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When My World Stopped (complete)


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This is a reflection, fiction piece written about the recent death of my mom.


I sank down upon my knees, not caring if the dirt soiled my soul. The shock of the truth hit me in a power, awe inspiring way. I found myself unable to move or to allow air pass to reach my lungs. My mind stopped for an eternal moment. My world had gone still.


The reality of the situation was too much. The honesty of the fact was overwhelming. Sense ceased to exist. Logic no longer worked. What was black was now white and all that I knew lost its meaning.


The end. That was it. The ever lasting end, that continued forever with holy meaning. Time had finally stopped. There would be no tomorrow. Life did not continue. The world would go on, but no longer in the same, meaningful pattern. The world was changed in a fixed path.


I would go on, live, breathe, and eat as I had so before, thinking and minding the world, yet I was changed. It was the end that caused this. It was the world in which I knew no longer existed and plunged me into something new, something unheard of.


It was also the start. New would and was happening. My breathing and eating would happened in a new way. The world went through its course in a new way, whether conscious of this fact or not. The dirt I laid upon was new in my eyes, different and altered.


Yet, new, old, or the end, or beginning, I existed in a state of shock, close to insanity. My mind sped through all of this without logic or reasoning. I got up from the dirt, slow to rise to different reality. My mind went on as if I had never stopped.

Bringing Light into Darkness

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First off, I am incredibly sorry to hear about your mother.


The beginning of your piece was kind of depressing, but it had a lot of emotion in it. I liked it a lot, not a bad piece of writing. There were a few grammatical errors like missing words and such, that confused me a bit, but didn't take away from the story too terribly much. Good job, and enjoyable read.


Proud member of the JNET Addicts Club since November '05

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