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Yavin IV

Tarrian Skywalker

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Darex caught the drift of Skye's emotions, and was surprised to realize that she was worried that Aerec might go the same way as Shy. It took him aback a little. When he recognized his reaction, part of him was chagrined that he hadn't thought the same.


But that made him realize something. He had grown. He was not the same Jedi that had taken on Shy as his apprentice. It seemed so long ago. He had truly lost all guilt he had felt at what he had long considered his greatest failure. He had really let go of the past.


He gave an inward smile. Good to know he could still learn something. But while Skye did have a point, Darex understood the risks. As, he hoped, did Aerec.


"Good point. Thanks Skye," the Jedi Master said. He turned to Aerec. "Still want to go see him? If so, let's go. If not, then we should continue your training."


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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"Oh, I definitely want to see him," Aerec spat. "Definitely."


He was so excited that he did a little dance on his toes. Aerec had never come in contact with anything "evil" before, and that was quite evident. The words of caution from the Jedi Masters were somewhat lost on him. He understood that this man was very dangerous, but he'd grown comfortable in the presence and safety of his Master.


But while the gravity of the words may have been lost, he had still heard them. Consciously, he reached out to Darex in the Force. Link open, ready to go. Good training put into practice, right? We can play with lightsabers later, he joked.

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Darex nodded and tossed Skye and Darla a smile. "Alright, Aerec. Let's go."


The walk over to Ara's ship wasn't long, but Darex took that moment to armor Aerec's mind a bit. He didn't hide anything but the location of the Jedi base, but he provided a strong support base. Of course, he reflected, Faust might simply laugh in their faces and leave if he was conscious. He was unpredictable, which was part of what made him such an evil genious.


As they arrived at the ship, Darex let Ara know they were coming, and when the hatch opened for them, led the way. They found the Jedi and Sith in the med bay. Faust was standing and rummaging through his effects, though Darex could see his was extremely weak. He snorted. Trust a Sith to never listen to what their body is trying to tell them.


"Hello Ara, Faust," he said, inclining his head. "I see your treatment was a success."


Stay close, Aerec.


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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Darla was filled with a certain sense of dread, but still no hint of the Force. She didn't think that taking Aerec to see Faust was a good idea at all. Faust wasn't a tame Vonskr that you could walk up to and pet. Taking a young and innocent padawan to visit Faust would only encourage him to try to mess with their head... If they were lucky that was.


Aerec seemed so excited and eager. Darla shook her head as they left.


"He really doesn't know what he's walking into, does he?" She said turning to Skye.


Even wounded, Faust was deadly. He always had some kind of trick up his sleeve. Darla really didn't want to think about any harm coming to Aerec or Darex. She was sure that Darex understood the dangers and perhaps he saw this as a way of showing Aerec the seriousness of becoming a Jedi. Facing a demon like Faust was not a task to be taken lightly.


They'll be fine... Ara's there too. Try not to think about it.


Instead of worrying, Darla decided to make the most of the time alone with Skye.


"When Faust arrived, I felt him through the Force. It was like my danger sense had awakened and it was amplified by my strong feelings about Faust..." Skye already knew this, she had felt Darla through the Force in that moment. "So now I know that it really is still there. It's still inside me, I'm still a part of it..."


Darla wasn't really sure what she was asking, but she knew that if anyone could help her regain the Force it was her dear friend Skye.


"I think it's time that I try to face up to what it is that's blocking me. I need to stop running from these memories that have been resurfacing. I know that it won't happen overnight, but I have to try. Right?"

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Faust's reaction to the arrival of the new Jedi is one of being far from nonplused, even bored, though inside he felt like biting his lip. The arrival of new pieces on the game board had a tendency to scrap even the best laid plans. Still...


"Ah," he acknowledges briefly, taking in the new faces. Darex he recognized. His brief command of the Empire and their intelligence services let him determine that this one foiled his plan to turn Manaan into a ball of ice. Darex was also one of the Jedi that tried pursuing Faust into a hospital on Coruscant ages back during a bounty. Then again, so was Skye. Faust remembered destroying that hospital and 3,000 lives in it to collect one individual head. The two would not forget what happened there.


Fate plays a cruel joke indeed sending me here, but on which one of us, I wonder?


"Yes, the treatment is going well enough. You have my gratitude," Faust states simply, then with no regard for his modesty or the concerns of everyone else in the room, lets his modesty slip fall and starts dressing himself in his clothes and dented, trademark armor.


Faust's eyes study Darex, cold but impassible, finally narrowing in on the new face. There was something green about the boy, something new. Faust tenatively reaches out with the Force, brushing lightly against his mind. "Ahh, a new padawan," he states, a small smile drawing onto his face as he attaches his greaves and boots, straining from their weight.


"Tell me, boy, what did you expect to see here?" The Hunter's eyes focus on Aerec, his mind trying to catch stray thoughts, running firmly up against a shield, probably Darex's. "A chance to study, see something dangerous, unique? A chaged Rancor perhaps?" Faust continues calmly dressing himself, his voice cool and steady.


"Sadly, boy, I'm just a human being, like Ara, or Darex, or ever yourself." There's a moment of perfectly executed pity in Faust's eyes as they fix on the padawan. "I'm curious what do you hope to gain from your studies with the Jedi? To learn to save a wretched galaxy full of wretched people from tearing themselves apart? To do great justice by taking power for yourself? To try and redeem the unredeemable?" Faust laughs, pulling on his trench coat, standing up at full hieght, tucking his arsenal of weapons back into its tattered folds.


"My parents were Jedi you know," he continues softly, eyes glinting. "Just like these two. They tried to change the world and it rubbed them out as if they never were, save for their legacy: me. What makes you think the world, the Force, ultimately cares about your efforts? People will die, and you, with your associations, well," he adds, intuitively sensing a small inroad, "you're playing with fire, and that can be very, very deadly."

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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As soon as they entered the room, Aerec felt his adolescent enthusiasm begin to fade. There was something he hadn't felt in the Force before, something that frightened him. Cautiously, he stayed both physically and metaphysically close to his Master.


Aerec almost shuddered when Faust's eyes fell on him, but he kept his courage. When the man spoke, there was a twinge of anger in Aerec at the derogatory term "boy," but he let it go, truly listening to the speech.


Despite all the warnings, Aerec was genuinely curious, more curious than he was afraid. Though he was no longer bouncing off the walls, he was still driven to discover something in the presence of Faust.


So, through his fear, perhaps because of it, Aerec found his humor. "Just curious," Aerec said in a dismissive tone, and grinned. His heart thumped harder as he continued. "For me, it's not about the power or saving the whole galaxy or the legacy. It's about the shiny lightsabers."


His smile broadened, but inside he was burning up. Bright core, I can't believe I just said that! To a Sith!


"I don't know why you think I'm getting caught up with power or fame. I just want to help a few people on the streets like my brother and I were. And if I can help make it so that my friends don't have to be as afraid of you, then I'll take that along with the shiny blade.


"I know people will die. I've seen men die of starvation. Seems to me, we're all playing with fire, whether we've got a lightsaber or not."


Hey, you actually made some sense there, Aerec found himself thinking.


"You are just as human as Darex and I, though," Aerec began, genuinely pursuing his curiosity. "So what makes you different? If the world rubbed out your Jedi parents, why isn't it just going to rub you out? Why is the world or the Force going to remember you? What's your purpose?"


Strangely, Aerec didn't mean a word of it as a challenge or a taunt. He was genuinely curious. There was something different about Faust, but he was also just a living being. Aerec was young and, hopefully -- unless Faust took his sense of humor the wrong wasy -- had a lot of life to live. He didn't want to end up like Faust, but he still might be able to learn something from this encounter.

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Faust smiles, his eyes fixed on the young padawan, his own eyes glinting with a cold blue flame.


"Boy," he begins with a smile, detecting that twinge of anger in the padawan, "you have a lot to learn. The shiny, brilliant lightsaber. Light illuminates, light burns, light destroys. Fire has cost you before, hasn't it?" Faust asks mildly, probing still. "This galaxy can, and will burn for sure with the path you walk."


Faust reaches into his belt and with the use of the force, draws out his personal lightsaber, a cold, icy blue colored one which he activates with the familiar snap hiss. Faust leaps into actions, bringing it out and around in a dazzling flourish that was almost too fast for the eyes to follow. He stops his blade just under the padawan's chin, turning the saber off and attaching it back to his belt.


"A lightsaber is a weapon, boy. No more, no less. It is a tool of power, designed to kill, no matter what noble and romantic stories you've deluded yourself with. It cuts, severes, and kills, and you should be aware that the moment you let that saber become a part of yourself, you are no different, no better than the weapon which you wield." He laughs, not daring to show the ache in his muscles or the effort that display cost him. "If you wish to become truly one with the lightsaber and accomplish something with it, you need to embrace that fact. Become the weapon, become one with the Force, be the weapon yourself. The Jedi cannot teach you that, giving you a flawed and lopsided view of the Force, of a lightsaber's true and refined purpose. Only then can you help yourself, much less help others."


Faust smiles, and laughs. "As for who I am, I am the one who made this galaxy what it is. I've slain billions, personally, just as I've saved the galaxy from utter destruction at the hands of others on seperate occasions. I do what I wish, when I wish, and where I wish. I am known, feared, and even among your kind, grudgingly respected for my prowess, something you seem to seek with your lightsaber."


"If I exercise my power as I wish, it is for a slow, controlled burn, cleansing this galaxy of its weaker elements, allowing it to endure as long as it may. Fire dances around us, with in you. I am that cold, cleansing fire incarnate, and you would step into my path for what? Curiosity? Pride? Pride at having stared me down, to have walked away having learned something or think you've learned something."


Faust gives a lazy stretch, leaning back against the medical bed, partially to give the appearance of boredom, mostly to prop himself up. His eyes take on a considering look, piercing Aerec's very being. "If you wish to learn the true nature of the Force, of shiny lightsabers, and this galaxy at large, I'll offer you a simple proposal: Two months in my tutorage. No strings attached, you're free to leave when you wish, as you wish, to return to your master here. If nothing else," he adds with a shrug, "you'll learn combat tricks from the most deadly hunter in the galaxy. At most, you might truly gain some understanding and perhaps even overcome the childish fear running through your veins as we speak."

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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Yep, he took the humor the wrong way, Aerec thought as soon as the lightsaber was out. It was under his chin before he'd finished the thought. He closed his eyes and cringed, in the moment that the blade could have taken his life. He hadn't known fear like that since meeting Darex.


But he breathed on and let out an awkward chuckle when he heard the lightsaber being deactivated. Letting out a long breath, his posture began to relax.


As Faust lectured about the lightsaber, Aerec sent a thought to Darex. I think he missed the joke. The padawan added a wink.


Courage through humor, or humor as a defense mechanism? The line was blurred.


As Faust continued, Aerec's mind continued working, not falling pray to the beast of the speach. I don't care for your power, I don't care for your fame. Why should I buy your philosophy when you can't even pick out a joke?


"...and you would step in my path for what? Curiousity? Pride? Pride at..." Faust was saying.


Curiousity, mostly, Aerec thought, and would've said it out loud had Faust given him a chance.


But Faust continued, and his next words did grab Aerec's attention. Fully. "Two months of my tutelage..."


Faust had tapped into Aerec's curiosity. Aerec was sure it was intentional, and yet he still explored the thought. Could he trust the man's word? Doubtful. Would he learn something if he survived? Surely. Did he want to spend time with this man? Unknown.


He simply gaped, a rare moment without words.

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Faust's sense of humor, cruel and vicious as it was, picked up on the joke, but in his usual fashion, he dismissed it out of hand for making a point. He intended a new joke, as he saw it, and one that would obligate him to speak honestly, and keep his word. So when spoke, truth grudgingly came from his lips.


"I owe your master and his friends a debt for my current good health. I resent relying on their aid, that much I admit, but it places an obligation on me." Faust grimaces. "I've vowed to leave this place in peace and not raise hands against anyone here for the time being. The rest of the galaxy is fair game, and as game, I will hunt it." There is another glint in his eye. "As it is, I am still bound by my oath, which I give and swear now. You will be physically safe during that period. I cannot account for any emotional damage you may incrue in this. You'll be wiser, far more skilled in the arts of survival, but not necessarily happier for your efforts."

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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The scene that played out was about what Darex expected, including Aerec's attempts at humor. However, the hunter's proposal was certainly out of the blue. It caught Darex by surprise just as much--or even more--than it did Aerec. Faust was willing to take Aerec as an apprentice of sorts?


He pondered what he would have done if, when he was a padawan, an offer like this had been made to him. Truthfully, he thought he would have been hard pressed to reject it. Faust was the best at everything he did. It was a very intruiging offer.


While Faust's promise of physical protection was one Darex could sense he sincerely meant, physical safety would be lowest on the Jedi's list of concerns. He didn't know if Aerec would be able to resist the dark side. He might go into it thinking he wanted to help people with the skills he learned from the bounty hunter, but Faust was also a mass murderer.


Darex knew Aerec was full of curiosity, but there were some things that it was better learning in a controlled environment. But he wouldn't say anything to influence his padawan's decision in any way. If Aerec wanted his advice, he could ask for it. It wasn't Darex's place to decide Aerec's future for him. It would be his choice, and his alone.


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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Guess I wasn't as ready for this as I thought, Aerec mused, knowing Darex would hear the thought through the Force. He didn't know if it had been an admittance to himself or to his master. It didn't much matter.


The decision scared Aerec more than the lightsaber had. Life had been much more easygoing a few minutes ago, before he'd entered the medical chamber. Bumming on the streets of Coronet, stowing away on that shuttle, and even his training with Darex: all the decisions he'd made had been instinctual, easy. There was very little conflict.


But this was huge. This was his future. The only thing that compared was the decision to pursue the Jedi path and leave his brother. But Dante had made that decision for him. Dante had given Aerec one last gift: a simple choice to join the Jedi.


Well, the simple times were over, it seemed. Darex had warned of the dark side, but Aerec still didn't have much of an idea of it. Is this it? The dark side? he asked his master silently.


"Well," Aerec said finally, attempting to strike his good humor, "this isn't something I can do on the flip of a cred-chip, now is it, Faust? What are you really offering me with your training? I don't want the legacy of a hunter like you, and all this talk of power and sweeping galactic change is beyond me. Am I just going to become a shorter version of yourself if I do this?"


Hell, I never thought I was that short before.


He stole a glance at his master to see if he could read anything. Then his thoughts were taken in a different direction. With Darex he felt he belonged. And he and Darla were friends, too. Before meeting Faust, Aerec had sworn to protect her from the hunter. All that seemed rather foolish now, but he'd meant it in the moment, and he knew he'd mean it again. The things Sky had spoken of still had a vast mystery to Aerec, he still felt their call. I don't want to break from these people yet.


"What if Darex came along to ensure my safety, both physically and otherwise? I'm kinda committed to the Jedi and training under him."


Aerec doubted if either party would agree to the compromise, and wasn't even sure he wanted to take Faust up on it at all. His curiosity about the man was slowly recoiling with the difficulty of the situation, but it was still there, still burning.

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Faust remains silent to the padawan's first question. That one there was no easy answer to. Faust, though well practiced in guile and deception, knew at this point truth was his most potent weapon and he intended to use it with the precision of a rapier. He instead stares at Darex, wondering how this would change and affect matters. Having a Jedi traveling companion would be interesting, and possibly alleviate any boredom the padawan's tutorage might enforce. Still, there was some discomfort involved in the pairing, as well as the concern the Jedi would find a way to destroy him.


"Your master may accompany you, if he wishes," he concludes finally. "I do not think he will find me a pleasant companion, given our history, but my offer of protection extends to him as well." He grimaces. "Of course, I'd still rather not have him try to catch me off guard and plant a lightsaber in my back as I sleep, like some Sidious wanna-be," he adds with deliberation, "or set up a waiting party of half the rebel fleet for our first destination. That protection extends both ways."


"As for your first question, you are seeking to be a Jedi and that will give you great power whether you wish to receive it or not. That power has both obligations and satisfactions that entail it. You could learn to love it, make it your own, to selflessly do great deeds," he adds with a hint of mockery, "or to fear it and hide it, but it will be part of you. My training would teach you the basics of combat, survival, this galaxy, and perhaps an understanding of the Force if you wish. If you chose to follow in my footsteps when all is said and done, that is a decision you will need to make on your own."

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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Darex didn't need his Jedi senses to tell him that Faust was being honest. After all, he stood the most to gain by not decieving Aerec at this point, and Faust was a logical man. But even still, he was surprised that Faust agreed that he could come along. It went against everything people ever said about the Sith--that they were evil to the core, rotten, and had no sense of honor or dignity. As he thought back now, he had come across only a few Sith that had fit that description, and perhaps that was because he had never gotten the chance to know them better. He knew the goodness had lain in Trowa Barton, and Darla obviously found it even in someone like Kakuto Ryu.


True, they were twisted, but somewhere deep inside, a spark of goodness still lay. It reaffirmed his strong belief in redemption, a belief that had driven him for most of his adult life. And it also hit an uncomfortable truth--that Darex himself was slightly prejudiced. He regarded the revelation with an equal mix of surprise and sadness, then he let it go. All preconcieved notions about the Sith, or about anyone for that matter, were unfair. So he banished them.


He turned his thoughts back to Aerec. This offer is not of the dark side, but remember that Faust is a Sith. When he draws on the Force to aid him in combat, he draws on the dark side. If you choose this path, it will be a constant struggle against that same power, especially as he teaches you to emulate him. If you want to stay true to the light, there will be things he does that you cannot copy, and cannot condone. Remember that a Jedi holds life as sacred; to Faust, it means little.


He paused. If I accompany you, I will be able to offer you lessons on the light side, as I do now. Perhaps help you reconcile what you learn with what you have learned. But make no mistake; while this is a once-in-a-million chance, it is also going to be the hardest path you may have to walk.


My only other advice is to listen to the Force. It will show you your path and your destiny if only you take time to listen to it.


He shifted his posture. "Thank you for your consideration, Faust. If I do accompany you, feel sure that I will not betray the oath you have taken. If this is meant to be, we will see it through as companions. However, know that if I follow along, I will continue to do my duty as a Jedi Master, and save as many of the lives you plan to take as it is in my power to do."


He reached out to Ara through the Force. She was the one with the most experience with Faust. What is your take on all of this, Master Kaipi?


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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Skye answered with a slight shake of her head, "No, he doesn't." She sighed then focused on Darla, a smile coming to her face, "Remember how we were way back when we were padawan's?" The innocence and enthusiasm that only a padawan knows... before the reality of the galaxy kicks in...


The Healer listened to her friend as she said that it was about time she faced up to what was blocking her access to the Force. Giving a slow nod, Skye took hold of both Darla's hands. "It won't be easy. I'll help you where I can though it will be up to you how you do this."


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Gripping her friends hands tightly, Darla looked into her eyes. Skye had always been there for her. Through all of her trials and tribulations. Through suffering and joy. Through it all, Skye had never judged her and always supported her.


If anyone knew what was locked up inside her, it was Skye. It anyone knew who she truly was, it was Skye.


There was an intensity to Darla's gaze. A look that sad thank you and I'm ready but without any words at all. Without the Force.


Darla broke her gaze with Skye, letting go of her friend's hands. She wasn't entirely sure of where to beginning. It felt like she was about to die into a vast ocean in search of a small key. Would she drown looking for it? Taking in a deep breath, Darla tried to focus her thoughts.


"One thing that I've been avoiding... The biggest thing that I've been avoiding... Kakuto Ryu." Finally she had said his name without flinching, without recoiling. "You've been my friend for so long, you know more about me than I know myself. I have images of him, pieces of memories, but it's all so fractured. I don't know what's real and what's not. Tell me what you know about him... I'm going to try to just let the memories come, I'm not going to fight them. Hopefully what you know will fill in gaps."


Am I ready for this? Darla was suddenly very confused and unsure. I'm as ready as I'll ever be...

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"Well," Aerec said, breaking a silence that had settled over the ship. There was definitely some tension in the Force, but that probably came whenever a Jedi and Sith Master were in close proximity. Unless, of course, they were dueling to the death.


And I want to keep the two of them in close proximity for two months! What's wrong with me?


"I guess this is a pretty monumental decision for me to make, eh?" Aerec continued. "With your permission, Master, and yours too, I guess, Faust, I'd like to meditate for a few moments before we all go and sign our names in blood...or whatever." The signing of the names in blood had been a joke, but was that something Faust would really do?


There was a lot to think about. Could he trust Faust not to bring him harm? Could Darex protect him from this darkside he spoke of? What was the dark side anyway? Could the two powerful Force-users really call a truce for two months?


But that was all negative. There were a lot of positive things coming out of this, too. All in all it was an epic conflict that Aerec hadn't ever seen the likes of. And that was why he needed to meditate.

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((Since the preceeding post was deleted...))


Faust smiles, deciding now would be a prudent time to make his exit while giving Aerec time to con. His hand slides to his belt, then quietly releases a small capsul of what he like to think of as special "fun gas" to give everyone something to think about, taken from one Norithan Shirak during his infamous operation "Mushroom Samba." He takes a deep breath as the odorless, colorless gas dispearses.


Though unable to walk, Faust relies on his cybernetic form to get him from place to place, moving quickly, his cybernetic arm giving nearly wrentching his shoulder out as he used his hand with the skill of a bionic commando, grappling onto doors and walls, and literally pulling himself forward. The effort hurt and dots of pain flared in front of his vision.


Pulling himself out of Ara's ship, using his arm again to interface and simply hack open the hatch. Aided by his remotes, set out for recon ages ago it seemed, Faust has them swoop to his aid, floating in the folds of his trench coat, acting as a repulsor suspender set of sorts, akin to a certain Baron out of contemporary Earth literature. His ship, already fired up, zooms into the horizon and Faust, with one last extension of his left hand out of the socket, catches onto the edges and pulls himself in.


Though he wished he could say he made a galliant flip inside his craft, the end result is messier and more akin to him spilling forward into it, his wounds almost all universally reopening at once. He weakly cybermentally orders the coordinates for a jump to hyperspace, still in need of medical attention, albiet not as severe as when he landed. As he clears Yavin's atmosphere he recognizes the moon for what it was, as well Yavin itself, also spying out small droid ships used for harvesting Corusca gems from the gas giant's core to confirm his suspicions. Feeling the minimal changes to his body all but slide off, he decides not to make mention of this place, nor nuke the hel out of it from orbit despite the temptations.


Honor was one of the few things Faust grudgingly had, but a debt was a debt.


Punching in the coordinates, Faust vanishes into hyperspace, as an after-thought, giving a final comm to the surface in case Aerec wished to contact him just before the stars streak into brilliant beams of light.

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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Faust left dramatically and suddenly...and therefore, predictably. Darex just shook his head as the hunter practically crawled out of the ship. He turned to Aerec. "Actually, we should get going too. Regardless if you've made a decision or not, there are a few things I want to quickly cover with your training. Perhaps they will be helpful to you as you think about the Sith's offer."


Darex meant it, but he also hoped that the things they would talk about would help Aerec make the best decision for him. He turned to Ara and thanked her. "May the Force be with you, Master Kaipi."


He then motioned for Aerec to follow him as they left Ara's ship and headed back to Skye and Darla. Coming up the ramp, Darex heard Kakuto's name mentioned, and hesitated. He poked his head in the room. "Don't want to interrupt, but can I borrow a comlink? Aerec and I are going to head off, but I need to call for a ship, and my comlink seems to have picked up a slight flutter."


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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Skye met Darla's gaze noticing that she didn't flinch as her friend said Kakuto Ryu's name. That in itself was a step forward towards her recovery.


She was about to answer when Darex poked his head around the door, "Sure you can Darex. Flitter, could you get Master Trevelian a comlink to use." The droid twittered it's affirmative response in it's own language and floated out of the room to get the device. It wasn't long before Flitter returned with the comlink for Darex.


Skye had been aware of the added noise as Faust's ship took off, I-Nine also reporting what had been surmised. "Faust has left then. The best laid plans... " her voice trailed off, he must of used some kind of distraction to get out of Ara's ship though she was sure that his wounds would have reopened. Typical Sith... I swear they enjoy the pain, dishing it out as well as having it inflicted upon themselves... Skye had to wonder how he got a hold of his armor since it had been locked in a secured container. The hunter must have had a trick up his sleeve that they hadn't anticipated.


"Farewell and stay safe Darex..." The Healer stepped close to him, embracing her good friend and kissing him on his cheek. "Take care of yourself and your padawan." She turned towards Aerec, "Your Master is a wise man. Listen to his advice and his teachings and you will go far. It was nice meeting you Aerec. You will always be welcome here. In the future, if you would like Healer training just ask." To both of them she added, "May the Force be with you."


Skye turned back towards Darla, her expression thoughtful. "You were involved with Kakuto for a time, while he was still the Dark Lord of the Sith. The two of you somehow bonded. I have some recordings that you might like to see of what happened back on Maltauros. We healed him there, though he subsequently re-drained the blood transfusion he'd been given, because it came from a Jedi." Skye rolled her eyes at that. "Once you have let your blocks down, I can show you the memories I have, you can sift through them."


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Faust left suddenly, leaving Aerec somewhat confused. He'd thought he'd come to a decision, but Faust seemed to have delayed that.


Darex mentioned more training, which definitely caught Aerec's interest. But he was still reeling from the massive decision he'd almost made and then had been taken from him.


He walked with Darex in a slight daze, only focusing on Skye's words of wisdom. "Thank you, Master Skye. May the Force be with you, too." He smiled genuinely, glad to have met the Master Healer, and still massively intrigued by her practice. He hoped to meet her again.


"So," he turned to Darex, "what's this you want to teach me?"


((Sorry, crappy post. Life crazy.))

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An old Y-wing exited hyperspace above the green orb of the Planet Yavin. Upon seeing the shimmering sphere in the cockpit Fynn couldn't help but smile. The place had been the spot of his second birth, and it stirred memories of happier and more peaceful times. He felt the presence of his old master, and guided his craft towards one of the larger temples.




He wondered if Master Skye still dwelt on her surface, and if she would be as he remembered her. He'd been gone so long, his face had changed some due to the force of time and the long isolation he'd sought on Hoth. He brought the old ship in for landing near the complex, and quickly ambled his way out of the cockpit. His heavy boots softly landing in the thick wet grass.


He paused a moment, using the force to reach out and feel the currents of the air, and the tendril's of the life force of the lush greenery. He wore now the tattered brown New Republic uniform, a relief from years worth of cold weather gear in the frozen wastes.


As he did he felt the presence of another others who were familiar and some not so. Darla...Darex..., the names brought the faces of his old friends back. In Darex he felt pride in...what was this...another apprentice? In Darla...an emptiness...a cold emptiness...


His mind was at peace, and he was a more confident jedi then the one who'd left for self-exile. He mused in his mind that he was the 'bad' jedi, likely a teaching example for others as what courses not to take.


'Greeting's Master Skye...would you welcome the return of an old

Padawan?', he asked through the force in deep but gentle voice as his boots touched the stones of the temple steps. They were still some distance away, but through the force, they felt as if they were right next to him.

"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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Suddenly there was so much going on that Darla didn't know what was happening. Skye was wishing Darex and Aerec farewell and Darex was asking Skye if he could use her comm to call for a ship?!


Before Darla had a chance to say anything Skye had returned to her, explaining how she planned to help her friend. Although Darla was excited by the prospect of uncovering her past and reconnecting with the Force, the here and now was taking up her attention.


"Thank you..." Darla said a little distractedly, resting a hand on her friends shoulder. "I'd like that very much... But... I just need to know what's going on with Darex and Aerec..."


Nobody had explained to Darla what had taken place with her friends and Faust. All that she knew was that they were planning on leaving Yavin without her.


"What happened?" She blurted out. "Where are you going? Why do you need a ship?"


They had travelled with Dalra aboard the Persephone, she would gladly take them to wherever they wanted. Sh felt a little hurt that they were leaving. Darla had been with Aerec since his training had started. She understood that perhaps the two wanted to move on, she had been little help in her current state. But her brain was a confused jumble.


Suddenly none of it mattered.


There was a burst of the Force in Darla and just like when Faust had arrived, she felt again. But this time it was a very different feeling. Happy memories. Love. A tinge of bitterness.




Without saying a word she rushed out of the Serenity. Running across the makeshift landing bay, she suddenly stopped in her tracks. He looked a little different to how she remembered him, but there he was. Fynn. Darla would appear different to him too. Her new body was younger, slimmer. Her hair cut drastically short. But she was still Darla.


She stood there in silence, not knowing how to approach him. Worried that her mind was playing tricks on her. All she could manage was a quiet remark...


"Hello Stranger..."

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"Thanks Skye," Darex replied. He turned to Darla. "Sorry...I didn't explain anything. Very rude of me. Well--" he broke off as he felt a familiar presence wash over him. Fynn Relmis??? He was surprised. He hadn't seen his old friend in a long time, and had no idea where he had gone or what had happened to him.


He quickly turned to Aerec. Can you feel the new presence on this moon? It belongs to a Jedi named Fynn Relmis. He's been gone for a long time. We've trained and fought together, and he has, or had, a special connection with Darla. I guess we'll have to delay our departure for a few more minutes.


As they waited for Fynn to join them, Darex remembered what Darla had asked just before she rushed off--why they needed a ship. He had simply assumed that she was tired of ferrying him around like she had done the past few years, and that she needed to be here with Skye to heal. But her reaction seemed hurt. Darex made a note to explain it to her before they left. If only he could convince the others to go with him...


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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A fraction of a second before Darla felt the jolt through the Force, Skye felt another of her former Padawans. Fynn!! Of course you're welcome... Always! A bright smile appeared on her face and through the Force. She wasn't far behind Darla in going to greet him, giving Darex a 'come along' gesture as she past him and Aerec. She felt a giddy happiness as she ran to where he was, following in Darla's wake.


As Darla stopped, Skye kept going, closing the gap between them to embrace him. She had always had a special connection to all of her former padawans, though Fynn had been the only one she had formed the bond with like Tares had done with her. The bond with him was different than the ones she shared with the others.


"Fynn. It's so good to see you again." She broke the embrace, her hands still on his arms as she moved back half a pace, "Let me look at you. Do you need healing?"


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As Fynn came to the top step of the Temple a woman approached...quicky. Fynn had to mentally stop himself from becoming defensive, so long had been his isolation. Then after taking a breath he smiled broadly...


"Darla??" He asked wide eyed. It was her, the body a little thinner then what he remembered, leaner, if that was possible...but the eyes, yes the eyes were exactly what he remembered. She said something...but it was lost as Fynn looked at her.


Master Skye approached, her face and likeness as warm as ever. He returned the embrace.

"Fynn. It's so good to see you again."

"Let me look at you. Do you need healing?"


"No...just a little time to adjust. I went to Hoth to find myself, clear my head." Fynn said aloud, what he didn't say was that he was near madness before he'd gotten to Hoth, and that the planet's sub-zero climate saved his body and mind. All this was thought, but was to personal...too private to share aloud.


"Hoth has a way of making things clear." He finished capping his words carefully.


He came forward and embraced Darla as well. It was so good to see her face, all the months in the icy wastes seem to melt away in that moment. It was as if to know that she was alive was to know that not all in the universe was chaos and despair.


"Come on, We have some catching up to do." He said as he took a few steps to see Darex standing next to who he assumed was another jedi hopeful. The galaxy was full of change and Fynn's self exile caused him to miss it's ebb and flow.


"Darex? It's good to see you my friend. A knight after my own...or...is it Master now?" Fynn slightly slyly, for all he knew he was speaking with the new jedi leader. He'd always felt Darex had the stomach for it, but not the patience for the politics such a position involved.


"So tell me, have I missed much, how are you getting on Darla? What about you Master Skye, still healing half the known universe I see. I have so many questions..." Fynn said as he realized that they could probably speak for hours and he'd still feel hopelessly behind the times. "It's just good to see all of you." He said with a happy sigh.

Edited by Guest

"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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Darex grinned at Fynn. "It is master, but I'm not even on the Council." He gave Fynn a hearty slap on the back. "It's so good to see you again, old friend. Hoth, huh? Well, I'm sure you must be hot then."


The moon certainly was warm and humid, and it must have been even more so for someone who had spent so much time on Hoth. "This is my apprentice, Aerec Blackwood. Aerec, this is Knight Fynn Relmis, an old friend of mine and Darla's, and an old padawan of Skye's."


Fynn seemed much happier and healtier than he had been when Darex had last seen him. Ever since the Kamino incident, he had seemed withdrawn. And then when he had accused Darla of being a spy...but he was glad that Fynn had worked through his inner demons and was back to the man Darex had met all those years ago, albeit with much more experience.


A great thing about being a Jedi, Aerec, is that you have many comrades in your battle against the dark; the intensity of the things that Jedi have to do form close bonds between them. You can easily form many good friendships.


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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For a brief beautiful moment the Force had returned to her. Not an explosion of power, but a reawakened sense. A feeling. That was all. By the time she had reached Fynn it had gone. But in that moment she didn't care. It was so good to see Fynn.


Skye rushed to greet him and Darla stood back watching. Her memory of her last meeting with Fynn was very clear now. She wasn't sure how he would react to seeing her now.


After embracing his old Master he made his way over to Darla and embraced her too. Obviously Fynn had let any hard feelings that he had go. That alone filled Darla with joy. For a few moments she embraced him back, tightly, pressing her head against his chest. Darla had forgotten how much taller than her Fynn was.


Darla smiled to herself.


"It's good to see you." She whispered to him before letting go.


As Fynn greeted Darex a stray tears rolled down Darla's cheek.

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Skye's expression was understanding and sympathetic. She stepped back from Fynn as he greeted Darla, Darex and Aerec. It was good to see her closest friends here in one place again. The only one missing from this gathering was Tares. She stepped towards Darla, linking her arm through her friends and extending her other arm for either Darex or Fynn to take. "I think we could finish this discussion in Serenity where I can cook up a hearty meal."


At Fynn's comment regarding her healing Skye laughed, "You know me well. I've actually been in seclusion myself until recently." She gave Darla's arm a gentle squeeze being as it was because of her friend that she had resurfaced from her meditations. She then added, "Amon and Ara are here too. And you just missed some excitement. We had a visit from Faust of all people. He's managed to skip out on us now though he was on death's door when he crash landed here."


Skye didn't go into the fact that she had been contemplating gathering a few Jedi Master's together to attempt a mind wipe on Faust, it was a moot point now.


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"Faust?" Fynn asked aloud. His memory of the sith was most vivid...so the butchery and savagery that was Faust still roamed the Galaxy. There was a time when Fynn had planned to go after such villains one by one, until the sith reeled into obscurity. However this was a different Fynn, one wisened and molded by his time away, and shaped by the destruction he'd seen and caused.


"You have a true gift Master Skye...one I wished I possessed. A real dinner sounds like a great idea...after months of surviving on rations and small creatures. Dinner was often a mix between cold meat and even colder water." He said jokingly as they walked a long. He could sense that in Darla there was some clarity of thought, at least towards him, yet she was not the raging fire he'd felt in the past. It was if she were...different and yet the same in a way he didn't quite get.


Darex seemed unchanged however, the ever stalwart jedi was true to form. Yet there was a sense of forboding deep down within him yearning to be released, something unsaid. Fynn was about to probe deeper, but realized rather suddenly that he was being rude. "So Darex how goes the war...I ask only because there is always a war." Fynn could sense the man wanted more then to simply greet an old friend something was on his mind.

"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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