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Yavin IV

Tarrian Skywalker

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Skye moved over and placed a hand on Chen's shoulder, smiling down at Amon before turning back to the other's. She hadn't been sure just how Darex would take meeting with Tzeentch, but he seemed to take it well enough. She gave him a smile, seeing the handsome man that she had met in what seemed so long ago.


She had remained silent, the others Ara asked about speaking for themselves. She looked closely at Ara, testing with the Force to see how she was going. The last thing she wanted was for her to over do it.


"How is your vision? No blurriness? I wouldn't want you to overdo things. We will see you back to full health before you head back again."


She turned to Fynn, smiling at him. He had grown so much in the Force.


"You may have time to yourself Fynn. You've earned a rest"


She winked at him before silently speaking to Ara, I think he's ready for his trials... What do you think?


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"No bluriness or anything, Skye." Ara laughed. "I think I see better than I did before, to be honest. I'm going to miss my glasses, though I think I have an idea of something better to replace that particular 'loss.'" And indeed, I think he's ready for his trials. They grow up so fast, don't they, Skye?


Ara stood and moved back to the bed where she had been before, her eyelids drooping slightly. "I am a little bit tired, though. Will the dear doctor allow me a catnap before I attempt to head back to Coruscant to fix things up a bit?"

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."



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Fynn bowed to his Master and Ara, afterwhich he promptly left the room. As he walked the halls of the giant temple he meandered, as he studied the runic symbols etched into its walls. He had always had a profound interest in the past, specifically archaeology. His father had scoffed at the notion, believeing it to be the whim of a mouthy teen. As he entered his room he grabbed his datapad, typing out a lengthy message to Correllia.


In the letter he attached footage of the terrorist he had tracked, and a transcript of his investigation which ended at Selvaris. Hopefully the local authorities could find more success in apprehending the villan. With her pictures all over the holonet it would only be a matter of time unitl someone spotted her, if she was still alive.


He took time to meditate and recover his strength. He hadn't had a chance to center himself for weeks. Finding the place of solitude that intrigued him, Fynn sat with legs crossed before a giant statue. It was a visage in omage of Tzeentch, his eyes piercing with a sort of stalwart gleem. After a few minutes servants of Tzeentch entered burning a sweet incense. The smell was of wild flowers, and made the room a little hazier then Fynn would have preferred. Several children then entered the room, each of them bearing a gift for the image.


They laid thier gifts at Tzeentchs' feet in some ceremony that as known only to them. They left promptly leaving Fynn to himself. His mind was soothed as he meditated on the events that had buffeted him lately.

"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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Darex nodded to Fynn as he left, then as Ara spoke about getting some sleep, Darex yawned.


"I think I will get some rest myself," he said. "I have a strange feeling that I'm going to need it..."


He had been getting odd feelings from the Force since he had met up with Darla on Coruscant. Destiny was drawing at him, and he knew he couldn't ignore it for long. He could put it off a little bit, but he knew he must give in to the will of the Force.


Besides, that's the best place for me to be, he thought.


"Recover soon, Master Ara," he said. "Skye, it's good to see you again, and Lord Tzeentch, thank you for your hospitality."


With that, he gave a traditional Jedi bow and left the room.


Once out in the hall, he was approached by a servant who led him to a small, yet comfortable, room. He thanked the servant, and went in. There was a small bed in the corner, and Darex went over to it. Removing his boots and outer robe, he lay down, and was quickly in a deep sleep.


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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Skye linked arms with Tzeentch, Amon now making his hunger known as they left Ara to rest.


"Time to feed you little one."


She took Amon into her arms as they entered their bedchamber, seating herself down to feed their hungry child.


"What plans now my love?"


Skye looked up, meeting Chen's loving eyes.


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Fynns' mind wandered aimlessly, looking to find refuge from his exhastion. His dreams took him to far away scenes and exotic visions. It may have been the incense that took him on the journey but it was the force that gave him the vision. His mind reeled as if hyperspace and time were as one. Suddenly the colorful shapes and symbols crystalized into and image.


It was Darlas' smiling face, cloaked by a huge red haze. Fynn felt the surge of emotion that he had worked so hard against. He could not deny his feelings in his dream however, and they poured upon him without impunity. Suddenly however Darla seemed to slip away. Her face growing more distant with each moment. Suddenly the image of an immense dragon plunged forth from the shadow, looking down on Fynn like a towering fortress. It reared up and released a breath of fire.


Fynn awoke from his meditation in a cold sweat. If it was a vision it had left him as quickly as it came, leaving him wondering the meaning. If Darla was in trouble it would not have been so cryptic. Yet he felt no danger to her only to himself. He determined to ask his master if she new what the meaning of such a dream might be.


For now he roused from his meditation. Soon, Fynn found his way back to the same guest quarters provided to him on his previous visit. In a few minutes he had washed himself and dressed himself in one of his less formal suits. Now he came back to the temple courtyard to practice his positions once more. His skills had been strongly tested against the Sith woman named Sirvani, and if hadn't been for his continual daily training Fynn was sure that he would have lost.


Fynn slowly went through the first five positions of Soresu, concentrating on the less tangible aspects of the form. With careful precision he practiced long into the late evening. Fynn then concentrated upon the small rocks and stones in the courtyard. Sitting he concentrated on bringing them closer. One by one they piled up until they formed a small ring like that of a castle only in minature. The circle complete Fynn stood up concentrating on each of the stones. Reaching out with the force, Fynn made a loud cry, sending the rocks flying away from him all at once. After a moment Fynn stood up to see how far his range was. The farthest stone pointed due east, in the night sky Fynn recognized the formation. Coruscant...

"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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*snap hiss*


The sound of the lightsaber igniting was one all too familiar to the sleeping Jedi Knight, and his mind reacted, waking him instantly.


For a moment, Darex could only see the glowing red blade--a weapon that even after all he had been through could still manage to strike a sense of fear into him. But he pushed it away immediately. He would face whoever this was with the peace of the Jedi.


He was about to speak, and ask the Sith what they wanted, when he felt something vaguely familiar. He sat up and peered closer at the cloaked figure standing at the foot of his bed. His eyes fully adjusted to the light, and he could see a woman who was very familiar to him.


"Shy?" he gasped.


She had changed, that was certain. But it wasn't only her outward appearance that had changed, but her whole manner. She was sad, and pained, and Darex saw a haunted look in her eyes. It broke his heart. She had been so innocent, so kind and gentle.


"Shy...how...how did you find me? I've...searched so long..." he was having trouble getting words out. Though her lightsaber was still lit, Darex knew she wouldn't kill him. He knew there was still good in her...she wasn't too far gone. There was a way fro her to be redeemed; to be saved from this life that seemed to pain her so much.


Overcome by these thoughts and emotions, Darex fell silent, unable to speak.


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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As Fynn completed his meditation, a tremor in force caught his senses. It was quiet, stealthy, but no jedi. Fynn could tell it was close, but he wasn't sure just how close. He stood up, carefully listening to the still night air to get a clue. Then he heard a sound, the unmistakeble vibration of a lightsaber. It wasn't a sound that would have been heard by many, but Fynn had been in the silent courtyards for hours now, he would have a raindrop from 500 yards.


Fynn decided to ignore it, it wasn't the first time he had he heard and seen things in his visions. He returned to his room for the night, there would be much to do the next, of that he was sure....


His sleep was disturbed however, in his mind he continued to see the image of the dragon over Darla. Finally he was able get a few relaxing hours.

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"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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He didn't realize she affected him so much. As she moved around to the side of the bed, Darex was still in shock. Part of him disbelieved that she was actually here, standing in front of him. But the larger part of him knew it had to be true. It had to be. He could see her, there, as clear as day.


He saw the desparation in her eyes as she reached out her pale hand. Filled with joy, Darex reached out and grasped it in his own, his warm hand closing over her cold one.


He then stood and wrapped his arms around her. "Shy...it's so good to see you again. I've missed you..."


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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"Shy! Wait!" Darex called out to her, but she vanished into a swirling mist of darkness.


He slumped back down on his bed. He had wanted so badly to comfort her, to let her know that it didn't have to be this way. There was still hope...hope for redemption. He knew her destiny did not lie with the Sith.


He thought back on her words. While she didn't blame him for her fall, he knew that that wasn't 100% true. He could have utilised their breif time spent together and taught her more; taught her better.


He rubbed his face with his hand and rested his chin in his palm. Her parting words were the ones that got at him the most. "I...will miss you terribly." His insides cried out at that, and he was troubled greatly by them.


Suddenly, a thought came to him. There is no emotion; there is peace. The words of the Jedi Code soothed him. He had tried everything he could. And now...he wasn't sure if he'd ever see her again. She was lost until she made the choice to return. As much as that pained him, he knew it was true.


There was only one thing he could do, he realized. Seek out Lord Barton, and see what kind of sway he held over Shy to make her believe her path with him. If she was with him, then he would know her level of dedication to the Dark Side. If she wasn't...then there was more hope for her than before.


Darex...don't be a fool. You know it'll come to battle, and you know you can't beat Barton. The thought was acknowledeged, and was complimented by another--that he could simply forget her and this whole affair; move out to a nice peaceful place and...get another padawan. But the other part of him knew he had to do it, despite the consequences. His life had been taken up by this for a long time now...he had to see it through to the conclusion.


Leaning over, Darex glanced at the chronometer. 0630 hours. He might as well get up. He quickly hopped in the 'fresher, shaved, and got dressed. Making sure he hadn't left anything in the room, he moved out into the hallway, shutting the door behind him.


As he began to walk down the hall, he saw Fynn there. Surprsed, he greeted him. "Good morning."


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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"Good morning..." Fynn said in a brisk tone. Fynn regularly slept only for a few hours each night...waking up before dawn to begin his training. He had always found it refreshing and useful to get a start on the world before it awoke. "I hope you sleept well Sir Darex...care to join me for morning meal?" Fynn asked as he motioned for the knight to join him for breakfast.


He made his way into a small dining room with a lowered table. There, fresh fruits were placed by servants. Along with the fruits came boiled eggs of some of the local birds, freshly baked bread, and an interesting green drink that seemed to sparkle whenever the cup was disturbed. After sitting with legs folded Fynn decided to avoid this drink, it was more the sparkling then the color. He gathered a few items of food in his plate and began a short prayer that his father had taught him when he was young.


"May the force give us strength for the day ahead, and may it give us its' will as we attempt to follow its path, lets us not forget our nieghbor as we mind ourselves, and may the force be with us all of our day..." Fynn said these lines as if they had been rehearsed a thousand times. After that he began eating. "So Sir Darex, have you had the privledge of training any padawans yet?" He asked as he scarfed down a small piece of bread.

"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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Darex gathered a few items on a plate and sat down next to Fynn. "Thank you," he said.


As he bgan to eat, Fynn asked him if he had had the priviledge of training any padawans yet. Darex winced and swallowed his food. Fynn had the right to know.


"Well, yes," he said slowly, trying carefully to keep his voice even. "I have had one. Her name was...is...Shy-Ree. But...she was lost. To me and to herself."


He knew Fynn would understand that she had fallen to the Dark Side. He needn't say anything more. "She has been my only padawan so far," he said, trying to lighten the subject and pull it away from the pain associated with Shy. "Though I have been involved with the Jedi for a long time, it was only fairly recently in the scope of things that I became a Knight."


He took another bite of his food, glad that the subject had strayed to his own tale. "Your master, Skye, and I were hopefuls together. She was taken on by her master, and I was left behind. I remained without a master to train me for a long time. One day, Skye came back to the academy. She was a Knight, and took me on as her first apprentice. My training was long, but eventually, I was Knighted."


He chewed, finishing a peice of fruit, and eyed the green, sparkling juice. "What kind of juice do you suppose that is?" he asked. Hearing no response, he shrugged and poured himself a glass. Raising it up, he toasted Fynn. "May your journey be much smoother than mine."


With that, he downed the liquid. Finishing off the cup in a single swig, he raised his eyebrows. "It's definately not what I expected, but it's not bad. Tastes like chicken."


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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"Chicken...interesting, though not unexpected...doesn't everything?" Fynn said with a smile.


Fynn had listened carefully as Darex explained his time as a jedi. It sounded as if he had seen much, and the revelation that his first padawan had fallen was sobering. Fynn had heard the call of the darkside before, hauntingly enough, but he had remained strong, and quelled his darker side. To know that your padawn fell, must have been heartbreaking to Darex, perhaps even paralyzing. He had heard that she had dissapearred suddenly, only now did he understand.


"The darkside claims many jedi these days, some are to full of anger, others can't control thier ambition. It was not your fault, no matter what you feel you did each jedi must answer to himself for his or her actions." Fynn said in quiet peaceful tone. "My father had intended to use me as a weapon to seek justice for himself and his departed loved ones, but it was my choice to become a jedi, to become something more then just a tool for others. Now I seek to serve others out of choice."


He gulped down what remained of his breakfast, and continued speaking. "It helps to remember the good times, to remember fallen ones as they were before thier fall, complete and whole...and one with the force." Fynn trailed off thinking of Darla, wondering if she was alright. He hoped in his heart that any minute she would walk in unannounced as was her custom and fluster him as usual...but it was only wishful thinking.

"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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Ara rested once everyone had left, closing her eyes and falling into a deep sleep for quite some time. She woke with a start, though why she wasn't sure.


She shook her head and decided to look over the holonet to see how things were going elsewhere and to take her mind off things, only to find someone with oddly familiar eyes staring back at her from the screen. Ara had to look twice before her mind would accept what she was seeing and hearing.


"Anastasia Faust...what a fitting name for such a young woman." She lightly banged her head on her datapad, one of the few that had survived the Hunter Faust's attacks. "And I have caused her the grief. How wonderful for me."


She tucked the datapad away and called for Skye. I believe I'm ready to go home...as well as take your padawan with me for trials, if you don't mind. I have a couple of stops to make on the way...think he'd mind?

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."



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Ara's voice sounded within her mind, Skye smiling up at Tzeentch.


"Looks like my patient is well enough to leave."


Amon was in his cradle, the two lovers in each others arms. Skye kissed her love before stepping back from him,


"I won't be long..."


Reluctantly she left their room, heading to see Ara. She lent against the door frame as she spoke to her.


"I'm sure Fynn won't mind the extra stops. How do you feel?"


She could see the vast improvement in her patients appearance, though her eyes were still troubled.


Fynn... would you mind taking Ara to wherever she needs to go? Skye touched the mind of her padawan... wondering if he would guess that by being the 'taxi' that he would also be going on his trials.


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Ara smiled, standing up slowly and putting her datapad back in her pocket. "I'm...tired. But I think that's to be expected." She patted her pocket, before looking herself over. "And I think I need a new wardrobe and some datapads, so I'm going to go see a couple of friends before I go back to the Academy to oversee rebuilding."


She pulled the last remaining hairpin out of her hair, her long blond tresses falling halfway down her back with a quick shake of her head. Ara held the hair ornament out in front of her with an unreadable expression. She probed it with the Force and removed from it a small bit of explosives, the last weaponry in what could have been a three-prong attack.


Ara pulled her hair back up with the now harmless hairpin, taking the explosive in a small Force shield, exploding it by muttering, "Mittsu utte." The force of the blast bounced off of the shield, but did no other damage. Ara dropped the Force shield and let the smoke drift off elsewhere into the room.


"'Died by the hairpin...' At least the rest of the world won't know. Though I think..." She looked back at Skye. "Faust had a sister...has? Had? I don't know. She's alive, however, and I guess has inherited all of Faust's earnings. Anastasia, her name is. She's trying to undo all of her brother's wrongdoings." Ara smirked. "Perhaps I should help her, hm?"


She gave a short laugh. "And are you sure he won't mind driving me around everywhere? I can be rather irritating sometimes."

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."



Proud member of the vast Right-Wing conspiracy


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The words that flowed freely from Master Skye were heard by Fynn as if she was in the same room. Either he was growing better at hearing her, or something was amplfying her message. Of course master I await you in the dining room...


Fynn turned back to Darex "Master Skye will be joining us shortly...before she does what is your impression of her new avian appendages?" Fynn asked with upturned eyebrow and a smirk. Before she could answer his master entered causing Fynn to choke slightly of his own accord. He coughed once, and then stood to greet his master and Master Ara. She asked Fynn if he minded them joining, "Certainly not...Good morning Master Skye, and Master Ara, its good to see you up and about, did you rest well?"


Amazing as it was the woman seemed a lot better in just a 24 hour period. His masters' abilities were amazing as always. "We were just musing over your new...accessories..." Fynn said with a sort of half ashamed tone, there was no need not to be truthful, since he had learned that honesty was a priviledge of friends and family.

"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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Darex greeted the two women warmly. "It's good to see that you're doing better, Master Ara," he said.


As Fynnexplained what they had been discussing, Darex was fairly amused despite himself. Fynn had not known Skye as long as he had. Darex had been there to observe the very first changes, and now, not much surprised him about her. He figured that it was natural spending so much time in the presence of one as powerful as Tzeentch.


"Yes," he added. "And I have to admit, I've been wondering if they really work, or if they're simply for decoration."


He couldn't keep a small smirk from crossing his face.


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Ara couldn't help but join in. "I was personally wondering how you are going to feel if or when you begin molting." She coughed, though if one paid attention, it sounded rather more like a laugh. "And to answer your question, Fynn, I'm rested quite well, though I'm still a tad achy."


Ara sat down next to the two, looking over what they were eating. "And a wee bit hungry. What all do you guys have here, anyway?"

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."



Proud member of the vast Right-Wing conspiracy


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She couldn't help but laugh with them. She grinned as she caught Darex's eyes as she spread her wings, bring them back down with a powerful downward sweep, partially lifting off the ground, the breeze created by her wings making their robes whip around them.


"You wouldn't believe how it feels to fly. They arn't just for show, they work very well thankyou for asking... as for molting... haven't found that out yet"


She winked at them, her voice full of laughter but taking on an animation that left them with no doubt how amazing it felt to actually fly - without a ship! Skye signalled to the servants to prepare two more meals.


"So Fynn, would you mind taking Ara wherever she needs to go?"


Turning back to Ara she added,


"I'll have to go to Coruscant as well, check on a few things there."


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For a moment Fynn watched in silent amazement at his master new found abilities. Having wings would certainly come in handy, but still Fynn preferred to keep his feet on the ground, besides the terrestial fall was more forgiving then the aeronautical one. "Thats amazing...quite a gift." Fynn said as his master floated to the ground from her short levitation. A feather flew by him and lighted upon his plate. "Only a few drawbacks..." Fynn said as he picked up the whitish pink feather...slightly blowing it out of curiosity.


He turned his attention back to his master. "Of course it shall be a great an honor to escort the jedi council leader..." Fynn said as he looked towards Master Ara with a gentle grin. "The Templar can handle up to three comfortably, or we can take it if you like, unless other arrangements would be preferable. The ship is small, but its formidable, and perfectly safe." Fynn said the words in grace, fully unaware if the leader of the jedi would prefer a more elaborate means of transportation.


He ended his meal and a moment later a servant claimed the dish, putting fresh food down for anyone who wished more. Fynn admired thier speed, they seemed to move around like ghosts, and yet were more hospitable towards guests then most resort world staff...


"We may leave whenever you feel ready Master Ara...",Fynn said as he stood up from his reclined position.

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"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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Ara grinned at Skye as she momentarily took flight. "Try riding on the back of a dragon, dear--another gift from your beloved, I might add. Rather fun, though it's difficult to get Nasu-Ryu to do what I want, now that he has two heads." She gave a short laugh, shaking her head. "Anyway.


"Your ship will be fine. I've been in more cramped situations before," she said, starting to eat the meal set before her. Ara piled her plate high with food. "I'm flexible." She shoveled a mouthful of food into her mouth and talked around it. "And we'll leave as soon as I finish eating..." She swallowed. "...and whenever Skye is ready as well."

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."



Proud member of the vast Right-Wing conspiracy


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He nodded to the jedi leader. "Then I shall await you aboard...I need to make sure were fully stocked before leaving...If you'll excuse me Master, sir Darex..." Fynn said as he bowed and exited the room. He made his way to the Templar, picking up supplies along his walk. After enlisting some help from a servant. He loaded the supplies on board. The Templar was loaded in a short time, after finishing Fynn went throught the jump calculations with the computer. After loading in the latest star charts, and hazard maps Fynn ran diagnostics on the shields and electrical systems.



Fynn was always thorough, but since he was carrying a jedi leader, he doubled his cautiousness...there was never anytelling who might be gunning for her, or what sort of method they might employ.

"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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Skye finished her meal, glancing up at Ara and Fynn.


"Good Luck Fynn."


She winked again, watching him leave to prepare his ship. She turned to Ara again,


"I think he'll do well. I'll call at the Academy before I leave Coruscant." She smiled gently, "Never know if there's another hopeful that needs a Master. I'd feel lost without one. Have a good trip back. Be sure to let me know if you need anything."


She turned towards Darex then,


"So where are you headed now? Do you need to talk? I know we haven't had much of a chance to for a while."


She was concerned about him and suggested that if he wanted to talk on the way to Coruscant, she was sure his droid would be able to pilot his x-wing and follow them while they travelled in the Destiny's Dream.


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Darex thought for a moment before he responded to Skye's invitation. "I think I will do that. I need to look up some information anyway in the Coruscant computers."


He didn't say what the information was, but left the sentence hanging for his old master to pick up on if she chose to. Instead, he quickly instructed the green R6 that had been trailing him all morning to head back to the ship, lock on to the Destiny's Dream, and follow them to Coruscant.


The astromech droid rolled off with a cheerful chirp, and Darex turned back to Skye and Ara. "We'll leave as soon as you two lovely ladies are ready."


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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"I'll meet you at the Destiny's Dream. I have to get Amon ready."


Skye rose from the table, smiling at Darex before she went to collect her son from his father. Entering the bed chamber she stood and observed the two for a moment, a gentle smile playing on her lips as she heard her son giggling. Amon was such a happy child. She walked gracefully over to Tzeentch's side, reaching over to kiss his lips.


"I'm gathering you will be busy with other things so I'll take Amon with me again, leave you free for your... work."


Amon looked up at his parents, his little arms pumping up and down enthusiastically with his 'goo's and gar's'. Skye moved to pack up some clothes and items for both she and Amon, Tzeentch having placed Amon back in his playpen and was 'helping' her pack. The two laughing and enjoying the respite together. Skye turned in his arms, embracing her lover.


"I'll see you when we return my love."


She kissed him goodbye before breaking apart from their embrace and picked up Amon and the bag with their things, heading back to her ship to meet with Darex.


"Ready to go? I'll just see Amon settled and join you in the cockpit."


She called out for I-Nine to watch over her son as she settled him in her room, Amon now sleepy from all his playtime. She left I-Nine to see to him, then headed into the cockpit.


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Ara quickly gobbled up the rest of her meal, looking more like a starving child than the leader of the Jedi that she was. She wiped off her face and stood, readjusting her half-burnt tunic and belt.


"Time to go."


Making sure she had all of her belongings that she had come with, she set off to find Fynn, finally locating him next to his ship. "All righty, Fynn. I'm set to go. Our first stop is the Last Call on Coruscant...do you mind?"

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."



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"Good timing Master Ara, I just finished the pre flight prep..." Fynn said as he ushered the jedi master inside the bulky fighter. The gunboat had a forward cockpit about 2/3 the size of a shuttle. The two seats there however had been clearly refurbished, with very soft cushioning. The rear compartment had also been retrofitted, a small living are had been created out spare parts allowing enough room for several passengers.


"Coruscant? Understood master..." Fynn said as he grabbed a seat and locked the landing ramp. The ships engines hummed to life and slowly the ship lifted off into the sky. At about 30 feet Fynn took over attitude control and the powerful sublight engines took the ship into high orbit in the matter of a few seconds.


As they left Yavin behind, Fynn gave a silent fairwell to his master, 'Goodbye Master...' He would miss Master Skye but he was confident the jedi master would be fine.


"The Templar" Took a few seconds to calulate the jump, but in moments the craft shot into hyperspace, leaving only a small sparkle in the eyes of anyone on yavin watching the craft leave. The starlines stretched infinetly as the craft slipped the bonds of normal space, bound for Coruscant.

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"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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