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I swear I'll quit just randomly disappearing. *headdesk*


So for about 3 years now, I've been working on a story, though it's really become more a collection of short stories, revolving around a family. The collection is tentatively titled Aberdeen. Some of you might remember my story about Gina that I posted ages ago, well, that's part of the same universe. Same characters. My gameplan is to use a single thread to post pieces of what I manage to come up with. What I've discovered seems to work is vignettes surrounding individual characters.


To start off, here's my list of main characters:

The Aberdeens

  • Darren & Elena Aberdeen (The Parents)
  • Donovan Aberdeen
  • Drake Aberdeen
  • Mia Siobhan Aberdeen
  • Michael Aberdeen
  • Martin Aberdeen

(Siblings are listed in descending order by age, Drake and Mia are twins.)


The Civilians (to this point)

  • Sara Callaghan
  • Jack DeLuca
  • Gina McCormick


I welcome any and all questions/comments/critiques. There is a LOT of backstory in my head that I am still parsing through for these characters, for these stories, so if something doesn't make sense, feel free to mention it, seriously.


I'll leave this post as sort of my intro, and the post directly following this will have a piece in it.



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Vignette focusing on Michael Aberdeen



We all sat around the dining room table waiting for Father. He'd called a family meeting, but we didn't know why. Everyone was a bit annoyed, but we would have faced worse if we'd ignored our father's message. Mia had been out with her latest fling, and was tapping her heels impatiently, and Drake was trying to get her to chill. Donnie seemed on edge, which was understandable; if this had anything to do with the Van Orten accounts, we could all be in a lot of trouble. Martin seemed strangely calm, but my little brother had a way of dealing with stress that none of us quite understood.


Me, well, I'd sent Jack home when I got Father's message. I apologized for it messing up our date night, and promised to make it up to him. I would. And maybe one day I'd actually tell him what my family did. I didn't know if he was my one yet, but I had a good feeling.


Unfortunately, that good feeling disappeared when my father entered the room and threw a newspaper across the table...in my direction.


“Care to explain this media fiasco you've caused?”


I stared open mouthed at the picture covering the front page of the tabloid. It didn't even need the tacky headline they managed to concoct.


I guess I never believed it before, but a picture really does say a thousand words. This one, clearly taken the night before of myself and Jack at a club, kept screaming the one thing I'd tried to keep under the radar.


I, Michael Aberdeen, was gay.


This picture was...unforgiving, and it left nothing to the imagination about the nature of my relationship with Jack. I pushed the paper back in my father's direction, and heaved a sigh, my head in my hands. Mia, sitting closest to me, leaned over and saw the picture. I'd already confided in her, but my brothers didn't know...or at least I hadn't told them. Mia put a comforting hand on my shoulder, and I knew I hadn't lost her.


“I asked you a question Michael.”


“I think the answer is pretty clear, Da.”


“I'd like to hear it from you.”


By now, the paper had made its way around the table, and I could feel my brothers' eyes on me. I chanced a quick look for their reactions. Donnie looked shocked, Drake was having one of his weird twin telepathy conversations with Mia, and Martin just seemed indifferent. I buried my head in my hands again.


“I'm gay.”


“The young man in the picture?”


“My boyfriend, Jack.”


“Does he know?”


I lifted my head and stared at him in shock. Did he really think I would betray the family like that? Did he think so little of me? I pushed my seat back from the table hard, and stood up shaking.


“No, of course not. He doesn't know a damn thing.”


“Good.” My father paused, and picked up the paper again. “This is troublesome, Michael. Something like this will have already reached...”


I stopped him, my temper rising. “I don't care who it has reached! It was bound to happen eventually. It's not like I was going to hide this for the rest of my life! Troublesome, my ass.” I pushed my chair into the table, and turned to leave.


“We'll come up with a cover for this incident...”


I heard Mia gasp, and I turned around, furious. “Cover? This isn't just some business negotiation you can manipulate! This is my life! If you've got a problem with it...well, at least tell me before you disinherit me.”


I didn't bother sticking around for his response. I got in my car and drove. I couldn't calm down. I wanted to hit something, I wanted to scream, I wanted to tell my father exactly what I thought. The latter would not be a good idea though. Not with my temper flaring. My father just had to marry an Italian woman. Damn family temper. Mia was probably the only one who had a more volatile temper.


I did have one cure for it though. One perfect cure, probably curled up on his couch at home with a bottle of wine, wondering why his boyfriend dropped everything to go to a family meeting. Pulling a quick U-turn, I sped in the direction of Jack's apartment.


He must have heard me pull in, because he opened the door before I could even knock. Without thinking, I kissed him, trying to channel all that was running through my head into pure emotion. After a moment he pulled away, but held my hand and led me into the apartment. One look at me and his face fell.


“What's wrong?”


This man. This perfect wonderful man I did not deserve knew me so well. Maybe something would finally go right in this mess.



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Sorry about the confusion. Yes, it's all Earth based. By universe, I mean the world surrounding these characters and their stories, the canon associated with them. For example, a situation that appears in one story could/might be referenced in a later story. It's sort of a collection of stories right now.


I hope that makes sense.



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I liked it, at first I thought it was going to be set in the city of Aberdeen, Washington, birthplace of Nirvana, but it obviously isn't. I am still interested though, which is nice as I haven't been involved in actively reading anything in this forum for some time. Keep it up!


Resident Tech and Video Game Geek


Well, crap, Sasori is correct.
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