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Everything posted by Jae

  1. Jae hopped into his ship The Aero and shot off for the The Last Call.
  2. Jae, and Terren made their way down to an old warehouse by the cantina. They were sure not to be followed. Upon opening the crates delivered, Jae had taken out a medium-base armor set with powered personal shields and strapped it on along with the greaves. He then took two powerful flechette pistols and holstered them at his side. His final shipment was his Dc-17m interchangeable blaster rifle which he held, looking over to Terren. "Just like the old days, eh?"
  3. A bounty hunter popped onto the screen, known as Jae. His identity was hidden, but his voice remained loud and clear. The signal was piggybacked onto another message to where it was untraceable; The location of the message was covert. He spoke only three words. "I can't say.."
  4. Jae's face came upon the screen, however the message was piggybacked onto another message directly to Darkwatch. "This message is completely covert, therefore I can not say it's true content. I need to meet with you ASAP. Contact me when you deem necessary." The message faded.
  5. Jae laughed a little, putting on his sunglasses. His skin was already started to dry up from the immense heat that surrounded them. "Yea...I got a contact.."
  6. He shook his head, paying the bartender for both his drink and Terren's. "Oh don't worry...I'm gonna be watching your ass this time." They both stood up, and began walking out the door. "We'll take up on the force-user bounty, but first...were gonna need some better equipment. Darkwatch is one of the best arms suppliers in the galaxy, with good prices. We should contact them. But keep it covert, we don't want anyone knowing were doing business with them"
  7. The mandalorian ordered another drink, and Jae himself was becoming thirsty yet again. The last thing Jae needed right now was another drink. He needed credits. Now that the market is picking up the pace, Jae had become interested. "The market's been slow for the past couple of years...but now it's been picking up. Rapidly. More hatred equals more bounties which puts credits in my pocket." He reached over to Terren's glass and took a sip, smiling the entire time. He set it down once he heard Terren's indirect proposition. He set down the drink in front of him. "Heh...are you saying you wanna' partner up again?"
  8. He set down his drink, shaking his head in disbelief. "It is a small galaxy afterall...and that bounty was big. Real big. And I had my cross hair lined up on it, before you took the shot." He finished his last sip setting it down on the table as the ice clanked around in the glass. "So...how's business nowadays?..there's bounties all over the place now.."
  9. As Jae was speaking with the woman who was asking him odd questions, he glanced to his right and noticed a man sitting at the bar about 3 stools away from him. He looked familiar, almost too familiar. As he glanced back at the woman, his drink was set in front of him. He took a sip, ignoring the woman's comments as he eyed the man beside him. "Wait a minute.." He took a closer look. It was him. Terren Jethrow was his name. They went way back when Jae first started his line of work. They were good friends, up until they lost contact when they were both assigned to the same bounty. Jae got up, and slowly walked towards Terren, sitting on the empty stool next to him. The woman whom he was speaking was taking another drink order. Without looking at Terren, he spoke, sipping down his cold drink. "So...was that bounty you stole from me all those years ago...worth it?" A smile slipped across Jae's face as he spoke of the last moment they saw eachother.
  10. Jae looked up at her. Now even more confused, and curious on why she would ask him such a question. He didn't even know if she was the damn bartender. He was thirsty, but maybe chatting with the woman would lead to a drink. "My line of work?" He chuckled a bit, taking off his gloves and setting them on the table. "I guess you could say...I do the dirty work, people don't want to do themselves. I get paid. Simple as that. Boring, but simple."
  11. As he looked up, awaiting his drink, he found himself face-to-face with a strange looking woman. She wasn't pretty, yet she wasn't ugly. She asked him how she was. He was a little confused, but replied anyway. "I'm good...waiting on my drink..."
  12. Within minutes, a small, slender ship exited the atmosphere on Tatooine. It shook slightly, only because it was old and needed a tune-up. It got him from point A, to point B, and thats all that matters. After a rough ride descending from space, he landed the ship just outside the Mos Eisely Cantina. He had never been here before, but he had stories about it from various people. He was looking to join the Empire, and heard that this was a good place to start. Upon entering, he noticed a few rough necks staring at him on the way in. He paid no attention to them, but knew that trouble could be brewed very quickly in a place like this. Without hesitation, he sat at the bar, his blonde hair swaying from the dry wind that gusted in the bar every now and then from the door swinging open. When he made eye contact with the bartender, he put his hand up. "I need a drink.." As he mustered a few credits to pay for it, he mumbled to himself, just loud enough to be heard. "Where the hell do I go to join the Empire?"
  13. Jae


    The Aero soon shot out of hyperspace and into the atmosphere of Tatooine. He darted for a small landing area where an assorted array ships were stationary. He jumped out, and squinted his eyes, shielding himself from the blazing sun. He began to walk out from the landing area, looking for any information that could lead him in the right direction of the Hutt Organization.
  14. Jae


    :.Jae had woken up to a blasting message over the comm. It was a pirate lord, by the name of Ronin Wartide. He had heard of him before, of course, who hadnt? Supposedly, he was claiming control over Black Sun, and willing to annhilate any BS agents to opposed. If this pirate was seeking assistance, the money would be good, and it would be one hell of an entry back into the world of piracy. He slouched forwards, and opened up a comm with the pirate lord:.
  15. It was a rather dashing scene in the Hutt Palace. Dancers, and jesters were constantly putting in their best efforts to amuse the Hutt Princess. Jett was standing next to the Umager herself, smirking at the fact that they were all failing. Of course, eventually they would be thrown into the rancor pit where it would all end. Jett overlooked the palace, and made sure that everyone had something to do except well...himself. He turned towards Umaga as he spoke aloud. "Everything seems to be in order, do you need anything done?"
  16. Jett had turned to Umaga as he questioned him. "Yes, we do need to get our fleet up and running, but so soon? It could cause conflict and attention directed towards us. The Jedi have never really been a great ally to us, they could see us posing to be a threat." There was a moment of silence. "As of our other agents, I shall look into it..."
  17. The Hutt Palace was reinstated, cleared out, and a new leader stepped in. Umaga The Hutt. A sturdy hutt, willing to take over the affairs of the Hutt Syndicate and restore the faction's reputation throughout the galaxy. Jett, now Second In Command of the Hutt Syndicate, stood next to Umaga in the Throne Room, where she was being pampered by her servants. Jett kept things running while Umaga was away, sick, or unable to control things. When she was here, he made sure everything was moving smoothly and as planned. Since Umaga took control of the Hutt Syndicate, the palace was being slightly changed causing things to be very busy. Jett was looking down a roster sheet of the slaves that were currently being held here. He then addressed Umaga herself. "We should of gotten a new shipment of slaves today, we need the labor."
  18. It was only soon enough when Jett found out that most of the rebels were having a meeting somewhere. he only soon found out that it was on the "defiant". He quickly made his way towards the meeting area, where he met up with a few rebel soldiers here had never seen before. "Well hello, my name is Jett Tamplin, I'm new to the republic."
  19. OOC: Alrighty, thanks. Jett seemed to enjoy his food after the long day that he previously excavated. His uniform was nice, and it seemed to be the perfect fit, fortunetly. The food was alright, but he was so hungry, it didn't matter. As soon as he was finished he threw his tray away, and walked towards the exit. He didn't exactly know where to go for training, but he would manage to eventually find his way around the base....
  20. Soon enough, Jett's new ship entered the atmosphere of Mon Calamari. He was in search of the Rebellion leader, in hope to give his solitudes and service into the Rebellion. After a few moments of slight turbulence, Jett's ship landed, easily touching the ground. In a few seconds, the cruiser's hatch opened, and Jett jumped down, checking his surroundinds before further actions. There seemed to be many rebel soldiers wandering around, carrying out their duties, however, he had to find one specific Rebel, the leader to be precise. He would search here, and hope to find who he is looking for...
  21. Name: Jaelorin Hinder NickName: Jae Age: 29 Species: Human Sex: Male Height: 6"1 Weight: 180 pounds. Hair: Jet Black Eyes: Black Homeworld: Manaan Aligment: Neutral Clothing: He wears a medium-based armor set with a personal shield built within, along with a comm link built upon his forearm. Weaponary: He carries two custom flechette pistols, two cortosis weaved vibroblades, a set of thermal detonators, and an E-17 interchangeable blaster rifle. Non-Force User Personal Possessions: One highly explosive thermal grenades, along with a few credits for emergencies. Transportation: His ship, The Aero.
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