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Dark Sun Station

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First Impressions


As Karys stood observing the sight before him, silent as the other sith moved about around him, he couldn't help but smile a little even if inside he boiled with a silent rage, the wounds of Kuat ever evident. The thrill of war was a scent he could never ignore, forever it would draw him and entice him like a fine wine, forever would they be linked to the other. As the massassi observed the flanks of enemy ships before him from one of the observation ports on the Scarab, he couldn't help but chuckle.

He had to admire the gall of the jedi and indeed all those who stood opposing them. They had walked willingly to their doom, knowing this might be their end and all to rescue one person. It appeared the Empress had more value than he had initially fathomed, that they would risk destruction for her sake. Yet if it was death they wanted, he would not deny them. 

Indeed he had hoped it would come to this. He was owed vengeance, at this he saw it that way...death for the taking of his arm and the humiliation they had caused him to suffer since that day. Only a month ago had he awoken from his coma, the visions that had woken him still seeming fresh. He was still unsure what they meant only that they were important and were not to be ignored. But that was something to dwell on later for now he had a battle to help win. Without another moments notice he marched towards the hangars, purpose in his steps. Although he didn't tend to fly often, Karys was a excellent starfighter pilot, years as a mercenary before his life as a sith had honed his skills in that arena, and today he would put those skills to use laying waste to his most hated of enemies. The Jedi were here in force and he intended to inflict countless suffering upon them. The wrath of him and his people would be known. 

Finding a suitable craft he was soon airborne and joining the fray outside looking, at first defending the Scarab before getting a bit more aggressive as things were developing. Soon defense became offense as he glided between the dark of space and the many stars around them. It wasn't long before the first of many victims fell to his laser fire and pinpoint accuracy, expertly guided by his own hand. At least for now, he knew if needed he could always call upon the force to assist him. And yet as he fought he felt the wave of pain, death, destruction, chaos around him. And the boosting affects of the battle meditation likewise boosted his proficiency. 

Like a dark vengeful demon, he stalled his prey. And yet among the chaos he was sure he felt something strange, familiar and yet not. He put the thought aside, it was probably nothing important and besides now was no time to dwell on it. Not during a time of battle at least.  




 "Only in my pain, did I find my will. Only in my chaos, did I learn to be still. Only in my fear, did I find my might. Only in my darkness, did I see my light." - Darth Akheron


I survived the Great JNet Outage of 2012

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