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One Who Masters Magic (End of First Draft)


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Tee hee Lamastud. Good chapter. I like the conversation between Lamastus and Vekla. I'd like to see them together in the future. Vekla needs someone awesome, and so far Lamastus is fitting the bill very nicely.


The Krue were the most powerful of the Western Peoples, if anyone had a chance to stop them, it would be them.


Run-on sentence here; you need a period after 'Peoples'.


Ah, that moment when the hero realizes that he has to fight. That even though all he wants is a quiet life, he has to become a man of war. It's a classic moment in every story, and I think you handled it very well. This section didn't feel awkward or lacking at all.


There goes Ami's reputation of being a peaceful, nice person.
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Lol Lamastus. Stupid iPhone.

I thought it was intentional (Lamastus + stud=Lamastud) since you were talking about romance and all. Here I was going to give you cool points for coming up with his nickname, but then you blow it by saying it was an accident.





Chapter 24


Virtuous in life,

Valiant in war,

Vigorous in justice,

Vicious in retribution.


— part of the Code of the Seinari



Angvardi Province of Sua


Opeganeat was a small village nestled in the hills about forty miles south of Sua Tles. Syler and those with him rode throughout the night. Despite being more than capable of traveling at great speeds on flat ground, the hasuan were not so quick in the dark through the hills and ravines of Sua territory. Syler kept his frustration in check, but Bronwyn could tell that it was getting more and more difficult for him. There was a road that went from Sua Tles to Opeganeat, but none of them dared take it because it would be patrolled. Syler's fear was that the Angvardi would use the road to gain on them despite being on slower horses.


Daylight meant that they could travel faster, but that they had to be careful not to be spotted. They saw a few shepherds with their flocks along the way, but didn't stop to talk to them. There were no Angvardi patrols in this area, most of them were in the northwest dealing with the resistance there. These areas had already been pacified and were considered secure.


When they arrived at their destination, all of them were hungry, but determined to go on. Syler was squirming in his saddle out of eagerness, but knew better than to just barge into the town square and begin screaming Karusa's name. This time, he would opt for secrecy and stealth.


"I am going to go in," he said as they looked at the city from one of the surrounding hills. "It isn't a very large town, so it shouldn't take long for me to spot her."


"We are coming with you," insisted Vekla.


"No, you aren't. Not only would your presence be too much of a tip off, but I need you out watching the city in case the Angvardi arrive."


"But what if—" she insisted


"I said no."


"What about me?" Bronwyn asked softly from behind him.


He turned around and said, "No, you are a Kuti, there is little reason for you to be here."


"Then I will be coming," announced Lamastus. "I am an Angvardi, there is no reason why I wouldn't be here."


Syler frowned as he thought about that. "You don't have your guard armor any longer, but that doesn't mean you couldn't pose as a merchant or farmer."


Lamastus' lip curled at the thought, but he shrugged and replied, "If that is what it will take, I will do it. I will need a new shirt, though. Mine is still bloody."


"The rest of you should wait. If you see someone coming, try to cut them off. Get some rest, Vekla, I need you at full strength."


The sorceress let out a harrumph at the very idea of her needing rest, but she didn't argue. They made their way a little closer to the town before dismounting. Lamastus got another shirt from one of the Krue while Syler fashioned a simple cloak out of one of the blankets with a little of Bronwyn's help. He wouldn't abandon his armor and sword, but neither did he want to stand out. Instead, he strapped his sword sheath to his back. It fell down to his knees, but it was mostly concealed by the overcloak he now wore. Lamastus didn't need to do much to conceal his knives, he just wrapped their sheathes to his forearms so he could grab them in an instant.


When they were ready, the two of them set off on foot to the town. As they got closer, Syler could see that it wasn't all that different from his own town of Sandrin. The entire town may have had a thousand people in it and was really nothing but a place for nearby farmers and shepherds to sell their wares and get supplies.


They entered the town without causing a scene. Most of the townsfolk were focused on carrying out their jobs, whatever that may be. They weren't too interested in two more men who looked like they were down on their luck. Some may have been able to tell that Lamastus was an Angvardi, but if they did, they didn't say anything.


"We should try the markets," suggested Lamastus. "Surely, in a town of this small size, someone would have heard of her."


Syler signaled his agreement with a terse nod. They approached a woman sitting in front of a small building with multiple chimneys. She was selling bread, so Syler assumed that her husband was the baker an she was selling his wares while he baked. "We are looking for a Sei woman," he said softly.


The woman looked up at him with a grimace and replied, "So, there are many Sei here now."


Syler looked into her eyes calmly and said, "I am looking for a young woman named Karusa. Have you heard of her?"


"You going to buy anything?"


"If you have information, I will."


The woman spat on the ground behind her stall, "I don't know no Sei woman named that. If you ain't buying, get out of the way!"


Syler frowned at her and was prepared to reply, but Lamastus gently grabbed his arm and said quietly, "Not now."


With a snarl of frustration, Syler left the woman and went to the next stall. This one as tended by a man selling wooden bowls, cups, tool handles, and similar wares. "We are looking for a Sei woman named Karusa," Syler said.


The man shook his head and said, "Don't know anyone by that name."


The process repeated itself for several more venders until Syler almost gave up. Then, at last, they came upon one who seemed to know something. The vender, an old man selling pottery, said, "Yea, there is a young lass by that name that I see every so often."


Syler had to restrain himself from overwhelming the man with questions. "Do you know where she lives?" he asked breathlessly.


"Sure," the man said with a shrug. "I think she lives over by the mill on the edge of town." He pointed to a part of the town they hadn't been to as he spoke.

"Do you know any more than that?"


"Ehh, I think it might be three or four houses up the street. Her husband is Ayid, I think. He works at the mill like most on that street do."


It was better than nothing. Syler would ask at every house on that street if he needed to. "Thank you," he said. Just before he left, he reached into his small purse and gave the man a silver coin. It was a small price to pay for the information.


The two of them walked down toward the mill and came to the street that the man had been talking about. It was a dismal looking street that was lined with run down houses with cracking bricks and dirty thatched roofs. The road was muddy and had trash lined up on both sides. At the end, the small mill churned out dust and smoke from the burning scraps. It looked like a horrible place to live.


There were six houses on each side of the street. They went to the one three houses down and knocked on the door. Syler could hardly wait for it to open so he could see his sister. After a while, a frail looking young woman answered it. Syler tried to hide his disappointment as he asked if she knew where Karusa lived. The woman nervously looked both ways down the street before mutely pointed next door.


Furrowing his brows in concern over her behavior, Syler thanked her and the two of them went to where she pointed. His hands were sweating even in the chilly air as he knocked on the second door. There was no answer for a long time and Syler had nearly resigned himself to waiting for her to get home. Just as he started looking for a good vantage point, the door slowly creaked open. Syler turned around and saw a face he had never thought he would see again.


"Karusa?" he said quietly.


His sister frowned and squinted at him. "How do you know my name?"


Syler pulled his hood off and looked straight at her with tears of happiness beginning to swell in his eyes. "It's me, Syler. I came back for you, just as I said I would."


Karusa stared at him mutely for a few moments, then started backing into her house while whispering something he couldn't hear. She burst into tears of her own and raced toward him. When they met, she grabbed him tightly and held on.


"I thought you were dead," she said through her tears.


"I almost was, multiple times, but I couldn't leave you."


She let go of him and held him at arm's length to look at him. That was when he first noticed the bruises and barely healed cuts on her face. She was filthy, as well, and her hair was matted and unkempt. Her clothes were rags that smelled like they had been used in the privy. The joy he felt at seeing her was quickly replaced with his anger over her condition.


"What are you wearing?" she asked. She had apparently felt his armor beneath the cloak he was wearing to conceal it.


He ignored the question and instead reached out to lightly brush a bruise below her left eye. "Who did this to you?"


"It's nothing," she said and looked away.


"No, it isn't," Syler said. "Who hit you?"


A tear slid down her dirt encrusted cheek as she said, "My husband, Brunley."


"I am sorry, Karusa, I should have come sooner."


"You need to go," she said. "It would be trouble if he finds you here."


"I am here to take you away from here, to safety."


"Safety?" she replied as though it was a foreign concept. "No, you can't. If you try to take us away, they will track us down and enslave us."


"Not where we are going," Syler said soothingly. "The Angvardi have no control over either of us any longer."


"That is impossible, they control everything."


"Not everything. How else do you think I managed to get here? There is a safe place where you can live in peace."


She scoffed at him and said bitterly, "There is no safety left in the world."


For the first time, Lamastus joined in, "He is not lying, ma'am. There is a chance to live free, but you need to come with us now."


"Who are you?" she asked.


"This is Lamastus, a friend," answered Syler. "He is the one who allowed me to find you."


"He looks Angvardi."


"I am, but I am Syler's friend nonetheless."


She looked nervous and started backing away from them. "Karusa," Syler said soothingly. "It is time to go. I promised I would watch after you and so I shall."


"I wish it were that way, but if you do try to take me, Brunley and his friends will follow and they will hurt or even kill you if they catch you."


Syler gave her a predatory smile, "Let him try."


"Don't say that, he is a strong man, even stronger than you."


"He does look pretty big," Lamastus commented.


"Oh no!" Karusa exclaimed before fleeing back into the house.


Syler turned and saw that a rather large and extremely unhappy looking man flanked by five others that looked equally intimidating were marching up the street toward them. They all seemed to be holding some sort of weapon whether it be a length of chain or a club. "This looks fun," Syler said sarcastically.


"I don't see any real weapons, shouldn't be too bad if they really want to start something."


"As much as I want him dead, let's try to settle this peacefully," Syler said.


"And if they don't want to be peaceful?"


"We defend ourselves with everything we have," replied Syler with cold determination in his voice. He began loosening the knots that held his cloak together just in case he needed to cast it off in a hurry. "I didn't come this far to get killed by this brute, or to have him punish Karusa for my coming here. One way or another, we leave here with her even if we have to walk over their dead bodies."


"Sounds good to me."


By this time, the other group had gotten within twenty yards and halted. "We heard that someone was askin' about Karusa in town, looks like we found ya. Who do ya think you are, talking to my woman?" one of them said.


Syler narrowed his eyes and looked at the speaker directly, "I am Syler Penion, her brother. I am here to take her with me and I don't suggest you stand in my way."


The group laughed as though he were telling a joke. "Well, 'Syler Penion,' I am Brunley Tralen, Karusa's husband. She is mine and you aren't taking her anywhere. Now, get out of here before the six of us decide to bust you up."


Syler didn't flinch, "I warn you, Brunley, right now it is a struggle not to give you the just reward you deserve for beating on my sister. If you don't turn around and leave now, I will kill you. I am taking her with me and you won't follow if you know what is good for you."


Brunley turned to his friends and laughed. "The two of you are going to stop us?" He pointed his club straight at Syler and said, "Last chance, get out of here."


Lamastus looked over to Syler and said, "Well, you tried, it looks like they aren't going to budge. Can we kill them now?"


"Try not to kill them, but don't endanger yourself," came the reply. In a louder voice, he said, "I am going inside to get Karusa, I don't suggest you move from where you are or it will not be pretty."


"No you aren't!" Brunley said and charged after them.


"Oh boy!" exclaimed Lamastus with genuine glee.


Syler wasn't so happy, he didn't want violence, but it was inevitable. In one quick move, he undid the last knot of his cloak and let it fall to the ground. As it fell, he reached up over his head, grabbed the hilt of his sword, and pulled it free with the sound of metal scraping metal. He allowed the image of his sisters bruised face flash before his eyes as he set his jaw and planted his feet into the ground. He pulled his sword back and prepared to throw his full weight into the swing aimed straight at the charging man's neck.


At the sight of his opponent suddenly holding a sword and standing in gleaming Kruish armor, Brunley's eyes widened and he managed only to say "Oh shit!" before Syler cut through his club and hacked his head clean off in a single blow.


The others, who were a little behind him, saw this and managed to come to a halt. Lamastus had his knives in both hands and was crouched ready to spring if they got any closer. They didn't, but rather began to slowly back away while uttering cries of astonishment.


"Leave now, or you will suffer the same fate," Syler said firmly.


The other five men had been expecting two defenseless travelers, not armed men in armor that cost more than five years of their wages. They quickly dropped their weapons and fled the way they had come.


As soon as he was sure the danger had passed, Syler sheathed his sword and gestured for Lamastus to remain on guard while went into the house. There, he found Karusa cowering in a dark, filthy back room. When she saw him in armor, she cried out in fright. "It's just me, Karusa. Brunley attacked us, but he is dead. You are free and it is time for us to go."




"Yes, and I think it is time for us to get out of here as quickly as possible. I am sorry to rush you, but his arrival changed things."

"What…happened to you, Syler? Where did you get that armor?"


He didn't know how to explain it and knew they didn't have time. He had little doubt that the men they didn't kill were going to get the authorities. Fighting a bunch of thugs armed with crude clubs was one thing, fighting armed and trained Angvardi guards was something altogether different. Even if this was a small town, there was no way for his little group of followers to take on the entire town, especially if reinforcements from Sua Tles were coming.


"It is a long story, one which I will gladly tell you once we are safely away from here. Grab anything you can't bear to be without and let's go."


Though she clearly had reservations, he didn't leave much room in his voice to argue. She didn't have much, just a small bag filled with what he assumed were keepsakes from their parents. When she stepped outside and saw Brunley's body, she blanched. "I am sorry," Syler said soothingly. "He came at me so I had to kill him."


Alarm bells began to ring out. "I don't think there is time for stealth," Lamastus said. "Run for it!"


Syler grabbed his sister's arm and started running for the edge of town where their friends were. As he did, he realized just how thin her arms had gotten and it only angered him further. His fears for what was happening to her had proven to be quite real. He was glad that he had killed the man who did this to her.


They made it to the edge of town, but not without being spotted. A few men spotted them and began yelling, but they weren't the guards. Once they were past the last structure, Syler had hope that they would be able to get out of this without a fight after all.


Then he heard the galloping of hooves behind him and wasn't so sure. He looked back and saw four men on horseback racing through the streets to catch them. "Lamastus, you get her out of here!" he shouted as he let go of her and drew his sword.


"Not a chance, you are the important one, you get out of here."


"Dammit, don't argue with me."


"Too late," Lamastus said, then Syler saw the arc of energy lashing out from the hill above him into the first two horsemen. The other two veered to the side and began fleeing in terror.


"This way!" called Delmonor. He, Velka, and one of the warriors were at the top of the hill on their hasuan.


With a sly smile, Lamastus said, "Always good to have a sorceress around, isn't it?"


Syler agreed, but was distracted by the sight of Karusa trembling in terror beside him. "Syler, those are Krue," she whispered.


"Yes," he said proudly, "they are. They are our friends."


"Lord Syler," Vekla said as soon as they got close. Syler winced at that because he had hoped to slowly lead into that little fact so it wouldn't completely overwhelm Karusa. "I take it you were successful." She gave Karusa a critical look but didn't comment on her appearance or obvious fright.


"Yes, this is my sister, Karusa."


Delmonor said. "My lord, more are coming." He pointed down the hill towards the village where at least a dozen men on horseback were forming up to attack.


"Time to go," announced Syler.


"I would be honored to take your sister, my lord," said Delmonor. Syler nodded and bodily lifted her up onto the saddle in front of him.


It didn't escape Syler's notice that Lamastus leapt up onto Vekla's mount, nor did he fail to notice that she didn't protest. Perhaps riding through the night together had helped cool her distaste for the Angvardi. Either that or she just wanted to get out of danger. He accepted the hand offered by the warrior and settled down behind him.


They rode for a few minutes until they got to where the other two warriors were. Without either Lamastus or Syler, they wouldn't have had enough people to ride the hasuan so they had to have some stay behind. Bronwyn seemed relieved to see Syler safe, but her attention went to his sister.


"We don't have time to talk," Vekla said curtly before she could say anything. "There is pursuit."


"We will sort things out when we are away from them," Syler assured both Bronwyn and Karusa as he got off of the hasuan the warrior was on and went to the extra one. "I don't want to take any chances."


"Where to, my lord?" asked Delmonor.


"Krue territory. We have what we came for, time to get back to safety before our luck runs out."


As soon as Bronwyn was secure behind him, they were off once more.

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Good job with this section. I felt like the characters were true to themselves through the bit. Again, I'm glad to know more of Lamastus' character. He amuses me.


Poor Karusa...she and Bronwyn will have to get acquainted. I'm looking forward to that!


Karusa stared at him mutely for a few moments, then started backing into her house while whispering something he couldn't hear. She burst into tears of her own and raced toward him. When they met, she grabbed him tightly and held on.


Hmm...this didn't really make sense. She stared, then backed away and whispered, then burst into tears, and then raced towards him? First of all, I was confused by the whispering, because I assumed that she was talking to a child, telling him/her to stay back in the house. But then you said she raced towards him when they're both at the same door. Just clean up this part.


Syler sheathed his sword and gestured for Lamastus to remain on guard while went into the house.


This is a nit-picky thing, but it's been pointed out to me before and I thought I should point it out to you. He put his sword back in his sheath all messy from beheading Karusa's husband. He'd probably wipe it clean first.


One other thing, and it's about swear words. I noticed that when Vekla swears, you use a made-up word, but here when Karusa's husband swears, you use an English one. First of all, I feel like that jolts you out of the context a bit, but more to the point, I feel like if the Sei language is "English" and these are Sua, their language would be a different one, and that would show up for sure in their swear words. Even if they are making an effort to speak the Seinari language if/when they see that Syler is Sei. You might want to address the language difficulties.


There goes Ami's reputation of being a peaceful, nice person.
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Syler felt a bit more restrained then I would have expected, but then I could also accept it as his having grown as in character.

He is also in a different situation. He isn't fighting a war, he isn't "gunning" for the people who maliciously kidnapped his wife. In his mind, since these people are possibly victims of Angvardi rule just like him, they haven't done anything evil to deserve punishment. Simply marrying his sister doesn't make someone evil. Now, when the man decided to attack him, he was more than happy to kill him (as he explains in the next section). Ultimately, throughout the story, I hope to show that Syler isn't a purely good/righteous character, but he also isn't a malicious one.


Poor Karusa...she and Bronwyn will have to get acquainted. I'm looking forward to that!

The two of them get a rather prolonged scene in the second half of this chapter (see below).


She stared, then backed away and whispered, then burst into tears, and then raced towards him?

The way I picture it, she backed away in shock and was whispering things like "no, it can't be," and "that's impossible" or "I can't believe it" then, she realized that it was really him and not just a dream/nightmare, and she recovers a little from the shock before running into his arms. I will definitely make note of that and see about clarifying it more when I rework this.


This is a nit-picky thing, but it's been pointed out to me before and I thought I should point it out to you. He put his sword back in his sheath all messy from beheading Karusa's husband. He'd probably wipe it clean first.

Actually, I normally am pretty OCD about it as well, ever since I read the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe where Aslan tells Peter to wipe his sword after killing the Wolf. Normally here, I have described people as wiping the blood off, but this time, I didn't because of the rush. He wants to get in and out before reinforcements come and isn't going to fuss about a little blood in his scabbard.


One other thing, and it's about swear words.

About languages, most "civilized" groups speak the Common Tongue (English). The Terulans, Angvardi, Sei, Sua, Kosh, and a few others in the South use it as their primary language and rarely if ever use ancient tongues. Some of the more "barbaric" or "uncivilized" people groups either speak their own language (as with the Krue and everyone in the Deep West) or are bilingual (as with the Kuti and the Gope). For the people that speak in foreign languages, especially those who use it as their primary tongue, they will revert to their native tongues when cursing or surprised or are particularly flustered/angry.


The language issue is going to come up as Syler starts trying to interact more with the other Kruish lords as well as when he makes his journey into the Deep West looking for allies.



Well guys, you have been reading faster than I have been writing of late. This is the last completed segment I have left, you have caught up to me. Fear not, though. I have the next five days off and plan on adding at least 50,000 words during that time.






Karusa didn't know how long they traveled, but the entire trip was terrifying. She didn't know what her brother had gotten into, but it was clearly more than he could handle. It was hard enough to believe that he would actually kill Brunley, but for him to be with Krue of all people was beyond belief. Just this morning, she had woken up facing a day of chores and preparing dinner so Brunley wouldn't be angry. Now, less than a few hours later, her brother was back, her husband had been beheaded in the street, and she was riding on one of the Krue's beasts with the massive arms of one of their brutes holding her in place.


She tried to process everything that had happened today, but she couldn't. At least she had time because it seemed they would be riding until dark to avoid pursuit. As horrifying as riding on these horned beasts was, she preferred that over being captured. Now that her husband was dead, they would certainly enslave her just as the Easterners promised when they arrived in Opeganeat.


After many hours of travel, they finally stopped near a stream to water their beasts and eat. The Krue she had been riding with helped her down. She hoped that he didn't notice the tremble in her hands as she took his gloved hand. When her feet hit the ground, she nearly collapsed. After sitting in such an awkward position for so long, her legs could hardly support herself.


Syler appeared next to her and helped her sit down. "It is okay, riding on hasuan takes some getting used to, especially if you aren't used to horses." Karusa had so many questions, but she didn't know where to start.


Syler sat down next to her and the two of them looked at the others preparing the camp for a few minutes. "I am sorry that I had to kill Brunley," he said. She didn't know how to respond to that, so she said nothing. "When I saw your face all bruised like that, I wanted the man who did it to you dead," he continued. "Elements forgive me, I wanted him to die. When he came up the street like he did with a weapon in his hand and friends at his back, I was glad because it gave me a chance to kill him without it being in cold blood."


He looked directly at her, "He came at me, Karusa, and he had a desire for blood in his eyes. I might have been able to end the fight without killing him, but I didn't want to. It didn't take a sage to figure out that he treated you horribly and I knew that was the one thing you feared the most. I swore that I would return and protect you, but I wasn't able to do so as I hoped. When he came at me, I swung my sword with all of my strength and killed him. I feared that if I hadn't, one day, he would have come back into our lives and caused trouble. Plus, he deserves it for treating you as he did."


Even though it was hard for her to grasp, Karusa had deduced as much. She knew of Brunley's temper and had seen him beat a man nearly to death simply for being kind to her. He was a possessive, abusive tagrol who deserved what he got, but it was still hard for her to believe that he was dead. When Syler didn't say anything, she realized he was expecting her to say something. "I understand, Syler, but I can't believe it. Every day, I woke up in terror and lived in fear of doing something wrong. I am not sad to see him go, but, it's just… I never thought of you as someone who could kill someone. Even when you went off to war, I didn't think you would do it."


"Things change," he said. When he continued, his voice was distant and reflective, "I have killed, I have seen people killed. I have had men following my orders die. I have changed, Karusa, and I don't yet know if it is for the better."


"What happened to you?" she asked. So many scenarios had flitted around her head, but none of them made sense. She had no idea how he could have left the young man that he was and returned with such people and done such things. He was different, so very different. She could see it in how he held himself and in his eyes. He was experienced and it had taken what was left of his youth away from him.


"Many things have happened. I will tell you everything in time. Right now, I don't want to overwhelm you too much."


"Where to start?"


He smiled and for a moment, he was the same Syler she knew coming back from a hard day's work in the smithy. "I am so happy that you are okay. For weeks, it was all I could do not to try to run and find you, but I couldn't. If I had done so, I would have been hunted down by the Easterners just like the others. Even if I could have evaded them, I wouldn't be able to offer you any sort of life as a fugitive."


"I thought you were dead," she said. There had been no news of him from the battlefront and so many had died. The only news they had received other than of the general surrender was that the Sandrin company had been in a bad part of the battle and lost many of its number. When there was no word from him, she despaired and gave up hope. It didn't matter when the Angvardi arrived and took all the unmarried women away because she was already resigned to a life of misery and hopelessness.


"No, I wasn't. I survived the battle and was taken to Kubei in the Kut lands. They wouldn't let us communicate with our family because they didn't want us to know where they were and be tempted to run away. The priests said that the Way was our family now."


"They said the same to us." She remained silent for a few seconds, then asked, "Where are we going?"


"We are going to Krue territory in the Subeleth Woods. I have friends there who will keep you safe."


"How do you have friends with the Krue?"


He smiled again and said, "It is a long story. Let me introduce you to the others, that is a good place to start." He stood up and offered her a hand. She took it and was glad that her legs had recovered enough to support her. He took her to where the others were resting and chatting among themselves in two different languages. Though they tried to conceal it, Karusa noticed that they were casting frequent glances her way.


"You already know my friend from in town, but let me introduce you to him properly. This is Lamastus, a man who has saved my life many times and whom I completely trust."


Lamastus gave her a courteous bow with a fist over his heart. She couldn't help but notice that it was an Angvardi gesture, but she didn't ask questions. With a smile, he said, "I am honored to have your acquaintance."


Syler rolled his eyes and pointed at the wild looking woman who had been riding with Lamastus. "This is Vekla Saekoris, a powerful sorceress who has sworn to protect and guide me with her life. She is definitely a woman you want on your side in any fight as her abilities are quite amazing, but don't take her gruff attitude personally, she is that way to everyone."


The woman's frown deepened, but she didn't say anything in response. She did offer a nod of acknowledgment, so Syler shrugged and moved on to the man whom she had been riding with. During their ride, he had said his name was Delmonor, but when she didn't respond, he didn't elaborate. As result, the rest of their journey had been conducted in silence. "This is Delmonor, apparently my personal bodyguard."


The man smiled, bowed his head, and said, "I stand by your side until my death."


"He had to have been a great warrior for Vekla to choose him for this mission. He is also the only one other than Vekla herself who speaks the Common Tongue. Remember that if you need anything because the others won't be able to understand you."


He pointed to the other three warriors in turn and said, "This is Gombel, Pastau, and Relwind. They may not say much, but they are proud and worthy warriors."


At last, he pointed to the woman whom he had been riding with. "This is Bronwyn, my wife, my other reason for living."


It was good to have him confirm it, but it was not a surprise. The way they had been riding on the journey, Karusa had suspected as much. The woman was beautiful and was strong and proud, exactly the type of woman that she had hoped he would end up with. There was something about her though, something that seemed strange.


Bronwyn smiled and said, "We are very glad to meet you at last, Karusa. Syler has worked very hard to be able to return to you."


Karusa smiled, but as she did, it hit her. Bronwyn's accent, it was familiar. "I am glad to meet you all and thank you for coming after me. I—I really wish that I could say something more, but it is all a little overwhelming."


"Let me take care of you," said Bronwyn as she extended her hand. "We need to get you all cleaned up while the others make something to eat." Something about her demeanor screamed out to Karusa that it was not a suggestion, so she looked hesitantly at her brother.


The corner of Syler's mouth lifted up, but otherwise he gave no other reaction and certainly not any alarm. Karusa didn't exactly feel comfortable leaving her brother's side, but she didn't have a choice. Clearly, Syler was the one in charge here and he didn't find anything suspicious about his wife. From what she had seen, the two did have at least an affection for each other, so he might have escaped the Angvardi's forced marriages after all and found a woman whom he was comfortable with. These were all strangers, and the origin of Bronwyn's accent was nagging her.


Bronwyn grabbed one of the blankets off of the saddlebag and started towards the stream. Not knowing what else to do, Karusa followed the other woman several yards away from the others and stopped next to the flowing water. Bronwyn pulled out a small rag and dipped into the cold waters. After wringing it out, she offered it to her. "Go ahead, clean your face off, you will feel much better."


"W-what is it that you wanted?" asked Karusa hesitantly.


Instead of getting angry or even trying to deny it, the other woman smiled. "I wanted to talk to you away from the eyes of the others. Here take the rag, you really should wipe the mud off of your face."

Karusa took the rag and slowly began to wipe her face. "What did you want to talk about?"


"I saw you weren't exactly comfortable being paraded around in front of the others. Syler may be good intentioned, but he sometimes misses the most obvious of things. Plus, I wanted you to know exactly how fortunate you are to have a brother that loves you."


Karusa drew back in surprise and blinked several times. She knew her brother loved her, he had taken care of her when Jarem had died leaving her a widow with no money or land. Bronwyn stared straight into her eyes in a disconcerting manner.


"Syler is a man who can become very focused on something to the exclusion of all else," Bronwyn said. "For the first two months that I knew him, he was entirely focused on working so he could get enough money to possibly return to you. It wasn't easy, Karusa, but he did it. Day after day, he tolerated the Angvardi snobs and their arrogant superiority because they paid more and offered the most jobs. At first, I resented you for that because I had no siblings and my parents were killed when the Haresu invaded. I wanted to know that somewhere out there, someone would be willing to work that hard to get back to me. Then, as I began to fall in love with him, I yearned for him to turn his focus onto me."


She paused and gazed back at where Syler was joking with Lamastus. Successfully rescuing Karusa and not losing any more of his friends had really lifted his mood. He hadn't smiled this much in days.

"Why are you telling me this?"


Bronwyn's eyes returned to her and Karusa noticed for the first time that they were green. "Because you need to know," she replied cryptically. "Let me finish, please. We were forced into a marriage by the Haresu, but he was a truly good and honorable man. He didn't even touch me in a sexual manner while we lived in Kubei, even though I offered myself. He was so consumed with his desire to return to you and his dislike of the Haresu that he didn't consider anything else. I think he refused to even consider me because I was someone the Haresu fostered upon him. I may have been some sort of symbol of their oppression and he wouldn't let himself love me."


A few things began to make sense now. Karusa could help but reflect on her own brutal "marriage" to Brunley. They had been paired up upon her arrival and that night, he had claimed her in the most humiliating and barbaric manner she could think of. Having been married before, she was no stranger to sexual relations, but with Brunley, it was something different. There was no love, passion in it, just brutality and a desire to dominate. He had denigrated her repeatedly and gloated over the fact that he, a Sua, was able to do that to her, a Sei. She had tried to bring this up to one of the Angvardi guards, but he refused to get involved. The priests had told Brunley to treat her better, but that night, he beat her into unconsciousness for daring to speak ill of him. Nothing was done for her after that and he forbade her from leaving the house. She was glad that her brother didn't behave in such a manner when presented with a beautiful wife of his own.


Another thing clicked as Bronwyn spoke. Her use of the word "Haresu" rang a bell and she remembered where she had heard the accent from. In Opeganeat, there had been a few that the Angvardi brought that spoke like her. Bronwyn was a Kuti, the most hated foes of the Sei other than perhaps the Sua. Karusa felt better for having placed her, but the knowledge didn't give her much comfort because she didn't trust Kuti.


"I tell you this so you know exactly how much Syler loves," continued Bronwyn, "No matter what happens in the future, you need to hold that close to your heart and never, ever forget it."


"Umm," she said, "thank you." She swallowed and asked, "What happened between you and Syler? You mentioned that he didn't love you, does he now?"


Bronwyn gave an embarrassed smile and replied, "It took my being captured by the Shalktra for him to realize that he loved me. I will never forget what he did next, but needless to say, he rescued me and did some amazing things in the process. I am sure he will tell you all about that. If not him, then Havert will when we get back to Thwrud."


Karusa's eyes widened, "Havert is still alive?"


"Yes, he is. He is also happily married and expecting a child of his own."


"Havert…a father? I wouldn't have expected that."


Bronwyn chuckled, "That is what Syler said when he found out."


"I can imagine."


"Here, we should try to wash your hair and get the grime out," suggested Bronwyn as she laid the blanket on the sandy shore of the stream. "Did your husband not allow you to wash?"


Karusa shook her head, "He didn't let me out of the house. That meant I could only wash if he brought back water, and he didn't look highly at doing 'woman's work.' The water he did bring back was for himself and for cooking."


"I am sorry, I didn't know," Bronwyn replied softly as she guided Karusa to lean back on the blanket and look up so her hair was dangling in the water.


"It isn't your fault."


"Well, from now on, you don't have to worry about that," Bronwyn said as she began to soak and rinse her hair. "Syler and I will look after you. When we get back to Thwrud, you will have a room of your own with a luxurious bed, plenty of clothes, and servants to get hot water for you."




"Yes, servants."


Karusa frowned and looked up at Bronwyn. "Whose servants?"


"Syler's," she said proudly. "He is the lord of Clan Thwrud, one of the Kruish clans."


Karusa was glad she was already laying down because if she hadn't been, she might have collapsed. "What!" she exclaimed in surprise.


"There is a lot you don't know about your brother. A lot none of us knew about him." While she cleaned and untangled Karusa's hair, Bronwyn proceeded to tell her some of what had happened since he left Sandrin. She didn't try to go into too much detail, but she had told Syler on their ride that she would help ease his sister into what he had become to hopefully avoid the awkward scenario of him trying to explain it himself. After her hair was washed and mostly combed out, Bronwyn went back to her pack to get an extra set of clothes. The two women were about the same size, so they should fit.


As she held the blanket up to provide some privacy for her sister-in-law to change, Bronwyn reflected on the kvastat she had seen while back in Kubei. In it, she had seen Syler betrayed by someone he loved dearly and it had broken him into pieces and crushed his spirit. She didn't know who it was that had betrayed him, but she couldn't imagine herself ever betraying the man she loved. The only other person she knew that Syler loved that much was his sister. Bronwyn feared that Karusa would somehow, knowingly or not, hurt Syler in a way that was unforgiveable and had tried to instill into the other woman just how much her brother loved her in the hopes that it would bring her closer to him. Bronwyn hadn't told Syler of that particular vision, but she would work her best to see that it never came to pass.

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Yeah, good update. I also liked seeing Bronwyn and Karusa. I feel like Karusa is not very personable, but I'm sure a part of that is because of the shock of the day. I'm sure she'll become more so as the story progresses and the shock wears off.


One thing...the following paragraph was confusing. I think you kept jumbling up your tenses. Take a look at it and see if you can clean it up. Otherwise, I'll make suggestions.


He looked directly at her, "He came at me, Karusa, and he had a desire for blood in his eyes. I might have been able to end the fight without killing him, but I didn't want to. It didn't take a sage to figure out that he treated you horribly and I knew that was the one thing you feared the most. I swore that I would return and protect you, but I wasn't able to do so as I hoped. When he came at me, I swung my sword with all of my strength and killed him. I feared that if I hadn't, one day, he would have come back into our lives and caused trouble. Plus, he deserves it for treating you as he did.


There goes Ami's reputation of being a peaceful, nice person.
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Brendo, they aren't home yet...


As for Karusa, yes, she is a little shocked and overwhelmed right now and doesn't know what is going on. Ami, imagine if you thought that Ian had died and China conquered America. Then, after almost three months, he comes back in full military gear riding attack helicopters with a bunch of Russian elite soldiers all calling him "sir" and a woman who is acting like his wife and takes you away. I think you would would be a little overwhelmed too. I know I would if the situation was reversed. She will chill out a bit and get used to things as time goes on.


As for the paragraph, the only tense change I saw was the very last sentence. If you have any suggestions, feel free to let them know because I am not seeing anything.


As for the next chapter, here we go. Time for some fun with dreams, refugees, Angvardi soldiers, Kruish lords/mages, sarcastic former guardsmen, and pissed off sorceresses.






Chapter 24


And in the last days, there shall arise a Master of Magic. He shall be guided by those around him as he battles the forces of Chaos. But one of those shall betray him, and his pain will be great.


— prophecy of Jaele Quri, 46 of the Second Age


Wilderness north of See Sei

Angvardi Province of Sei

Angvardi Empire


Someone was screaming for help.


Syler didn't know what was happening around him, it was all so confusing. Images were flashing around him yet he couldn't identify them. People's faces came and went, but he didn't know who they were. Sounds washed over him, but he could not discern them.


Someone was screaming for help, but none came.


Syler tried to move, but his body wouldn't follow his commands. He could see, but he couldn't act. He was paralyzed in this body, helpless to do anything.


Someone was screaming for help, but there was nothing he could do.


Syler could hear himself breathing heavily in a panic. Long, light brown hair fell into his face as somehow, without trying, he rolled over onto his stomach. Slowly, ever so slowly, he inched his way towards the screaming man, but to his horror, he had no control over what he was doing. His body was acting of its own accord.


Someone was screaming for help, and their voice was eerily familiar.


Syler looked at his hands as they were clawing at the ground trying to inch his body forward. Something was wrong about them. He couldn't will his body to look at them for more than a quick glance, so he wasn't quite sure.


Someone was screaming for help, and he could finally see them.


Syler's heart skipped a beat when finally saw who was screaming. It was him. He was looking at himself screaming. It made no sense, how could he be looking at himself screaming?


Syler was screaming for help, and then it finally made sense.


Syler wasn't Syler, but rather Bronwyn. He remembered now. This wasn't a dream, this was magic. He was seeing one of Bronwyn's visions. He was in her body seeing things through her eyes, and it was terrifying.


Words were spoken, but he couldn't decipher them. Syler, in Bronwyn's body, looked at Syler, the one screaming for help. He was covered in blood, but it wasn't his own. It was someone else's blood. The blood covered Syler was cradling someone in his lap. No matter how much he tried, the Syler in Bronwyn couldn't see who it was.


Blood and smoke and fire and screams swirled together into one hazy image before fading into the night.




Syler woke with a start, as did his wife beside him. She noticed that he woke because she turned around and whispered, "You had it too?"




"It was a kvastat."


"I figured as much. Any idea what it means?"


She shook her head, "No, I do not, but it didn't look good."


"No, it didn't. I don't like it one bit."


"I was able to identify you," she said as thought that was significant.


Syler frowned, "Yes, as was I. What does that mean?"


"I don't know, but the last time I saw you in a kvastat, it happened exactly as I had seen it."


"What did you see?"


"I saw you rescuing me from the cell in Kubei."


Syler sat up abruptly and looked out at their camp. After returning from their private conversation, Karusa and Bronwyn joined them for a brief dinner. It wasn't much, but it was all they had. By tomorrow, they would be in Krue territory and able to get food. They had talked by the small floating fire that Vekla summoned and shared a few stories. For her part, Karusa seemed to take it well. She certainly looked like she felt better now that at least a little of her was cleaned and she knew more of what was going on around her.


He had managed to briefly talk with her in private while the others were getting out bedrolls and smoothing out patches of ground to sleep on. He didn't get to say much, but he did get to tell her how much he loved her. Karusa just nodded and smiled before going to her own bed. Syler didn't know what that meant, but he decided not to prod. She was a very different woman from the one he knew back in Sandrin, but to be fair, so was he.


Bronwyn reached up and gently pulled him back down. "There is no need to wake the others," she whispered. "I normally have several kvasati before it actually occurs and have never seen something that happens sooner than a few days. Let them sleep, it has been a long day for us all." They hadn't gotten much sleep last night before being woken by Lamastus and this day had been full of riding.


"What if it was referring to a threat now? You yourself have said strange things happen to your visions when you are around me."


"Syler, love, how long have I been having kvasati? I know a few things about them that you don't yet know. Trust me on this, waking everyone up and setting off immediately will only make us all weaker and put us in even more danger."


"I suppose you are right," he admitted.


"Sro nua keezat?" Gombel's voice asked from the darkness. Syler hadn't heard him approach at all and had to stop his hand from reaching for his sword.


"He asked if we are okay," translated Bronwyn.


"We are, just a dream," Syler said.


"Pasu, iares sro," she said. The warrior nodded and resumed his patrol. "Now, it is cold and you have gone and sat up and let all the warmth escape."


Syler grinned in spite of his mood and reached around to pull her close to him.


* * * * *


Border of Krue Territory


"Who are they?" asked Syler.


Vekla craned her neck for a few moments, then said, "Kae haelait tresual, I do not know, but they should not be here."


They had been not a mile away from the Subeleth Woods and safety when they had spotted a group of people camped next to the edge of the woods. There were five or six large tents and another two dozen or so smaller ones. Vekla had immediately pronounced them foreigners because they were using horses, but had left it at that.


"Why not go around?" Bronwyn said from behind him.


"Yes, I think that is going to be best," agreed Syler.


"Lord Syler, riders to the south!" Delmonor called out as he pointed the direction of a cloud of dust rapidly closing on the group in front of them. That group began to race for their horses


Syler murmured to himself, "Oh, I don't like the look of this." He called out, "Let's go in a little closer to see what is going on."


"This is not our concern," said Vekla.


"I believe I am perfectly capable of deciding what is and is not my concern," Syler replied.


If she was offended at his tone, she didn't show it. "There could be danger below. Unnecessary danger. It is my purpose to guide you along what is the wise path, not to let you get involved in something that is not of our concern."


"I understand, Vekla, but that looks like an attack to me. Those people below are definitely not looking to welcome the newcomers and are panicking. I want to know what is going on and that is final."


The sorceress muttered a rather long string of Kruish words that caused Bronwyn stiffen. "Very well, my lord. Am I allowed to at least summon the nearest Kruish patrol?"


"Can you do that from here?"


She gave him a blank look before responding, "Yes, as long as they have one who can wield magic among them. Most patrols have at least a mage, so that is very likely."


"Oh. Then that would be fine," replied Syler.


"It never hurts to have reinforcements," quipped Lamastus from behind Vekla.


She rolled her eyes, but otherwise ignored him. "Allow me to cast the spell then." She jumped down and began drawing on the dirt with her finger while whispering in a tongue that didn't sound very Kruish to Syler. He didn't recognize the letters and they seemed to be more a complex pattern than words. After a minute, the dirt where she had drawn briefly glowed before fading away leaving smooth ground below.


"It is done," Vekla said as she got back on her hasuan. "Any Kruish magic wielder within many miles will be aware of my beckoning and come. I still think it is foolish to interfere."


"I think he knows that," said Lamastus. "I also think he is ignoring y—arrgh!"


"Silence, Angvardi," she replied as she jabbed him in the ribs with her elbows.


"Well, that was rude." Lamastus apparently didn't mind because he was grinning as he said it.


Syler ignored them both and focused on the group that was riding in rapidly. "They don't seem too large, but clearly, those who are encamped are terrified and are fleeing. Let's go!"


He spurred his hasuan into action and led the others toward the camp. They were closer and faster, but they wouldn't beat the others by much. Now that they were riding at a gallop instead of trotting along, they kicked up dust and those in the camp noticed their presence. The initial response appeared to be even greater panic, but when they saw that they were riding hasuan, they stopped and fell to their knees and began begging.


As they got close, Syler slowed his mount down and approached the people cautiously. They didn't appear to have any weapons, but that didn't mean they were no threat. Even if magic wouldn't work on him, it would on his friends and he didn't want to lose any more of them on this journey.


"Please, mighty Krue, spare us!" one of them was saying.


A woman on her knees with tears streaming down her eyes cried out, "Have mercy upon our souls, protect us from the Easterners!"


"Who are you?" Syler demanded.


"We are refugees from Angvardi cruelty just trying to survive," came one response.


"We hoped that being so close to your lands would dissuade them from coming after us, but they are brazen and their hatred is great," said another.


"Please spare us, we beg for your mercy."


Syler recognized some of the accents, but he knew at least a few were Sei like himself. This was what he was wanting. He had hoped that some would escape the Angvardi and seek shelter among the only remaining nation that hadn't been conquered. The Elements must be smiling upon him for them to happen upon this camp at this very time so he could make a stand and welcome the first of the refugees. "I am Syler Penion of Sandrin, Lord of Thwrud. You are all welcome in my lands, but first we must turn aside those who seek your blood."


The refugees exchanged looks with mixed feelings of confusion, disbelief, and hope. Syler didn't need to turn around to know that Vekla was probably frowning. She had not wanted any foreigners to be admitted, but had been forced to as part of his terms for playing her little game. He didn't care what she thought. He had agreed to fight and lead and this was how he choose to do it. If she didn't like it, she should have picked a different leader.


"There are so few of you!" one young woman shouted. "How are you going to stop so many?"


It was a fair question. He thought it best that they didn't know that he didn't know the answer to that. "We are Krue," was all the response he gave.


He led his friends a little away from the small crowd and waited for the others to arrive. "Bronwyn," he said, "I think it is best that you get off in case there is some fighting to be had. Same with you, Karusa. Both of you go with the refugees."


"If you think I am leaving you here—" Bronwyn started, but he cut her off with a raised finger.


"I won't take backtalk from Vekla, I am not going to take it from you right now either. We don't have time and I don't want you to get killed or to get anyone else killed by slowing down the hasuan or any of the warriors. Now, go." He was in no mood to argue, not with dozens of men riding straight at them.


Without another word, Bronwyn slid down from behind him and led Karusa back toward the camp leaving just Vekla and Lamastus the only ones doubled up. He didn't mind that as much because Lamastus could handle himself in a fight and might be able to protect Vekla from close up damage while she focused on spells. He didn't want to put him on foot anyway, not when this was going to be a mounted battle.


Syler's heart was beating rapidly as the horsemen grew closer and closer. Their Angvardi banners were now clearly visible waving behind a few of the lancers. They were coming from the south, so it wasn't likely that they were pursuit from Opeganeat or Sua Tles. At least Syler could rest knowing that it wasn't his actions that brought these men upon this camp.


"Vekla," he said as they reached a half mile, "could you do something that would get their attention but not harm them?"


"Pasu," she replied and began forming her spell.


When the horses reached a quarter mile, she unleashed a wall of flame directly in front of their hasuan and extended for twenty yards in both directions. It was close enough that the beasts shifted uneasily, but they were too well trained for battle to panic.


The incoming horsemen seemed to get the idea and slowed their charge. When they got within a hundred yards, they stopped and formed ranks. Now that they weren't clustered in a tight formation throwing dust up everywhere, Syler could get a rough count of them. There had to be at least fifty of them all in armor with various weapons. He didn't see any Shalktra crests and was glad for that. Shalktra tended to be far more violent and prone to fighting and he would rather there no be a fight today.


One of the horsemen wearing the gold trimmed armor of an officer urged his horse forward a little and called out "I am Lieutenant Jaclens of the Imperial Angvardi Army. I am tasked with bringing these deserters back to where they belong to answer for the abandonment of their oaths. This does not concern the Krue."


The name was vaguely familiar, but Syler couldn't place it. It didn't matter though, not now at least. "I am Lord Syler Penion of the Krue and I believe this does concern the Krue."


"These are Angvardi citizens who have abandoned their oaths and are not your concern."


Syler smiled, "On the contrary, they are individuals wanting to live free of Angvardi oppression and, as one who shares their sentiments, I have granted them safe passage to Thwrud. They are under my protection."


"You have no right!" protested Jaclens.


"As lord of Thwrud, I have every right. And you, lieutenant, are perilously close to Krue Territory. So close, in fact, that one could even go as far as to say you are close enough to be considered a threat. Leave now and stay away from the Subeleth and none of yours will be harmed."


"You have six with you, I have fifty," Jaclens sneered. "You aren't the only one with a wielder of magic, either. I have no quarrel with the Krue, but if you stand in my way, I will attack."


"Lieutenant," Lamastus called out, "you would attack a Kruish lord over a few peasants? Are you completely insane?"


"Who are you?"


"I am former Guardsman Lamastus stationed at Kubei. Even a lowly guardsman like me knows better than to attack a Kruish lord. Once you do that, they all will come after you."


"You were in the Imperial Army? You are a traitor! You will be coming with us to face your executioner."


Syler sighed and ribbed the bridge of his nose, "That didn't help much, Lamastus."


The Angvardi smiled at him and said, "Of course not, but it got him angry and delayed any action."


"Totores gakrell," said Vekla and Syler didn't think it was exactly a compliment.


"Hey, what more do we have to lose?" Lamastus replied. "The lieutenant isn't going to budge and now he is more angry at me than he is at you."


Jaclens, who couldn't hear their conversation at that distance, shouted, "Surrender the traitor and I will spare your lives and allow the rest of you to return to your forest unharmed."

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Ditto. This could get ugly. I don't think the Angvardi are going to be intimidated away.


He looked directly at her, "He came at me, Karusa, and he had a desire for blood in his eyes. I might have been able to end the fight without killing him, but I didn't want to. It didn't take a sage to figure out that he treated you horribly and I knew that was the one thing you feared the most. I swore that I would return and protect you, but I wasn't able to do so as I hoped. When he came at me, I swung my sword with all of my strength and killed him. I feared that if I didn't, one day, he would come back into our lives and cause trouble. Plus, he deserves it for treating you as he did.


It's just really that one line where the tense didn't match. I changed it in the quote so you can see it.


There goes Ami's reputation of being a peaceful, nice person.
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Hmmm, Ami. I guess I am not seeing an issue as it is in the past tense (feared) describing how he felt at that moment (didn't). That is how I talk and it may be wrong, but I don't see it.




"No," Syler said. "You cannot have him. Attack us if you must, but in doing so, you will be making war on all of the Krue."


They couldn't see the lieutenant's expression at that distance, but he did nod and turned around to rejoin his men. For a moment, Syler thought that he might be withdrawing, but then all of the horsemen unsheathed swords or lowered lances. "Looks like we are in for a fight," he said. The Krue were good warriors, but he didn't think they could handle these odds even with Vekla. "Try to lead them into the forest and away from the refugees."


"They will divide their forces and attack both," said Delmonor.


"Then at least we may have a chance to take them piecemeal instead of all at once," Syler countered.


"No need, my friends," Lamastus said with glee. "Reinforcements have arrived."


Before Syler could see what he was talking about, a haunting horn blew from the direction of the forest. It was the same horn that Vekla's patrol had used when they first encountered her during their flight from the Shalktra. Emerging from the forest was not a simple patrol like what she had commanded, but an entire company numbering in the hundreds. It was far more than even he had hoped for.


The size of the force apparently surprised even Vekla because she said, "What are so many doing here?"


"I don't care," replied Syler. "All I care about is that they are here."


Jaclens saw the other Krue and reacted immediately. He ordered his men to retreat and began to flee back the way they came as quickly as possible. The majority of the Kruish company immediately began charging after them while the rest started toward Syler and the others. A few broke into groups of five and surrounded the camp, but didn't do anything further.


Vekla snorted in derision. "It won't do them any good, they have challenged the Krue, they will all have to die. They can't run on their pathetic horses."


"What?" asked Syler. "Why would the Krue feel the need to follow them? They are no longer a threat."


Vekla glared at him, "They are Angvardi, they are always a threat. The fifty there will die easily, far easier than if they were part of a larger army."


"We aren't at war, there is no honor in simply killing them."


"There is always honor in killing threats to the People," she replied. "It is our way and it is why we are so feared."


Syler didn't like it, but he was not going to challenge someone leading hundreds of warriors. What Vekla said might not be agreeable, but it was true. Nobody messed with the Krue. The Kuti and the Sei knew this and abode by it. Even those not directly bordering them like the Sua, Kosh, and Gope steered clear of the forest and any Krue patrols. If anyone did, the Krue simply wiped them out. That was how the Krue kept their woods safe and stayed out of the constant cycle of wars and raids and conquests that plagued the other kingdoms.


A couple dozen Kruish warriors rode up in front of Syler and stopped while the others gave chase to the Angvardi. One of them, a massively built man who looked to be in his forties. He was the first Krue Syler had seen with any facial hair, and that was only a small, well trimmed goatee that was beginning to grey a little.


He addressed them in Kruish to which Syler simply shrugged and pointed over at Vekla. That clearly angered the man because his next words were filled with considerably more anger. She replied in an equally acidic tone and crossed her arms beneath her breasts in defiance.


After a short exchange, he looked back at Syler and angrily said, "Am Lord Maveris of Clan Larossi. Who you be?"


"I am Lord Syler of Clan Thwrud. Thank you for heeding our call."


"Thank no, you anger great," the man replied with a frown. "We watch eka many days, wait for Haresu to rambelt the Haresu antoretezu. You break up and anger great all Krueis."


Syler wasn't quite following him, so he looked at Vekla. "He is not happy with you at all. He and his men have been watching the Angvardi's slaves, the refugees, and were hoping that the two would kill each other when we interfered."


"Now iares rambelt the antoretezu. You watch, say nothing."


Vekla's eyes widened slightly and she hastily translated that. "They are going to kill the refugees."


"By Chaos' flames they are," Syler said. He glared at Lord Maveris and said slowly and clearly, "They are all under my protection, my hospitality. If you touch them, I will kill you myself."


The look on Maveris' face told Syler that he didn't quite understand that all. Vekla paled and quickly said something in Kruish. His cheeks grew red and he leaned forward in his saddle. "You claim dolothmorin! Not nua strength enough!"


"Syler, be very careful," Vekla warned. She spoke rapidly so Maveris wouldn't be able to understand. "Be glad that he didn't understand all of what you said because otherwise he would have accepted your challenge and fought you to the death."


Lamastus chuckled and said sarcastically, "Then he might be lord over two cla—" This time, Vekla didn't just elbow him to keep him silent. Instead, she spoke a single word and the air went out of his lungs leaving him gasping for air with his hands over his throat.


Syler shook his head in disdain over the Krue's temperamental views regarding their honor and challenging and for Lamastus' antics. Normally, he enjoyed the Angvardi's dry humor and sarcastic quips, but this wasn't the time. "What did he say just now?" he asked Vekla.


"He is surprised you are claiming dolothmorin, sanctuary for these and doesn't believe you have the strength to enforce it. He is right, we don't have the strength to support our claim."


Syler frowned and pondered his situation. Even if he wanted, he couldn't let the warriors kill the refugees because his wife and sister were among them. He could hear the blood pumping in his ears as he thought of what to do next.


"Vekla, he has mages with him, right?"


"No lord would travel without some. He would probably have one or two of them with him now."


"What do you think he would do if he saw me shrug off magic attacks from them just as I did with you? Do all of your people know of the prophecies, or was it just you?"


She paused before replying, "All would know of them, but not all learned as much as I did because that wasn't their path."


"Excellent, then," he said while slowly clapping his hands as if to shake off the dust in his gloves. He looked straight at Maveris and said, "I accept your challenge. All of your magic wielders versus me until one side yields."


"Syler," hissed Vekla, "you don't want to do this."


"Yes, I do. Translate that exactly as I said it, just in case he didn't understand it all."


"You are i'atroph, insane." She clearly disagreed with him, but she did as she was commanded and translated what he said to the other lord.


Maveris was not entirely ignorant of the Common Tongue and could tell a challenge when he received it. As soon as he heard Vekla's translation, a smile blossomed on his face. "You are a totores gakrell to challenge I. I accept challenge." He rode back to his men and waited there.


"Well then, this should be fun," Lamastus, who had apparently recovered from whatever Vekla did to him, said quietly.


"Let's just get this over with quickly," Syler said. It shouldn't be a big deal, he didn't have to kill anyone, not like he had to with Avenil. It should be a simple matter of inspiring awe into one of them by showing him the futility of his attacks. At worst, he might have to walk up and get in the magic wielder's face with his sword.


He got down and started checking to make sure everything was free and loose and that his armor hadn't gotten stuck or snagged on something. Everything seemed fine, except that there was nobody getting down to face him.


"Umm, Vekla, what is going on?" he asked hesitantly.


She replied curtly, "They are waiting for the rest of the company to return."


"Oh," he said. After a few more seconds, he again asked, "Why do they need the rest of the company to return? Is it to watch the duel?"


"No, you gakrell," she seemed rather angry at him, even more than usual. "They are waiting for the rest of the company to return so that all of his wielders of magic could face you."


Syler froze where he was standing. Something didn't sound right. "What do you mean, 'all?'"


"In a force that size, there could be a dozen mages or more. Krue like to have many magic wielders among their patrols and scouting companies. We have vast armies within our borders, but for the patrols, we want them to have more than the usual number of mages so they are more powerful and able to hear summons when there is danger spotted."


"That is fine and all," Syler replied, "but what was this about facing all of them at once?"


She snorted in disgust, "You said that you would face all of his wielders of magic. That meant all of those under his command."


"Yea, but you said they only had one or two mages with them."


"I did, but I was referring to the men with Lord Maveris. You were the one who said you would face all of his mages, not just those who were with him at this time."


This was a problem. "Umm, why didn't you say something?"


Vekla rolled her eyes, "I did try to say something, but you didn't listen. What good am I as your Guide if you don't listen to my advice?"


She had a point this time, and Syler knew it, but that wasn't always the case. He knew she might know some things better than he, but she didn't think like him. Yes, this time, he probably would have done well to take her advice, but something told him that her comment wasn't just referring to today. "I am sorry. I know you are knowledgeable when it comes to the Krue, and I should have listened to you now, but I can't always take your advice because you don't always think with your heart."


"What does that mean?"


"You tend to be too calculating, too quick to do what is expedient without letting emotions factor in. You would have let all of those people in that camp die without a second thought even when it was within our power to save them simply because you saw no value in a bunch of refugees. You would sacrifice any number of people just to save me, and I am not sure that is what I want. If there were a battle and we were losing, you would rather sacrifice a thousand men than lose me."


"Of course, you are the Majiyae Oretezu," she replied. "Without you, we are all doomed."


"I don't know that, you don't know that. You might believe it, but nobody knows that for sure, not even the immortals. Who said my life was worth a thousand others? I certainly didn't. Look at this situation right now. I have made a stupid blunder, yet you all are standing behind me ready to die for me. Why? Why am I so damned valuable that it is worth your lives?"


"You are the salvat—" she started to say.


"There you go again, you aren't thinking, you are reciting. You have it so ingrained in your head that those old sayings and stories are right that you would be willing to sacrifice everything for it, even your right to think and feel. I don't even know if you feel anything anymore, you just sit back and brood and sulk all the time. It is as if you don't care about anything except your duty and keeping me safe at all costs."


"What makes you say that?" her voice was dangerously low.


"Look at you! You don't socialize with the others in camp. You rarely speak to anyone about anything unless it is business. You don't show emotion at all other than anger. You don't let anything cause you to deviate from your perception of your 'path.' Even when I killed your father right in front of your eyes, you just walked up to me as though nothing happened and did your duty. A normal person would have at least shed a tear or held some resentment toward me, but not you. You felt nothing."


The speed in which she managed to go from sitting comfortably in front of Lamastus to having her face an inch away from his was astonishing. There was definitely anger in her eyes and scrawled all over her face as she stared into his eyes at an uncomfortably close distance. It was about that time that Syler realized that she didn't need magic to kill him, not when her knife was within reach.


"I do feel, Syler Penion of Sandrin," she said through teeth so tightly clenched that she could have probably bent iron if he put a piece between them. "Just because I do not show my every feeling and emotion like you and your kind do doesn't mean I don't feel or have dreams or desires."


Syler swallowed hard, but she wasn't finished. "Do not think that I would not have liked to turn you into nothing but a pile of ash after you killed my father. My blood boiled at the very thought of having to pledge myself to you even while the dust was settling on his body. It took every ounce of discipline that I possessed to do what was required of me." Now, for the first time since he met her, he could see the hurt and pain that was contained within her. She had emotions, but he had just not seen them before.


"I am a Krue, and the Krue value discipline and sacrifice to the clan above all else. It is in my blood, it is in my heritage, it is in my very soul. I do not have the luxury of allowing my every emotion to guide me because if I do, then the world will be lost. You are the Majiyae Oretezu and my lord, I will follow your commands and tolerate your whims, but it is not because I enjoy doing it. It is my purpose, my path, and I could no more turn from it than you could kill your woman and sister." She stomped off in a rage that was only barely contained and left Syler with the others to ponder what she said.


"Ohhh, my friend," Lamastus said from up on the hasuan. "That was not a good move."


"Probably not," he admitted. "But it had to be said."


"No, Syler. I don't think it did, and especially not in front of the rest of us." He perked up a little and said, "But look on the bright side."


"What bright side?"


"I think the rest of the company is finished with the Angvardi and are returning to take up your ill conceived challenge. And, as an extra bonus, if you die, you don't have to apologize to Vekla when she returns."


"Thanks for that, Lamastus," he replied sarcastically. "You are a great friend."

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Just a little teaser for next chapter (which I just wrote): we get to have fun with a demon with extraordinary power that plasters poor Syler.


The flames caused his [syler's] skin to bubble up and burst making him to cry out in pain. The monster brought him close to its head and seemed to study him even while his skin blistered and split open. The strength of its grip snapped his ribs, tearing up his insides and making it hard to breathe.
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Nice chapter. I also liked the discussion between Syler and Vekla, although I agree with Lamastus that this probably was not the right time or place for that conversation.


As for the paragraph before, it's not horribly wrong, it just stands out to me as a bit awkward in its wording because of the time of the action he is referring to as compared with the time he is saying it. But whatever. *shrugs* It's your decision.


One of them, a massively built man who looked to be in his forties.


Fragment. You need a verb in this sentence.


"You are the salvat—" she started to say


If she's trying to say 'salvation', then I would cut the word off either after the second a or add an i at the end. Otherwise, I assume she's saying a foreign word, and it was a touch strange.


That was all I saw in this chapter, except for noticing that you're one of the people who uses 'abode' verses 'abided'. Both are linguistically accurate, but that is an amusing linguistic change that's been taking place in our language for the past few years, so I automatically noticed it. Tee hee.




There goes Ami's reputation of being a peaceful, nice person.
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Oh yea, my bad on the fragment, that is fixed with some added detail about Maveris.


In the actual document, all foreign words are italicized, so that would help prevent you from thinking the word Vekla says is foreign. Still, I will add an "i" to it because yes, she is trying to say "salvation" but is cut off.


And yes, I love the word "abode." I hate that word "abided" because it isn't a true word, but a pale, modernized attempt at making it easier for uneducated who can't remember to change the "i" to an "o" to make it past tense.



Alright, the next chapter is going to be posted all in one sitting. It is a little shorter than the average chapter, but it is longer than what I normally post in here. It is pretty much one huge action piece with only the smallest amount of dialogue. We get to play with our first demon (creature of Chaos) and see a glimpse into what could happen should Syler go all evil instead of remain good.







Chapter 25


In gratitude for the safe arrival of His Royal Majesty's wife, Empress Celienna II, to our glorious city, there shall be three days of feasting and revelry throughout the city.


— royal proclamation from King Rael


Border of Krue Territory


There were fourteen men arrayed in a semicircle standing across from him about fifty yards away. Eight in front formed a sort of front line while another five made a circle around the last. Syler had his sword drawn and was as ready as he could be to face them, but he wasn't confident. He had tested his resistance to magic against single individuals, but had no idea if the combined attacks of fourteen of them—including one full blooded wizard—would overwhelm whatever made him immune to magic.


Since there was no way to set up magic wards around them on such short notice, they were away from everyone else by a good two hundred and fifty yards or more. Nobody wanted to be near a large display of magic. There was nothing but wide open fields all around them.


They looked confident, and he didn't blame them. One man versus fourteen looked pretty one sided. He was counting on his immunity to magic to carry the day, but if he was wrong, he would be in for a world of hurt. He was infinitely glad he had specified that this was until one side yielded and not to the death. At least he had done one thing right today.


He bowed his head and began to focus on the battle that was coming. If they didn't yield, he was going to have to deal with them one at a time. He needed to be prepared for that just like he was back in the secluded courtyard behind Lord Avenil's estate. After wearing it for several days, he knew there was something about this armor. When he listened quietly, it sang with magic and strength. He wasn't sure what type of magic it was, but he had found that if he relaxed and focused just right, he could draw upon it just as he did with Bronwyn's visions. It took a little bit of preparation, but when he relied on it, it almost felt as though he was a whole different person.


When he was finished, he slowly looked up and smiled. "Whenever you are ready," he said with a beckoning gesture just in case they didn't understand him.


As one, they sprang into action. Syler didn't know what they were doing, but he did see four of them splay out their hands and cause the grass to ripple in a path straight for him. He braced himself on instinct, but the mighty wind they conjured passed him without so much as stirring a single hair. The next four decided to up the ante by hurling fire at him, but to no more effect than the first attack.


He smiled at their temporary confusion and broke into a run at them. He didn't stop as flames and lightning engulfed him and the ground shook with the power being poured into it. It appeared that he was able to deal with magic even from four different mages launching coordinated attacks. The distance between them narrowed as he continued to run. They tried to back up some, but they were not going to outpace him.


When it became clear that their measured, controlled attacks were useless, they began frantically unleash spell after spell at him. Syler just kept going at a full run and was upon the first in seconds. The mage tried to scramble for his knife, but Syler hit him in the head with the flat of his sword before he could get it free and he dropped like a stone.


He didn't pause before attacking the second one. He ducked a hasty punch and used the pommel of his sword to bash the man in the temple. He hoped that it didn't kill the man, but he didn't have time to make sure, not when there were twelve others to deal with. The last two of the first quartet came at him with knives ready. Using skill and speed he didn't even know he had, Syler blocked blow after blow until he found an opening to slam his armored forearm into their head.


The next four were going to be more difficult because they came in at him all at once. He fended off their attacks and was doing well until one of them managed to jump on his back. Before the mage could get a good rip or put his knife into play, Syler threw himself backward and landed bodily on him driving the air out of his lungs. Syler jerked his head back and bashed the man in the face. The other three closed in trying to take him down without using lethal power.


One of the mages tried to grab his sword and received a boot to the kidneys for his trouble. The other two dove on top of him trying to keep him down. Syler managed to get one man into a choke hold with his free arm and held on despite their attempts to hit him. With his armor on and them not wearing gauntlets, the only place they could really do damage was his head. To protect himself, he buried his face in the neck and shoulder of the man he was choking.


He knew he needed to get back on his feet or he was doomed by sheer weight. He endured a few blows to the back of the head, but none were enough to do anything more than motivate him. At last, the man sagged in his arms and struggled no more. He released the unconscious mage and took a weak swing at one of the others who was attacking him. He connected with the man's forearm and did little damage, but now there were only two to deal with.


The man who had first tried to get his sword made another go at it. This time, Syler hit him in the face with the hardened steel of the guard and heard his jaw snap. He was out of the fight, but the man who had first jumped him was back up and managed to knee him in the face.


Syler saw stars as he reacted without thinking and swung his fist blindly. The attack missed, but it forced the man to check his advance. The second man managed to pry away his sword while Syler tried to recover.


For the first time in several long seconds, nobody was on top of him. There were two men still facing him, but this had turned into a brawl instead of a sword fight and that was just fine with Syler. He had the heavier armor, steel tipped boots, and the gauntleted hands, they just had their bare fists and light boots.


He got on his hands and knees as the other two charged him again. One kicked him in the chest, but it did fairly little damage. The other took a swing at him with the hilt of his own sword. Syler dropped to the ground and managed to avoid that attack. He quickly rolled over and kicked the first in the back of the leg causing him to crumple down on beside him. Without hesitation, Syler brought his elbow down on the back of the man's head.


One left, but he now had Syler's sword and was using it like a club to hit him with the flat of the blade. Syler managed to get his forearm up to block the blow, but it still hurt. As the man pulled back to attack again, Syler twisted his legs in the other man's and pulled him down. He followed up by jumping on top of him and punching the man's kidneys as hard as he could. The mage grunted in pain and managed to hit Syler in the nose with his forearm. The sound of crunching bone filled his ears and blood sprayed over the mage. Syler ignored the pain and punched the man in the temple as hard as he could and it was over.


He grabbed his sword and stumbled to his feet surrounded by the bodies of eight mages. Some of them were groaning in pain, others weren't moving. He hoped that none of them were dead, but he couldn't guarantee that. He wiped the blood off of his face and gingerly probed his broken nose.


It was about that time that he remembered the other six. They had not chosen to attack him physically, but had used the time bought for them by their eight companions to prepare some sort of spell. With five mages standing at equidistant intervals around the wizard, they were able to combine their powers into him. The area around them was glowing and swirling with energy that Syler didn't recognize. It didn't seem like lightning or a shield, but something different.


He didn't like what he saw and took several steps backwards. He didn't get far before a massive thunderclap erupted over head and the sky began to darken. Dark, foreboding clouds formed above and the wind began to swirl around the field. "This can't be good," Syler said to himself.


And it wasn't.


There was the sound of tearing fabric and a flash of blinding light, then Syler saw his new challenge. A figure, completely enshrouded in smokeless blue flames, appeared on the battlefield. It stood well over three yards tall and was solidly built. Underneath the flames, its skin seemed to be made of glossy ink that rippled like a pool of quicksilver that had been disturbed by a stone. Sparks of arcane energy crackled over its body and light seemed to fade away around it.


Syler had only heard of Skryia before, but had never seen one. Summoning such a thing was incredibly dangerous as such creatures were never fully controllable. It took the most powerful of wizards to be able to summon them. They had the tendency to unleash destruction on everyone, friend and foe, so they were rarely used in battles.


Why this wizard had chosen to unleash such a horrific monster was beyond Syler's comprehension. This Skryia had the capability of not only destroying those on this battlefield, but the others who were watching as well. Somehow, Syler didn't think that he would be quite so immune to this creature as he was normal magic.


He gripped his sword tightly and took a few cautious steps farther away from the downed mages. He didn't want them being killed by this beast if he could at all help it. The movement attracted the Skryia's attention and it let out a roar that sounded unlike any animal he had heard before. His ears picked up the sound of chains jangling together as the Skryia began to move toward him.


Syler was sweating now in nervousness and fear. He had no idea how to defeat one of these creatures. Perhaps Vekla with her magic could, but she was nowhere near. He might be immune to magical attacks, but he couldn't weave it into spells of his own. If he was lucky, he might be able to reflect a spell, but he wasn't even sure if a lightning bolt or fireball or even a strong burst of wind would harm a Skryia.


Maybe a sword would have some effect, though he doubted it. The Skryia continued walking toward him as he tried to steel himself for an attack. He breathed in deeply and let it out slowly and tried to envision his fears leaving with it. It didn't work so well. He thought instead of Bronwyn and Karusa and Havert and Alltis and Lamastus. He let their faces remind him that he couldn't simply die like this. He had things to live for and he would prevail.


He wanted to dwell on their memories longer, but he had no time. The Skryia was just yards away. He gritted his teeth and charged forward. He dodged the fiery fist that lashed out at him and managed to swing his sword straight through its middle in the hopes that might finish this.


It didn't.


He finished his swing and heard the sizzle of metal before something hit him from the side and sent him flying yards into the air and across the field. He lost his grip on his sword and barely managed to get his arms up to prevent him from landing face first in the grass. When he rolled back over, he saw that the Skryia was unhurt by his attack. He looked for his sword and frowned when he spotted it laying a few yards off to his side. Where it had come into contact with the monster, it had simply melted. Now, all that he had was half a sword with a blunt tip that was still glowing white hot where the rest had melted away. His own sword had no affect on the Skryia, so that meant he still had no way to fight it.


"Well, that worked out just great."


With a grating noise that Syler figured was a laugh, the Skryia started for him once more at a steady, confident pace. Syler scrambled to his feet and tried to figure out what he could do. He had no weapon and no idea of what it would take to destroy this monster. He watched helplessly as it unleashed blue fire against the eight mages leaving nothing but scorched ground and charred skeletons behind. It then turned its attention back to him and sent that same blue fire his way.


Syler couldn't have dodged it if he tried, but fortunately for him, it had the same effect as the mage's fire did: none. "So," he said aloud, "your physical body can harm me, but your spells can't."


The Skryia paused after seeing its target unscathed by its fire. Though it had no discernable features on the lump that appeared to be its head, Syler thought it looked a bit confused. Its inky skin seemed to ripple from multiple points as though it was being pelted with invisible stones. It stood there for a few seconds contemplating what to do next and gave Syler a little more time to figure out what to do.


He didn't have much time because, with another unnatural, gurgling cry, the Skryia ran at him. Syler tried to get out of the way, but he wasn't fast enough. The monster hurled him into the air once more. He landed on his back and had the wind knocked out of him. He was gasping for breath when the monster kicked him another few yards.


As the Skryia approached him for another attack, Syler threw a stone at it. The stone hit its skin and sounded like he had thrown it into mud. The stone stuck there in its inky skin for a few moments, then slowly slid down. The monster didn't even pause, but just kept coming. This time, it pounded him into the ground, denting his armor and once again knocking the air out of his lungs.


Before he could catch his breath, the Skryia grabbed him and picked him up off the ground. His breath came out in haggard gasps that sent pain shooting up his ribcage with each heave. The flames caused his skin to bubble up and burst making him to cry out in pain. The monster brought him close to its head and seemed to study him with its inky features even while his skin blistered and split open. The strength of its grip snapped his ribs, tearing up his insides and making it hard to breathe.


He was dying and he knew it. Despite the icy blue light of the flames that were burning him, the world began to turn red. It was more powerful than he was, but he was determined to live. He wouldn't idly stand by as it killed him, he had fought too much to do that. He had only just embraced the love of his life and wanted to be able to grow old with her. It was only yesterday that he had rescued his sister and fulfilled that most important of oaths.


Just as he would not allow Bronwyn to die of the spell, so would he not allow himself to die at the hands of this monster. He was fighting for the lives of those innocent refugees whose only crime was to want freedom from Angvardi domination. It helped that his wife and sister were currently among those slated for death by an unyielding Kruish lord. He wouldn't let them die, not if he could help it.


For the third time in his life, he embraced the red anger and let it take control of him. He used the pain of his flesh burning to push him closer and closer to the white. Vekla said that the Krue called it something along the lines of the fury for another. Right now, that was exactly what he was feeling and embracing. The red covering his vision reached a critical moment and exploded into pure, blinding white.


Syler opened his eyes once more and smiled at the Skryia through what little remained of his lips. It stared back at him with its eyeless gaze for a few moments. Then the screaming started.


If the roar it had made when attacking him was blood curdling, then its death screams were enough to freeze any normal man's blood solid. Syler couldn't hear it because his ears had been burned off and made useless, but all who were within miles around could. The Skryia tried to throw him, but it couldn't because he was not so much stuck to it as he was a part of it now. His body had merged in with the beast and was now absorbing it into his own just like a spell.


Skryia were, ultimately, creatures of magic and Syler was the Master of Magic. It was within his power to take and mold any spell sent against him, but that was not all. He was capable of commanding and controlling anything that was of magic, including the demonic forces that made up the Skryia. The monsters did have a component of physical matter to them and that was what burned, but they were held together by magic and relied on it for survival.


That magic was what Syler was now absorbing into himself. He was drawing the Skryia's own life energies away from it and into himself and in the process, was killing the monster itself. He stared at the monster's lump of a face with dispassionate, pure white eyes as it died. He wasn't sure how he did it, he just did it. Instinct and inherent power were what drove him to react as he did and he was perfectly happy with the results.


The power he absorbed was tremendous, beyond anything he had ever felt before. His body began to heal itself and repair the damage that had been done to it just moments before. His broken ribs snapped back into place and solidified. His burned skin and muscles regenerated. The pain vanished into nothing.


With the power he now wielded, he could stretch out his hand and destroy the six who had summoned the Skryia. He could think a single thought and the gathered Krue warriors would burn in flames. He could make the arrogant Lord Maveris tremble at his feet before he turned him into ash. It was all within his power now, and he loved it. All of the power, the might, the terror that the Skryia once commanded was his.


Even as the Skryia shrunk into nothingness around him, he kept absorbing power. Eventually, the last of the monster faded into Chaos and he was left hovering in the air, surrounded by blue flames and laughing in devilish delight. With a gesture of his hand, the ground around him exploded with blue fire. He made a circular motion with his other hand and the fire began to swirl around him and envelop him in a bubble of destruction. His white eyes settled upon the foolish wizard and his five remaining allies and he pulled his hand back in preparation to send the flames to consume them.


"No Syler! This is not who you are."


The voice so startled him, that he paused from his destructive rage and looked for its source. A figure emerged unscathed through the flame and chaos to stand before him. Like him, she was hovering several feet off the ground. Despite his blinded rage, he knew who she was.


"Syler," Suella said, "you must let go of the power otherwise it will consume you."


"No," he said with a smirk. "I like it."


"Mortals were not meant to have such power, you cannot sustain it. You need to let it go before it corrupts your soul and destroys your body."


"If I wasn't meant to have it, then why was I able to take it?"


She looked down in sorrow, "The abilities that were given to you are great, Syler. They are perhaps greater than even the Immortals knew. We are not perfect, but that doesn't mean I am wrong. The Skryia is a malevolent demonic force that has no purpose but destruction. If you hold on to its power, it will consume you and you will destroy all that you love."


"You think so little of me, Suella," Syler replied haughtily. His lips pulled back in a sneer as he continued, "I can control it just as I am now. I feel better than I ever have."


"No, that is the demonic influence talking. If you do not act quickly, it will be too late for you and it will have a permanent hold on your soul."


"Leave me alone!" Syler screamed.


"I cannot, for your sake," she replied sadly. "I had hoped you would not make me do this, but we underestimated the affect upon you."


She reached out and touched his forehead and the memories began to resurface. Syler gasped as he saw his parents, his childhood friends, and his new friends. He saw his life flashing before his eyes and everyone that meant anything to him. These were happy memories of people he loved.


Then things changed. Now, he saw all of them mourning for him. Bronwyn had tears in her eyes as she wept over his lost soul. Karusa could sat in a dark room in abject despair. Havert, looking haggard and with bloodshot eyes, tried in vain to console a sobbing Alltis. Vekla stood with grim determination on her blood soaked face even as she struggled to remain on her feet.


Syler was confused, he did not know what was happening. Why would they mourn as such, what would cause this? Then, Suella showed him the answer.


It was him. He now saw a desiccated, tormented version of himself raining fire upon village after village. Minions of evil, demonic creatures, and impure creatures were his to command. Wielders of magic could not stand against him. Their magical gift only strengthened him as he consumed it to fuel his purge. Armies fell before his feet in burning ash. The guilty, the innocent, the evil, the good, all of them fell before his unquenchable wrath. His soul was gone, corrupted and perverted beyond all recognition. He was the instrument of Chaos, of the Coming Darkness. Instead of saving the world, he destroyed it in fire and ruin.


The last thing he saw was himself turning on those he loved. Without mercy, he consumed each and every one of them in his wrath until there was nothing left. He was the last living thing standing. And he despaired for he was alone.


"NO!" he shouted.


"Yes, Syler," Suella said. "That is what will happen if you continue down this path. You can either save or destroy this world, and as this world fares, so does the Immortal Realm."


He understood now what danger he was facing. It wasn't the Skryia that had been his true foe, it was himself. He had to control his power or it would consume him and everything he loved. What point was there to living if he had nobody to live with? How could he live with himself if he had destroyed so many countless innocent lives?


This power, as good as it felt, came with a hidden price. The power that he took from the monster was not the threat, it was the malevolent force behind it. If he kept it, if he didn't relinquish it, the demonic influence would consume him. He could already feel it happening to him. He didn't care about the lives of the six who summoned this. He was just about to kill them simply because he could. Then, he would turn his power on the company of warriors that were watching them. How much longer until he used his powers to destroy Bronwyn or Karusa or any of his other friends?


As much as he wanted to keep the power he had, he knew now that he couldn't. As the Element had said, it would consume him and destroy his very soul. He would become the very monster he had fought. He had to give the power up for not just his own self, but for everyone's sake. The power was attached to the rage that he had given into. He had to let it go and when he did, the hold that the evil had on him would go with it.


He closed his eyes and the fury that had given him power began to leave him. Bit by bit, he could feel the intoxicating power dissipating and his old self returning. Suella watched over him with a smile as he slowly sank to the ground and the flames that covered him died out. As the last of the power was released, she faded away into nothingness.


Syler opened his eyes and stared out at the expanse of burned earth around him. The first thing he saw was the physical remains of the Skryia. Its inky skin had hardened into several metallic like shells that was oddly much smaller than the creature had been when living. The pieces reminded Syler of an insects exoskeleton.


The next thing he noticed were the six figures on their hands and knees bowing before him. It took him a moment to realize that it was the wizard and his surviving mage companions. He took a step toward them with the intent to tell them to get up, but when his foot touched the ground, he felt the discomfort of having a bare foot step onto hard, broken ground. Then, it hit him.


Dreading what he would see but unable not to look, he turned his eyes downward and saw that it wasn't just shoes that he wasn't wearing. His body had been healed from its heinous burns, but his armor and clothing were not so fortunate. Whether it had been when the Skryia was holding him or when he was consumed with its power, both had been completely burned off by the unholy flames. He was now standing completely naked in front of the entire assembled company of Kruish warriors.

Edited by Guest
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You've got Syler kicking someone in the back of the shin. That doesn't work. It's either the back of the leg, or the calve.


Otherwise, very good post. I would have liked to see more of an internal struggle for Syler in relinquishing his new power, or the actual interactions with the Skyria expanded on. The brawl I felt was well written though.


Overall I enjoyed this post.

Member of Jnet Addict Club 12/05

Order of the Nocturnal


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Done and done, good sir. I fixed the shin part, and added about another three or four hundred or so words to the chapter covering both some more detail on the Skryia's appearance, its beating on poor Syler, its physical body after death, and Syler's realization that he needs to give up the power.


As for the internal struggle, it isn't over. Multiple times over the next several chapters, Syler will struggle with his pride, arrogance, and his need to keep himself humble and in check.


Sorry for the delay in posting the next part, I got kinda preoccupied with things, that and I am trying to get a little ahead of what I am posting. That helps me have time to digest the chapters instead of posting them straight here. I go back and edit a few things and adapt them to what feedback I get.


Anyway, without further ado, here is the first of a few aftermath and character development chapters.






Chapter 26


The easiest way to win the respect and loyalty of a Krue is through superior strength, combat prowess, and raw power.


— unknown


Border of Krue Territory


"Bwet ley o oretezu, my lord and master," the wizard said after Syler approached him. "What do you wish of me?" He kept his head down with his fists planted firmly on the ground, prostrating himself before Syler.


"I want your cloak." It was a simple enough command, and it was most necessary. While Syler was grateful that he was far enough away from the gathered company that they probably couldn't see much, he didn't relish the idea of these six seeing him in his natural state.


Without hesitation, the wizard stripped off his cloak and, while keeping his head down, held it out. Syler quickly grabbed it and draped it around his shoulders. It would solve the modesty issue, but it didn't help much with the chilly early winter air. "What is your name?"


"I am Alequs Wizart Hambren Sor, my lord," he replied. "Please forgive me for summoning the Skryia, it was what was required."


Syler's eyes narrowed, "Required by whom?"


"It was required by the Spirits, my lord."


"Look at me and explain it all. Now." Syler may have released his fury a minute ago, but his temper was still rather short.


The man did as he was told and started his story. "Six days ago, just before we set out on patrol, I was approached by a Seer woman. She told me that a man from the west would save the lives of many helpless foreigners, but that I would face him in combat. She told me that I must summon the Skryia against you or the world would fall into Chaos. When I saw you and realized we were to fight an honor challenge, I knew she had spoken the truth and did as the Spirits willed."


Syler wasn't quite sure what to make of this, but he had the feeling that he was going to be having an interesting talk with that Seer very soon.


"When this is resolved, you are to find this Seer and bring her to my longhouse in Thwrud. Let no man dissuade you or turn you aside from that purpose no matter where she is or where she goes."


"My lord, I was but four miles from Thwrud when I was approached, I know where it is and shall do as you command."


"Good," he replied. "Get up, all of you! There is no need for you to grovel at my feet like pathetic fools."


He heard the sound of hooves and saw that a contingent from the company was rapidly approaching. At their head was Lord Maveris and a dozen of his warriors with Lamastus, Delmonor, and the other three warriors behind them. There was not a smile on Maveris' face. He rode up to Hambren and said something in Kruish using a rather harsh and cutting voice. He was clearly demanding something and Syler could guess what it was. The wizard didn't even acknowledge him, but continued to look at Syler.


"Delmonor, translate what he asked," he said.


"He demanded to know why the wizard summoned the Skryia," the warrior dutifully translated.


"Tell him that I have won the challenge and that the wizard answers to me now."


When he heard that, Maveris snorted in derision and shouted something back at him. Delmonor provided the translation, "He demands to know what kind of trickery you two have plotted."


Syler felt his temper coming back and struggled to keep it down, "No trickery, Lord Maveris. I am the Majiyae Oretezu, a title confirmed by Lord Avenil of Thwrud. I believe that in defeating not just eight of your mages, but the demon itself that I have proven my claim. Now, order your warriors to stand down and leave the refugees in peace."


The Kruish lord's cheeks reddened after hearing the translation. "You no win, you are cheat!" he yelled. He said something in Kruish to the warriors with him. They looked back and forth between Syler and Maveris and in the end, shook their heads in refusal.


Delmonor unsheathed his sword and cried, "He wishes his men to kill you!"


"Relax," Syler said calmly. After what he had just been through, he wasn't too intimidated by a single man. Looking directly at the lord, he said slowly and calmly, "If you are so confident that it was a trick, come down here and face me yourself."


Hambren stepped forward and gave the translation before Delmonor could. He paused, then added something of his own before crossing his arms in defiance. The other mages stepped forward and joined the wizard next to Syler.


Maveris must have sensed that he had suddenly lost his support because he began to sweat. With a snarl of anger, he pulled the reins of his hasuan and fled the scene.


"Lord Syler," Delmonor said, "no warrior here would dare stand against you. Indeed, most will probably pledge themselves to you after such a display of power and Maveris cowardice. We are all in awe of your power."


Syler closed his eyes and shook his head. Power was being all but handed to him. Crusos would be pleased. The memories of the vision Suella had shown him were still fresh on his mind and were more than enough to terrify him. Power might be falling into his lap, but he needed to be very careful or it would consume him.


He opened his eyes and asked, "Would someone please give me some clothes?"




As soon as he had the opportunity to put some clothes on, they rode back to the rest of the warriors. Delmonor and Hambren spoke to the crowd in Kruish for a minute or two. When they had finished, the entire body bowed their heads and crossed their fists over their chest. "They have pledged themselves to you, Lord Syler," Delmonor said proudly.


"Good, now get those warriors away from the camp and bring Bronwyn and Karusa here," replied Syler. "Also find the camp's leader and bring him or her with you. We need to sort out some things before we can leave. One last thing, I want the pieces of the Skryia gathered up and sent to my estate in Thwrud. Leave nothing behind no matter how large or small."


Delmonor bowed his head and spurred his hasuan off to do as he was commanded. Syler turned to Hambren and asked, "Where are you from?"


"I am from Clan Jangtant. We border Clan Thwrud and have been allies for many years, since Lord Avenil was young. As you are now the lord of Thwrud, I assume you killed him in combat to take his place."


"Yes," replied Syler sadly, "I did. You seem to know the Common Tongue well. How did you learn our language?"


"All wizarts learn it for there is much information regarding magic that can only be found in the Common Tongue."


"I see. What do you plan on doing now?"


Hambren frowned, "I am pledged to you. You have defeated me in a fair challenge and you are the Majiyae Oretezu. All Krue should serve you in the war against the Darkness."


"Don't get ahead of yourself," Syler cautioned. "I am no leader. I met my first Krue not even a week ago, and now you are saying all Krue should follow me?"


The wizard was not dissuaded, "It doesn't matter. You truly are the One of prophecy, there can be no doubt. In time, all Krue will unite under you."


"Sort of like how Maveris did, right?"


"Maveris is a prideful man. He will either come to his senses or he will be destroyed. It is the way of the Krue."


"Great, civil war, exactly what we need with the Angvardi breathing down our backs."


"Not all will choose to side with the Majiyae Oretezu. Those that don't must be destroyed or they will drag us all into Chaos."


Syler nodded at that and slowly walked away to contemplate it. He didn't want to get involved in Kruish politics. He didn't know much about them, but from what he had experienced, they were bloody and brutal. Everything about these people was brutal bordering on cruel. Perhaps that was what was needed to stop the Easterners, but it was not how he wanted to operate. With the memories of what happened with the Skryia still very, very fresh on his mind, he was cautious about accepting too much power too quickly lest the vision he saw come true.


"Syler!" he heard a familiar voice cry. He turned around just in time to be enveloped in a fierce hug from Bronwyn. "We heard you challenged Maveris to save our lives and were worried about you."


"Who told you that?" Syler asked.


"Vekla did," she replied.


"Vekla? I thought she was furious at me."


"She is, but that doesn't mean she won't serve your interests out of duty," she said excitedly. She was in one of her rambling moods and simply continued, "She managed to sneak into the camp and found us. If the Krue had attacked, they would have been in for a nasty surprise. Delmonor told us what happened in the duel. I can hardly believe it! You fought and defeated a Skryia? I don't know if anyone has ever done that before!"


Syler looked down in embarrassment. "It wasn't exactly like that."


She cocked her head sideways and said, "Like what? He said you fought it and destroyed it."


"Look, I don't want to talk about it just yet. All I can say right now is that it nearly turned out very badly."


"My lord!" exclaimed Hambren from behind him. "You found her!"


Syler frowned and replied, "Who?"


"The seer," he said. "She was the one who told me to summon the Skryia." He was pointing straight at Bronwyn.


Syler thought it was some sort of joke or mix up, but froze when he saw the expression of guilt and horror on her face. Anger flooded through his veins at the very thought that his wife was nearly the death of him. It took a couple of seconds before he could speak and when he did, his voice was low and his pace steady, "You told this man to summon that monster?"


All of the previous excitement that had been on her face was long gone. In its place, there was one of guilt mixed with fear. She stared at the ground as she relied meekly, "Yes."


Syler reached up to grab her, but stopped himself and instead clenched his fist in frustration. "Why would you do that?"


Still without looking at him, she said, "I had to, that was what your Elements told me that I must do."


"The Elements!" Syler exclaimed as he struggled to control his anger. He needed some time to cool down after the fight with the Skryia and he wasn't getting it. "What in Chaos do the Elements have to do with this?"


Bronwyn winced at his tone and took a small step backward. "When I was dying and you were bargaining for my life, you weren't the only one who they talked to. I was there too, remember? I told you that I saw what you did, I just didn't tell you that they talked to me as well and that there was something I had to do as part of the bargain."


"Why didn't you tell me this?"


"Because they made me swear not to on pain of death and eternal damnation!" she snapped back. "I didn't want to do it, Syler, I swear, but I had no choice."


Syler took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Okay," he said in a slightly calmer voice, "what happened?"


"One of the Elements approached me and told me that he would bargain for my soul in return for something I had to do. He told me that I had to find a wizard named Hambren, and tell him a very specific prophecy. I was to tell him that he would soon come upon a group of foreigners camped near Krue territory. Someone would come from the West to save them, and he would be forced to fight him. He had to summon a Skryia because it was the will of the Spirits to test the man. If he defeated the Skryia, he was to pledge himself to the man because he was the Majiyae Oretezu."


Syler glared at her, but didn't say anything for a full minute. "Did this Element have a name?" he asked at last.


She frowned and tried to remember. "Yes, I think it was Cusos or something."


"Son of a satorian whore! That damn, meddling tagrol bastard. I should have known he wouldn't leave well enough alone." Syler was now furious, but his anger was no longer directed at Bronwyn. It made sense now once she mentioned Crusos' name. The little schemer was not content on just using him, he wanted to use Bronwyn for his sick little games as well. "Crusos, that is his name. He is the one who I talked to."


"I know," she replied softly.


"When did you tell Hambren?"


"The day after you killed Lord Avenil. You were out arranging for our hasuan. I managed to get away for an hour and took one of our horses to meet with him. I am so sorry, Syler, I wished that I could tell you, but Crusos said if I did, he would claim my soul."


"Crusos has much to answer for," said Syler. "If I have any say, he will pay for using you as he did."


"You shouldn't say things like that, he is powerful," warned Bronwyn.


"That slimy little weasel can't do anything to me, he needs me too much." There was a fire in Syler's eyes as he thought about that being manipulating his wife and forcing her to do things against her will. "If he touches you again, he will truly regret it." He looked up to the sky and yelled at the top of his lungs, "Do you hear that Crusos! Do not cross us again or you will regret it!"


"Syler!" Bronwyn cried in alarm. "Don't say things like that. It is never wise to challenge the Spirits openly."


His pride was getting the better of him, and it was so easy to let it happen. Syler wasn't regretting what he said because he meant it, but he did wish that he could calm down. He needed a break to just get away from everything for a few hours. Though, looking at how everyone was staring at him with looks of confusion, horror, or even fear, he didn't think that he would get any such opportunity soon.


He looked over at his wife and sighed, "You are right, it has just been a slightly stressful time for me of late. That Skryia took a lot out of me."


"Nobody is angry with you, but you need to calm down," she said soothingly.


"I know, but we have work to do first."


He needed to do something about these warriors. There were nearly four hundred of them seemingly waiting for his command. Then there were the refugees themselves that needed to be cared for. And finally, he needed to get back to Thwrud himself with his family.

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Lots of reading, but I'm caught up again! Good updates. I liked the fight with the the Skyria. Very well choreographed, and I like Syler's consideration of how the power might affect him.


Not much to comment on; I didn't catch any grammatical things.


There goes Ami's reputation of being a peaceful, nice person.
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Hmmmm. I wonder what else BrOnwyn hasn't told him.


So how many men has Stler now gained? About 400 plus the mages?


He's building quite the army, whether he likes it or not.


I like that you've included pride as one if his issues. Such a human and believable struggle to have.

Member of Jnet Addict Club 12/05

Order of the Nocturnal


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As lord of Clan Thwrud, Syler has direct control over all of its people, including well over a thousand full time warriors (not including the "civilians", all of which are trained to fight). This force is but a mere border company, not even a full battalion. Syler has not yet begun to build his army, that comes some time down the road.


Ami, this isn't the last time we will get to see the Skryia, or many other nasties. Hell will break loose and it will be full of all of those nasty demons that Syler saw in his vision.


More aftermath and Syler being all imperial and giving orders in this chapter.





"Delmonor, will these warriors follow my commands, or do they have prior duties?" asked Syler.


The warrior considered for a moment, then replied, "There would have to be at least two scouting parties of this group that remain on patrol. The rest were probably summoned from the reserves in case the Angvardi sent a much larger force to deal with this camp. Those men would be able to follow your commands."


Syler knew from past experience that a scouting party was around two dozen warriors, so that left three hundred and fifty warriors at his temporary disposal. "Are any here from Clan Thwrud?"

"I did not see any of your warriors."


He nodded and went over to a small rock to sit down and think about the situation. Bronwyn and Karusa both walked over next to him, but neither said anything. "Did anyone ever find a leader from the camp?"


Karusa pointed at an older man who was looking extremely uncomfortable standing around so many mounted Kruish warriors. "That is Naveril, he is the leader of this group, if there was one to be had," she said.


"Naveril," Syler called. When the old man looked his way, he beckoned for him to approach.


"My lord," Naveril said hesitantly.


"You lead the people in that camp?" Syler asked.


"They look to me for guidance, yes."


"Where are you from, Naveril?"


"I hail from Secate Sei, my lord."


Syler knew of it. It was a small town located fifty-five miles south of Sandrin. "How did you come to lead these people?"


"We were afraid when the Angvardi invaded. All of our men were taken and foreign men replaced them. Our women were given to them as wives and commanded to make children or be enslaved. Those of us who secretly opposed their religion and ways banded together and fled. We managed to make our way here in hopes that the Krue would have mercy on our souls and protect us."


"The Krue do not protect anyone," Syler said a bit too harshly. The man winced and lowered his eyes in dismay. "However, the Krue will be willing to take in your people provided they contribute."

Naveril looked into Syler's eyes, trying to see if he was serious. "What do you mean?"


"The Krue do not value the intentionally weak. They do not tolerate it at all. Neither do I. The old, the sick, and the young may be limited in what they can do, but all can contribute in one way or another. The healthy men in your number will farm and train as warriors. Those with trades will practice them. The women will tend homes and work in the villages. The old and the young will contribute in whatever way they can. If any in your number do not contribute to the war effort, they will be cast out and left for the Angvardi."


"What war effort?"


Syler frowned at what he thought was a question with an obvious answer. "The war against the Easterners. Make no mistake, they mean to conquer all of Teladia. The Krue are no exception to their plans. I plan on taking in all who will fight against them, whether it be at home or on the battlefield. Any who come expecting a free ride will find themselves out in the cold and at the mercy of the Angvardi.


"For now, you and those in your camp will be taken to my lands. In time, as I persuade the other clan lords, I hope that refugees will be accepted in more lands. We will need every pair of hands we can get to contribute to our survival as free people. Any who will work toward that goal are welcome. Is that clear?"


"Yes, my lord!" Naveril said with a bow. "We will work to the best of our strengths and abilities, that much I swear."


"Excellent," said Syler with a slight smile. "I will have some warriors escort your people safely to Thwrud. Do as they command and none shall be harmed. Now, go back to your people and prepare them to move. They have an hour to be ready."


With another bow, the old man turned and all but ran back toward the camp. "Delmonor," Syler called out.


"Yes, Lord Syler," he said when he arrived.


"Congratulations, you just got promoted to Captain. I am placing you in charge of these warriors for the time being, and when we return home, you will lead the warriors of Clan Thwrud whenever I am not present."


The warrior blinked a few times in surprise before clasping his right fist over his chest and bowing, "I am most honored that you would trust me as such, my lord."


"You have proven a competent and loyal companion, plus you speak my language. You are clearly a good warrior as I have seen both firsthand and as Vekla testified by selecting you to come with us. I know I have much to learn about leading an army or a clan, so I will surround myself with those who do know. Right now, I need for you to arrange for twenty warriors to escort the refugees to Thwrud. When the refugees are safely within the town, they are to return to their home clans and tell of what they saw here.


"It is time to spread the word of my arrival and that the Krue need to change their isolationist policy. Send the rest of the warriors, minus any necessary patrols, home to deliver a message to their clan leader. I wish to meet with them as soon as possible. If there is a common location we can go, then I will go there. Otherwise, they are welcome to journey to Thwrud. If I am to lead your people, I need the loyalty and respect of its lords.


"On their way, the returning warriors are to tell all they encounter that any man, woman, or child who wishes sanctuary from the Easterners within Krue territory are welcome in Thwrud. I extend my hospitality and sanctuary to all such refugees and anyone who wishes to challenge that claim may personally defeat a Skryia before coming to see me. Otherwise, they are to send refugees to Thwrud where I will find a place for them to stay."


"My lord," Delmonor said hesitantly, "if there are many who come, we will be overwhelmed and unable to support them all. Thwrud is but a small clan, we cannot hope to take in thousands of foreigners."


"I know, but as soon as the other clans start seeing the ranks of our armies swell and production capability expand, it is my hope that they will desire the same and start allowing in refugees into their own lands. Do not mistake me, Delmonor, I know it is a strange concept for the Krue, but in these times, we need more people. Our numbers are simply not great enough to fight the Easterners off. Without more men to fight and more workers in the field producing food and weapons and building fortifications, we won't be able to withstand their attacks. The sooner the other Kruish lords see this, the better a chance we will have for fighting the enemy when they eventually do come."


"I hope you are right, my lord."


"If I am not, then I will have to persuade them through direct talks or other means. Either way, I will not turn aside those who are willing to contribute to the best of their ability. Only the lazy will be turned away. We cannot afford to feed and care for dead weight.


"Another thing, from now on, whenever they encounter hostile forces, the Krue are make every reasonable effort to spare the horses. I remember when Vekla's patrol destroyed the Shalktra. They slaughtered man and beast. No more. I want all surviving horses rounded up and brought to Thwrud. We will need both war horses for the refugee warriors as well as beasts of burden to help in the fields and in construction. I sincerely doubt that the Krue would prefer to allow foreigners to ride their hasuan into battle, so having traditional cavalry would be necessary."


"It will be done." He ran over to the gathered warriors and began doing as he was commanded.


Syler ran through his list of things to do. It almost felt good being able to sit around and give orders knowing they would be carried out. It sure beat having to bargain and beg for things to get done. If these people were to weak willed to command themselves, then someone who was worthy would have to—


Syler winced. He had to be careful even when thinking not to give into the temptation of pride and arrogance. It was so easy to fall for with all these men and women at his command. Right now, he was weak from exhaustion, stress, and from his contact with the Skryia's soul. He had to be extra cautious now until he had some rest. Humility was key and something he had to make sure he remembered constantly.


He sat there in silence while the company broke ranks and began retreating back into the Subeleth Woods. He hoped his deeds here, as painful and costly as they may prove to be, would be enough to convince many of the Krue not to resist and to join him. No matter how hard he tried to escape it, it seemed that he would be forced to lead these people and any others who wanted freedom from the Way. Crusos may be a bastard, but he seemed to be right.


He heard a polite cough behind him and turned to see Karusa. "What is it?" he asked softly.


"I know it probably isn't my place and all since I don't know her well," she said, "but you might want to go and find Mistress Vekla."


Syler furrowed his brows, "Why do you say that?"


"Well, from what I could tell of her, she seems to be the type of woman that doesn't rattle easily. I saw her heading toward the forest a little while ago and she didn't look too good."

Now Syler frowned, "What do you mean?"


"She looked, well, upset. Very upset. It just seemed so odd, so out of character for her that I thought you might want to know."


Syler had no idea why she would be so upset. Yes, they had exchanged some heated words, but he didn't think that warranted such a response. He understood a little anger, but he didn't understand her being truly upset. He had never seen anything get under her skin, nothing. "Thank you, Karusa. I, I think I had better look into it. I am not sure if she wants to talk to me right now, but I do need to at least make sure she is okay."

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Oh I know that, but it's good to see the first steps towards an army proper.


I like this. The trust shown in Delmonor is warranted, and his promotion is natural. Sylers current foreign policy I suspect will in time cause him strife, but for the moment, it appears sound.

Member of Jnet Addict Club 12/05

Order of the Nocturnal


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He seems to be a natural leader, whether he likes the idea or not.


One spelling/grammar typo:


If these people were to weak willed to command themselves, then someone who was worthy would have to—


Too weak willed, not to.


There goes Ami's reputation of being a peaceful, nice person.
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Fixed the typo.


This is a heavily Lamastus/Vekla chapter full of some interesting character development (aka, drama).





Chapter 27


Who does this Syler Penion of Sandrin think he is? The Krue will never allow a foreigner to rule us no matter what sorcery he may possess.


— Lord Maveris of Larossi


Border of Krue Territory


When Lamastus saw her go into the forest, something drew him in and led him to follow her. He wasn't sure why because of all people, Vekla Saekoris probably wanted to see him the least. She had made it very clear how she felt about him and all of his people. Yet, there were times when it seemed her armor wasn't quite in place. Syler had been wrong about a great many things before his fight, but one of the things that he was not wrong in was that she was cold and distant. He had ridden behind her for almost two days and she had not said a single pleasant or kind thing to him.


One of the things that made him so good at what he did was that he was very, very good at reading people. He had known from the first day of meeting him that Syler Penion was a decent sort of man. He had also known that Syler had a backbone and that, if guided correctly, he would become a fierce fighter. Similarly, he knew that Vekla was a woman who was hurting. She tried to conceal it with her gruff, angry exterior, but there were times when she let her guard down.


Something about Syler put her on edge. He didn't quite know what it was, but every time she saw him or he spoke, she tensed. He wouldn't have noticed it except that on the ride over, his hands had been around her waist most of the time. He could feel her back straighten just a little and her sides tense. Since she wasn't one for conversation, he had plenty of time to contemplate what that meant.


After hours of pondering, he came up with several possibilities. The best he could figure was that he intimidated her. It made sense in a way because she, as a powerful sorceress, was not used to very many who could stand against her. Then comes Syler, a man on whom magic had literally no effect. Her most powerful assets were useless against him. Another possibility, one that he was leaning more toward after seeing her reaction to his accusations, was that she resented him for killing her father and that every time he spoke, it reminded her of that fact.


He heard something ahead of him and slowed down. Slowly, he crept up in the direction of the noise and started looking for who or what made it. He didn't have to wait long, because soon he saw Vekla's gold lined black leather armor through the trees. He took a few steps to the side to get a better angle and could hardly believe what he saw.


The mighty, fierce sorceress whose very glare could freeze the blood of mortals, appeared to be crying.


He got closer and heard her mumbling something in Kruish. He kept where he was crouched down for a few moments and marveled at what he heard. He had not been too wrong about her. She was praying to her father, or at least, that was the only description he had for it. He wasn't conversant in the pagan rites of the Krue. She was clearly intending on this being a private moment, so he started backing up to leave.


He stepped on a stick and winced as the sound of it snapping in two reverberated like a warning bell. Vekla stopped speaking and immediately got into a defensive position as if she was expecting an attack. Lamastus didn't quite know what to do, so he froze. She remained still with her head tilted to the side, listening to her surroundings.


Hesitantly, he looked down to make sure he wasn't going to step on something that would make a noise, and began taking a few steps away. He managed to get a few steps away when he looked back to see if Vekla had noticed him. When he turned his head, he froze again because she was no longer there. He hadn't heard her move at all, and he had been listening. It was as though she had vanished into thin air. Not knowing what else to do, he took a few more cautious steps and thought that he might be able to get out of this situation undiscovered.


The blow came out of nowhere and threw him a few yards until he slammed into a tree.


He didn't even have time to recover before she was on top of him with a knife at his throat. She yelled at him for a few seconds in Kruish before switching to the Common Tongue. "What are you doing here, Angvardi?" The way she said "Angvardi" made it sound as though it were a poisonous word.


"Ummm," he fumbled, but was cut short when she banged his head against the ground. "Hey! Stop it!"


"Why should I?" she spat. "You are nothing but a spy now, looking into places you are not wanted. How dare you enter the Sacred Wood alone!" There was a craze in her eyes that scared him. That, and the fresh tracks from tears that ran down her face and caused her blue war paint to rub off all contributed to making hers a frightening visage to behold.


"It's Lamastus, Vekla, you know me, right?" he said.


"I should have killed you when I first had a chance," she replied as she picked him up by the collar and slammed him back down.


"Come on, I am a friend, we already went over this." He was getting rather annoyed with being beaten up.


"You violated something you should not have seen."


"Okay, I am sorry, I saw you back there, but I tried to leave as soon as I could." She pressed the knife back to his throat until it began to draw blood. "Okay Vekla, I get the picture, you are angry with me and I wronged you. I am sorry, now please let me up."


She didn't respond, but looked to be trying to decide whether she should kill him or not. It was not a position he was really enjoying. Something had to be done about this or she just might decide to ignore Syler's orders and kill him anyway. With how angry she was at him when they last parted, it was entirely possible that she didn't much care what he said.


Lamastus grabbed a rock from the ground and, with lightning speed, pulled it out of the ground and hit the sorceress over the head. As he did, grabbed the hand holding the knife and pushed it away from his neck and into the ground. A second later and he was on top of her with the knife at her throat. The knife was still in her hand, but his was firmly wrapped around it and forced it over hers.


"Okay," he said calmly, "can we please talk about this a little before we start trying to—"


She blinked purposefully and it felt as though a giant fist had reached down, grabbed him, and hurled him through the air. He landed on his back once more and had the wind knocked out of him. He gasped for air as Vekla landed on top of him yet again and had the knife to his throat.


"Try that again and I will cut you from ear to ear," she said.


"Well, if you…would just…calm down, maybe I…wouldn't have to," he said between gasps.


"Who sent you here, Angvardi? Why were you trying to kill me?"


"What, kill you!" he exclaimed. He took another breath and said, "No, Vekla, I…was trying to see if…you were okay."


Her eyes narrowed and the corners of her mouth dipped. "You lie, just like you always do."




She sneered at him, "Do not think I cannot sense your deceptions. You lie, but Lord Syler cannot sense it."


He was flabbergasted, "Why would you think I lie?"


She smacked him in the face with her free hand. "Because I am a sorceress, you fool! We can sense these things. You are not who you say you are, and I am tired of waiting for Lord Syler to see it."


"Look, Vekla, I am a friend of Syler, I have been since I met him."


She closed her eyes briefly, then opened them again. "Perhaps, perhaps not. Tell me, what did you do before coming here?"


"Ummm, I was a guard in Kubei."


She let out a cry of anger and hit him again in the face. "There! You lie. Why do you lie about who you are? You are no guard, I can see that much. No mere guard would be able to move about the fortress in Sua Tles. No mere guard would be able to silently kill those six guards in our wing without me sensing it. No mere guard would be able to approach me here undetected."


She pressed the knife into his throat once more causing him to wince in pain. "Now, one last time, tell me the truth, why would you lie about who you were?"


A new voice rang through the forest, "That's enough, Vekla."


Her head whirled on reflex in the direction of the voice and she pushed her open hand out to strike whoever had interfered. As soon as she saw who had spoken, her eyes widened and she tried to stop, but it was too late, the spell was unleashed. Wind whistled, leaves were scattered, and trees swayed, but the man standing ten yards away was untouched.


"My lord!" Vekla exclaimed in absolute shock. She immediately pulled the knife away from Lamastus' throat, got off of him, and fell on her hands and knees. "I have struck at my lord and master," she said, though her face was buried in the ground. The regret in her voice was so profound that Lamastus felt a pang in his heart to hear her like that.


"What is going on here?" Syler demanded. His voice was calm, but he was clearly not going to tolerate any hesitation. He looked down at Vekla prostrating before him and said, "What did I tell you about bowing? Get up and stop treating me like I am better than you."


Vekla slowly got up, but hesitated, clearly trying to find the words to explain herself. In that moment, Lamastus saw an opportunity to possibly heal the rift between himself and the sorceress and spare her any further embarrassment. "Um, it was my fault, Syler," he said. "I intruded on a rather private moment of hers and paid the consequences for it."


Syler was not expecting to hear him give the response and looked at him with suspicion on his face. "You are bleeding and she looked rather furious at you. Normally, I wouldn't think twice of it because of now regular that seems to happen, but the fact that she cut you with a knife has me a little worried."


"It was my fault, truly," he said as he sat up and crossed his legs in front of him. "I shouldn't have intruded."


"That doesn't explain why she would hold a knife to your throat or why she would attack me. Had I been anyone else, it would have sent me flying and possibly broken my back when I landed."


Vekla started to say something, but Lamastus interrupted her, "That was also my fault."


Syler didn't look as though he was believing him. "I didn't know you were able to force a sorceress to wield magic."


"No, but it is my fault that she was so jumpy." Lamastus swallowed hard and said, "She was confronting me on something that I should have probably told you from the start."


A single eyebrow raised on Syler's face. "Go on."


"She noticed that I, well, I display skills that are slightly above what a normal guard should possess." Nobody said anything, though Lamastus did notice that Vekla was now looking at him even though her head was still lowered. "You see, I was not always just a mere city guard. Before I joined the army and was stationed in Kubei, I was part of the ToKalak."


Syler frowned and asked, "What is that?"


He sighed and raked his hand through his hair. He put a hand up to his bleeding throat and winced slightly when it stung. "You remember what I told you about the Shalktra, how they would terrorize the Angvardi before peace was made?" Syler nodded. "Well, the truth is that they didn't stop even after our empress married their king. They were nowhere near as open about it, but they still operated within our lands weeding out anyone who they felt opposed peace. They killed or kidnapped many people in the name of pacification, and the worst part was that even the Angvardi officials did nothing about it. Some of those taken by the Shalktra were sometimes even handed over to the priests for interrogation much in the manner that Bronwyn was treated. It was a blight on the Way, I know, but not all priests are like that.


"Well, even back during the wars, the ToKalak were the Angvardi answer to the Shalktra. During the wars, they were a group of individuals who roamed Terulan lands doing what the Shalktra did to Angvard. Sometimes, they would fight in open battles during wartime, but most of the time they stuck out in the dark and shadows as assassins and agents of terror.


"Later, once peace was declared and I joined them, we were more of an anti-Shalktra group. We mostly operated in Angvardi territory and would try to track and kill Shalktra agents who were looking to assassinate Angvardi. I grew up training with them and fighting the Shalktra wherever possible. Then, as the call went out for soldiers to join in the Glorious Campaign to conquer the heathens in the West, the Shalktra presence diminished as their attention was turned elsewhere. With the departure of most of the Shalktra, many of us in the ToKalak decided to join the army. That is how I ended up in Kubei, and that," he said as he looked directly into Vekla's eyes, "is why I am so stealthy and capable of killing silently."


Syler took this in with a nod and remained silent for a short while. When he spoke, he asked a single question, "If you were so skilled, why were you a mere guard in a backwards town instead of on the front lines or out assassinating enemy leaders before the invasion?"


"Because, unlike the Shalktra which is a recognized branch of the Terulan military, the ToKalak were supposedly disbanded after the war. Anyone who was caught acting on behalf of the ToKalak was executed, even by Angvardi authorities. If I had let the officers see my potential, they might have guessed that I had received training from them and I would have been in serious trouble."


"It makes sense, though you should have told me."


"I am sorry, Syler. I should have, but it was just one of those things I learned to keep silent about. I lived with the secret for so long that it wasn't just something I wanted to admit aloud."


"I don't begrudge a man his secrets," Syler responded. He looked at Vekla and asked, "What do you have to say about any of this? And Lamastus, don't interrupt her this time."


Vekla kept her head down as she spoke. "I have raised my hand against my lord and struck out at him. For that, I offer my life."


Syler shook his head. "Vekla, I don't want to kill you, I want to know why you were threatening one of my friends. I know you don't like him nor trust him, but he has saved my life four times now, and was the one who saved all of our lives in Sua Tles. On top of that, he found out where Karusa was and helped me get her to safety. I don't know what more you want him to do in order to prove his loyalty."


She didn't say anything, but kept looking down. She began nervously fidgeting with her hands, but couldn't find any words to say. When she looked up at him and he saw that she had been crying, Syler's face softened and the frustration vanished. He took a step forward and gently grasped her shoulders. "Look, Vekla, I know I messed up back there when I brought up your feelings. I shouldn't have done that the way I did and definitely not in front of the others. I see that I have misjudged you. I greatly value you as a companion, and not just for your skills with magic. You know many things about the Krue and about what I am supposed to be, and I am going to need that knowledge in the future.


"I don't know what is going on with you right now, but don't take it out on anyone else. If you need some time to yourself so you can properly mourn your father, then by all means, take it. As soon as we get back to Thwrud, you can take a few days to yourself and do whatever you need. I am not a Krue, Vekla. You don't have to bottle up all emotions and hide them from me because I don't see them as a weakness. I see them as part of being human and will not think lesser of you for it. You should never be afraid to show emotion around me."


She nodded and said quietly, "Forgive me for attacking you."


"Think no more of it. I am going to go back to the others before they get worried. I suggest that you and Lamastus settle your differences here and now because when you two come out of these woods, I don't want there to be any more quarrelling between you. If we are going to survive the future, we all need to be able to trust each other and work together."

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Hopefully Ami can catch it. The next half (which I am writing right now) is actually probably going to be more like the next three quarters. It is shaping to be a monstrous chapter in terms of size. I find myself really liking both Lamastus and Vekla, and this is a great opportunity to flesh them both out as characters.


I have something I would like your help with. I have tried to keep Vekla from using contractions, but I may have missed some of that as I get into the writing. If you ever see her using them, please point them out to me so I can fix it.

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I didn't catch it. And I went back and looked for contractions in Vekla's words and didn't see any, at least in this part. I did notice two other things though:


She sneered at him, "Do not think I cannot sense your deceptions. You lie, but Lord Syler cannot sense it."


He was flabbergasted, "Why would you think I lie?"


Both of these are commas when they should be periods. Normally you're good at that stuff, but it's easy to overlook occasionally.


Nice section. I really like both these characters too. I'm interested to see what they talk about in the next section.


There goes Ami's reputation of being a peaceful, nice person.
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I have fixed those, Ami.


And yes, Brendo, it is really hard, especially when I am switching between people who use contractions frequently and those that do not. Still, any help you can give would be appreciated.



This is fresh off the press (finished last night). It is interesting, more emotional than I normally write. Not sure how it all gels, so I need feedback on it.




Vekla nodded again, but didn't otherwise react when Syler let go of her and started walking back toward the edge of the forest where the others were. Lamastus didn't say anything while she stood there in silence. He wasn't quite sure what to say and figured it might be best to let her make the first move.


It took nearly five minutes before she moved at all. She let out a particularly deep sigh and turned to face him. To his surprise, there were no fresh tears on her cheeks, just her normal, steely expression. Her armor was back up and she was in control again.


She walked over and knelt beside him. "I apologize for not trusting you, and for attacking you," she said. While it was hardly as emotional as her apology to Syler, Lamastus could tell that it was not nearly as cold as her normal voice was. "You spared me considerable shame by speaking up in my place and redirecting Lord Syler's wrath. He may not have demanded my life, but he may have been angry with me and shamed me greatly. I will not forget that. You came in after me with honorable intentions and I overreacted. Perhaps Lord Syler is correct, I need to take some time to properly mourn my father's passing."


Lamastus didn't think that was it, at least, not all of it. "What is bothering you, Vekla? You went completely insane and nearly killed me. If you had a problem with me or knew I wasn't being entirely truthful, then why didn't you say so in front of Syler and let us have a rational discussion about it? Why go at me with the knife when you could have just fried me with your magic?"


She closed her eyes and, for a split second, looked about to say something, but then stopped herself. She took a deep breath and the look passed. "It is part of my job to stop infiltrators and spies from entering this sacred forest. The Haresu have been sending scouts into our lands for many years now, since even before your kind began your war on the West. When I saw you here, instinct kicked in and I wanted nothing more than to kill you like I have the others. I only barely managed to hold back because I knew that Lord Syler was fond of you."


Lamastus wasn't going to let her off that easily, "No, there was another reason why you attacked. If you thought I was just a spy, you would have killed me with a thought. You wanted more, you wanted to beat me, to toy with me. That doesn't strike me as something you would do. You kill quickly and with extreme force, you don't play with your foes."


"I told you," she said with a slightly more agitated voice. "I knew that Lord Syler would never forgive me if I were to kill you."


"Please, Vekla. If you thought there was a threat to Syler, there isn't anything that would stop you. I know more about the Krue than Syler apparently does, enough to know that you would rather kill a threat and be executed for it than to let that threat remain to harm your lord."


Instead of anger, she lowered her head and murmured, "You speak the truth."


"Then tell me, why hesitate? Why not kill me?"


"Because, I was not sure about you," she admitted.


"About what? You knew I was holding something back, wasn't that good enough for you?"


"Yes—no. I am not sure. You spoke truly when you pointed out that you have saved my lord's life many times. It would not make sense that you save him if you were wanting to cause him harm. I would not want to kill a man who was not my enemy. To do so would be dishonorable."


"Is that it then?"


"What more do you want?" she exclaimed.


"How about the truth?" Lamastus said. "You demanded it from me and in the end, I gave it to you. What about you? What is it that makes you so moody all the time? Even Delmonor and the others laugh and joke when there is no threat around, but not you. As Syler said, you are cold and distant. He may have articulated it poorly and in with terrible timing, but he was right about your attitude."


"You would not understand," she snapped.


"Is it really your father? Is it because you are a sorceress who fights and kills? Perhaps it is that you now have duties as Syler's Guide? I understand the stress that duty can place upon you as do many others, but they don't let it sap the humanity out of them. What is it that makes you so cold and dead inside?"


"I cannot allow myself to become weak."


Lamastus nodded in understanding, "So you think that if you let your emotions show, it will weaken you."


"Yes," she said in a matter of fact voice. "I cannot allow myself to give in to my emotions. They are distracting and cloud judgment."


"Distractions are dangerous in combat," he agreed. "You don't want to ever be compromised on the battlefield."


"This is truth. That is why I must not allow my emotions to show and run my life."


"Would you consider Syler weak?"


"No!" she said quickly.


"But he must be since he shows emotions. He gets angry, he gets sad, he gets happy, and he gets afraid. That must mean he is weak."


"He is not…" her voice trailed off and realization dawned upon her. Lamastus gave her a wicked smile.


"What you aren't seeing, Vekla, what has been drained from you, is the single truth that sometimes, just sometimes, emotions make us stronger, more complete. Yes, emotions on a battlefield can be dangerous and lead to compromised judgment, but what about off the battlefield? What about in camp, or when you are feasting with your friends? What about when you are not fighting or in danger? Why shun your emotions, that which makes you human, when they won't cause you harm?"


"I am…" she paused and blinked several times. "I am not sure. It is not how Krue are, we do not allow our emotions to rule over us."


"Nonsense. I have seen plenty of Krue who enjoy themselves and laugh and have a good time. Yes, I have seen a few who don't, but that doesn't have to be you. It is a mindset, a discipline, and lifestyle. Syler may not be the most rational and logical man, but trust me when I say he is stronger for his emotions. It was his love and his anger that drove him to attack the Temple in Kubei to free his wife. Without those emotions, he would have never saved her. Look how strongly he wanted to go after his sister. It drove him and gave him strength to go on despite the odds. It was his love for her that pushed him."


Vekla's expression grew darker at this, and Lamastus smiled knowingly. "Ahhhh, that is most interesting."




"Oh, I see now. I was wrong."


There was caution in her voice when she responded, "What were you wrong in?"


Lamastus kept smiling, "Your father's death isn't what is ripping you up. You are the Guide, well versed in prophecy. You knew what was going to happen to your father probably as soon as your fireball didn't harm him. Don't get me wrong, I am sure you mourned and that it hurts, but death is something you are used to as a warrior."


"What do you know about loss?" she said bitterly.


"My parents and brother are dead, Vekla. Have been for some time. I know plenty about loss."


A bit of the anger faded from her face, but not all. "He lived his life and made his choice. It was his path to take and he did so without reservations. I will not disgrace him by allowing his death to hold me back."


"I didn't think it was. No, you have something else holding you back, but you won't admit it."


Suspicion was back. "What do you mean?"


"It is simple, really. I don't know why it took me so long to see it, but it really is as clear as day now that I know what to look for. Remember, dear Vekla, I used to be an assassin, a spy. I know how to read people, which is why I was able to spot something in Syler when I first met him even before he came into his powers and stopped being so accepting of whatever happened to him.


"Vekla, I am going to guess that your problem is that you are alone in this world, and it terrifies you. You have nobody there to look out for you, nobody that you can turn to. In short, you have nobody that loves you or that you can love back."


Lamastus thought that the look on the sorceress' face was a cross between fear and fury. She drew back a little from him and for a second, he thought she would lash out once again with magic. She didn't, but just remained there with that mixed expression dominating her face.


"I am right, aren't I?" He didn't need vocal confirmation from her, her silence was enough. Lamastus might have enjoyed poking fun at his friends, but he realized that he needed to be careful here and tread lightly. Gone was his normal sarcasm and dry wit. In its place was a more sympathetic voice. "You are angry, yes, and that is part of the warrior mentality that I can understand. You don't socialize much because you aren't comfortable with allowing anyone in to get close. That could say many things, but the last clue is what gave you away. I have noticed that you seem uncomfortable or even angry every time the subject of Syler and Bronwyn comes up. I first recognized it when you were healing me after Sua Tles. You were bitter that Syler healed Bronwyn. You tense up whenever you see them together, even if it is a simple hug. You are jealous of what they have, aren't you?"


A single bit of moisture formed in the corner of Vekla's right eye. She didn't say anything. She didn't have to.


"Look, I understand being alone. It isn't anything to be ashamed of, but you can't let jealousy or bitterness overtake you. I don't know what has kept you alone because you are a beautiful woman, but if you just get bitter about it and withdraw from everyone, you won't ever find someone."


"It was not supposed to…" she said, but then trailed off as she looked down.


She started to get up to walk away, but he wouldn't let her. Lamastus grabbed her gently but firmly by her armored arm and said, "No, you aren't walking away."


Perhaps by instinct, she swung her free fist at him. He caught her wrist in and twisted. With a cry of surprise and pain, she was pulled off balance and tumbled to the ground. Lamastus decided to throw his life to the gods and got on top of her to pin her down much as she had done to him just minutes ago. She struggled for a bit and managed to hit him across the face once, but she didn't use magic. Without that magic, she wasn't nearly as strong or capable as he was, especially in such a disadvantaged position.


When she finally stopped struggling, she just lay there with her braided hair splayed out around her head. "Leave me alone!" she said weakly.


For the first time, Lamastus saw just how much being alone had hurt her. He had thought it was a simple matter of her being jealous and alone, but now, he saw something else. He had grabbed her expecting her to knock him senseless with a simple thought, but she hadn't. Even when jumping into a brief brawl with her, he had been waiting a short flight through the air that ended in pain, but nothing. Yes, his jaw hurt a little where she did manage to hit him, but he didn't think she really wanted to fight.


This was a Vekla he had never seen before and never thought even existed. It was one that didn't have her defenses up. "You really are hurting, aren't you?" he said in shock. A small tear trickled from her eye down her temple and onto the ground. Lamastus silently cursed himself. He had absolutely no idea what he was poking around. Yes, he was good at reading people, but sometimes he wasn't. He had clearly underestimated the depths of Vekla's pain and solitude.


He got off of her and leaned back against a tree. She remained on the ground. "Look, I am sorry. I thought you were angry about things, not hurt. I, well, I didn't expect this."


"I have been alone…" she was interrupted by a small sob. "I have been a fool."


Lamastus furrowed his brows in confusion. "No you haven't. Not at all. You were doing what your training told you to do."


"No," she said mournfully. "That is not what I have done." She devolved into more tears and Lamastus began to worry that she was losing her sanity. He had seen previously sound men just snap one day for the smallest reason. After that, they were all but useless and usually had to be sent home away from the fighting. If she suffered the same fate, it would be very, very bad for all of them.


He scooted over beside her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Listen, Vekla, I know we haven't known each other for very long, but we are not enemies here. We are both bound to Syler in our own ways and with our own ties. If you need someone to just talk to, I am here. What you say won't ever pass my lips again."


She stared up at him for a few moments, then let out a long sigh. "Many men have sought me, but I rejected them. I made myself alone."


"Why would you do that if you felt so alone?" asked Lamastus.


She didn't seem to hear him. "I spent too much time on my training, my path. I worked hard learning what I could of magic, learning of the old prophecies. As each came, I sent them away and ignored them. Eventually, they understood that I was not interested and stopped coming."


"Why did you do that?" he repeated.


She looked at him and said in a voice full of shame and regret, "I did it because I was foolish." She paused and said nothing for a minute as she clearly debated saying anything more. He kept quiet and let her decide on her own. When she was ready, she said quietly, "I did it because I was waiting for the Majiyae Oretezu."


Lamastus sat back to soak that in. It made a lot of sense, actually. A woman who was as powerful as she was would want an equally powerful mate. She had been raised to serve him when he came and could easily have come to all but worship him. He could see how that devotion would turn into wistful longing. It must have been quite the shock when she met him only to find out he was already married and in love with someone else who loved him back.


"It isn't foolish, Vekla. It makes a lot of sense," he said. "A lot of people dream of being with those whom they look up to. I know a lot of young men who are eager to throw themselves at Princess Raella's feet just on the off chance that she might take an interest in them."


"I am not some sycophant looking for power," she replied bitterly.


"I am not saying you are, just that it is not so uncommon nor foolish. You were raised to all but worship the Master of Magic, it is only logical that you might hope to attract his attention."

"It was gakrellei," she said flatly.


He let out a sigh, "Fine, I am not going to argue with you. I don't think it was foolish, but you can think what you will. Just don't go thinking that you have to keep this untouchable persona because you sought the wrong man. You won't be the first who has been disappointed in love, nor will you be the last."


She didn't reply, so after a few seconds of silence, he continued, "You are a strong woman who has some very admirable traits like loyalty, courage, devotion, and strength. If you would relax a little, you might be surprised at who would show an interest in you."


Vekla's eyes narrowed and she glared at him, "You mean, like you?"


Lamastus started and blinked a few times, "No, not like me. I make it a habit not to get romantically entangled with women who try to kill me on our first encounter."


"As long as that is clear, Angvardi." There was plenty of venom in her words, but her eyes didn't share it.


At least she has stopped crying, Lamastus thought. Anger was clearly her strong point and it was better to get her back to what she was comfortable with rather than let her simmer in her own self loathing. "Listen, if you want some help in relaxing, I can help you out. I have been to my fair share of taverns and know a few things about socializing."


Despite the drying tears, she actually let out a brief laugh. "How sad is my life if I am forced to take advice from the likes of you?" It was the first time he had ever heard her laugh.


"There! You see, your life is so pathetic that if you don't start changing, I will ask Syler to order you to spend time in taverns drinking and even singing."


"You would not dare!" she exclaimed in alarm.


Lamastus smiled wickedly and replied in an artificially sweet voice, "Oh, but I would, and you know he would probably do it."


"I would kill you where you stood," she warned.


"Then you had better liven up and stop being so grim."


She paused and considered that. "I really wouldn't know what to do if I were ordered to have fun," she said frankly. "All of my life has been focused on preparing for my path and fighting. I had this dream that the Majiyae Oretezu would come and everything would just sort of work out. I had no idea how they would actually come to pass, just that I hoped they did."


He let his voice get serious and said, "I understand. I might not have had any specific goals, but I have always wondered if there is a woman somewhere out there waiting for me."


"At least you were not lulisuo enough to focus on the one man who is destined to save the world."


"No, but I have been naïve in my own ways at certain times."


"I tried to forget and simply move on when he first came, but it has been too hard. When he said those things to me before, it was like a spear straight to my maemas, my heart. I wish that I could have said what I was truly thinking, but I knew that it would only hurt him and cause problems, so I said nothing. I tried to come here to pray to my father and the Spirits for guidance. Then, I saw you and I could not control myself. I am sorry, I really am."


"As I said, I understand. I shouldn't have intruded and am really glad you didn't kill me. If you want help or advice or even just someone to be around to bail you out if things get dicey, I am here for you."


She glared at him for a second, then her expression softened, "I will remember that, Lamastus."


They remained there in silence for a long time.


After that time had passed, things seemed better. Vekla had pulled herself together and seemed to be okay. The storm had passed for now, and hopefully the pressure wouldn't be able to build back up to explode another day.


When she was ready, Vekla sighed, lifted her head off the ground. and looked at him. "The least I can do is heal you after I cut you."


Her words snapped him out of his own thoughts causing him to look up at her with a blank expression. "Huh? Oh yea, my neck." He had forgotten all about it, but as his hand went up to his throat, he felt the dried blood that had oozed down from the shallow cut her knife had made.


She got up and sat beside him. She gently pushed his head back so she could look at the cut and put her hand over it. It didn't take but a minute before she was finished and the cut was gone. All that remained was the dried blood.


"Here," she said as she used her knife to cut a strip off of her cloak, "cup your hands."


Lamastus did as he was told with an eyebrow arched in curiosity. To his surprise, Vekla whispered a few words and his hands were suddenly full of water. He jerked and most of it was spilled onto the ground. "Hey!" he exclaimed. "I didn't know you could do that."


She rolled her eyes, "Water is an element, just like lightning, fire, and ice. Water is actually the easiest as all I have to do is pull it out of the air."


"Pulling water out of the air?" he asked. "You can't be serious."


"The air is full of water, you just cannot see it."


"Right, and I am the Duchess of Lavisha."


"You do not have to believe me, but you do have to hold your hands steady."


He did and was able to keep most of the water in them when she cast her spell again. She dipped the strip of her cloak into the water and started washing the blood off of his neck with surprisingly gentle strokes. "It would not do for people to see you emerging from the forest with blood all over your neck, would it?" said Vekla in response to his unasked question. "It would harm your reputation to know I beat you so soundly, no?"


He rose to the bait and pointed to the streaks in her blue war paint. "Then you had probably better fix your makeup, because it wouldn't do for people to know you were crying."


She frowned, but instead of anger, it was mischievousness that flickered across her expression. She made a sweeping gesture above him and suddenly, a wave of water flushed over his head. "Aarg!" exclaimed Lamastus. "I meant for you to loosen up, but not to soak me."


"Do not taunt a sorceress, she can do many things worse than just dump water all over you."


"There is a person within you after all!" he said with a laugh. "This won't be as hard as I feared."


"Do not make me hurt you."

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