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Brothers, All


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Brothers All


RC-7417 stood at the edge of sanity. He gripped his scoped DC-17, and kneeled down next to the 2 lifeless Kaminoan corpses. He took whatever left of credits and valuables from the corpses, and muttered,

" Gra'tua cuun hett su dralshy'a"

Can't get soft...This is for all the Vode an, I have to have...vengeance. Tom reloaded another magazine into his blaster and leaned to a nearby wall. A sigh. He slung his blaster over his head and sighed once more, and dragged the bodies into a near Kaminoan sewer canal. He kept shoving the bodies into deeper water until he was satisfied that nobody would notice- or see the corpses. He checked for comm-link messages, and found one from his employer:


Subjects at cordinates 1-4-6 by 9-0-2, repeat, 1-4-6 and 9-0-2. Subjects number around 4, armed with DY-225's, and E-11B rifles. Take out subjects, make noise if needed.

He nodded slowly, and hid his DC-17 inside his pack (even though the barrel stuck out of it) and walked on to his cordinates. Wonder if they're Kaminoans? Nah, they don't know how to handle blasters let alone rifles...Maybe some Jedi? Weird folk those are. He kept talking to himself, and was at around cordinates 1-4-7 by 9-0-1 after a half an hour of walking briskly. Out of no-where, his right hand started to twitch. Damn! It wasn't until his adrenaline went up that he noticed the 4 armed subjects. Mando's. One of his kind, or atleast part of his blood...somehow. It wasn't the first time he's killed some of his kind, most Mandolorian merceneries ended up killing eachother one way or another either by war, or for cold hard credits. It did disturb him thought: all Mandolorian merceneries were good at killing; most young boys were in the frontlines with their fathers (or eldest male family member) and learned how to shoot and handle blasters.

He advanced at the group, and quickly grabbed and aimed his DC-17 at one of them. He realised one of the 4 was a girl not unusual, but something out of the ordinary. One of the men quickly ducked and cursed,

"Shit-" A blaster round ended his fears. Tom could now hear his heart beating loudly, and he felt something stuck inside his throat. No worries, he thought..he needn't to say anything to them anyways. He knocked over a table and hid behind it. Blaster fire passed, and two blaster rounds managed to hit him in his shoulder,

"Crap..Alright, a few thermal detonators and then..." Luckily for him, RC Katarn Armor was sealed against vacuum (Blaster Fire) but managed to leave brutal bruises and internal bleeding. The two rounds that hit literally dislocated his left shoulder, and then again his right hand started to twitch.

He leaned to the left side of the left side of the table, and was met with a blaster round to the chest. His adrenaline was dramatically increasing now, and the blast made him lose his air, and left a big bruise about the size of a thermal detonator on his chest. He broke for a run, and hid for cover next to a ledge of a building. He threw a thermal detonator at the remaining 3 subjects, and one fell down and stayed down, now taking a sleep from which he/she will never awake. He dove for the ground, and smacked into a chair and simeotaniously fire several rounds at the last 2 subjects. They dropped dead. He was again satisfied, and left the body's for dead. He broke out in a walk, and returned to the 4 bodies.

"Goodbye, Vode An" He collected their clan sigils, which identified them as members of the Sino, and Kolt clans in Mandalore. He was sure that their families will get what was left of their relatives. It was the Mando'ade thing to do. He left, DC-17 half-hidden in his pack with the clan sigils in hand. One day...I will reunite with my Vode An...One day...


(( Prolouge of story...^-^ i'll be posting chapters soon...and I'll start copyrighting it...and see what goes on from there XD ))

-Seven-four-one-seven, zero-four-seven-seven

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  • 2 years later...

Yeah, there were typos, but all in all, I thought there was serious potential. The spacing of the various lines was a little wacky too, and it might have just been a weird spacing in a Word file that got copy/pasted wrong, but it was a bit distracting, especially when I initially looked at everything. That's a quick fix though. I'd like to see this continued.


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since November 2002.]

Member of the Four Horsemen

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