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The Helvault -- Nespis VIII


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In a far off system completely undisclosed, five Sluissi sat at a table working feverishly at their own dataports. They were under contract by Black Sun, or rather one of the many companies acting as a front for Black Sun. Their goal was much more simpler than it sounded, yet far more complicated than what any normal being might be even willing to pull off. Each would be awarded the sum of twenty thousand credits to fulfill the contract, to slowly put a few things within the prison on Nespis VIII into chaos. The Helvault was a fortress for anyone attempting to entering it, and hacking the system was a bit more difficult and flat out harder than what others believed. But for this small group, they believed they were able to fulfill the contract for Black Sun. 


Much like any heavily fortified area, taking over the whole system or key parts required almost too much skill that it would seem impossible. But the group knew of ways to slowly compromise the system through much easier means. After around an hour of work, one finally spoke up. "I'm in. Shutting down the charging stations now." Another followed by his own words. "Ktess, did you get into the food processor yet?" "No, the system there is bit more touchy. I can't find the backdoor yet." The room began to fill with excitement as to what was happening. Slowly and surely, they would break the system. 


None of them fully understood why Zalis was only paying for a massive distraction versus a full on take over for the system. None of them wanted to ask the question, so they let it go. For now, they would slowly compromise the system of the prison to cause chaos from within. Whatever ends they were hired for was not their concern. Only results. And in their results they would get paid. 

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The five Sluissi continued to do the work of Black Sun, breaking the system for no other purpose then show that it could be done. It was a weird and awkward contract to accept, but the pay was so good, only a fool would have turned it down. They had setup exactly as the request was made. An isolated remote location, hack into the main HealthiDrive system, use their relays to hack into the fortified prison. Thus far, that was all a cake walk. The hard part was the triple remote access into the system on Nespis VIII. The system was already hard to crack without alerting everyone that they had broken in. But some systems were easier to find backdoors into without altering anyone. The first system was the charging system for all of the droids. But many of those droids could go days without having a charge, so it was fairly pointless at first. The food processors and lavatories were also easier to crack into, but did require some time. 


Ktess got excited when he finally did get into the system for the food processors, to which all he could do was either fully lock them down, or have them spit out food nonstop. He choose a mix of the two, to cause some more chaos as much as he could. Hjunn cracked into the lavatories almost nineteen minutes after Ktess got in on his end. Now all that remained for the five Sluissi were some random cameras, two weak point comm systems and a few weaker doors. It wouldn't be much, but it would prove a point. And that was all that they had to do for Black Sun. Prove that the system could be tampered with. Why was still a mystery to them, but the pay was high enough to overlook everything else. 



**** Droid Command ****


LV8-Y1 processor system quickly flagged down the alarm that the food processors had begun to malfunction amidst some prisoners eating. "What is the diagnosis" The metallic voice was met by another, FSD-12, the main droid in the kitchen area. "Unknown. Food processors 2,5,8 and 12 are not working at all. Food processors 1,3,4,6,7,9,10 and 11 will not stop outputting food. Shutting down the grid system in the mess hall is the only way to to regain control and provide a full report on what is happening. All prisoners must be taken back to their cells for this action to be complete. Your authorization is required for this action." LV8-Y1 turned his upper portion and opened a comm channel. "All non-assigned security to the Mess Hall- authorization code seven-delta-five-three-one."


Another droid, R6-D9 beeped loudly and rapidly at LV8-Y1. The command droid turned directly to the astromech droid. "What do you mean cell 200R6 is flooded?" The droid beeped again. "The lavatory is flooding. Those systems were updated two weeks ago, it is impossible for them to have any issues." The small astromech droid beeped and spun it's head around as it continued to explain. "Other lavatories are beginning to show the same thing. Our system must be compromised somewhere. Alert maintenance command." LV8-Y1 turned its upper body again and sent another message to all security droids. "Move all prisoners to rec floor under protocol red-seven-two. Await further orders." 

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