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Helena Ortwind

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Real Name: Helena vaeu Ortwind


Homeworld: Naboo

Species: Human


Physical Description


Age: 33

Height: 5’9”

Weight: 160lbs

Hair Color: Jet Black

Hair length: Shoulder length

Hair texture: Coarse and horse-like. It isn’t silky smooth and the roots are almost tough enough for you to drag her by her hair without pulling any of it out.

Eyes: Prominent Eyes

Eye Color: Bright Blue eyes

Eye brows: Straight dark brows that are medium thickness with moderate bend. The eye brow over her right eye is permanently burned off in places.

Skin: Due to long hours under the Tatooinian suns, she has a decent tan. However, she is Caucasian and still has some fair pale skin hidden in the hard to reach places that don’t normally see sun.

Face: She has a square-ish face. It is between square and heart shaped. It is set in something of a perpetual grimace.

Nose: Patrician nose

Chin: She has a decent chin, but it doesn’t dominate her face.

Ears: Big-ish ears that are close to her head.

Hands/fingers: Big hands for a woman her size. They are riddled with calluses from holding her side arm.

Feet: Moderate sized feet

Legs: The definition in her legs hasn’t changed much. She is not as muscular as she was back in her military days, but she still uses her legs quite a bit so she takes care of them and makes sure they can do the job.

Arms: Her arms have a little definition, but aside from quick draw pistol action, they haven’t seen as many push-ups or strength training exercises.

Any physical deformities/weaknesses/handicaps: She has partial numbness in her left hand due to a physical injury she sustained in the line of duty. She had to have some of her right leg replaced with cybernetics and hi-tech polymers; paid for by the Imperial Navy.

Cheeks: She has some meat on her cheeks.

Sex/Gender: cis female

Sexuality: Bisexual





Clothing or Armor:

- An old Imperial navy officer’s jacket. It was the one her father wore before he became an admiral. It is jet black and it used to be just one solid piece of fabric that you had to pull on over your head. She has since cut a line down the center seam of the jacket and fashioned several internal and external pockets from extra fabric she has found throughout the years. She learned to sew partly because of her mother, and partly because she had to repair her own uniforms in the field sometimes. It was something to do with her downtime. The jacket itself doesn’t bear an overwhelming resemblance to the former Imperial Military garb, but the cut and the color are similar enough that it draws fearful glances from passersby.

- Underneath her jacket she likes to wear a long sleeve dark gray blouse with a black undershirt, or a dark red long sleeve blouse with a black undershirt.

- She likes to wear dark fatigues with an old hand-me-down combat belt.

- She tops all of that off with durasteel toe boots. Black, of course.



= Heavy ornate Blaster Pistol with an unknown number of modifications. It isn't super powered, but the weight and balance are perfect. The sight is calibrated down to the tiniest detail and the small gold pieces of filigree show an extreme amount of care and dedication. In fact, no matter how much the weapon is used, damaged, or worn, it doesn't seem to retain any damage whatsoever.

= DLT Blaster Rifle with no modification.



Common Inventory:

10,000 credits

Imperial Officer ident. Card

Imperial issued comm device

A stolen Rebel Data pad [reprogrammed]

Military issued rations [back stocked and stored at her apartment]


Faction Information


Force Sensitive

Alignment: True Neutral (Formerly Lawful Neutral)

Current Faction Affiliation: N/A (Formerly: Imperial)

Current Faction Rank: N/A (Formerly: Senior Lt. of the Imperial Navy)




Force Side: N/A

Trained by: N/A

Trained who: N/A

Known Skills:

Gunslinger – Due to her skills with a sidearm, she had an envied competency with a pistol in the Imperial Navy. She isn’t the best, but she is very skilled. She also favors the blaster rifle, but isn’t quite as good.


Background: Read on to find out.


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