through the Force Darla gave Darex a sort of mental embrace.


"About Shy-Ree...It's not your fault you know. Love is a powerful emotion, it can pull us together and tear us apart."


The proximity alarm sounded telling the shuttle's occupants that they were nearing their destination.

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While Harley showered up, Rihn returned to the pilot seat and broke orbit. Now in deep space, Rihn put the ship on auto-pilot. Then, he voice locked the console and headed towards the medbay.


Inside the medbay, Rihn looked around for the needed instruments. Finally finding the physical therapy 'footwear' he was looking for, Rihn commed to find out if Harley was dressed yet. Getting word that she wasn't quite out of the shower yet, Rihn returned to his gallery and relaxed as he drank a caffinated beverage and glanced around at his many plants and works of art that adorned the walls.


Finally receiving word that she was presentable for visitors, Rihn knocked softly on the door.


In the usual soothing voice quailty that all native Gurlanin had, Rihn asked from outside the door, "Harley, may I came in? I have something for you."


Jidai Geki said:
Hmm... the possibilities for new atrocities just widened with the advent of a new RP baby...
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Harley opened her eyes at the disruption, glaring at the door the best she could while laying on her stomach. She had only been in here for five minutes at the most and already she was being interrupted, she just wanted a good nap. That was all, was it to much to ask? She wasn't in the mood for company, especially from someone she hardly even knew.


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Rihn chuckled to himself.


"Well it might help you to be able to walk around by yourself until then."


He gestured, showing her the anti-grav boots.


"I use these boot for physical therapy. They simulate a small gravity field of their own making you about to change the amount of gravity working against your body. You just strap this device to your waist. You can use it to change the gravity. As you get better, increase the amount more and more until you are able to walk fine in normal gravity. They are yours to use," he concluded setting the whole set on the floor next to her bed.


"Also, here is a comm device. If you need me or anything let me know with this," he said handing it to her. "Other than that, I'm going to get some rest. I imagine you will do the same. As you might wake up before me, feel free to comm me or wander the ship. What's mine is yours, Harley. Sleep well... I see you when you wake up, I guess."


Having finished all the things he needed to do, Rihn slept well. They would be in Byss soon enough, but until then his accommodation would have to do. He couldn't help but wonder, though, what he would find her up to in the morning and how healthy she would be as well.


Jidai Geki said:
Hmm... the possibilities for new atrocities just widened with the advent of a new RP baby...
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Exiting hyperspace after a long journey the Nighthawk enters sub light somewhere in the Caridan system. The YT-1300 freighter carries on board a Borcorashian male named Det Jusaka as the pilot. Back in the main cabin is R5-U8 ”“ his trusty astromech droid. Well, almost. At times the droid has performed sub-par and has angered Det, but for the most part the droid does its job. It better do its job if it were to survive the next trip. The Hawk turned toward the blue/brown body of Carida. The Force had summoned him here. He was to seek out the Sith Lord Commander Nokrt.


”œWe have you on our screen now, please identify yourself,”


The Great JNET Outage of 2012 - Body count - 0.

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As their ship entered hyperspace, Diz and Reena made their way into the living area of the ship. It was so different being able to move anywhere in the ship. The freedom of it was amazing for both of them. They had both been taken from place to place over the years, but most of the time they had been smuggled here and there incase the ships had been boarded or they had been locked in one of the crews quarter rooms. To be able to wander the ship freely was so different for both of them.


Getting used to freedom would still take some time. Dizzy wondered what Kyle was up to now.


"Truth be told, though, you are Tandra Qwinn's daughter, heiress to the Qwinn house. There is no mistaking it." Deborma

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The Osroc glinted out of hyperspace, a derelict craft. Silent, motionless, and cold the ship was in dilapidated condition to say the least. A thin sheet of frost covered the inside of the ship and its lone inhabitant Ish.


A small alarm sounded waking the jedi alerting him to the fact he had reached his destination after a long sabbatical. Bereft of contact with any lifeform, Ish slowly stirred to life. The sheet of frost crunched as he ran his hand through the mangy long hair that hung down over his face, pulling it back.


As he stood up and walked towards the front of the ship his joints cracked from countless time spent in his meditative state. Every breath was a small billow of white carbon. Ish shuddered at the inhospitable cold that no encompassed, with completeness the inside of the Osroc. Quickly Ish reverts to his jedi training using his inner energy to warm himself up to a comfortable state as he entered the cockpit.


The front window of the cockpit had a small layer of fog on it, but Ish could see the large blue orb outside of it. The many months away from the known parts of the galaxy had made the jedi more complete, yet he was heartened to see the place where he had spent so much time training.


Ish could sence the Eternal Vigilance still scouring the deep of Manaan as he stared at the vast blue planet.


With a few jabs at the control panel the Osroc made it's decent down to the watery depths.


Aussie-American Connection Since June 04

Most Sacred order of the Nocturnal


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18 Black Dawn Star Destroyers raced through hyperspace to Dubrillion. Inside the various black ships were the Ultimate Weapon, the Pirate Ronin Warthide, Kamino, Mindan, and many other Black Dawn Operatives. They were on a mission to wipe Force-Users from the Galaxy.

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Aryian's ship finally popped out of hyperspace in the middle of nowhere. Not exactly the middle of nowhere, as he was soon to find, in fact he was quite near the Haruun Kal system, but as of yet there was no way of knowing. At first, there was silence in the cockpit of the Blur, and then there was several joyful whoops followed by colorful curse words in several languages.


For nearly a month Aryian had been in his ship, and he was long out of rations and supplies, his hyperdrive unit malfunctioning and sending him deep into the unknown regions with nearly no way of return. By either sheer luck, or will of the force, he found a group of space nomads and managed to refuel his ship, however it wasn't much. The whoops of oy came from checking the navicomputer, allowing him knowledge that he was back in known space, and upon further inspection near a Jedi base.


With shaking hands, partially from joy, partially from exhaustion, he grabbed the helm controls and ignited his sublight drive, piloting the ship towards Haruun Kal.

Immediately reachable by  charlesjhall@gmail.com


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The small Jedi shuttle lifted off Arocoun Morion and headed through space.


Prior to jumping into the abyss of hyperspace, Darex sent off two messages. The first was under a top-of-the-line, untraceable security encrypt, which was transmitted instantly to it's destination. The second was a standard communication, that the Jedi sent off to Naboo.


Suddenly, he got an error. The message hadn't been received. He shrugged and looked at Darla. "Well, either Barton doesn't want to talk to me, or he's not on Naboo. However, I still think we should head there. His family estate is there, after all, and if he left, there might be something directing us to where he went."


At her nod, he hit the lever, as the coordinates were already set into the nav computer, and the ship blasted into hyperspace.


((To Naboo thread))


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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Darla and Darex made their journey through Hyperspace, dropping out near Coruscant. It had been a while since Darla had been to the bustling cityworld that was her homeworld. Coruscant didn't really seen like home to her anymore though. All that came to mind when she thought abou Coruscant were the many battle that had taken place there and the many more that would be. The planet seemed to be in a state of constant flux, she wasn't even sure who the world belonged to anymore. But it didn't matter, they would be quite safe where they were headed.


She piloted her shuttled down to the Last Call landing at a nearby docking port.

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-Comm to Astraal


If possible try to make that close to 1200 or 1300. We have things to discuss before my meeting with Trowa Barton.


Rihn out.


-Comm ends


Jidai Geki said:
Hmm... the possibilities for new atrocities just widened with the advent of a new RP baby...
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Once in hyperspace Rajah ordered Lowe to find a place for the two of them to just relax. She considered going back to Bespin but in the end decided she wanted a change of scenery.


Lowe drew her attention to one place that looked interesting... and hopefully would be Jedi free. She needed a breather from their kind for a short time. Somewhere she could unwind and be herself for a bit.


"That place looks perfect." she muttered. "Take us there."


Lowe nodded and within minutes the ship was easily redirected towards the destination of Byss.

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Nicolas grunted at her question, staying quiet for a few moments as he stared at the ships controls. He had never learned how to pilot a ship and had always been curious what all of the blinking lights were for. Many a times he had considered just simply pressing every button he could as quickly as he could, but he had more willpower then that and knew how dangerous it could be. He just hated having leave his life in the hands of some ship.


”œDon't know, I was sleepin' when he came in told me about the change in plans. Second time today I've had to fly, hate flying.”


LonghornJedi: this is retarded

Static Savior: THIS IS SPARTA!

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