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Two Can Play at This Game (Complete)

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Sitting in a starfighter "borrowed" from General Grievous, Obi-Wan Kenobi cleared his mind. He was journeying back to Coruscant after an exhausting but successful mission on Utapau, and he felt that he was entitled to a bit of rest. A session of meditation would be just the thing...


That thought evaporated when his comlink buzzed.


He sighed. He didn't mean to be selfish, but was it too much to ask that he have a few minutes to relax after he had killed General Grievous in a grueling battle? He reluctantly pressed the ”œaccept”



Thanks, Tiana!

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This fic still kills me. EVERY TIME I READ IT.




I mean, seriously. I've read it before and I still got that rush of 'gah noooooooooo... WTF?' feeling I got last time. Good date to post it, too.


Just when I thought it was over, I watched Tiana kick Almira in the head, effectively putting her out of her misery. I did not expect that.
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If only...



When I read it I thought, maybe the goal is to give obi-wan's view on the events. Then I thought, "Wait a minute everything here is wrong, the delivery everything, when was the last time this author saw episode III?"


Then when it was shown to be an April fool's joke, I am pretty sure I felt the exact opposite of how obi-wan felt. Something about knowing what happens in cannon, so instead of relieved I felt saddened. It was interesting to say the least.


Since I only give my critiques on content, and given how your content made me feel something. I say good job or I could say "OMG GREAT FIC WOW!"



Well, you could always just post something like "OMG GREAT FIC WOW!"
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Tiana, I'm not sure whether to think that's good or bad! Yeah, I don't really have time to play any serious jokes on people I actually know personally, but then I remembered I had this that I wrote a while back so I revised it a bit and put it up, just for fun!


Scorp Jedi Knight (is it okay if I call you SJK?), thanks for reading and reviewing. I guess I don't really understand what you mean by it making you sad, but I guess if it got a response out of you, that's cool.


I happen to love the surprise ending genre, even though I don't often write it, so this was my feeble first attempt at one. I have one more I might post sometime, and this can be my surprise short story thread. And if I ever wite any other, better surprise endings...



Thanks, Tiana!

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Lol. We all just call him Scorp. If you notice, I call Amidala Skywalker Ami and you get Ani'd, and well, everyone gets shortened. I'm Tiana or Tia or even T... so basically if someone has multiple words in their name you just take the one that seems most logical. Vaderman could become Vman... some people get initialed, HJP used to fanfic, and was Hou-jo Poleb. But most people just get the first 'logical' name to shorten their names.






I felt that kind of emotional response too, except I think mine mirrored Obi-Wan's WTFness and the whole GAH I HATE BEING LED ALONG and it was worse because I'd read the fic before and it STILL got me.


I understand what he meant by sad, though. You see, we know how RotS really goes. And this reads like an RotS fic--and then BAM. It's not. It's AU. Laugh and get over it... except. We know that's not how it ends. It's just wishful thinking. And it's sad.


No, no worries, it's good. You're good enough to get us. I never prank people. Haha.


And if you feel the need to post another story, post it in a new thread. Poems and short things like that can be collected in one thread but for reviewability's sake, make stories seperate.


Just when I thought it was over, I watched Tiana kick Almira in the head, effectively putting her out of her misery. I did not expect that.
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