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The Kramei Insurrection [Complete]

Hou-Jo Poleb

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There was to be a knighting ceremony -- and a coronation. The current king was handing down the throne to his eldest son. The Monarchal Doctrine stated he didn't have to relieve the throne for at least another two years, because his son would normally not be eligible until he was twenty. Nevertheless, Xen-Que was to be given his father's throne, and his younger brother was to be knighted.


”œCongratulations on your ascension to your father's throne, Xen-Que,”

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Not too much to comment on at the moment- your prose is flowing and easy to read, but nothing's really grabbing my attention at the moment. That said, it's only the first post and it takes me ages to get into anything.


One slightly negative point I will make is that your main guy, Xen-Que, sounds like he's an essay with this line:


”œThank you, Javk. I just hope that nothing goes astray. The five year silence of the Kramei colony is of little worry, but conversely is nothing to sweep under the carpet.”


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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  • 3 weeks later...



The Damos palace was now filled to its seating capacity. The first row of seats was occupied by the few that were to be knighted. Nobles, upper, and finally some middle class were seated behind them in that order. The King walked into the chamber. A servant walked behind him holding his mantle so it didn't drag across the floor. He took his seat upon his thrown and waved the servant away. He motioned for those in attendance to either stand or lift their heads, whichever they were doing.


Rumors were rampant with why he was relinquishing his throne. Some had said he had taken ill. Others suggested he was succumbing to madness. There were the those that were even suggesting he had lost his nerve. Those people would probably have their tongues cut out for suggesting so to the King's face. Trumpets filled the hall, signaling the arrival of the Prince of Damos. He walked under a canopy of swords in the aisle on the way to the stage.


"We have learned that the coronation will lead the proceedings and that Houad will not be present after surrendering power. We have learned that the remaining prince will be knighted and take Xen-Que's place as the High General of Damos. Any other significant details to the ceremony, if any, are classified beyond top secret."


Javk nodded. "Very good, Celda. What about the Guard and the First Family?"


Celda lit a cigar and took a long drag from it. He blew the smoke out a nearby window. "The Guard will be taken care of by our people. We have to take care of the incumbents and their sons." Javk's expression paled at that news. Celda took another drag. "Yeah... I know."


Javk nodded. "OK, OK. This isn't that bad. We knew the risks when we put this plan into motion. This isn't even a worst-case scenario. King and Queen shouldn't be a problem. They can be taken care of before we even attack the Throne Room. I'm sure Houad will attempt to flee. He has to."


"And what is your plan for the new High General?"


Javk was handed his spear by another accomplice, who had been sharpening the head. "There is no plan for him. We have to hope things turn out our way. We'll have to try and neutralize them when the battle breaks out. Maybe we can overwhelm the General."


"I assume the same goes for Xen-Que?" Celda said, already finished with his cigar.


"Xen-Que wields a power greater than any we possess. Greater than anyone in his family. But he's irrational. Insecure with the competence of those around him. He is like a child. He will go into a frenzy and he will make a mistake. In many ways, he is the lesser threat of the current princes."


Xen-Que walked up the steps to the throne, having accepted his father's crown. He looked across the hall at his new subjects. "And so begins the rule of King Xen-Que'rén!" Houad declared. Xen-Que sat in the throne. He ran his hand over the fine wood of the arm. He looked back over to his father, only to notice that he was no longer there.


The former king was rushing through the halls beyond the Throne Room as fast as his legs would carry him. "Hurry woman, we must get out of here before--" He stopped dead in his tracks and his eyes filled with horror.


"My lord," Celda said with insincere fealty and a smirk on his face. Houad gasped and took a step backward. He turned and began to flee in the other direction, but was cut off by Javk, holding a spear threateningly, exposing himself as a traitor. With his back turned to him, Celda pulled a dagger from his boot and hurled it into the king's back, dropping him to his knees as he cried out in agony.


His wife ran over to him, screaming for help as she contemplated whether to leave the dagger or remove it. Javk walked up to her and slammed the end of his spear into her temple, knocking her out. Javk pulled the dagger out of Houad's back and pulled out a rag. "The effects of the dagger Yahda can be deadly," he said as he nonchalantly wiped blood off the dagger. "I imagine now you are beginning to feel... numb."


Celda pulled Houad to his feet and slammed him up against the wall. "My Lord! I can't believe you would leave your loyal subjects behind! A brave and courageous ruler like you would not cower in the face of danger. A gracious and kind host such as yourself would not lead his people, even his own sons, to disarray."


"No, not to disarray. To salvation I lead Damos."


"Please explain this shit that pours from your gullet," Celda snarled, tightening his grasp of Houad's collar.


"As much as I love my sons... I love Damos more. Though I let Damos leave me in darkness, I do it so not to stay her too. My fall lets Damos rise."


Javk walked between Celda and the former king. "What crazy is this, Houad? Are you saying you are willingly sacrificing your Kingdom for the greater good?"


Houad looked over to Javk, visibly annoyed. "I love my kingdom... but The Unknown Council has never lead me astray. I do what I must to keep this land from tyrants," he said returning his gaze to Celda.


Celda responded by releasing Houad's collar, dropping him to the ground. "The Unknown Council. We will deal with them when we are done here." He looked over to Javk. "We're not risking any chances of reprisal."


Houad pulled out a dagger and swung at Celda, only managing to hit the wrist. Javk reacted quickly and stabbed him again with Yahda, but accidentally hit a major artery. Houad dropped his dagger and fell to the ground again. He began to foam at the mouth before quickly expiring.


Celda wrapped his wrist in a thick bandage. He looked down at Houad and kicked his corpse in the ribs, "Mother I am Grooter!" He shouted, kicking him again and then spitting on him.


"That's enough Celda!" Javk cried. "I'll lock up the queen. You have more work to do."


Javk went outside where he saw many of the nobles and aristocrats not present at the ceremony in chains; prisoners of war, one could say. ”œI am glad to see that you have not tried to escape! Today the monarchy falls! Today... Damos prevails! Bendeai?”

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Celda reached the entrance to the Great Hall. He put his back up to the wall beside it and slowly bent his knees so he was in a near-sitting position. He pushed the hammers on his guns back and placed him on the ground. He detached the duffle bag from its strap and set it down in front of him. He pulled everything out of it. He got to his feet, quietly, and placed some sort of adhesive to the frame of the door before attaching charges to it.


He attached a metallic rod to the lock and deactivated it. He applied more adhesive at the top of the left door and attached a silent charge, blowing a hole out. While he knew no one would have heard anything, he knew the lesser sibling would have noticed it. He plucked up the two grenades that were left from the bag and lobbed them through the hole. He would have to be quick to mask the sound of the grenades hitting the ground. He had a cadence in his mind.


He quickly grabbed his pistols and leapt to his feet and kicked the door open. This had drawn the attention of everyone in the room. He pulled the hammers back again. "Pardon my intrusion, my Lord, but I have grave news to deliver!" He watched the grenade come to a stop beneath a row of seating. A sheepish grin came to him. "We are exchanging classes."


The grenades detonated, slaughtering what middle class citizens were in attendance. The nobles quickly scattered and pulled Xen-Que off the stage; to protect him. Xen-Que jumped back onto the stage to get a better look at the carnage. Celda picked his shots, wasting not a single round. Xen-Que walked calmly amongst madness. He spotted Celda and his eyes were literally ablaze. He knew this traitor to the crown. The two men made eye contact. Seconds lasted an eternity; a moment frozen in time. Celda quickly raised his right pistol and shot Xen-Que. The bullet exploded right in front of the King's forehead, not even reaching its target. Celda shrugged and backed out the way he came. He grabbed a wire on the door and yanked it free as he fled outside.


Xen-Que went to pursue, but his step was stayed by his brother, urging him to wait. The rest of the attendance quickly rushed the main entrance to escape, but they all perished in another explosion. The King removed his cape and resumed his pursuit as his brother summoned Solathras to his grasp.


Xen-Que was soon outside the castle, where he witnessed the carnage that had become his Kingdom. "You... bastard. Why have you betrayed us, father? Coward! Snake! Forsaking your own son! I will show you! I WILL SHOW YOU!"


Celda navigated the chaos with ease, quickly finding Javk, who was cradling a lifeless frame. Celda knelt down beside Javk. "No..."


"One of the noblemen we captured used to be a prisoner of war. He escaped from an Iedin prison and lead his men to safety. He unlocked his chains and lifted a gun from some rookie." He looked up to Celda with tears in his eyes. "He shot Bendeai in the face."


Celda swallowed down his sorrow. "Count Bendeai was a good man, yes... but he knew what he was getting in to."


Javk shook his head in protest. "No. He's why we're here. We couldn't have done this without him. He used his position on Kramei to cut off all contact with the Monarchy. He smuggled people to and from. Helped us train. We wouldn't be here without him and we let him die." There was a loud explosion, which startled Celda, but Javk seemingly was expecting it. "Now you will see, Celda. Now you will witness his power."


Xen-Que ripped his shirt collar open and drew his sword. He brought if across his front, sending away all hostiles in front of him. With huge gashes in their forms they hit the ground dead. Every last one. He conjured his chosen magic, flame. A fire ball exploded into existence in his hand. He hurled it recklessly into the masses, killing allies and enemies alike. Xen-Que began to rant, "This is my kingdom! My kingdom! You will not take it from me! You will pay! All of you will suffer this treachery!" He hurled another fire ball into the mists. Celda's men launched a devastating incendiary device in the ball's path, that would have killed nearly everyone present. The ball's flight began to slow, as it's path was being altered to prevent it from hitting the bomb. The guidance of the ball was brought way off course, but it was too strong to be controlled completely and accidentally struck the castle, igniting it.


Celda smiled and turned to Javk, ”œNow it is time for you to do your part.”

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"Miraculously, the King of Damos survived the treasonous blow. He and the rest of his family were hanged by the neck. Five hundred years have passed, and the line of throne-keepers, this 'Republic' of Damos, have yet to suffer for their treachery. Javk and Celda stole this world for their own. Why shouldn't their rule too be challenged? Five years society has been dependent on this state. The few neighboring planets surrounding us have been bound by Damos. Never challenged."


Daben Celt. The best. A true mercenary with a mind rivaled by few. It was this fact that made it unfortunate the thoughts he had been thinking. He looked up at a statue of Javk Gie, recognized as the founder of the Republic of Damos. There was anger in his eyes. Hate in his soul. He took up a gun from his belt. An old friend with a new look. New laser technology still being tested by the Damos military. He pulled the hammer back and shot the statue, shattering it. "You are early," Daben declared as he turned to face his Lieutenant. "Will the next stage begin so soon?"


"No," Cineon said, "everything is ready. It just seems soon to you because we're actually ready to begin."


"Perhaps. Perhaps you are ready. Only time will tell. How many teams have you assembled for the task?"


Cineon looked back at this ship for a moment, ”œAt least four squads are at my disposal.”

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